The Magickal Crape Myrtle Tree

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @iseabail_witchwriter

crape thebritishgardner dot com
Pair of Crape Myrtles ~

The Crape Myrtle [Lagerstroemia indica] tree is native to China and grows well in sandy, chalky, or loamy soil as it must be well-drained. And it likes sun.  In frost-prone areas, grow against a warm, sunny wall, or overwinter in a cool or temperate greenhouse. In warmer climates, grow as specimens, in group plantings, or as a hedge or screen.  I am lucky to live in a so-called warmer climate in the south; therefore, I have at one time had one of these beauties growing on a corner of my rented maisonette some years ago.  Pruned correctly they are magnificently stunning.  The RHS Encyclopaedia of Garden Plants gives it a rating of 2 stars for hardiness meaning it can withstand temperature drops of down to -5 Celsius. If you want to grow one in the north, I imagine it would be best to grow it in a conservatory/green house.  And not that I’m a bit thankful for climate change, but it has contributed to the fact that the gorgeous Crape Myrtle tree is growing better than ever in the UK.

But this fragile-looking tree has staying power.  It has a longevity of up to 50 years if cared for properly and is magickally attributed to good health and longevity of humans in the realms of business, partnerships, and love relationships. There is even a charm for life longevity.


As noted above, there is a charm for longevity. Aptly titled the Crape Myrtle Longevity Charm:

lagerstroemia_indica_2448 burncoose dot co dot uk
Crape Myrtle flowers ~

Lovingly gather a Crape Myrtle blossom.  Tie it in a scrap of muslin along with a Haematite, nine Evergreen needles, and a cat’s naturally shed whisker.  Anoint it with oil of Tea Tree.  Hold it in your right palm and bathe it in sunlight as you say,

For timeless ages, I [they/this will] will joyfully stay

Nine times nine, forever and a day,

Happy, healthy, wealthy, strong,

My [our/this] life’s span is vast and long.

Place your left hand over the charm and cup it in both hands.  Bury it near or under a threshold you regularly cross.  ~ by Tess Whitehurst, The Magic of Trees

For love, plant a Crape Myrtle near your home to ensure your committed relationship stays strong.  This only works if the relationship is to your truest good, otherwise it will speed its dissolution.

A nice, hardy wood which would make a most excellent wand.


Planet:  Saturn [according to Whitehurst, many cite Venus]

Gender:  Feminine

Zodiac:  Capricorn

Element:  Water

Powers:  Business, Love, Longevity, Strength, Stability

Deity:  Venus, Artemis, Aphrodite, Hathor, Astarte, Ashtoreth, Marian

Other Names:  Crepe Myrtle [North America]


Not much can be found.  The stem bark is febrifuge, stimulant, and styptic. The bark, flowers and leaves are hydragog and a drastic purgative. A paste of the flowers is applied externally to cuts and wounds. The root is astringent, detoxicant and diuretic. A decoction of the flowers is used in the treatment of colds.  I have never tried any of this in my practise so use carefully if you do.

Many thanks for reading and warmest blessings on all whom this way wander x


RHS Encyclopaedia of Garden Plants

The Magic of Trees, by Tess Whitehurst


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