The Magickal Dragon Blood Tree

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @iseabail_witchwriter

The Dragon Blood tree is a very other-worldly looking tree, kind of like the Baobab tree or the Bodhi tree which all remind me of the kind of trees you might find back during the time dinosaurs roamed the earth. And so, they probably did.  This is a tree I adore for the fact that it produces, what many of us use in our practises, the wonderfully scented Dragon’s Blood resin. It is one of my favourites. 

Photo by Ken’s Nursery

Dracaena cinnabari, the Socotra Dragon tree, or Dragon Blood tree, is a Dragon tree native to the Socotra archipelago, part of Yemen, located in the Arabian Sea.  There is a similar tree, the  Dracaena draco, which is found in the Canary Islands and found in nearby islands as well as  western Morocco.  It also produces the Dragon’s Blood resin but in early years was never  the main producer of the resin we all know and love until the cinnabari became threatened.  However, this has changed, as well. As of some time, both are endangered, sadly.

Both Dracaena cinnabari and Dracaena draco trees are quite slow growers.  It can take over 10 years for the former to reach one metre in height whilst the latter is not much faster.  They are now both called threatened species, meaning no more “real” Dragon’s Blood resin. It does not help that we have Global Heating [Climate Change] increasing arid environments and is predicted to cause a 45 percent reduction in the available habitat for Dracaena cinnabari  by the year 2080. What we are buying these days is most likely  from the Daemonorops draco.  You are not likely to find much in the way of real resin from this plant, however, the incenses produced from it are quite heavenly.  But I’m not fussed.  This plant is helping to stem the virtual demise of the Dracaena cinnabari and draco trees.  As they are endangered I would certainly rather “make do” with something else than to know both trees are no longer in this world.

So, purists as we may be with what we use, please, be happy with what we can have. And that is Daemonoprops draco for which our magickal correspondences will be given for.


Dragon’s Blood, as we shall refer to it as from herein, is used with incredibly good results in protection magick.  Make a sachet with a clove of garlic and Dragon’s Blood and carry it with you, especially if your travels cause worry about your personal safety. Burning the incense regularly builds a protection aura in your home and I always like to burn it after a good cleansing incense of Frankincense – to get all the mucky puppies out first. 

Dragon’s Blood is also well-suited to love spell work. Mind, you musn’t do any kind of spell which will infringe upon anybody’s free will.

Bring back an estranged partner by burning Dragon’s Blood incense. Be sure to only do this with the intention that it is asked for by their true will.

It can also be used for clearing, cleansing, and hex breaking.  Use Dragon’s Blood incense for cleaning the ritual circle before a spell. Use the smoke of the incense to pass over yourself or someone else to break a hex.

And, if you can buy yourself any of the Dracaena’s to keep in your home or on your property, you will be well protected, indeed!


Planet:  Mars

Gender:  Male [Tess Whitehurst says Female, but the consensus of most is Male]

Zodiac:  Aries, Sagittarius

Element:  Spirit

Powers:  Manifestation, Intention, Protection, Love Drawing, Money Attraction, Healing Rituals, Emotional Strength, Heightening Ritual Energy, Banishing, Love, Protection, Healing, Increased Potency, Honouring the Gods, Goddesses, Spirits or Ancestors,

Deity:  Ra, Sekhmet, Wadjet, Bridgid, Grannus, Aed, Hephaestus, Helios, Apollo, Agni, Mātariśvan, Ilā,

Sabbat[s]:  Imbolc and Beltane

Other Names:  Demon Cane [Daemonoprops draco]


Dragon’s Blood has been used over time as an anti-diarrhoeal, anti-inflammatory, and for ulcers – the topical kind such as bed sores, not the internal kind as in your stomach.  Some suggest it is useful in preventing cancer as well as fending off viruses and bacteria in the body.  I would not know, if I’m honest.  I have never tried Dragon’s Blood for any health reasons.

The problem here is, the only studies I have found as of now are from 2011 and 2013.  Much of that information by now, over seven years later, are most likely proved or disproved but I would not know.  Therefore, please do more research before giving any of it a go. 

Many thanks for reading and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander. X



The Magic of Trees, by Tess Whitehurst


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