The Magickal Vine…or Blackberry Bramble?

By Isabella @TheWandCarver
Instagram: @thewandcarver

Muin Ogham

This is going to be a tricky write, I have a feeling! For most of us who go by Robert Grave’s Ogham trees from the Celtic Birth Trees list, we all know that the tenth lunar “month” is Vine and its Ogham “Muin”, the 10th letter. However, as I noted in my travels to research this “tree” or lack thereof, I find that the Vine is not necessarily meant to be a vine of the grapevine type after all! The Druids classified anything with a woody stalk as a tree, and so therefore it is listed vines amongst the sacred Ogham ranks. Furthermore, grapevines typically come to mind when discussing vines, but it was more likely the Blackberry vines that captured the hearts of the ancient Celts. In my findings, Muin does not mean “vine” but according to Robert Graves means any thicket of thorny, winding bramble of plant and which further supports the idea that Blackberry, which is a prolific plant in most of Europe and the British Isles, is the likeliest for Muin. And, as the Ogham alphabet originated in Ireland, it is also less likely that it means vine – such as in grapevine – because grapes had never, at that time at least, been successfully grown in Ireland. However, as we can use Vine or Blackberry interchangeably for Muin, we shall stick to Vine for the writing of this blog. Also, before I move on and forget to mention, Vine is the Celtic Birth Tree for those born between 2nd September and 29th September.

Grapevine Groves Nursery

It is widely thought by some that Vine is the correct source of wood for Muin because of the grape and wine. Wine has been used for centuries for both Pagan and Christian ritual. Writer Erynn Rowan Laurie, Authoress of Ogam: Weaving Word Wisdom, reckons Muin pertains to communication whilst Liz and Colin Murray, The Celtic Tree Oracle, say Muin is about prophecy. John Michael Greer, a neo-pagan American author, writer of The Celtic Golden Dawn: An Original & Complete Curriculum of Druidical Study, agrees all round but also believes Muin is a stave [or few as some call it] of not only insight but intoxication, as well. Not to put too fine a point on it but if you drink enough wine, you will have some great insights from your intoxication…and most of us are very communicative at the time! Mind you, I don’t think this is what they have in mind…Although, Robert Graves does say that the grape is indicative of “joy, exhilaration, and wrath”. He also says that wine is the “poet’s drink” of “poetic inspiration” and may send one “spiralling towards immortality”.

I think you may now understand why I thought this may be a difficult write. There is little, if any agreement upon the meaning of Muin, not even the wood can be agreed upon!

Magickal Properties:
The Celtic meaning of the Vine in Druid lore is rife with symbolism. The Vine is a theme repeated over and over in Celtic art. Interconnections and winding vines are commonly seen on tapestries, writings, knot work and carvings. This indicates the symbolism of connection, eternity, and diversity. – Rebirth and Reincarnation
In the Druid perspective, the Vine earned its symbolism from its growth patterns. They recognised the Vine grows opportunistically and would dig in wherever feasible to gain a strong foothold to assure its own growth – Protection
This is a powerful metaphor of “going with the flow” or “start as you mean to go on”. In other words, it is a message that when we observe the best of our environment/situation and stay in a relaxed, flowing state of mind, we can most likely gain our highest advantage. – Spirituality
The ever-watchful Celts also recognised the Vine’s predominant growth formation is in the shape of a spiral which is symbolic of consciousness, development, renewal, and growth. – Regeneration

grapevine twigs – Google images

You can use Vine in protection poppets, incenses, and witch bottles like any other wood as well as to make amulets from.

And, of course, Vine makes a great wand 😊 Just ask Hermoine Granger!

Planetary: Moon
Zodiac: unknown
Energies: rebirth, reincarnation, regeneration, spirituality, and protection
Gender: Masculine and Feminine
Deity: Considered sacred by the Tuatha De Danaan Gods of Irish Mythology
Animal: White Swan

Many thanks for reading and we hope you’ve enjoyed learning a bit about Vine. Warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x

Ogam: Weaving Word Wisdom, by Erynn Rowan Laurie
The Celtic Tree Oracle, by Liz and Colin Murray

Crystal of the Week, Arfvedsonite

By Isabella @TheWandCarver
Instagram: @thewandcarver

When choosing this week’s crystal, I didn’t know which one I would write about. I had kicked around the idea of writing about Obsidian – and I will in due time – but not today. As it happens, my Arfvedsonite chose me today and after refreshing my memory of its abilities, I am pretty sure I know why. How clever are the spirits who reside in our crystals?

Arfvedsonite mine
My Arfvedsonite ~ photo by i.macy

Arfvedsonite was christened so after its namesake Swedish chemist Johann Arfvedson. It has been found in the USA, Canada, Russia, Germany, South Africa, Norway, and Greenland. Arfvedsonite looks a lot like Nuummite, and it is sometimes confused with Astrophyllite. Its vibration is very different, and it is sometimes physically combined with Sugilite which of course will give you the attributes of both.

Why did my Arfvedsonite choose me? “If you have been feeling depressed, this crystal is a powerful aid to lift your vibration, so that you are able to see hope in the coming future.” The first thing I read whilst swotting up on my lovely stone. Not to worry, I don’t normally allow depression to hang about long, but we have had a more ruthless than normal Mercury in Retrograde, haven’t we? I’m sure many of you will agree with me on this. So, let’s get on with the magick, shall we?


Arfedsonite tumbled stones myrockhounddotcom
Arfvedsonite ~ photo by [because it shows the flecks better than mine does!]

In meditation, Arfvedsonite helps bring about brilliant manifestations that will help you on your spiritual journey. It helps you to create a clear path ahead, as it assists you to awaken to the Divine Light and to anchor it into matter, within your reality. It grounds you whilst you are in astral realms and not only assists you there but in the earthly plane at the same time, so to speak.

Arfvedsonite is not merely for manifestations of Divine enlightenment – although many of us would say that is good enough for us! – it is also for the manifestation of whatever you need in your life. Do you need more money? If you own a bricks and mortar business with a cash till place an Arfvedsonite and a Citrine inside your cash till to manifest more money in your business. If you have an online business place this crystal combination by your computer on your desk or keep it nearby wherever you work. If you simply need more money, full stop, just put an Arfvedsonite and a Citrine in your billfold, wallet, handbag, piggy bank…wherever you keep your money.

What about love? If you wish to manifest love, use Arfvedsonite and Rose Quartz together. There are many ways in which you can use them – integrate them into your love spells, wear them together in jewellery, make them into love talismans to carry. But! I have a warning. Of course, I do.

The warning:
When using Arfvedsonite in spell work, be CERTAIN you know what you want. Think about everything very clearly before doing your spell. Put everything together beforehand and have your plan of action and all your bits needed for the spell together. Next, do consult the Seven Keys of Solomon for the correct day on which to work your magick, then also find the correct planetary hour of that day to do your spell work. Make sure there is no Moon Void of Course in your time zone during the time you wish to work your spell. And, I reiterate – be certain you know what you want. To a T. Because Arfvedsonite works super-fast! It doesn’t mess about, it gets the job done provided you have put clear intention into your working, of course. Therefore, I am adamant about being certain of what you want. Arfvedsonite doesn’t stop to ask if you’re sure so you must be sure beforehand.

Arfvedsonite is a strong stone for assisting you in developing psychic visions. It has a very high vibration, so you will want to begin slowly with it at first. As you work with Arfvedsonite, you will realise the powerful changes taking effect in you. If you place the crystal on your Third Eye during meditation its action is very strong and powerful. Wearing Arfvedsonite is highly recommended once you’ve become accustomed to its energy. As it helps you develop your psychic abilities, it will tend to replace your negative behaviours with positive ones as this crystal is excellent for rooting out the bad and replacing it with good. It helps with re-birthing and assists you to re-organise and in restructuring your life.

Arfvedsonite is also excellent for helping one get a good night’s sleep. Just place it within a foot of your bed and not only will you sleep well, but you will also be nightmare-free.


Arfvedsonite is more healing of the mind and spirit than of the body, still, if your mind and spirit are in good nick, your body unless ravaged by disease, can generally follow along in decent enough health. I know my own pain is much less horrid when my mind and spirit are feeling well and healthy. Clearing the negativity out of ourselves can generally do a power of good for our health. So, for this section, I pass along this story by Amy about her Arfvedsonite Sphere.

Gender: Masculine and Feminine
Planetary: Mercury
Element: Air
Birthstone: Gemini
Powers: Manifestation, Psychic Awareness, Prosperity, Love
Chakras: All [particularly the Throat and Third Eye]
Deity: All [particularly the Divine Parents]
Works Well With: Blue Lace Agate, Aragonite and Amazonite for communication. Black Tourmaline for transmuting negativity into positivity.  White Magnesite, Amethyst, Kammererite, Quantum Quattro, Shattuckite, Dumortierite, and Sugilite for psychic awareness. Rose Quartz for love, and Citrine for prosperity.

Many thanks for reading our humble offering this week. Warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x

LOVE IS IN THE EARTH: The Crystal & Mineral Encyclopaedia – The LITE Fantastic, The Last Testament by Melody and Julianne Guilbault (Jan 1, 2008)

From the Wortcunner’s Cabinet, Angelica

By Isabella @TheWandCarver
Instagram: @thewandcarver

Angelica Archangelica coblands-co-uk
Angelica Archangelica ~

As Angelica Archangelica grows wild in every country lay-by ditch practically, you can wildcraft this herb very easily, however, be very careful not to confuse it with Water Hemlock, which is very poisonous. Angelica is a member of the parsley family and grows to be three to eight feet tall. I have read that it is possibly originally from Syria, but no matter, as it is probably nationalised in every country in the world by now. That is if the soil is moist and rich and not getting too much sun. If you choose to grow your own, keep this in mind. It is not overly fond of the sun beating down upon it. If you do wish to plant your own Angelica, do not plant them near Dill, should you also be growing it.

Angelica has a history of being the “Warder”. It was used to ward off the Plague and many other sicknesses and evils. Nicholas Culpeper wrote: “It [Angelica] resists poison, by defending and comforting the heart, blood, and spirits; it doth the like against the Plague and all epidemical diseases, if the root be taken in powder to the weight of half a dram at a time, with some good treacle in some Carduus water and the party thereupon laid to sweat in his bed.

Angelica has always been used to ward off evil as long ago as when the old Julian calendar was used and was so named because it usually came into bloom around the feast day of the Archangel Michael, who appeared in a vision to explain the plant’s protective powers against evil. Nowadays with the Gregorian calendar, the plant does not bloom quite so near the feast day. Just to tell you how far different the two calendars are, today, as I write this is 6 May 2018. If we were still using the Julian calendar, it would be 23 April 2018!


My dried Angelica ~ photo by i.macy

Magickally speaking, the time to gather Angelica is during the time the Sun is in Leo and gather in the hour of Jupiter. Per Nicholas Culpeper: “Let Sol be angular; observe the like in the gathering of herbs [of other planets, as well] and you may happen to do wonders.
Angelica is commonly used for general protection, especially against evil spirits and hex-breaking as well as general blessing and is especially useful for the defence of women. Grow Angelica on your property to protect your garden and home.

Angelica root can be carried alone or added to talismans to increase longevity and ward off illness and evil spirits. Keep Angelica in a white bag and charge it to protect your baby.

Smoking the leaves is said to increase clairvoyance and encourage visions. We, of course, do not advocate the smoking of anything ahem

Angelica is excellent in incense for exorcisms, healing and protection. It is also used as a bath to remove curses placed on the individual and sprinkled around a home to protect the house and those within from baneful magick. Mix with consecrated salt before sprinkling around your home.

According to Culpeper in his Complete Herbal, Angelica helped all diseases of the lungs and breast, including pleurisy, coughs, shortness of breath. It helped the pain of cholic and stoppage of urine, opened stoppings of the liver and spleen, “dis-cusseth” all windiness and inward swellings. Just below I have copied and pasted this from another place in my computer papers:

Angelica tea is useful for colic, gas, indigestion, hepatitis, heartburn, nausea, ulcers and various other digestive ailments. It is a good general tonic which strengthens the liver and improves general well-being and mental harmony and is good for chronic headaches, fevers and general body weakness as it improves circulation and increases energy.”

Isn’t it wonderful that what Physicians learnt all those centuries ago about herbs were correct? And that it was a blessing for the people of that time or more would have died needlessly from not having the modern medications we do today. Still, we do strive not to give way to modern medications any more than necessary and much prefer the old ways of curative herbalism.

Be careful of using too much Angelica at a time and it would not hurt to stick to the old herbals for the amount to take, for instance, half a dram. Of course, many people prefer to buy their herbal remedies online or in the shops – and this is fine, not everyone can grow all the herbs they need! – so be sure to follow the directions for use carefully.

Externally, Angelica can be used to cleanse wounds and promote healing. Just make a tincture of the leaves and/or roots to cleanse your wound.

Warnings – Angelica should not be used by pregnant women as it encourages activity in the pelvic region and may cause miscarriage.

Because of its high sugar concentration, Angelica should be used with extreme caution or not at all by diabetics.

Planetary: Sun
Zodiac: Leo
Element: Fire
Deity: Venus, Helios, Lugh, Apollo, Frey and Ra
Powers: Protection
Other Names: Lady of the Meadow, Queen of the Ditch, Bridewort, Archangel, Masterwort, Ground Ash, Holy Ghost Root, Archangel Root, Dong Quai, Root of the Holy Ghost

Many thanks for reading! I appreciate all who come to read my blogs and I hope you will learn something new whilst here. Warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x

The English Physician and Complete Herbal, by Nicholas Culpeper, 17th century
The Encyclopaedia of Magical Herbs, by Scott Cunningham

Crystal of the Week, Lapis Lazuli

By Isabella @TheWandCarver
Instagram: @thewandcarver

This crystal may be a challenge for me this week. Oh, not because I’m afraid I won’t find enough information, but because Lapis Lazuli, being the great beauty it is, has been written about so much! Still, it isn’t like me to back away from a challenge so let’s see what we can find!

The facts: Lapis Lazuli has been used as a semi-precious stone that has been prized since antiquity for its intense colour. As early as the 7th millennium BC, lapis lazuli was mined in the Sar-i Sang mines in Shortugai, and in other mines in Badakhshan province in northeast Afghanistan. Lapis was highly valued by the Indus Valley Civilisation (3300–1900 BC). Lapis beads have been found at Neolithic burials in Mehrgarh, the Caucasus, and even as far from Afghanistan as Mauritania. It was used in the funeral mask of Tutankhamun (1341–1323 BC). ~

Lapis Lazuli
One of my Lapis Lazuli tumble stones ~ photo by i.macy

I can only imagine how in awe of this stunningly blue stone the early Egyptians were. It is a most striking colour and it isn’t any wonder King Tutankhamun himself would have loads of Lapis in his funerary mask. In ancient Egypt, lapis lazuli was a favourite stone for amulets and ornaments such as scarabs. Lapis jewellery has been found at excavations of the Predynastic Egyptian site Naqada [3300–3100 BC]. At Karnak, the relief carvings of Thutmose III [1479-1429 BC] show fragments and barrel-shaped pieces of Lapis Lazuli being delivered to him as tribute. Powdered Lapis was used as eyeshadow by Cleopatra. I, myself, have used powdered Lapis to make dye in tiny amounts where needed. In later years, most notably, Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer [1632 – 1675] used Lapis Lazuli to create Ultramarine, a natural pigment he used to paint his famous Girl With a Pearl Earring, 1665. Its name comes from the Latin Lapis, “stone,” and the Persian lazhuward, “blue.” Is it any wonder this stone is so magickal?


A Lapis Lazuli Pendulum for sale in our shop ~ photo by i.macy

The energy of Lapis Lazuli may intensify the growth of intuition, channelling, and psychic abilities, and may aid you to contact with your guardian angels. When using a Lapis Lazuli pendulum, touch the pendulum to your Third Eye until you feel the pineal gland activated. I can’t tell you how you’ll know this, you will just know. If your pendulum is of another material, Lapis is still favourable to have amongst your crystals when divining with pendulum, runes, tarot, or any other method of divination that you use. By opening the Third Eye, Lapis commonly brings through enhanced visionary abilities. It may aid you to use psychic gifts and abilities, in alignment with Divine Will. Lapis is such a prominent third eye chakra stone, that it will help you to develop your intuition as well as amplifying and expanding psychic visions and clairvoyant abilities. I may be repetitive, but I can’t put too fine a point on this.

Lapis Lazuli is also a very strong Throat Chakra crystal and it is very powerful in creating depth and clarity in your thinking and in your communications. It is also called The Crystal of Truth as it also ensures that the words you speak are in alignment with your personal truth.

In protection, Lapis may be worn to guard against psychic attacks. It quickly releases stress, bringing deep peace and brings harmony and deep inner self-knowledge. Lapis encourages self-awareness, allows self-expression and reveals inner truth, providing qualities of honesty, compassion and morality to the personality. It stimulates objectivity, clarity and encourages creativity. Lapis Lazuli assists one to confront and speak one’s truth and inspires confidence. It bonds relationships, aiding in the expression of feelings and emotions. It helps those already in a relationship, in love, to talk freely about any problems they may be having and to tell each other how they feel. In budding romances, Lapis encourages the couple to be honest in their feelings about one another. It will also assist in clearing out any part of the past, in this life or others, that one is still carrying but needs to let go of.


Lapis Lazuli allows one to find the cause of and help to balance the function of the thyroid and hormones to help stave off depression. It assists in the proper health and function of the head and neck, vocal cords, sore throats, headaches, eye ailments, or inflammation in this area of any kind.

Benefiting the immune system, Lapis overcomes hearing loss, eye issues, purifies the blood, relieves insomnia, and vertigo, as well as lowers blood pressure.

Lapis makes quite a powerful elixir to align the etheric, emotional, and spiritual bodies all at once.

Lapis Lazuli benefits the respiratory and nervous systems and the throat, vocal cords, and cleanses organs, bone marrow and thymus.

Chakras: Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra
Birthstone: December, October
Planet: Venus [Also has a connection to Jupiter]
Zodiac: Taurus, Sagittarius [Pisces has been also said to be a Lapis zodiac]
Element: Water
Powers: Protection [most notably against psychic attack], Manifestation, Creativity, Honesty, Healing, Love, and Inner Harmony
Typical colours: deep blue flecked with gold [Pyrite]
Deity: Bastet [Bast], Isis, Venus, Nuit, Maat

Many thanks for reading this blog! As always, I hope you have discovered useful information which can help you in your practise and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x

Crystal Bible Volume 1: A Definitive Guide to Crystals, by Judy Hall

The Magick of Elm

By Isabella @TheWandCarver
Instagram: @thewandcarver

With the blooming of new daffs and bluebells trying valiantly to peek through patches of snow in some parts; Ostara having just brought us the hope of Spring and sunnier days, it makes me wonder why I would want to write about Elm. Because Elm’s and Yew’s mythology are twinly bound to Death and the Underworld…Elm has been used for many years to build coffins and Yew is a staple tree in most graveyards. It was found in the Underworld and at the crossroads leading to the faery world. Elm is very popular with the Elves. So, why would I bring such a downer into the Spring forecast? Well…


Elm at Blackness by MJ Richardson
Elm at Blackness ~ photo by MJ Richardson

Elm is carried to bring love. Isn’t Spring about love? Right you are! Elm energises and balances the mind and heart. It not only attracts love, but it also protects love and all. Elm is also used in fertility spells and rebirth. You can use the wood and flowers in love spells. The wood is best-used ground up finely and used in your loose incense for love. The flowers are used in poppets or sachets.

A wood of femininity, Elm draws from the element of earth and is a strong, neutral wood that can be used for protection or hexes. It seeks a companion of strength and is excellent for destructive spells, protection, and defensive magick.

“Because of its rich foliage and sap, the Elm is sacred to Saturn, Roman god of agriculture. Representing fertility, it foretells that your wish will meet with success. Its other meaning is their need to give way and let nature run its course, to sacrifice what you have for what could be. Elm wood is flexible and durable and does not rot when wet. You probably know in your heart that your wish will be granted. A hopeful sign is that Elm twigs are used as divining rods. The Elm tree stands at the entrance to the underworld as a living connection between the living and the dead. What comes to you is blessed by heaven. It may be that all you need do is wait and have faith in nature.” By Gillian Kemp, Tree Magick

Other spell work to use Elm: Dark Moon and initiation rituals, grounding after ritual, seeking comfort.


Elm’s legendary associations are of death and the Underworld, but funnily enough, people looked to Elm for medicinal cures. The inner bark was particularly effective when chewed or boiled into a syrupy liquor to treat colds and sore throats, coughs, diarrhoea, internal bleeding, and fever whilst the boiled bark was also used to treat burns. Can be applied to external wounds for healing or drink to ease menstrual problems.

A medical manuscript from 1509 [in the library of the Royal Irish Academy, Dublin] mentions cures that included hitting an afflicted person with a rod marked with the Ogham. It was believed that this action would release the illness from the person’s body. The type of wood depended on the cure needed, for example, Elm for impotence. The Ogham inscription on the rod consisted of the person’s name or, according to sources, a spell.

Here is where I might mention that Elm is a secondary Ogham tree, associated with the Ogham “ailm” and Fir is the first and mainly used. I suppose if you can’t have Fir, Elm will suit. It is not a Celtic Birth Tree.

Gender: Feminine
: Mercury, Saturn
: Capricorn
Element: Air, Water, Earth
Powers: Compassion, Empathy, Intuition, and Love
Symbolism: Communication and Relationships
Colour: Turquoise
Gemstone: Moss Agate
Birds: Lapwing, Ruffled Grouse
Deity: Dionysus, Odin, Loki, Hecate, Cerridwen, Danu, Gaia, Hel / Holle, Ran
Folk Names: Sweet Elm, Elven, English Elm, European Elm

Many thanks for reading this offering. I hope you have enjoyed reading about Elm and have taken away some useful knowledge. Warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x

Tree Magick, by Gillian Kemp
Whispers from the Woods, by Sandra Kynes

Crystal of the Week, Hag Stones

By Isabella @TheWandCarver
Instagram: @thewandcarver

Hag Stone 2
My Hag Stone, Top side ~ photo by i.macy

Hag stones or “holey stones” aren’t really classified as “crystals” but magickally they do a power of good for those who connect well with natural stones and crystals. They have a bit of a violent birth, most of them, being tossed and turned in oceans and sent swirling around and down rivers, clashing with other less moveable rocks in their paths. And some merely erode over a very long time from a steady dripping of water onto the same spot. It seems to me these poor hag stones get quite tortured over a great period. Most likely, many were created during the Great Flood after the ending of the Ice Age. And many were made by a burrowing bivalve mollusc called Pholas dactylus. There is no telling how old the Hag Stone you find might be. Which reminds me, you don’t find Hag Stones, they find you.


Hag Stone 1
My Hag Stone, Bottom side ~ by i.macy

In the days of cunning folk – not that they no longer exist, they do, for I am one, myself – the Hag Stone was given to people seeking to protect their children, homes, and livestock. My grandfather kept one rather large Hag Stone tied above his barn door to keep his cows safe from being made to give sour milk. My mother remembered having a necklace her father fashioned with a hag stone for her to wear as a wee girl. The reason they are called “hag” stones is that during these olden times, there was great fear of the “Night Hag” and apparently, she was responsible for the theft of horses and children at an alarming rate. If you have occasion to wander round old barns in the UK or anywhere in Europe, you will most likely see evidence of the Hag Stone still at work, protecting cows, horses, and any other animals kept.

From Legendary Dartmoor:
If ever you happen to be around any old Dartmoor farm buildings you may possibly notice a small holed stone or pebble sat on a window ledge. Occasionally if the building has a lock with a key still in it there may well be a similar-looking holed stone tied to the end of it. These are known as Hex, or more commonly elsewhere, as Hag Stones and their tradition dates back to the time when witches rode along the hedgerows at night.”

Not only did farmers employ the Hag Stone, or Holey Stone, for protection, but so did sailors. In the UK, Dorset fishermen also adopted the Hag Stone as a protective charm against malevolent witchcraft and still use it today according to Dr H Colley-March in his article on “Witched Fishing Boats in Dorset”, 1906.

It was “…not uncommon for rowboats at Weymouth to have ‘holy stones’ tied to nails or staples in the bows…” [Colley-March] As well as holed stones attached to fisherman’s small boats, Hag Stones were also fastened to the bows of large fishing boats to protect them at sea.

Holed stones were found having been put inside of walls in many old homes whilst being built; years later during restoration and renovation, they are discovered. They were installed there by the builders of those homes to prevent malevolent spells on their families and protection against Pixies [or “Piskies” if you lived in Cornwall]. Often, they used the Hag Stone on a rope to which their front door key was kept.

And, talking of Pixies, Faeries and such, in Italian Witchcraft the holed stone is associated with faeries, and often referred to as the “holy stone”. It is considered a doorway, or key to the doorway, into the faery kingdom. In Italian folk magic, it is believed these stones have the power to bind a fairy to one’s service for a length of time. There are other legends to this end, but another popular one is that if you hold a holey stone up to your eye and look through it you can see creatures that you cannot normally see, such as Faeries.

Lastly, the Hag Stone has been used since around the 15th century to prevent “Night Mares”. Holed stones were often hung on bedposts to deter demons, including the night-hag, the nightmare, or a succubus.

Some the nightmare hath prest, With that weight upon their brest, No returns of the breath can passe, But to us the tale is addle, We can take of her saddle, And turn the night mare out to grasse.”

And, if you want to wear one, it is said to be a useful amulet for protection from the “evil eye”.

It was often thought that rheumatic pains could be eased by placing a hex stone under the mattress. I have never given this a try, so I could not possibly say if this is helpful or not.

Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Powers: Protection, Healing, Anti Nightmare
Sabbat: Samhain
Other Names: Holey Stone, Odin Stone, Hex Stone, Witch Stone, Fairy/Faerie Stone, Eye Stone, Wish Stone, Nightmare Stone, Witch-riding Stone, Witch Hammer, Ephialtes Stone, Holy Stone
Where to find: Beaches, dried river beds, streams

Many thanks for reading and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x


Happy Valentine’s Day!

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram: @thewandcarver

Happy day of Love to all! To all the Lovers, want-to-be Lovers, who need to be loved, loved and lost, I hope you find the most important love of all…self-love.  For, without self-love, we are not terribly loveable. If we can’t like/love ourselves, who else can? Self-love has NOTHING to do with Ego, my darlings. Leave Ego at the door, pull up a mirror, and look into your eyes.  Look deeply at the person in there.  He or she is worth love as much and maybe more than anyone else is in the world.


No matter what you’ve done, or perceived yourself to have done, that makes you feel unloveable, why not let today be the day where you forgive yourself…talk to yourself as a friend, give yourself the good advice you would give to a loved friend or family member. Be kind to yourself and enjoy your own company. Tell yourself you love yourself. Don’t stop at today, carry on loving yourself every day and you will find that you can smile more, nod your head at passers-by with a smile, take better care of yourself, and perhaps find yourself more loved by all who know you.  I hope so.

If love does make the World go round, I think it should go around much more smoothly if we all love ourselves as we should, don’t you?  So, Happy Valentine’s Day, dear readers. I love you ❤

Warm blessings to all whom this way wander x

From the Wortcunner’s Cabinet, Dittany of Crete

By Isabella @TheWandCarver
Instagram: @thewandcarver

So, last week we wrote about how Elm [please keep in mind this blog was written three years ago at a different time in the year] was very much a love tree so keeping along those lines whilst springtime still has many thinking of love, what do you know about Dittany of Crete? Most would probably say “astral projection” and you would be quite right! But, it is also a love herb!

dittany of crete
Dittany of Crete ~ Courtesy of Google Images

Dittany of Crete hails from the Mediterranean and grows wild only on the Aegean isle of Crete. It is a small and fuzzy perennial, with beautiful pink flowers that appear in the summer. In Cretan tradition, it symbolises love and is thought to be an aphrodisiac. The local name for Dittany is “Erontas,” referencing Eros. It grows only in the most inconvenient places— on the sides of cliffs and gorges. If a young man wished to truly prove his love to a young woman, he would “climb any mountain” [wondering now if that is where that line from the song came from?] to gather a bouquet of the fragrant herb to present to her. As the legend goes, these young men were known as “Erondades” [love-seekers]. To obtain a bouquet of Dittany, it was said, you had to truly be in love. I only hope they were met with satisfactory results!

Warnings come with many of my writings, therefore, I feel this one must come early on – Beware the sellers of Dittany of Crete. It is best to buy directly, however, there are a few reliable re-sellers. It is a very, very expensive herb. I have seen some unreliable types on certain venues selling everyday Oregano for Dittany. Yes, they are technically cousins, but they are far from being the same. Do your research before buying.


It is said if you burn Dittany on a charcoal disc along with Dragon’s Blood resin and stare at the rising smoke, you will see the face of your intended love. This same incense can be used to spice up a stale love life in the bedroom. You can make love poppets or sachets with the herb along with lavender and other herbs which encourage love. In European folk magick, Dittany is regarded as a consummate love herb. Feeding it to your intended is supposed to cause them to fall irretrievably in love with you.

Dittany of Crete dried
My dried Dittany of Crete ~ photo by i.macy

Dittany is perfect for manifestations of spirits when burned as incense. It can be mixed with equal parts of vanilla, benzoin and sandalwood to make an astral projection incense. It is believed to produce spirit manifestations in its smoke. Soon we will be offering a Samhain Hedge Rider Incense in our Etsy Shop for this purpose. All I can say now is that it won’t be as simple a recipe as the one above and will have not only the ability to travel through the veil but to be protected whilst there as well.
The leaves can not only be burned as incense but can also be burned in the All Hallow’s Eve fire when seeking communication for wisdom from the other side. Dittany is associated with the Underworld and is related to Persephone, Orris and other deities who assist with transport into that realm.

For divination, Dittany can help with the activation of your Third Eye, and it has a traditional use in its ability to help manifest our psychic vision. You can make a poultice of the leaves to rub on your Third Eye or use a Dittany of Crete Oil. Fresh Dittany can be used to make an infusion with a basic oil such as olive oil or sunflower oil.

According to Scott Cunningham, the “juice of Dittany” will drive away venomous beasts, so rub it on your body before entering their domains.” I’m guessing that applies to mossies or any kind of biting or stinging pest. And, as far as I know, perhaps it extends to snakes and the like as well. Personally, I just prefer to stay far and away from the realm of venomous beasties!


Dittany of Crete ~

Dittany of Crete has been used in times past as an external poultice for wounds and bruises. It has antibacterial, antifungal and antimicrobial properties due to the phenol carvacrol. Nowadays it is used for digestive tract disorders including cramps, stomach problems, and worms in the intestines. It is also used for urinary tract and genital tract disorders. A beverage of this herb relieves headaches and neuralgia. Other uses include treatment of epilepsy, spasms, fluid retention, and liver diseases. Please consult with your GP before attempting to diagnose and heal yourself at home. There may be more serious illness at hand than you would know of.


Planetary: Mercury and Venus
Zodiac: Libra and Gemini
Gender: Masculine and Feminine
Element: Air and Water
Powers: Divination, Manifestation, Love, Astral Projection, Protection
Sabbat: Samhain
Deity: Eros, Venus, Mercury, Artemis, Persephone, Zeus
Other Names: Hop Marjoram, Erontas, Hop Plant

“A branch of healing dittany she brought, Which in the Cretan fields with care she sought: Rough is the stem, which woolly leafs surround; The leafs with flow’rs, the flow’rs with purple crown’d” From Virgil’s Aeneid

Many thanks to all who read this and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x

Cunningham’s Encyclopaedia of Magical Herbs by Scott Cunningham

Crystal of the Week, Sunstone

By Isabella @TheWandCarver
Instagram: @thewandcarver

My Sunstones ~ by i.macy

Still keeping up the theme of the upcoming Spring Equinox, I couldn’t help but bring out my Sunstones to talk about this bright and beautiful crystal this week. They can clean away a blue mood straight away – hence my reasoning for talking about them, feeling slightly blue myself today – and keeping them in one’s presence keeps the mood light. Sunstone carries the energy of Ra, the Sun-god, whose energy brings all potential life from within the Earth. What’s not to be happy about with all the new life forming around us this time of year?

Sunstone is a member of the Feldspar family and is named for its warm shades of gold, orange, reds and browns that sparkle like the sun. Inclusions of Goethite or Haematite refract light between the different crystal layers and produce an iridescent effect as the stone is viewed from various angles. Sunstone may be clear and transparent, or opaque. If you have a red Sunstone, you are very lucky, indeed, for they are very rare.

Magickal Uses and Other Things….
Sunstone as mentioned is a fab mood booster. Wear it when you need to feel enthusiastic and happy… or just carry a Sunstone in your pocket. It literally increases vitality in your being. If you have a high energy job, it will serve you well to keep Sunstone upon you for the day ahead. As mentioned, it not only instantly boosts your spirit but maintains it as well.

Those who hold back because of fears and self-doubt may find Sunstone melts away the sense of unworthiness, feelings of being discriminated against, disadvantaged or abandoned. It emanates a rich and positive spectrum of energies that re-balances one’s emotional patterns and encourages optimism and enthusiasm. It can help transform anger into energy and judgment into joy.

Sunstone provides a source of strength if you are dependent on others emotionally or have suffered the sudden loss of a partner. It helps alleviate fearfulness and stress and protects against those who drain your energies or finances. It is also an excellent crystal for phobia sufferers to ease the fear of the dark, enclosed places, or the presence of other triggers. I’m not claustrophobic, however, I have a challenging time spending 40 to 50 minutes in a closed MRI. Sunstone helps me to endure the clanging, banging, and being in this tube unable to move.

Sunstone is an abundance stone. It encourages independence and originality, is inspirational in revealing talents, and attracts fame and unexpected prosperity. It is an excellent “good luck” crystal. Worn as a ring on the receptive hand, Sunstone helps one receive what is needed and desired. On the transmitting hand, it channels multiple healings and blessings to others. If you wish to use our business spell, it would be an excellent talisman to charge and carry to help your business to be more profitable.

Sunstone warms the body, increasing metabolism, digestion, and vitality. It stimulates self-healing powers, regulating and bringing harmony to all the body’s organs. With its powers of the Sun and light, Sunstone clears and cleanses all the chakras*, restoring joy and nurturing the spirit. It is particularly energising to the Base and Sacral Chakras, stimulating leadership and will, creativity and sexuality. Since ancient times, Sunstone has been used as a grid around the body to relieve cartilage problems, rheumatism, and general aches and pains. Today it is also used to treat osteoarthritis, cramps, fever, various infections, and athletic injury.

Sunstone is used to treat chronic sore throats, and to reduce stomach tension and ulcers. Placed on the Solar Plexus, it is excellent for lifting depression and Seasonal Affective Disorder and is helpful in chasing away nightmares.

The red and brown shades of Sunstone activate the Base, or Root Chakra, located at the base of the spine that controls the energy for kinaesthetic feeling and movement. It is the foundation of physical and spiritual energy for the body. When physically out of balance the symptoms will manifest themselves as lethargy, low levels of activity, low enthusiasm, and a need for constant stimulation. When its spiritual energies are out of balance, you will feel flighty, disconnected from reality, and distant. When the Base Chakra is in balance, the physical body regains its strength and stamina, and the spiritual energy is rekindled in the form of security and a sense of one’s own power. It often leads to independence and spontaneous leadership.

The gold and orange shades of Sunstone identify with the Sacral Chakra, or Second Chakra, located below the navel and above the pubic bone at the front of the pelvis. It controls the flow of energy and is the centre of gravity of the body. It is the centre of the Life Force of the body and controls the flow of information from the body to the mind and from the mind to the body. Gut feelings, intuition, and other “non-linear” communication come from this chakra. When it is out of balance the symptoms will manifest themselves as confusion, over dependency on others, repression of feelings, inability to feel joy, fear of sensuality or sex, and frustration. When it is in balance you have grace, feel pleasure in life, find you are flexible and can “go with the flow” and do so in good spirit.

Chakras: Base/Root and Sacral
Deity: Ra, Cerridwen
Powers: Healing, Vitality, Prosperity, Sexual, Strength
Element: Fire
Planet: Sun
Astrological: Leo, Libra
Numerical Vibration: 1

Many thanks for reading our blog and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x

Cassandra Eason, The New Crystal Bible [London: Carlton Books Ltd., 2010]
Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible [Cincinnati, OH: Walking Stick Press, 2003]
Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible 2 [Cincinnati, OH: Walking Stick Press, 2009]

The Magickal Gorse Tree

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram: @thewandcarver

Gorse Ogham Onn
Gorse Ogham

I have been saving Gorse for Spring. Yes, I am a week early but I have other plans for that day. Gorse is an ogham tree, but not a Celtic Birth Tree. It is the symbol of the Spring Equinox… the beginning of Ostara/Eostra. Gorse is the second vowel of the ogham and it is called “onn”. There are several folk names for Gorse, but it seems “Furze” is most predominately used. It is a perennial evergreen shrub belonging to the pea family. It forms a much-branched, stunted shrub usually no taller than six feet high, therefore, I almost want to call it an ogham shrub, but it is still considered a tree. The plant’s thorns and its dense habit make Gorse/ Furze an excellent hedging plant. It can also be used as a barrier to protect young tree seedlings in coppices. The thorny nature of the plant means that it is often viewed as having protective powers. In Wales, it was said to guard against witches. The flowers are a deep yellow and have a pungent coconut scent. Although the main flowering period is from March to August, flowers can be found on bushes throughout the year. This lengthy flowering led to the country saying: when the Gorse is out of bloom, kissing is out of fashion.


As well as its use as a hedging material, furze was traditionally gathered into faggots and used as tinder to start fires. In 1864 it was cultivated in Surrey and other English counties especially for this purpose, being popular with bakers to whom it was sold as fuel for their ovens. The bark and flowers produce a fine yellow dye. In Eire the flowers were also used to flavour and add colour to whiskey and the Danes were reputed to use them to make beer. They can also be used to make wine and tea. Flower buds collected and potted with a blade of mace and some peppercorns, in white wine vinegar and salt solution, make a fine pickle.

[Nicholas] Culpepper states in his Herbal, that Gorse was good to open obstructions of the liver and spleen.

A decoction made with the flowers therof hath been found effectual against the jaundice and also to provoke urine, cleanse the kidneys from gravel or stone ingendered in them.”

Nicholas Culpeper was a seventeenth-century English botanist, herbalist, physician, and astrologer. Published over 350 years ago as a practical health guide, The Complete Herbal (1653), is still the most complete and definitive herbal available today. It contains a rich store of pharmaceutical and herbal knowledge, including herbs and where to find them, herb preparation, plasters, and much more.

Medicinal properties:
There is a Bach Flower Remedy that is given to the hopeless, those who feel they are beyond help or suffer a serious illness. “Greenman Essence of Gorse” helps ease frustration, restlessness, and jealousy, and helps promote emotional security and a feeling of deep inner joy.   Edward Bach was an English homoeopath in the 1930s.

Gorse flowers are high in protein and can be eaten raw in salads, made into fruit tea, cordial or syrup. It adds extra flavour and colour to beer, wine or spirits, and a whole range of sweet delights like chocolate and ice cream. The buds can be pickled in vinegar and eaten like capers. Don’t overeat! The plant contains slightly toxic alkaloids.

Gorse has surprisingly few medicinal uses, though its flowers have been used in the treatment of jaundice, scarlet fever, diarrhoea and kidney stones.

Magickal properties:
Herb of Love, Protection against evil. Restoration of Faith, Hope and Optimism. Gathering of Strength. It also attracts gold, so it is used in money spells.

Associated with love, protection, romance, and weddings. Used to further the romance of a consensual relationship. Protects against negativity and dark magick.

Carve the name “Gorse” into a gold or yellow candle. Face east, light the candle, and meditate on the light. Ask for protection, money, love, whatever it has to offer that you desire

In Wales hedges of the prickly gorse are used to protect the home against fairies, who cannot penetrate the hedge.

Planet: Mercury, The Sun
Element: Fire
Colour: Yellow and Gold
Bird: Cormorant, Harrier Hawk
Stone: Topaz
Deity: Lugh, Celtic God of light and genius
Folk Names: Broom, Frey, Furze, Gorst, Goss, Prickly Broom, Ruffett, Whin

Thy yellow blooms – oh, they to me Are gold and sunshine blent together – Moses Teggart 1908

Many thanks for reading and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x


Culpeper’s English Physician: And Complete Herbal (Classic Reprint) by Nicholas Culpepper

The Bach Flower Remedies, by Edward Bach, 1998 reprint