A Beginner’s Understanding of Ogham Divination, Part Two

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @iseabail_witchwriter

Last week’s blog was more in depth than this one will be as there is no need to repeat basics every week.  If you wish to read those as you’re only coming in on the subject today, please visit A Beginner’s Understanding of Ogham Divination, Part 1 for the details you will miss in this blog.

The Rowan has always been a tree of great protection.  Every part of a Rowan tree can be used in creating charms and amulets from the bark to the wood to the berry.  Even the centre of the Rowan berry carries a five-pointed star or pentagram, which is in itself, a symbol of protection.  You can learn more about the Rowan tree by reading my blog, The Magickal Rowan Tree.

Luis Ogham
My Luis Ogham stave ~ photo by i.macy

This week we shall look at the Ogham letter, Luis, which is pertaining to the Rowan tree.  It is the second consonant of the Ogham alphabet and corresponds to the English letter, “L”.  It is the Celtic birth tree for those born between 21 January – 17 February.  The symbol represents protection, blessings, and insightfulness.  If you visit our shop online, you can usually find various charms/amulets made from Rowan wood as Rowan sticks have been fashioned into charms of protection throughout the ages not just by Pagans but Christians alike.  Below I have set forth some useful information about divination with the Ogham letter Luis and what it will mean when drawn, as well as how to deal with the outcome of the reading for the day [or for the person whom you are divining for].

Representations:   Protection, Intuition, Connection, Blessings.

Number:  2

Colour:  Grey, Red

Tarot:  High Priestess

Animals:  Duck, Quail

Plant:  Snowdrop

Divination Meaning:  Be aware in all things.  Your intuitions are keen, therefore, trust your judgements with people you encounter and do not allow yourself to be complacent.

How to Mend the Problem:  You must keep your senses about you to distinguish between good and evil.  In doing so, you will not be beguiled or swayed from your beliefs and understanding.  Be not afraid!  Your sense of purpose and strength will turn away all which threatens your purpose and serenity. Believe in yourself.

Please note that if there is more you wish to find out, please refer to Part 1 which is about Beith, the Birch tree Ogham.  There will be some other bits you will want to know there as well.  Next week we shall explore the Ogham, Nion, for The Magickal Ash Tree.  And, if you would like further information on the trees themselves, I have written about both Birch, The Magick of Birch,  and Rowan.

Many thanks for reading my blog.  Warmest blessings to those whom this way wander x


The Celtic Tree Oracle by Liz and Colin Murray

What’s Your Birth Tree is the New What’s Your Star Sign, by Isabella


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