Happy Yuletide and Merry Christmas

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram: @thewandcarver

Or, in my second language, Nollaig Chridheil agus Bliadhna Mhath Ur! I have been away for two months, my deepest apologies. I don’t want to sound like a child making excuses but I have truly been busy! And, I am hoping once I get the new blogs rolling out you will know how much I love all of you! You will find new Wortcunner’s Cabinet blogs and new Magickal Trees blogs, as well as a new lot I am working on explaining Gods and Goddesses and some how-to blogs. And, there will be the occasional free spell along with some of the new things that will be listed in our Etsy shop. So yes, I really have been busy.

But I truly have missed everyone. You lot really are the best part of my online life and I deeply appreciate every one of you. I love your comments and how well you put up with me and my tendancy to go walkabout but that you still trust me to come dragging back home like an errant pet cat. You are the best!

On this special day, it is a day that many of us Pagans celebrate as do Christians because there is one common ground we all ascribe to – Peace on Earth and Good Will Toward Men. I hope this for us all. If we can be kind one day, we can be kind again tomorrow…and so on. My crow outside is cawwing in agreement. We can change the World with kindness.

So, Merry Christmas Nollaig Chridheil and I will see you next year! Many thanks for reading and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x With love, Isabella Le gràdh, Iseabail

4 thoughts on “Happy Yuletide and Merry Christmas

  1. Blessed be to you! What is your second language and where are you geographically these days? I am from London uk but live in the us for now……

    Sent from my iPad



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