Crystal of the Week, Labradorite

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @thewandcarver

So, I have chosen the lovely and magickal Labradorite for this blog. Hard to imagine I have not done this one yet!

My Labradorite ~ photo by i.macy

Labradorite is one of my favourites and not just because it is one of the most beautiful crystals in the world with its kaleidoscope of various colours.  They are not only full of hues of blues and greens, purples and yellows but can sometimes be orange, yellow, brown, and reddish. There are some which have a decidedly black look to them in places as well which are Black Labradorite, a dark gemstone famous for its grey base, black specks & high luminescence. It is a crystalline variety of plagioclase feldspars which is mainly formed from a combination of sodium feldspar (albite) and potassium feldspar (microcline or orthoclase) at low to medium crystallisation temperature.  It is also called Larkivite by some, however, there are differences.

Labradorite got its name because the first place it was discovered was in Labrador, Newfoundland, Canada.  It can also be found in many places, including in Finland, Greenland, Scandinavia, Russia, Italy, Madagascar, Mexico, and the US.  The Finnish variety is called Spectrolite and is slightly different as it exhibits the full range of colours. Shall we get on to the magick now?


Firstly, Labradorite protects ones’ aura. This means it creates a force field throughout the aura, protecting and strengthening the energies within and preventing others from ‘tapping in’ to your personal energy and draining you.  Can you guess whom this would most benefit? Any Empath would benefit highly.  But just as much it can protect the non-empath from the psychic vampires out there just waiting to get in and suck your happiness dry.

If you are practising your psychic knowing, psychometry, clairaudience, clairvoyance, or clairsentience skills, Labradorite is one of the best crystals to have with you.  It can help you to develop your gifts as you make better connections with Spirit.  Labradorite is a Stone of Magic, a crystal of shamans, diviners, healers, and all who travel and embrace the universe seeking knowledge and guidance. For self-discovery, it is excellent for awakening one’s own awareness of inner spirit, intuition, and psychic abilities.

Wearing or carrying Labradorite allows one’s innate magical powers to surface. It enhances the mental and intuitive abilities of clairvoyance, telepathy, prophecy, and coincidence control, and assists in communication with higher guides and spirits in accessing Akashic records, psychic readings, and past-life recall. It provides an ease in moving between the worlds and permits a safe and grounded return to the present.

Labradorite tempers the negative side of our personality, the traits and actions that rob our energy and may produce depression or shame. It assists in reducing anti-social, reckless, or impulsive behaviour in children, teenagers and adults who are easily led into trouble by others, and may aid in detoxifying the effects of tobacco, alcohol, and to a lesser degree, hard drugs.


Labradorite is beneficial to the lungs, and may assist with respiratory problems, bronchitis, and colds. It assists in digestion, regulation, and metabolism.  It has been used in treatment for the eyes and brain disorders, to stimulate mental acuity, and to reduce stress and anxiety. It may also be soothing during menstruation, for PMT symptoms, and for pain relief.

When used for physical healing purposes, one should hold or carry as a touchstone, or wear as jewellery. When the healing process is complete, the stone should be cleansed under running water. If by chance its surface becomes cloudy, place it in a glass with mineral water and set in a spot where it will have sun and moon light for a few days so it may be recharged, regenerated, and refreshed.


Gender:  Masculine

Planetary:  Earth

Zodiac:  Aquarius, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Leo

Element:  Water

Powers:  Protection, Psychic Healing, Psychic Powers, Psychic Protection, Strengthening

* Chakras:  All [particularly the Throat]

Deity:  Isis, Arianrhod

* I have had a recent experience where Labradorite was very helpful to me by placing it over my heart chakra. I had had a particularly hard day and was quite upset. This helped me to feel as though all the aggravation simply flowed away. 

Many thanks for reading and warmest blessings to those whom this way wander x



The Crystal Bible, by Judy Hall

The Illustrated Directory of Crystal Healing, by Cassandra Eason, 2003

Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic, by Scott Cunningham, 2002

Care for the Empath

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @thewandcarver

Do you want a laugh? Here it is:




(chiefly in science fiction) a person with the paranormal ability to apprehend the mental or emotional state of another individual.

What a laugh! “Chiefly in science fiction”?? Oh dear. Those of you whom are Empaths, please try to disregard some dictionaries, particularly the one I took a chance on whilst on Google.  But then, what would I know, only having lived 22 years with an empath mother and having a handful of the same qualities myself.  I’m truly sorry if any are offended, but I really had to include this just to prove that when one knows nothing of which they speak, they should not speak… including writers of dictionaries.

Being an Empath is a very real ability.  Albeit, one that many on the outside looking in won’t easily understand. But I believe that what throws many into chaos when confronted with trying to define empathic nature is how closely resembling some mental health issues it can be.  Many are wrongly diagnosed as Bipolar.  The Empath does suffer the highs and lows, like Bipolar because they naturally feel other’s highs and lows, their joys and sorrows.  Being an Empath is a roller coaster ride, but not a jolly ride at all.  The many tears shed by my Mum at the dining table with her head on her crossed arms are a testament to that.  And, not being able to speak of what ailed her.  She could manage herself around her family…her mother would have understood as she was a cunning woman with deep roots in magick, still, she never felt she could share with her what was happening.  And, I believe wholeheartedly because she couldn’t bear thinking she was gifted by any kind of magick as she felt it was all wrong.  In those days had she seen a doctor for her “problem” most likely she would have been prescribed Valium and sent home to become another addicted housewife.

The main difference between the Empath and the Bipolar is that the Empath does not become violent whilst being bombarded by other’s emotions.  Or, at least very much less likely to.  And, the Empath does not suffer the delusional episodes which is a tendency of the Bipolar.  If you need further differentiation,  the Bipolar is less empathetic toward others, in fact, often cursing and lashing out at those trying to help them. You see, I do not make these claims lightly as I have a child who is Bipolar.  It can get ugly at times.

I’m not able to give a completely unbiased accounting as I have been closely involved with both sides, the empathic and the bipolar.  But I do know that Empaths know what you mean.  They “get you”.  Some of you have disciplined yourselves and have learned to be able to be empathetic without being sucked dry by the psychic vampires or also known as “energy vampires“.  [Yes, two different links there. One is a Wiki link and the other to a mental health page on how to spot the energy vampires]. Others, the dear fledgling wee birds with hearts bigger than the Universe itself, become exhausted by the feelings they have taken upon themselves…and believe me, they didn’t ask for it.  Still, it is what happens, and they want so desperately to help those who need help.  What can they do?

As I am sure most of you know, there are a good many website which give not only insights and explanations about being an empath but there are many self-help websites on your side as well.  Not to mention books, such as The Empath’s Survival Guide, by Judith Orloff, MD. 

What else, apart from reading books and websites, can the Empath do to make life a bit more bearable on themselves…to protect themselves from the daily onslaught of depression, tears, pain, and sometimes joy beyond belief…joy is good but try getting hit by an overload. That might not be pleasant. As ever, I am here to help, if I can and here are some tried and true suggestions for those of you who need ideas on how to manage being an Empath more effectively.  My heart goes out to every one of you for yes, I do know your pain.


Recently I made an Empath Rescue Witch Bottle for a lady whom was having a hard time managing her gift.  I always add nine “ingredients” to a witch bottle because we believe the perfect number is nine.  In this witch bottle I added four layers of crystal chips, Snowflake Obsidian, Lapis Lazuli, Rose Quartz, and Amazonite.  Here are my reasons for using these and some additional ones which are very good as well.

Snowflake Obsidian:  Grounds, repels negative energy, and balances emotions.  Supports the root chakra.

Lapis Lazuli:  Brings forth wisdom and truth; helps to decipher trust and intuition.  Supports the throat chakra.

Rose Quartz:  Heals and supports the heart, grounds emotions. Supports the heart chakra.

Amazonite:  Balances emotions, stops outside energies from taking over.  Supports all chakras, particularly the heart chakra.

empath crystals

Other crystals which are helpful to stabilising the Empath from being taken over by emotion include Amethyst [supports the crown chakra and holds you close to the Divine and your Spirit Guardian], Haematite [protects the body and keeps spirit grounded, supports root chakra], Citrine [brings enlightenment, optimism, warmth, and clarity. Sacral chakra], Lepidolite [brings peace and tranquillity, soothes anxiety, centres the mind in times of stress.  Supports all chakras]. Malachite [stone of transformation, brings healing, enhances willpower, blocks negative energies, deep energy cleansing. Supports heart and throat chakras].

As you can, purchase pieces of jewellery having these crystals on them.  Of course, you may research and find many other crystals you might prefer better which will do you good.  Wearing pieces which support and protect you and your chakras, will help ease the suffering you feel and help clear your head so you can think of ways to help the people reaching out to you. Pictured just below is an Empath Rescue witch bottle necklace we I have made for a customer in the past who was terribly beset by the pain she felt from others. It is mainly filled with semi-precious crystals chips and some herbs which all go together to stave off the ill reactions, plus two small Magnolia beads which you may remember that the bark of Magnolia is soothing to the nerves and two small Haematite beads for grounding. It worked a treat. We do not keep these as a rule in our shop, however, if you have need of one, please let us know.

Wytchencrafts Empath Rescue bottle

Of course, jewellery is not the only way to work with crystals.  I always recommend palm stones in the various helpful crystals mentioned above.  They are also called worry stones by some and the reason is that many people, when in distress of any kind, get more satisfaction from the large palm stone by using it as a large worry bead to help get the most out of the crystal’s support as well as something to give comfort to by rubbing it and holding it.

Crystal grids are another fabulous way of directing your empath crystals to support you.  You can make a crystal grid as small or as large as you like.  I have seen a photo somewhere in the not-so-distant past where someone had created her entire room into a large crystal grid.  That would be nice, however, not many of us can afford all the crystals you need and not to mention the very enormous crystal receivers and generators she had.  If you can do one of that scale, then that would probably be optimal and do send me photos! I think that a crystal grid of any size which you have built for your needs is plenty large enough.

Crystal elixirs are one more way to get the most benefit from your crystal support.  Please do keep in mind that you can’t make an elixir from every crystal as some have things like lead and so forth which will leech into your water.  However, you can still use them for a sympathetic elixir where the crystal is not left inside the water you will drink but above it on a piece of card stock or however you wish to do it.  Before making any crystal elixir, please read up on the crystal thoroughly to see if you can use it in your drinking water.

Teas and Herbs

Hawthorn Berry tea ~ Better Nutrition

Hawthorn Berry tea:  Excellent heart tea! For the heart chakra and for the heart proper. It is perfect for healing any kind of heart or heart-related problems. Empaths know their hearts are largely affected by the situations they are in and often find themselves having heart palpitations and other problems.  Hawthorn berry tea will give you the support you need and as a bonus, you can infuse your cup of tea with a Rose Quartz for the extra help.

Lavender tea:  You need your Spirit to be soothed every day and to be connected with your Divine source and your Angel.  Lavender tea can provide you with this by enhancing your mental clarity and calming your nervous system amongst other things.  Supports your crown chakra.

Ashwagandha tea:  I have never tried this one, however, whenever I read anything to do with Empaths this tea is mentioned, therefore, I must believe that we’re on to a winner with this tea for supporting your root chakra. It is an ayurvedic herb that has powerful root chakra cleansing properties.  It helps you to be more grounded by reducing anxiety and depression.  An added bonus, if you need one, is that Ashwagandha is a cancer-killing tea!

Chamomile tea:  An obvious choice for its relaxing properties.  It is another good choice for helping your heart.

There are other herbs which can be used as teas such as Nettle Leaf, Linden, Sage, and Dandelion Root.  Be certain to check that none of the teas you try will interfere with drugs you may be taking for heart problems or anything else.

Thank you for reading.  I do hope that you can use the help I have tried to provide.  Mind, this doesn’t touch the sides, really, for there are loads more things you can do.  However, I am hoping this will help in some way.   Warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x


Crystal of the Week, Dumortierite

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @thewandcarver

I’m just a little put out with myself for not having a larger piece of Dumortierite! I have carried this one paired with a Carnelian for years.  I suppose I just never thought I needed more – this is a very powerful crystal! Together they are a good team for me, casting off the laziness that can sometimes set in and boosting not only my physical energy but also sharpening up my mental processes as well.  I think it is time to cleanse them, charge them, and carry them once again!

My Dumortierite ~ photo by i.macy

The Dumortierite is stunning blue colour.  Many mistakes it for Lapis Lazuli or Sodalite.  Just keep in mind that Lapis has the lovely flecks of gold and the Sodalite often has lots of white in it.  Dumortierite is most likely to have veins of white, rather than patches, and it does not have gold flecks.  It does often have lighter and darker blue shading.  Dumortierite often forms as inclusions in Quartz, and this combination results in a natural blue Quartz gemstone. These are known in the gemstone market as “Dumortierite Quartz” and they are becoming increasingly popular as a minor blue gemstone. Dumortierite is named after French palaeontologist Eugene Dumortier [1803-1873].


Dumortierite is a powerful psychic stone. This stone is generally thought to increase the psychic ability and the connections to the Divine mind. In combination with Pearl, Dumortierite will develop or enhance your psychic powers.  If you are a tarot reader, your interpretation and accuracy will be more on point when you are aided by this stone.

If you place Dumortierite behind your ear, it will enhance your clairaudience. It can also work with your Causal Chakra [past life chakra] so that you can activate your past life memories.

Dumortierite is a good luck stone when in it comes to wealth and fortune. It’s a great crystal to have, especially for those who are starting their own business.

When paired with Covellite, it’s an effective organisational stone.

Dumortierite will help you break ties with things or people that are no longer working for you. It will help you break the cycle of co-dependency and make you realise that only you have the power to control your behaviour and what happens to your life.


Dumortierite may help to bring order and organisation to a turbulent mental state. Dumortierite is used as a meditation stone as it enhances the connection to the universe and can help bring clarity to the mind. Dumortierite can help to facilitate spiritual development and can help one to express and understand their spiritual experiences. Along these same lines, this important stone can help to increase contact with angels and other types of spiritual guides.  Bringing order and a deeper, more fulfilling connection with the spirits and the spirit world may very well make this one of the more important stones in your collection. Enhanced connections paired with enhanced clarity may make for an especially balanced user. Dumortierite is associated with the throat chakra. This association helps to bring into balance the physical, mental, and spiritual communications which may help to keep the entire aura in balance.

You deserve a better picture! photo by Stonebridge Imports

In the same manner that Dumortierite can be useful for metaphysical healing and balance it can also be used for physical healing and balance. Dumortierite is often used to treat depression and over-stimulation. In addition, Dumortierite may help to relieve the symptoms of addiction. This crystal is considered to bolster the energy of self-discipline, so it is easy to see how it may help to achieve things like ideal weight or cessation of some undesirable activity. Dumortierite may also help to cool the body, treat certain skin disorders, ease the symptoms of diabetes, increase or balance your metabolic rate, or even soothe hyperactivity. Aside from strictly physical attributes Dumortierite can help to soothe the mind from depression and help to clear the mind for more effective thought processes. In all, this important gemstone could be just the help you need for clarity and relaxation to gain a higher connection with the world around you.

Dumortierite is said to be good in treating headache, diarrhoea, stomach ache, and other intestinal problems. It can also help relieve vomiting, nausea, cramping, and colic in babies. Pranic healers use Dumortierite for hypersensitivity and epilepsy, as well as skin disorders and other pains, aches, or illnesses in the thyroid or parathyroid areas.


Planetary:  Saturn

Zodiac:  Leo/Sagittarius

Element:  Water

Gender:  Masculine [works to balance masculine and feminine energies within people]

Powers:  Psychic Abilities [All], Patience, Healing, Intellectual, Positivity, Calming, Communication, Mental Discipline

Chakra:  Throat, also said to open the Third Eye

Deity:  Isis, Neptune, Ariadne, St Brigid, Hokkmah, The Muses, Sarasvati

Other Names:  Stone of Patience

Many thanks for reading my blog!  It’s a pleasure to be of service.  Warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x


The Illustrated Directory of Crystal Healing, by Cassandra Eason, 2003

Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic, by Scott Cunningham, 2002

The Crystal Bible, by Judy Hall, 2003

Gemstone Energy Medicine Healing Body, Mind and Spirit, by Michael Katz, 2005


The Magickal Cherry Tree

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @thewandcarver

Prunus avium ~ Evening Standard

Do you ever think you know it all?  Some of us older types do that sometimes.  So, there I was, thinking the Cherry tree came from Asian countries such as Japan and I find the UK has a native, yes native, Cherry tree all along! The Prunus avium, or Wild Cherry, is a native of the UK, no ties to Asiatic countries.  Well…knock me down with a feather!  Never too old to learn, I say.

The most important  Cherry tree in my life was from a child, when visiting my Nana’s farm and helping her pick cherries to put on a Victoria Sponge or to make tarts with. I was never much help as I ate more than I collected.  Still, she never failed to make a special tart just for me with the cherries I picked….I’m surprised that could have amounted to much, ha ha…she most likely added some of her own to my pitiful lot, as a good Nana will do.

In the Victorian Language of Flowers, white flowers from the Cherry tree meant deception.


In Highland folklore, Wild Cherry trees had mysterious qualities, and to encounter one was considered auspicious and fateful.  In fact, in the Highlands it was once taboo to use Cherry wood, as Cherry trees, were regarded as being so magickal in Highland culture.  They were also a bit rarer in the Scottish Highlands as the Cherry tree grows best in the more southerly regions of the UK.

When using Cherry wood or any part of the Cherry tree for spells, please note it is best to do these rituals on the day of Venus [Friday] during the hour of Venus for best results.

Cherry stones have been used as talismans to attract love. According to Tess Whitehurst, authoress of such books as You are Magical and The Magic of Trees, Cherry blossoms are for divine love, forgiveness, gentleness, remembering one’s primal innocence, romance, and weight loss, although from my research the only one I find matching would be love.  Still, many witches do find new reasons for certain things working for them that no one else has done.

Any part of the Cherry tree can be used for spell work and for incense making [bark], oils, sachets, witch bottles, poppets, and the branches are well-suited to becoming magic wands.  The Cherry wood wand is best for healing and love spells / rituals.


Cherries rentacherrytree dot co dot uk
Cherries! ~

Regarding the Cherry tree, Nicholas Culpeper wrote:  “The gum of the Cherry-Tree, dissolved in wine is good for a cold, cough, and hoarseness of the throat”.  The gum, I would presume came from within the bark of the Cherry tree, as most cold and cough remedies even to this day, use the bark of Cherry trees to silence coughs due to cold and to help expel phlegm.  Not only was the bark of the Cherry tree used in England and surrounding countries during this time but across the pond, Native Americans also used the bark of Cherry trees in the same way.  And, I am quite sure they did not consult Mr Culpeper’s writings, although it may be possible that returning Englishmen from North American travels may have passed round the knowledge about Cherry trees and we in turn began using this information for ourselves.

Other attributes of the Cherry tree’s fruit, by Mr Culpeper are the ability to “provoke urine” and also “mends colour in the face, sharpens the eyesight, provokes appetite, and to expel gravel and wind”… do I want to know what he means by ‘expel gravel’? Probably not… it is enough for me to know cherries will most likely make you fart.


Planetary:  Venus

Gender:  Feminine

Element[s]:  Fire, Water

Zodiac:  Aquarius, Aries

Powers:  Love, Wisdom, Money, Luck, Inner Peace, Healing, Divination,

Deity:  Morrigan, Artemis, Persephone, Herne, Mars, Pan, Thor, Vertumnus, Yaya Zurkurai

As always, I thank everyone for kindly reading my blog.  Warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x


The Complete Herbal and English Physician, by Nicholas Culpeper, c1702

The Magic of Trees, by Tess Whitehurst

Whispers from the Woods, by Sandra Kynes

Woodland Trust

From the Wortcunner’s Cabinet, Tansy

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @thewandcarver

I would first like to share this exact writing on Tansy from The English Physician and Complete Herbal by Nicholas Culpeper:

Wild Tansy or Silver-weed.

This is also so well known, that it needs no description.

Place.] It grows in every place.

Time.] It flowers in June and July.

Tansy ~ Photo by

Government and virtues.] Now Dame Venus hath fitted women with two herbs {ed. Isn’t it kind to give us only two?} of one name, the one to help conception, and the other to maintain beauty, and what more can be expected of her? {ed. I seriously am feeling bile rise in my throat!} What now remains is for you to love your husbands {ed. am choking here!}, and not to be wanting to your good neighbours? {ed. Have completely lost it now!}  Wild Tansy stays the lask, and all the fluxes of blood in men and women, which some say it will do, if the green herb be worn in the shoes, so it be next to the skin; and it is true enough that it will stop the terms, if worn so, and the whites too, for I ought to know {ed. I have no idea what he meant in that last sentence}.  It stays also the spitting or vomiting of blood.  The powder of the herb taken in some of the distilled water, helps the whites in women but more especially if a little coral and ivory in powder be put to it.  It is also recommended to help children that are bursten, and have a rupture, being boiled in water and salt.  Being boiled in water and drank it eases the griping pains of the bowels, and is good for the sciatica and joint-aches.  The same boiled in vinegar, with honey and allum, and gargled in the mouth eases the pains of the tooth-ache, fastens loose teeth, helps the gums that are sore {ed. I have a feeling that the “allum” alum is what works on the gums more so than the other ingredients}, settles the palate of the mouth in its place, when it is fallen down.  It cleanses and heals ulcers in the mouth, or secret parts {oh I say!}, and is very good for inward wounds, and to close the lips of green wounds, and to heal old, moist, and corrupt running sores in the legs or elsewhere.  Being bruised and applied to the soles of the feet and hand wrists, it wonderfully cools the hot fits of agues, be they never so violent. The distilled water cleanses the skin of all discolourings, therein, as morphew, sun-burnings, &c. as also pimples, freckles, and the like; and dropped into the eyes, or cloths wet therein and applied, takes away the heat and inflammation in them.

Where then, does it make a woman beautiful or bountiful? And how very patronising and chauvinistic! I admire Mr Culpeper for his work, not his opinions, clearly!

Tansy has had a lot said for it – and about it… not only was it once helpful in dressing the dead for funerals, apparently it was useful for keeping flies off fresh meat! You can repel ants and beetles from your home by planting Tansy around it.  I don’t know if the plant proper is helpful, but Tansy oil is said to repel mosquitoes. Tanacetum vulgare was originally a European plant but as many plants do when people immigrate, they became nationalised into other countries as well. In the Victorian language of flowers, Tansy flowers are a declaration of war. Tansy wreaths are suitable funeral decorations.


Tansy is used in spells, charms and potions for longevity.  You can use it as an oil or make an oil infusion with the freshly cut herb by stuffing as much as possible into a large jar then adding olive oil or grapeseed oil. Let it sit in the sun for thirty days, turning it a half-turn round each day. Afterward, you can pour it off through a sieve or cheesecloth into a large bottle or several smaller bottles for use in your magickal workings.  You can also use the dried Tansy in loose incenses for whichever purpose your intention lies for your magickal work.  It can be added to poppets and sachets for different magickal reasons, as well.

Of course, Tansy can be added to witch bottles for your magickal intentions.

In  Hoo Doo Magick, Tansy, along with other herbs, are worn in the shoes of a person trying to keep under the radar of the law such as police officers.  Other herbs which can be blended with Tansy for this purpose are Asafoetida, Celandine, Devil’s Shoe Strings, Elder, Fennel, Black Mustard Seeds, and Oregano.

Tansy is often used in rituals of Womanhood such as first menses and motherhood.


Tansy may be used for expelling worms, one ounce of herb steeped in one pint of hot water drunk as a tea twice a day. This same remedy is employed for kidney and nervous troubles and low-grade fevers. It is also said to calm the stomach and relieve gas.  In large doses, however, it is very irritating to the stomach and digestive systems.  Excessive doses have produced seizures and uterine bleeding. Use on a regular basis causes organ degeneration.

An infusion of Tansy is a useful wash for scabies, eczema and fungal infections.

**Warning: Do not confuse Tansy with Tansy Ragwort which has rayed flowers and does not have sharp toothed leaves. Tansy Ragwort is toxic, not mildly toxic like Tansy, but extremely toxic.


Planetary:  Venus

Zodiac:  Gemini

Gender:  Feminine

Element:  Water

Powers:  Protection, Longevity, Fertility, Immortality, Health

Deity:  Mary, Hebe, Ganymeade, Ishtar, Eostra

Other Names:  Silver-Weed, Wild Tansy, Buttons

I hope you have enjoyed this week’s offering and that I have provided useful information to you.  Many thanks and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x


The English Physician and Complete Herbal, by Nicholas Culpeper


The Magickal Bay Laurel Tree

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @thewandcarver

If you guessed that this is the tree where our beloved Bay leaves come from, you are correct.  The Bay Laurel [Laurus nobilis] is the aromatic, sun-loving tree which is renowned from the ancient Greek and Roman times as the embodiment of fame, victory, and success.  The victors of those times [think Julius Caesar] wore Laurel crowns… as a matter of fact, Italian high school graduates continue this tradition today.  The word “laureate”, which comes from the word laurel, indicates a high level of mastery and recognition, as in Poet Laureate.  And I am sure you have also heard of the phrase “rest on one’s laurels”.


Bay Laurel Tree gardener focussed dot co dot uk
Bay Laurel “Lolipop” tree ~

Bay is definitely aligned with fame, winning, successfulness in all you do.  We use it extensively in magick.  But why? And how? Many times, we may use an herb or spice because a spell requires it without giving much thought to why are we using this particular herb or spice. If you have used bay leaves in a success, luck, or money spell then you may have had great success with the spell.  But, did you know that your herbs and spices may not work so well unless you enchant them to do your bidding first? My personal enchantment routine is to hold each item I choose to go into my spell work in my “power hand”, which for me is my right hand. Then I choose the correspondence of the herb that I wish to enchant it for… most herbs and spices have a variety of correspondences, as you may know.  Some may do multiple different things such as money, fertility, protection, etc. So, if you want money, you must enchant that herb/spice for its correspondence of money and not fertility. Then, holding the herb in my power hand, I speak my enchantment to it nine times.  After I feel the sudden warmth in my hand, I know it is ready to be added to my spell potion or incense.

Other ways in which to use the wonderful Bay leaf are for prosperity, wish granting, psychic abilities and more… one quick spell anyone can do is to write “prosperity” onto a Bay leaf in gold ink [you can get gold ink pens at most department stores with any kind of stationary department] and then burn the Bay leaf, focussing your intent for prosperity as it burns.  For protection, burn Sage along with Bay leaves to cleanse your space needing protection.  For success, hold a Bay leaf and channel your desire into the leaf until you feel it is working, then burn the leaf. You can also add one or more Bay leaves to any magickal working performed with the intention to manifest any variety of success.  Another way to draw money into your life is to empower four Bay leaves during the New Moon in the light of the noon Sun, then place them in your wallet or cash box.

Anti-Harassment Spell

Hold a single Bay leaf between your flat palms in prayer pose near your heart.  Feel or imagine a bright sphere of sunlight surrounding your and shielding you from all negative effects of harassment and unwanted advances.  Call upon Daphne to support you in this intention and remind yourself that you are not deserving of such treatment.  Vow to yourself that you will refuse to tolerate it or take to heart any longer.  Then place it in a drawstring bag, along with a haematite stone, and wear it around your neck so that it rests over your heart.  Thank Daphne for her help and wear as needed. ~ Tess Whitehurst, The Magic of Trees


Planet:  Sun

Gender:  Male

Element:  Fire

Powers:  Anti-Harassment, Healing, Psychic Abilities, Prosperity, Protection, Success, Wish Granting

Deity:  Apollo, Daphne, Gaia, and Peneus

Sabbat:  Litha

Folk Names:  sweet Bay, true laurel, Grecian laurel


basil_leaves soap kitchen dot co dot uk
Bay Laurel leaves, dried ~

Most of us have used Bay leaves in cooking meals, particularly Italian dishes. But did you know that Bay leaves have the ability to detoxify the body, slow the ageing process, speed wound healing, protect the body from bacterial infections, manage diabetes, improve heart health, reduce inflammation, alleviate respiratory issues, optimise digestion, and prevent certain types of cancer?

Bay leaves have a profound effect on our gastrointestinal system, both stimulating urination as a diuretic, which decreases the toxicity of the body and stimulating vomiting [as an emetic] when something toxic has been consumed. Furthermore, the organic compounds found in bay leaves are very effective for settling upset stomachs, soothing irritable bowel syndrome [IBS] or even lessening the symptoms of Celiac disease.

Having a hard go of breathing due to flu or cold?  Melt down some bee’s wax, add a little bit of a carrier oil such as extra virgin olive oil or sunflower oil, then some Bay leaf essential oil [the higher the grade, the better to make a salve].  Rub on your chest and not only will it help you breathe better by loosening the phlegm, but its antibacterial properties will help rid you of the bacteria trapped in your respiratory tract.

Don’t be too quick to chuck out that salve when your cold is all better! You can likewise use it on arthritic joints or sore muscles for relief of pain.

** “Bay leaf” is a commonly used term that applies to many different plants around the world; however, to achieve all the health benefits listed above, it is essential that you find a true bay leaf, derived from the Bay Laurel tree. There are some varieties that are toxic when consumed. You can purchase Bay Laurel leaf in capsule form.  There is no scientific evidence I can find that it works, but as mentioned earlier, it is also believed to prevent certain cancers and lower glucose levels in diabetics.  Please see your GP before embarking on any kind of self-treatment for disease.

Many thanks for reading and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x


The Magic of Trees by Tess Whitehurst



Crystal of the Week, Lemurian Seed Crystals

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @thewandcarver

This is going to be a veritable minefield of information that I dare not get wrong… however, I must say in advance that it may be difficult to get it all correct.  Lemurian Seed Crystals are so varied and there are acceptable definitions and non-acceptable ones. I’ve studied these, still, I got it very wrong in the beginning.  You know what it’s like… you’re in a crystals shop and you know very little about the crystal you see in the pretty basket, but you’ve heard enough about to know it would be of help to you.  But then, later down the road you find out this crystal is not all you thought it was.  Well, I am guilty as charged with my first Lemurian Seed Crystals for they are either not, nor never have been, or, they are but have had the lines polished out.  I shall explain all as best I can.

Lemurian Seed Crystals were used in Ancient Lemurian days by an advanced race of beings.  Some know about the legendary lost continent of Lemuria, but have you heard of the continent of Mauritia? This landmass formed a part of Madagascar and India and scientists say the rest of the continent is now lying at the bottom of the Indian Ocean.  That is where they think it has been for approximately the last 85 million years.  This land, of course, was inhabited by that advanced race of people during the Triassic Period, 200 million years ago.

lemurian smoky 2
Smoky Lemurian ~ Photo by i.macy

Here is where things get a bit tricky.  Enter one crystals authoress, Katrina Raphaell. She is said to have coined the name, Lemurian Crystal in the 1990’s .  So, Katrina Raphaell channelled that the Lemurian Crystals were coded with very specific information by the people of Lemuria, left here for us to discover and to learn from. Thus, these crystals are very advanced and have a focus on high technology, DNA, and social engineering.  These “master healers” assist in helping one get in touch and by using intuition.  According to Katrina Raphaell, the Lemurian Seed Crystals were kind of like “seeds of information”  planted or left in one location only; one specific spot, known as the Diamantina Mine in Minas Gerais, Brazil.  That’s a fair bit away from where Ancient Lemuria was lost. Still, I do not attempt to prove a respected authoress right or wrong here, only attempting to bring the best honest information I can to you.

lemurian 1
Lemurian Seed Crystal ~ Photo by i.macy

Firstly, a true Lemurian Seed Crystal originally was found to have six sides and every other side would be ridged horizontally or “striated” as a ladder.  Many also have raised triangles of crystal, sometimes called “recorders”.  It is believed that the inhabitants of Lemuria, or Mu, left their ancient wisdom and information embedded in these crystals that is much needed by humanity today. The lines are said to be where all knowledge is stored by encoding.  Now, there is also a difference between a “Lemurian Seed Crystal” and a “Lemurian Crystal”. A Lemurian Seed Crystal has an alternating pattern of a frosted side on the shaft and then a smooth, very transparent side, then a frosted side and a very transparent side, alternating all the way around.  Plain Lemurian Crystals will have a random pattern. For instance, one side is frosted, next is smooth, then frosted, frosted, frosted, and then smooth. Or even all smooth [see below] or all frosted.  The confusion is endless.  Another characteristic of a Lemurian Crystal will be that it has rough, prominent, horizontal striations on some sides of the shaft. But you will not only see them; for it to be a true Lemurian, you need to be able to feel them! Phew!

Lemurian Crystals also come in colours… Pink ones are very lovely and rare, and there are tangerine/apricot, smoky, blue, green, and citrine.   The size of the Lemurian Crystal / Seed Crystal can range from any length, but the base of it is always wider than the tip.

lemurian smoky 1
Smoky Lemurian 2 ~ Photo by i.macy

Where you must be most careful in purchasing your Lemurians is when someone tries to sell you a highly polished crystal with no striations. If it is completely smooth, most likely it is not a Lemurian.  And then again, it could be!  Perhaps someone with no knowledge of the importance of the striations polished the striations out for purposes of making a piece of jewellery.  But you can’t know that it was striated so it is best to leave it, if a true Lemurian is what you seek.  Polishing away the striations is said to remove the encoding by the Ancients, and this is the very reason we buy Lemurians. I’m not saying that the person selling the polished “Lemurians” is trying to get one over on you… they may legitimately believe or even know, that the crystal was striated at one point.  Still, it can’t be proven.

I think the best advice I can give you for choosing your Lemurian Crystals or Lemurian Seed Crystals is to buy them in person, so to speak.  Feel them, feel their energy. Purchase only what you can connect with.

Magickal and Healing

lemurian 4
Small Lemurian with Recorders ~ Photo by i.macy

With the Lemurian Crystals I don’t feel I can separate them into compartments of “magick” and “healing”.  If you have worked with these before, you will understand this.  The Lemurian is a  Master Healer.  It is even hard to pin them to one planet or zodiac as they work through all.  Lemurians are a crystal of oneness and unity, and it is what they communicate along with love. Their magick is healing and their healing is magick. Lemurians connect with all other crystals and are perfect for crystal grids.  Lemurian’s life’s work is to reactivate within the planetary matrix this ancient memory of unity and oneness and love so that it may become the way of life on the New Earth.

This crystal is literally connected to everything – the inner earth, the earth’s surface, the stars, all other seed crystals and crystals, and they connect us to the Divine.  It’s not just an ordinary connection, either.  The connection is of pure love and the more you work with the Lemurians, the more you will feel this unconditional love and unity with the Divine and others.

These crystals promote self-confidence, deep emotional cleansing, powerful assistance in communicating with your spirit guide and angels, strengthens one’s emotions, promotes intuitiveness, assists in dream work, complete chakra clearing, removes energy blockages to Divine love and compassion.

Lemurian Seed crystals generate a very feminine or yin energy. They act to open the energy of the soul and provide a bridge to higher frequencies, creating a higher level of consciousness. They instil feelings of harmony and ease. The energies they emit are of pure love, helping you feel at one with yourself and others.

Holding a Lemurian seed crystal in your right hand while you walk around and encircle an individual, property or an object creates a circle of light and protection. They soothe and nurture and can benefit everyone and are helping support for healing work. They help you attune to those higher energies and higher planes of existence.


Planetary:  Venus [primary] but is also linked to each planet

Zodiac:  All zodiacs

Element:  Earth

Gender:  Divine Feminine

Chakra:  Crown chakra [main], benefits and works with all chakras

Powers:  Healing [Master Healer], Unconditional Love, Intuition, Communication, Dream Work

Deity:  Gaia, Venus, Aphrodite

Many thanks for reading today’s offering.  Warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x


The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall, 2003

Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic by Scott Cunningham, 2002

Chakra Healing & Karmic Awareness by Keith Sherwood, 2005

The Illustrated Directory of Crystal Healing by Cassandra Eason, 2003

Gemstone Energy Medicine Healing Body, Mind and Spirit by Michael Katz, 2005


What Wood is Best for Making a Wand, Part Two

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @thewandcarver

Wands Collage 2a
wands collage by i.macy

As discussed yesterday in What Wood is Best for Making a Wand – Part One, here is a short explanation of which woods make the best wands for certain situations.  Again, I don’t hold strict adherence to any of them for everyone, apart from two as you will read.  I do realise that which wood for a wand is entirely the preference of the sorcerer.  Still, there are many only starting out who may be interested in a guideline of what might work best for them.  Not to mention, it could be helpful in any kind of wood research. 

LaurelMasculine energy. Air/Fire.  Laurel trees are most closely associated with Greek mythology [Daphne and Apollo]. Laurel is a symbol of resurrection because of the plant’s ability to be revived after a drought. A sprig of Laurel was worn in England for protection.  Its powers therefore are mainly about strength, protection, rebirth, and prophesy. It is a strong wood in its abilities and should not be used without due care, still, it is a good tree from which to make wands from beginners to seasoned sorcerers.

LindenFeminine energy. Air.  Linden is a dream to carve.  She is a gentle beauty whose strengths are attracting love, balancing energy, and neutralising negativity.  Linden is wonderful for any spell work to do with breaking hexes and clearing negativity from your life or someone else’s. Linden is a protective wood as well, and very protective of her sorcerer.  I would highly recommend this as a first wand. And, any sorcerer would do well to have a Linden wand in their repertoire, no matter how established.

Magnolia Witches Stang
Magnolia witches stang ~ photo by i.macy

MagnoliaFeminine energy. Water.  Magnolia is a tree which has its beginnings in the southern United States but since has been naturalised in the UK and possibly other parts of Europe.  The Magnolia was also cultivated in China for the flower buds from which tea is made. Magnolia’s bark has a healing and calming effect on people.  It is a good wood to use for a healing wand.  It is also a marvellous wood for using in divination and doing ancestral work or seeking past lives.  As a matter of fact, I have created a Magnolia witches stang for “walking the hedge”.  Magnolia’s strengths also include love, protection, self-awareness, and truth.  She is so gentle, yet so strong that I recommend Magnolia to beginners and seasoned sorcerers alike.

MapleMasculine energy. Earth/Air.  Another tree naturalised into the UK, most of what we find about Maple is information more directed to those in the US. Still, we can use the magickal information interchangeably to a degree, depending upon the kind of Maple. Maple is excellent for work to do with longevity, abundance/wealth, divination, and love and we have made many a Maple wand for different “levels” of “experience” sorcerers.  It works well for all experience levels.

OakMasculine energy.  Air/Fire.  Oak is a wood I have much experience with. Not only do I have an Oak wand – amongst the many I use – but I have created many Oak wands over the years and find it to be hard to carve but the results are always worth it.  It is a wood that speaks to me freely as I create the wand; It directs my design.  Oak has many powers which make it a good wand for many.  Amongst those are work in ancestry, healing, longevity, luck, wealth, strength, and success.  The Celts saw the Oak as a tree of divinity and Druids would not meet without an Oak tree present. Yuletide is when the Oak King takes over from the Holly King and Oak is the traditional Yule log.  No one can go wrong with an Oak wand and I highly recommend this wood to any sorcerer.

OliveMasculine energy.  Air/Water/Earth/Fire.  If you are fortunate enough to live where Olive trees are readily available to you, don’t hesitate.  It is said that picking an Olive branch brings prosperity and happiness, therefore, you may cut an Olive branch without fear of bad things happening.  Be sure to thank the Olive tree, however.  Olive is a wood of abundance, balance, healing, longevity, prosperity, rebirth, and success.  It’s not a wood I have had the pleasure of working with, still, I recommend it to any sorcerer who wishes to use it.

RowanFeminine energy.  Earth/Fire.  Rowan is a tree loved by many, me included. It is, after all, a tree honoured by the Goddess Brighid whom  is well-loved by many and used by the Celts when reciting magickal incantations.  Rowan is notably most associated with protection but is also healing, lucky, and a wood of blessings. Rowan is one of the Nine Sacred Woods. Rowan is most suitable for protection in any ritual and most notably during astral travel/hedge riding.  It is a fabulous wood for healing spells and contacting the Elementals.  My opinion of Rowan is that if you will only have one wand in your possession, make it a Rowan wand.  It is most suitable for any sorcerer.

SycamoreFeminine energy. Air/Water. My first wand. Sadly, I no longer have it but that has been well over forty years ago.  Sycamore associations include abundance, immortality, love, protection, rebirth. It is a wood to use when in need of comfort from the world. Can be used in ancestry spells, money spells, protection spells.  It is a very strong wood and would be an asset to any witches’ wand collection.

Willow: Feminine energy. Fire/Water.  Willow is a lovely lady.  She is known for healing, knowledge, protection, wishes, birth, and intuition.  Willow is also one of the Nine Sacred Woods. Willow is a generous tree/wood to its sorcerer.  Willow wands are best used in love rituals, raising moon energy, contacting faeries, and trusting your intuition. A wand wood for all sorcerers.

handle of my wand
My Yew wand and crow fetish ~ photo by i.macy

YewFeminine and Masculine energy. Air/Fire/Water. Another wood from which I have a wand. Its attributes include ancestry, change, communication with the dead, divinity, immortality, longevity, rebirth, and strength.  Yew is the wood associated with the crone.  It has been said Druids used/use Yew for their wands. Yew is very poisonous so take every precaution in making a Yew wand – gloves, respiratory mask, long sleeves and trousers, as well as safety glasses.  Most particularly when sanding the wood, it is important not to breathe in the sanding particles.  And when you are finished, put all tools [cleaned] away and be sure to clean up any bits left on your workshop floor.  Do not under any circumstance create your Yew wand inside your home and especially if you have pets for, they will succumb to the poison as well.  I cannot put too fine a point on the safety of your work with Yew.  That said, as a hedge witch, I use my Yew wand when riding the hedge/communicating with my ancestors and particularly on All Hallows Eve as one of my protections and for its ability to help me connect with the dead.  This is not a wand wood that I recommend lightly nor, will I recommend it to anyone whom is not very advanced in sorcery.  It will, I can vouchsafe, be a reliable and loyal wand in the right hands.

This concludes my analysis of the best woods to use for wands at any level.  These are only for guidance, but I must plead with you to take my advice to heart on Blackthorn and most particularly, Yew.  I will never claim to know everything, for that is impossible, however, I have both woods as wands and I know them as well as the back of my hand. I only make this plea with your safety and well-being at heart.  And, of the two, if you must, choose Blackthorn over Yew until you are firmly established in your path.

Many thanks for reading and I hope it gave you some proper insights to help you choose – whether it is your first wand or your tenth.  If you missed it, here is Part One from yesterday.  Warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x



Whispers from the Woods, by Sandra Kynes

The Magickal Walnut Tree

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @thewandcarver

When I chose to write about the Walnut tree, I immediately thought of the stocking fillers we had for Christmas as a child.  There was always an orange.  And of course, the obligatory stick of Rock. Then some assorted sweets wrapped in crinkly cellophane.  And Walnuts! And that was our lot in those days.  To a child growing up in the sixties’ it was a veritable cornucopia of goodies! I know nowadays it is much different, but I started my own five out on “nuts and fruits and sweeties” ‘til they cottoned on to the fact that their friends got chocolate bars and mini-gifts wrapped up in paper inside their stockings…oh the good old days!  Of course, things got much more expensive then!

Walnut tree Woodland Trust
Walnut Tree ~ photo by

The Walnut [nut proper] was said to be introduced into England from its native Iran by the Romans.  Juglans regia, the Persian Walnut, English Walnut, Circassian Walnut, or especially in Great Britain, common Walnut, is an Old-World Walnut tree species native to the region stretching from the Balkans eastward to the Himalayas and southwest China.  Archaeologists have found that black Walnuts were a popular food with Roman people.  Another name for the Walnut is Juglans which is thought to mean Jove’s/Jupiter’s acorn, however, “Juglans” comes from its Latin name, Juglans nigra  i.e. Black Walnut, which is an American Walnut tree and Black Walnut being native to eastern north America was introduced to Europe in 1629.  For our purposes they both are used in the same way magickally and in healing.


Money and Prosperity:  Always keep a bowl of **Walnuts on your table. Replace when eaten. The Walnuts radiate the power of Jupiter all over your home, bringing new opportunities, fertility, and wealth.

A spell to bring forth what you desire:  Crack open a walnut. Break the nutmeat in half. Put the one half back in the walnut. Write on a piece of paper what you desire “I attract more money” or  “every day I become more beautiful”.  Fold the piece of paper and put it in the walnut.  Close the walnut and wrap it with red cord. Seal it with red wax. **Eat the other half of the nutmeat while you inscribe outside of the walnut “to grow”. Taste the magick of the walnut and its power. Your wish becomes one with you. You can bury the walnut or carry it with you.

You can use Walnuts and Walnut wood and bark in rituals and meditations that deal with life transitions, rituals of initiation, manifesting intention into the physical realm, and weather magic.

The Romans once buried coins underneath Walnut trees as an offering to the Roman Goddess of fruit trees.

Because of its resistance to decay, Walnut wood is fabulous for wands, however, it is not a wood I find lying about very often so it could be some time before that happens! The young Walnut tree can be devastated by the grey squirrel. It also susceptible to Walnut leaf blotch.

** WARNING:  If  you or anybody in your home has a nut allergy, DO NOT attempt this spell. I am sure I don’t need to tell you; however, I feel honour-bound to do so anyway.


Western science has shown that the fruit husks of the black Walnut contain juglone – a compound that inhibits bacterial and fungal growth, and may be valuable in controlling dermal, mucous, and oral infections in humans. It is also being tested for its anticancer properties.

Walnuts Inside
Walnut fruit ~ Google Images

I have, in my readings, come across media saying that whatever body part a fruit or vegetable looks like is what it is useful in healing.  When you lay the fruit of the Walnut out side by side it looks like a pair of lungs or, if you put the fruits together, a brain.  “The Walnut tree and its wood help us with our mental gifts. Even the Walnuts themselves resemble little brains! Intelligence, wisdom and inspiration all come under its realm. It has also been said that Black Walnut contains medicinal properties. Walnut holds the powers of the breath and inspiration. Symbolic of confidence and mental wisdom.  Black Walnut wood has medicinal properties that are useful in the prevention and treatment of disease. Walnut teaches us clarity and focus, using our mental gifts wisely and how to best use our intelligence.” ~ Dr Kyle D Christensen

Black walnut has been used by native people for thousands of years. Native American ethnobotany has revealed many medicinal uses for the bark, leaves, husks, and nuts of black walnut, including its utility as a mosquito repellent, a dermatological aid, an anti-diarrhoeal, a laxative, and an anthelminthic. In one form or another, this species has been used to relieve the symptoms of fever, kidney ailments, gastrointestinal disturbances, ulcers, toothache, syphilis, and snake bite, among others.


Planetary:  Jupiter, Sun

Zodiac:  Gemini, Leo, Virgo

Element[s]:  Air, Fire

Powers:  Change, Fertility, Healing, Inspiration, Intentions, Protection, Wealth

Gender:  Masculine

Deity:  Aphrodite, Artemis, Astarte, Carmenta, Carya, Diana, Pomona, Rhiannon, Apollo, Zeus, Jupiter, Thor, Vishnu

Other Names:  White Walnut [butternut], Ball Nut, Ban Nut

As always, I thank you kindly for reading my blog.  Warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x



Whispers from the Woods, by Sandra Kynes

The Magic of Trees: A Guide to Their Sacred Wisdom & Metaphysical Properties, by Tess Whitehurst

Woodlands Trust


What Wood is Best for Making a Wand, Part One

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @thewandcarver

Choosing the wood that you want for a wand is 100% a personal decision. Many people don’t feel the need for a wand but for those who do, I hope I can give you some insights on which woods are best for which job.  I say this because most of you probably already have a personal wand which you use for the majority of your magickal workings, however, many people use a variety of wands depending upon what will give the most direct help to their spell work. So, this  will be a bit of a guide more than a blog and I hope you find it useful in helping make your choices.

The Holly King
Handcarved Holly wand by Isabella

Another point – no pun intended – in purchasing a wand is, when you buy a “hand-turned” wand from some manufacturers you are buying a wood block which has been machine turned.  Yes, they are beautiful, but anyone can have one just like yours [or Harry Potter’s!].  Wood is wood, many would say, however, it has always been my opinion that the branch of a tree is best for directing power rather than a block of wood from the trunk of a tree.  And many handmade wand crafters, me included, can make a wood branch look as though it were turned on a lathe.  Case in point, the Holly wand I created strictly by hand with a Stanley knife a few years ago.

On with the purpose of this blog.  I have listed several woods which I am most familiar with along with a short explanation of what their best attributes are as in a wand.  I hope you find this helpful.

Apple:  Female energy. Air/Water.  Apple wood is the wood Shaman and Bards once used for a staff with a bell attached in their travels. The Apple tree is strongly linked to the holy isle of Avalon, and it is also linked to Merlin.  It is one of the nine sacred woods.  It is a protective wood and excellent for keeping order.  A very good wood for any sorcerer.

Ash:  Male/Female energy. Fire/Air.  Most associated with Yggdrasil, the World Tree according to Norse mythology.  Druid wands were often made from Ash because of the straight grains.  Closely related to sea magick, this would be a good wand wood for a sea witch, but as importantly, for anyone.  Protective, healing, communication, and love divination are Ash’s best powers.  Good for beginning sorcerers.

Birch:  Feminine energy.  Water.  An American hardwood also found in the UK and Europe. One of the nine sacred woods, Birch is traditionally used as the staff of the witches’ besom/broom. It is a powerful wand for protection, healing, love, and purification.  A very diversified wood that would be a good wand in any sorcerer’s collection.

Blackthorn: Masculine energy. Earth/Fire.  Called “The Blasting Rod”, it is a fierce wood which is used in many cases to banish.  It is also loyal to its sorcerer and very protective.  Blackthorn is the balance between light and dark.  Both “good” magick and dark magick are easily performed by the holder of the Blackthorn. Divines well for strength and truth. Best for seasoned sorcerers.

Cherry:  Feminine energy. Fire/Water.  Cherry is an eternal life, healing, and longevity wood, making it perfect for a healing wand.  If you are so inclined to do healing work, Cherry is a very good choice. It can also be used in prosperity and protection work, but I feel it is best suited for healing.  A beautiful wood and recommend for seasoned healing workers.

Chestnut:  Masculine energy. Air/Fire/Water.  Chestnut does best for healing, love, and prosperity magick.  It is a very strong wood and  is considered useful in longevity magick and for banishing spells.  Best for those with experience and seasoned sorcerers.

Elder:  Feminine energy. Air/Fire/Water/Earth.  Called “Lady Ellhorn”, the Elder symbolises the Goddess’ roles as life-giver, death-wielder, and transformer.  Has been traditionally associated with death.  It is also a wood  associated with abundance, prosperity, healing, and a knowledge of magick. A light wood with a spongy centre, it is quite easy to set a crystal into.  Any sorcerer can use Elder with success, but always give respect to the Lady of the Wood.

Elm:  Feminine energy. Air/Earth/Water.  Elm is another wood associated with death but also with rebirth.  It is also associated with wisdom, intuition, empathy, grounding, and endurance.  It is a wood which will serve its sorcerer faithfully and I have no problem recommending to any serious sorcerer, no matter whether learning or seasoned.

Hawthorn:  Masculine energy. Air/Fire.  Along with Ash and Oak, Hawthorn is considered one of the Faerie Triad.  It is a very protective wood and whilst very strong, a bit less harsh than is the Blackthorn.  A good tree for wishes, used as a “Cloutie” tree with strips of cloth tied to it for villager’s wishes to come true.  One of the nine sacred woods.  In my opinion, it is a wonderful wood for beginner or seasoned sorcerer.  Along with Ash, it is a wood you can’t go wrong with.

Holly Keppen
Holly Keppen wand by Isabella

Holly: Masculine energy. Air/Earth/Fire.  Holly has a many storied past and is one of my favourite woods to work with as it seems to guide my hands in shaping the branches into wands.  Sadly, I only have no Holly wand in our shop presently.  It is a wood of courage, divinity, intelligence, guidance.  It also has been associated with death and rebirth [The Oak King and Holly King]. It is one of the Nine Sacred Woods in the Beltane fire.  It is the wood of the dark half of the year and evergreen.  It teaches rebirth. For all Holly’s strength, I recommend this wood to any sorcerer, beginning or seasoned, for I find it a gentle wood for all its strength still, it will be mighty when needed to be.

This concludes my synopsis of the recommended woods for wand-making this week, however, pop by next week for Part Two.  Keep in mind these are only recommendations and I’m not telling you what wand you must have because I know my Sisters and Brothers well enough that they will have what they want 😊 I always welcome comments and answer quickly.  Warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x