The Wheel Ticks Over Again – Happy Mabon 2022

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @iseabail_witchwriter

A blessed Mabon to all.  Depending upon where you live in the Northern Hemisphere, you may begin your celebrations on the 22nd, in the UK it is the 23rd.  Either way, it is a time for the last harvest rituals which set us up for the winter months.

Not everyone farms any longer as may have been the case in years past. But the idea would be that everyone put by all the food they could to last through the cold harshness of winter.   We can still do our own version of this if we have small gardens or by simply stocking our larders with things which can last throughout the coldest months.  I am personally always happy to do whatever I can to stay out of supermarkets!

For our personal Mabon celebrations, we have the obvious many ways to feel in touch with the Sabbat.  I love a beautifully Autumnal look for my personal altar as I am sure everyone does for theirs.  But what else can we do?

If you are a young parent with young children, you might choose to begin teaching them about the Sabbats and this one is a lovely one to begin with if you have not already begun teaching them.  You could teach them about why we celebrate Mabon, of course, but also how to help provide for those who do not have as much as perhaps you do.  Then again, I understand what it is like to be a young parent as I have been there so as we know, it is hard to help provide for others when you have little yourselves. Still, it is an idea that they could at least be taught. Making colourful decorations for the Mabon feasting table or even their own altars is also lots of fun.

This is also the time of the Autumnal Equinox which, of course, means that the nights will get longer through the Autumn and Winter months.  If your children are at an age to start noticing this, something we would do is have a child mark the time of the sunset on the calendar each night/afternoon.  It is also a good time to teach them about the Sun King’s death and how to mourn.

And if you want a very special  event to add to your celebrations, you can always go to the Stonehenge Autumn Equinox Tour 23 September 2022

However you choose to celebrate, I hope you enjoy and your family does as well. Many thanks for reading and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x

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