Crystal of the Week, Moss Agate

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @thewandcarver

Moss Agates
Moss Agate variations ~ photo by i.macy

When working with crystals it still amazes me how different they can look from each other.  When I began studying crystals longer ago than I care to mention, I started with the assumption each different type would look pretty much the same to its brothers and sisters.  No.  In fact, as time went on, it seemed at times that one would look so different I would think it belonged to another group, but not so.  Of course, now I know never to judge a crystal by its cover so to speak… case in point, this little array of Moss Agates in my hand.  The green, mossy one nearest is a dead ringer for what most call a Moss Agate, and you’re right, it is.  But then, you have a couple of white ones with a little bit of green inclusion, the another which is half white, half green, and then, one which is very odd, indeed…so how do we know? We’ll begin with the very odd one.  It has a different colour of green, but only just.  And I believe the inclusions of red oxide are making the green look a little bit bluer than it normally would.  I call this one my little rarity because rarely Moss Agate can be found with red and brown patterns due to the corrosion of the iron within the chlorite and hornblende.

Moss agate is described as a neutral and transparent Dendritic Agate. While technically it is not an Agate it is in fact Chalcedony. The use of the word Moss Agate was used before the scientific definition and so it has stuck. Moss Agate contains sets of mineral inclusions that imitate the looks of trees, plants, and landscapes. Some Moss Agate inclusions are composed of manganese and iron oxide and are one of the most unique Agates available.


As a stone of abundance, Moss Agate can be used in spell work for financial gain.  It is a perfect crystal to transform into a talisman for helping to gain wealth.  It is also an excellent crystal to use for encouraging fertility if you are wanting to start a family.  Not only will the Moss Agate help you to conceive but will also help you during pregnancy and especially during the birthing process. Moss Agate will attract abundance in all forms.  In the workplace, it draws new business and gradual expansion, increasing prosperity over time. It is good for small businesses and the self-employed.  It is helpful to keep one wherever you wish to draw abundance to – your handbag, your cash till, your banking papers, and wherever you keep money.

Moss Agate has “warrior energy” … if you need the strength to get through something just use your Moss Agate as an amulet to protect and energise your courage and war spirit.

If you are unsure about the direction of your life, meditate with your Moss Agate to seek the path you are meant to take.  Not only can it point the way for you to go but it can help you to transform yourself into the person you want and need to be, to be successful in the directed path.

As a Heart Chakra stone, you will always find Moss Agate useful in cleansing and repairing the Heart chakra. It is also said to be a favoured crystal for helping one find true love.  But mainly, it is stone of calming and self-love… it teaches us to care for ourselves which is very important if we want others to care for us as well.


Moss Agate is truly helpful for the circulatory system, which regulates beat, and other heartbeat abnormalities. It helps buzzing in the ears. Using an Agate along the core of the chest fortifies the cardiac muscle of a person and treats emotional discord. Moss Agate increases the digestive system at it heals gastritis.

It aids and eliminates all toxins within the body. Agate may also diminish the signs of epilepsy, and for some people, it protects them against sleepwalking. In addition to this, Moss Agate conveys inner peace, and strength to the emotional aspect and through the entire body.

Additionally, it is especially accommodating stone for those people who experience severe mood swings as well as those passionate due to their emotional drama in their lives. It also pacifies impulsive tempers, promotes tolerance, completeness, and inner peace, as well.

Moss Agate also helps the person to release deep-seated apprehension and depression, extending one’s individual space and development. It enhances a good self-image and fortifies positive character traits, which includes the capability of the person to get along with other people as much as possible.

Moss Agate also enhances the acuity of the senses and neuronal activity. It helps eliminate depression caused by left-right brain imbalance, and stimulates mental function by improving concentration, perception, and analytical abilities.

Moss Agate is anti-inflammatory and helps treat infections and swelling, colds and flu, and lowers fever. It is useful for long-term illness and recovery, boosting the immune system, and is thought to prevent hypoglycaemia and dehydration. As an elixir applied to the skin, Moss Agate treats fungal and skin infections and irritations.


Planetary: Associated with Mercury and Earth

Zodiac:  Gemini

Element:  Earth

Gender:  Female

Powers:  Wealth and abundance, Protection, Love, Physical and Emotional Healing, Fertility, Conception and Birth

Energy:  Wood

Chakra[s]: Heart

Deity: Bona Dea, Aurora, Cerridwen, Gaia, Nya

Other Names:  Stone of Abundance, Spirit of Nature

I thank you so much for reading my blog and I wish for warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x


Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian, The Book of Stones, Berkley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2007

Cassandra Eason, The New Crystal Bible, London: Carlton Books Ltd., 2010

Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible, Cincinnati, OH: Walking Stick Press, 2003

Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible 2, Cincinnati, OH: Walking Stick Press, 2009

Free Business and Money Spells. Really.

Originally posted on 25/07/2017 by Isabella via

by Isabella @TheWandCarver

Need a little extra for a holiday? Or is your business not bringing in as much as you need? Maybe I can help. Money is always in short supply for those of us what weren’t born with the proverbial silver spoon. Just for you, I have compiled a set of tried-and-true spells to help bring in the extra money or permanent cash flow you need. But remember, you don’t get money for nothing. You will have to work for it. And you will need to be able to visualise it in your life and believe you are worthy of it, entitled to it. You already have access to millions of pounds (dollars, euros, wherever you are). You simply need know how to draw it to you. And, it would also never hurt you to swot up on the Seven Laws of Attraction, either. But please! Never pay a “witch” to perform a money spell for you…or any kind of spell, for that matter.

You don’t have to be a dyed-in-the-wool generational Witch to perform a spell.  And, if you EVER pay a “Witch” to perform a spell for you, then shame on her or him.  You will get what you pay for – in some form or another.  And, it may not be what you want.  No self-respecting Witch will ask for money these days for his or her spell work.  Oh yes, the cunning women of old did do.  Seamen paid many an old dear for safe journeys by sea once upon a time.  You can bet that she did her job right, or there would be a very angry sailor come a-calling when he returned! Nowadays, if you Paypal your dosh to someone for a spell, you can’t very well go looking for the hag what took your money and did nothing in return for you, can you? And most sensibly, it is best to do your own spell work for the best reason of all – you have control of it, you put your passion into it, the Universe feels your need better. So, lesson Number one:  Don’t pay for spells.


I’ll tell you what works, for nothing.  If it doesn’t work for you, then the one thing you may be lacking is Intention.  No matter if you’re doing a full-blown, cast a circle, banging drums and ringing bells spell or just lighting a candle and chanting, it is only with the strongest of Intention that a spell will work.  You really, really must want and believe in something to have it.  Lesson Number two:  Have Faith.

I will assume that whomever is reading this blog is not favourable toward casting a circle and doing the entire Witch bit.  That’s alright.  I’ve had as many non-circle spells work as the ones with all the bells and whistles.  You may need to purchase a few items locally to perform your spell, the main ones being:

For money spells:  either a large green candle that can burn for an hour over 7 or 8 days, or 7 or 8 green small spell/chime candles which can burn for an hour each

For business spell: small gold chime/spell candle

Herbs/woods:  cedar wood, dried orange peel, cinnamon, ginger, bay leaf, cloves, maple bark, ash bark, oak bark,  galangel root (all have money & success drawing attributes, choose any 3 for your talisman)

Oils:  Patchouli, Orange, Ginger, Bergamot, Clove

Crystals:  green aventurine, pyrite (pyrite is good for setting near one’s computer if you have an online business), garnet, jet, hawk’s eye

And, rest assured, you don’t need to purchase everything I list here.  After you have read this entire blog, you can make your choices according to which spell you prefer to use, then buy what you need accordingly.  I don’t want you spending a shedload of money to try to receive a shedload of money.

For Money:

Simple things you can do:

  1. Carry a piece of cedar wood or ginger in your wallet, money purse, or pocket to draw wealth
  2. Keep a small jar of alfalfa in your food cupboard and you’ll never be without food
  3. Rub Patchouli oil on your money, sprinkle it in your handbag or pockets

An easy little money spell anyone can do is to take a handful of coins and place on the floor (not where dogs, young children, or people thinking they’ve found spare change to use at the laundrette can pick them up) whilst chanting (at least three times) “Money on the floor brings money in the door”.

This one takes a bit more work, but very effective:

This must be done on the proper Day and Hour of Jupiter. The best place I’ve found to go is Lunarium for the planetary days and hours. You will need a Green Candle and a White Candle. The Green candle represents the money, and the white candle represents you. You may draw/carve money symbols on the green candle (£ or $ or whatever you use in your country) and then anoint the candles with a money-drawing oil, such as Orange, Patchouli, Clove, Bergamot, or Ginger, thinking of your desire for money to come to you. Set the candles on your altar or table 8 inches apart. After doing this, say… (saying it 3 times or more is best)

“Money, money come to me

In abundance three times three

May I be enriched in the best of ways

Harming none on its way

This I accept, so mote it be

Bring me money three times three!”

You need to start this Spell on a Thursday which is the Day of Jupiter and at the proper hour of Jupiter for your Latitude and Longitude. Repeat this for 8 days. Each day move the White Candle one-inch closer to the Green Candle.  Allow the candles to burn for one hour before extinguishing and during this time, visualise money coming into your life. When the Candles touch on the eighth day, your spell is finished. This will end the Spell on a Thursday as well.

Each day you should find the proper Planetary Hour of Jupiter and do the Spell at that time. This will give it much more power. Jupiter is associated with money. Be sure you visualise the money pouring in from the Universe, but also make sure you imagine a source of where that money will come from (your business, job, etc) … and don’t ask for the Lotto…. it’s not going happen. And please do not ask to “find” money! If you find money it means some poor soul has lost their money and their need just could be more so than yours.

List of days and their corresponding planet:

Monday – Moon (voyages, travel, anything to do with water)

Tuesday – Mars (to acquire courage, overthrow enemies)

Wednesday – Mercury (answers about the future, divination)

Thursday – Jupiter (money)

Friday – Venus (love)

Saturday – Saturn (to acquire learning)

Sunday – Sun (business)

Keep these in a convenient place or memorise them as they will be used again.

Business Spell:

Firstly, whilst Jupiter (Thursday) is the best day for doing a money spell, funnily enough, Sunday is the best day for business spells.  As you may have come to expect by now, the Planetary hours are a huge part of this plan.  See the link above for the Planetary hour of the Sun for the Sunday on which you plan to do your Business spell.  They do change daily as the days hours are always adjusting by minutes.

When you have chosen the Sunday and the Planetary hour of the Sun during which to do this spell, collect beforehand these items:

A small pouch

A coin – a 50p piece or a quarter or whatever you use in your country

Patchouli oil

small green aventurine crystal

herbs:  any 3 of the above-mentioned herbs

gold spell candle

patchouli incense

a tiny bowl of water

a tiny bowl of salt (kitchen salt will do)

Place the herbs, green aventurine, and coin into the pouch and drop 3 drops of Patchouli oil over the items inside.  Draw the pouch closed and tie it.  This is never to be opened again.  Pass the pouch (now a talisman) over the bowl of salt and say, “Element of Earth, cleanse this talisman”

Pass the talisman over the incense and say, “Element of Air, cleanse this talisman”

Pass it over the burning candle and say, “Element of Fire, cleanse this talisman”

Pass it over the bowl of water and say, “Element of Water, cleanse this talisman”

Blow on the talisman three times, draw in the air an equal-armed cross over the talisman and say, “Thou art cleansed, consecrated, and empowered in the name of (God, the Divine Source, the goddess – if you have a favoured one, or just say the Universe, if none of the others suit).  This magick is sealed. So mote it be.”

Spend a few moments bringing up within yourself the desire to see your business succeed.  Visualise it being successful, making all the money you could ever need.  See yourself as the most successful businesswoman or man you’ve ever known.  Bring up every ounce of belief within you that your business will be successful not just now, but always.  See yourself always making the right business decisions to make it successful.  Get really excited about your success. Own it!  When you feel you are ready, say three times, with belief and feeling:

“Slow business be gone

I (we) need business success and money to come

Business was weak

Now business is strong

Bring customers in need

of my (our) services (or goods) agreed

Let money & success come fast

And let money & success last

Let our success harm none

But to help all who come!”

So mote it be!

Take a few minutes in thanks giving with your Deity. You can speak to Whomever you believe in, it need not be a Pagan God or Goddess.

Allow your gold candle to burn for an hour before extinguishing (or if it’s a small spell candle, until it burns out on its own).  Keep your talisman on your desk by the computer if that is where you do your business or in the till at your shop, or under the telephone if that is where your business is done.  NEVER allow the talisman to be opened and always leave it where business is done.

Another thing I should note is, after a while the spell will slowly loose the energy you charged it with initially. If you sense this happening, by all means, repeat the spell.  All spell work needs a re-charge from time to time…there is no set number of months or years one will last on its own. Simply repeat the spell as you did before, only in the business spell you will not need to make a new talisman, simply recharge the one you made the first time doing the exact same as above. By the same token, if your phone isn’t ringing off the hook or you don’t suddenly have thousands pitching up on your shop’s web site, do not immediately rush to re-do the spell. Give it time! And by all means, do not lose faith. If, after a couple of weeks you’re still hearing crickets, you may want to have a re-do. It could simply be that you didn’t believe strongly enough last go. You really must put it out to the Universe that you believe in yourself and you need paying!

I know this spell works as I did it for a company I once worked for that was in over-draught when I did the spell and within a very few days, we had business like never before and money pouring in.  This did go on for a few months until one night after I had left, some tit took the talisman from underneath my phone and emptied it!  Business went down the plug hole after that and I was made redundant about a year later due to lack of …money.  Ah well…

So, my best wishes go with you as you endeavour to make a little extra money for the bills or to bring your business to success!  Lesson Number 3?  See Lesson Number Two again.

Good Luck and Blessed be )O(

I wrote this blog four years ago and it is one of the most popular blogs I’ve written, according to my stats. I suppose I could leave well enough alone in that respect because “if it ain’t broken, don’t fix it” comes to mind. Still, when one has writer’s block and nothing is ticking over in the brain cells, a cheeky re-blog of something very popular can’t hurt, can it? Especially if it can provide you with the tools to bring about the help you need. Warmest blessings and good luck!

Magickal Holly Cross Anti-Nightmare Talisman Folk Magick

First posted on 24/11/2015 by Isabella via

photo by I. Macy

 A 3″ x 3″ Holly equal-armed cross, pyrographed with the bindrune for nightmare prevention and Holly ogham. True folk magick…

by Isabella @TheWandCarver

Myth and Lore can be funny time passes and the stories are re-told, in many cases without benefit of setting pen to paper, so much gets misconstrued…even to the point of hilarity at times. So can be the story of placing a garland of Holly around the neck of a horse to prevent it having nightmares. Yes, animals do dream, but this is one of those misconstrued “stories” as I shall call it, being that I am not sure if the truth of it is either “myth” or “lore” or “nor”. So, I shall tell you what I learned Holly can do for the dreamer as learnt at the knee of my old Nan.

First, you must know that my Nan made crosses out of all sorts for protection. Not the Christian cross, necessarily, but an equal-armed, plain cross. Holly was not only used in her home for Yule celebrations but for other reasons as well. It was used ritually to aid and help with a person’s ability to cope with death. It was also used to ease anybody’s sleep with peaceful dreams. I always slept well at Nana’s if that’s any proof.

Here is Nana’s Holly cross for preventing nightmares and protection in sleep with my own additions, such as the Holly ogham, Tinne and my own bindrune using Dagaz for “safe passage from dark to light”, Ingwaz symbolising “protection, a light shining from the darkness”, Ihwaz for “protection against unexpected attack”, and Algiz for “protection and safe refuge”.

Our crosses are made by de-barking and sanding until completely smooth, pyrographing the Tinne (or Tiene) ogham onto each 3 ends of the cross, and tied together in the centre with red cotton thread. My own bindrune for protection of hearth and home and safe dreams is on the bottom end of the cross. We then polish the cross with linseed oil and then our own handmade beeswax wand polish/wax [we no longer carry this item]. Adding a plait of green for the green of Holly leaves , red for the red of Holly berries, and white for the white Holly wood, for ease of hanging, it is now ready to be hung above your bed, or upon your person as a means of anti-negative dreams, protection and security.

We will have more Holly crosses in stock soon. Please check our Amulet Talisman sections often.  If you would like a special talisman for a different need, you can send us a “convo” (email) from your Etsy inbox to ours, explaining the need and what you envision and we’ll be happy to help you as we do take bespoke orders for nearly every item in our shop. Just click the “Contact” button on any listing.

Many thanks for reading and warmest blessings )O(

Witch Bottle Necklace – Portable Protection

First Posted on 02/10/2015 by Isabella via

Protection Witch Bottle 3
portable protection ~ photo by i.macy

by Isabella @TheWandCarver

The witch bottle has been used for household protection in England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, as well as much of Europe for many centuries. Many a fireplace has been dug up under to find a bottle full of protection items, including herbs, bodily fluids, rusty nails, and other things. Sometimes, the witch bottle has been found inside of walls and under the the front door of old homes. No matter where it were placed, the intention of the witch, “cunning woman” or just the average home-owner was to protect their dwelling and all who dwelt within.

That protection may or may not extend to the person when he or she had to be outside of the home….as is with today’s world. Sometimes, we just need a bit of extra protection against those who might might wish us harm, particularly those malefic witches whom enjoy casting the odd malevolent spell upon one’s life.

This witch bottle is an authentic bottle of protection; it is made with many of the traditional items of the famous Witches Bottles of old by incorporating items to ward, punish & turn back malignancy and harm. As it is on an adjustable black waxed cord necklace, it can be easily worn when needed.

It has Nettle for returning negativity back to sender and stopping curses. We’ve added English Hawthorn leaves as most know the Mother Hawthorn is a fierce protector, a barrier to fields…a barrier to those who might lie in wait to harm.

We’ve also added Rowan berries (3) and the bark of the English Rowan tree as it is a great protector from not-so-nice faeries and others. Many protective amulets and talismans have been made from Rowan wood and/or berries for centuries, particularly against evil witchcraft and to protect animals, barns, and homes.

A particular favourite we’ve added is an English Blackthorn spine, tied with red thread, reminiscent of grandmother’s protection charm of a bundle of or a small cross, wrapped around with red thread or yarn to be place near or above doors and windows. The Deity of the Blackthorn is the Morrigan, a fierce warrior and protector. Blackthorn has been used for protection for many ages, some of which are against fire and evil.

Note: as this is a reprint, having been first posted on our previous blog site, we not only have the protection witch bottles for sale but we also now carry ones for necromancy, wealth, and love. Click on the witch bottle link above and you can find all the ones we offer.

Many thanks for reading and warm blessings x

Letting go….a Little

First posted on 05/12/2013 by Isabella via


by Isabella @TheWandCarver

Sometimes you really do have to give up.

I’ve been tearing around like a blue-arsed fly for the last few months, trying so hard to kick-start a fledgling business, be a Mum and a Nana, sort out and organise things, worrying that Yule-tide would catch me in the usual state of panic. Things continually kept going awry, I began to become uncustomarily impatient, worry set in, and one day recently I snapped.  It had to happen.

No, I didn’t do anything untoward, really…just had myself a right row with myself and felt as though I could not, perhaps even should not, cope with what I’ve been trying to achieve.  However, it became quite clear that, I really SHOULD do what I’m doing, just at a slower, more relaxed pace.  And please for the love of all things good and true…just allow Divine Spirit take over for a change!  Take the time out to do what I was created to do….create!  Enjoy my life, create, and love what I do.  I’ve had quite enough of shoving it down everyone’s neck.  I just want to make things, let my artistic self run amok, and not give a monkey’s if I’m not in Google’s top ten sites.  I will be someday.  Just believe.

So, I’m letting go. I’m not really giving up.  I’m not planning on going anywhere.  Just going to allow the Universe to guide me again.  Take the time to write, make jewellery, paint, draw, create things.  Love.

It is time to let go and believe.  Things will fall into place 

Spells for Money and Business

First Posted on 06/02/2014 by Isabella via

Right.  So, this is the month of Love and I’ve written how to (hopefully) meet the man or woman of your dreams.  I probably wouldn’t be writing at this time concerning money spells if I had not been asked.  When one person asks, you tell them alone.  But, when three or more ask, you blog about it 

found on Google

You really don’t have to be a dyed-in-the-wool generational Witch to perform a spell.  And, if you EVER pay a “Witch” to perform a spell for you, then shame on her/ him /them.  You will definitely get what you pay for – in some form or another.  And, it may not be what you want.  No self-respecting Witch will ask for money these days for his or her spellwork.  Oh yes, the “cunning women” of old did do.  Seamen paid many an old dear for safe journeys by sea once upon a time.  You can bet that she did her job right, or there would be a very angry sailor come a-calling when he returned [if he returned]! Nowadays, if you Paypal your dosh to someone for a spell, you can’t very well go looking for the hag what took your money and did nothing for you, can you? So, lesson Number one:  Don’t pay for spells.

I’ll tell you what works, for nothing.  If it doesn’t work for you, then the one thing you may be lacking is Intention.  No matter if you’re doing a full-blown, cast a circle, banging drums and ringing bells spell or just lighting a candle and chanting, it is only with the strongest of Intention that anything will work.  You really, really have to want and believe in something to have it.  Lesson Number two:  Faith.

So, you see…wishes really do work, if you wish them hard enough  

I will assume that whomever is reading this blog is not favourable toward casting a circle and doing the entire Witch bit.  That’s alright.  I’ve had as many non-circle spells work as the ones with all the bells and whistles.  You may need to purchase a few items locally in order to perform your spell, the main ones being:

For money spells: either a large green candle that can burn for an hour over 7 or 8 days, or 7 or 8 green small spell/chime candles which can burn for an hour each

For business spell: small gold chime/spell candle

herbs:  cedar wood, dried orange peel, cinnamon, ginger, bay leaf, cloves, maple bark, ash bark, galangel root (all have money & success drawing attributes, choose any 3 for your talisman)

oils:  Patchouli, Orange, Ginger, Bergamot, Clove

crystals:  green aventurine, pyrite (pyrite is good for sitting near ones computer for business)

And, rest assured, you don’t need to purchase everything I list here.  After you have read this entire blog, you can make your choices according to which spell you prefer to use, then buy what you need accordingly.  I don’t want you spending a shedload of money to try to receive a shedload of money 

For Money:

Simple things you can do:

1.  Carry a piece of cedar wood or ginger in your wallet, money purse, or pocket to draw wealth
2.  Keep a small jar of alfalfa in your food cupboard and you’ll never be without food
3.  Rub Patchouli oil on your money, sprinkle it in your handbag or pockets

An easy little money spell anyone can do is to take a handfull of coins and place on the floor (not where dogs, young children, or people thinking they’ve found spare change to use at the laundrette can pick them up) whilst chanting (at least three times) “Money on the floor brings money in the door”.

This one takes a bit more work:

This must be done on the proper Day and Hour of Jupiter**. I will explain more in a bit. You will need a Green Candle and a White Candle. The Green candle represents the money, and the white candle represents you. You may draw/carve money symbols on the green candle (£ or $ or whatever you use in your country) and  then annoint the candles with a money-drawing oil, such as Orange, Patchouli, Clove, Bergamot, or Ginger,  thinking of your desire for money to come to you. Set the candles on your altar or table 8 inches apart. After doing this, say…(saying it 3 times or more is best)

“Money, money come to me
In abundance three times three
May I be enriched in the best of ways
Harming none on its way
This I accept, so mote it be
Bring me money three times three!”

You need to start this Spell on a Thursday which is the Day of Jupiter and at the proper hour of Jupiter for your Latitude and Longitude. Repeat this for 8 days. Each day move the White Candle one inch closer to the Green Candle.  Allow the candles to burn for one hour before extinguishing and during this time, visualise money coming into your life. When the Candles touch on the eighth day, your spell is finished. This will end the Spell on a Thursday as well.

Each day you should find the proper Planetary Hour of Jupiter and do the Spell at that time. This will give it much more power. Jupiter is associated with money. Be sure you visualise the money pouring in from the Universe, but make sure you imagine a source of where that money will come from… and don’t ask for the Lotto…. it’s not going happen.

**** you can find the Planetary hours table here: to find what time the Jupiter hour(s) are for each day.

I may as well give you a list of which days and their corresponding planet:

Monday – Moon (voyages, travel, anything to do with water)
Tuesday – Mars (to acquire courage, overthrow enemies)
Wednesday – Mercury (answers about the future, divination)
Thursday – Jupiter  (money)
Friday – Venus  (love)
Saturday – Saturn (to acquire learning)
Sunday – Sun  (business)

Keep these in a convenient place or memorise them as they will be used again.

Business Spells –

Firstly, whilst Jupiter (Thursday) is the best day for doing a money spell, funnily enough, Sunday is the best day for business spells.  As you may have come to expect by now, the Planetary hours are a huge part of this plan.  See the link above for the Planetary hour of the Sun for the Sunday on which you plan to do your Business spell.  They do change daily as the days hours are always adjusting by minutes.  If you get too confused, just ask, I’ll try to explain.

When you have chosen the Sunday and the Planetary hour of the Sun during which to do this spell, collect beforehand these items:

A small pouch
A coin – a 50p piece or a quarter or whatever you use in your country
Patchouli oil
small green aventurine crystal
herbs:  any 3 of the above-mentioned herbs
gold spell candle
patchouli incense
a tiny bowl of water
a tiny bowl of salt

Place the herbs, green aventurine, and coin into the pouch and drop 3 drops of Patchouli oil over the items inside.  Draw the pouch closed and tie it.  This is never to be opened again.  Pass the pouch (now a talisman) over the bowl of salt and say, “Element of Earth, cleanse this talisman”

Pass the talisman over the the incense and say, “Element of Air, cleanse this talisman”
Pass  it over the burning candle and say, “Element of Fire, cleanse this talisman”
Pass it over the bowl of water and say, “Element of Water, cleanse this talisman”

Blow on the talisman three times, draw in the air an equal-armed cross over the talisman and say, “Thou art cleansed, consecrated, and empowered in the name of (God, the Divine Source, the goddess – if you have a favoured one, or just say the Universe, if none of the others suit).  This magick is sealed. So mote it be.”

Spend a few moments bringing up within yourself the desire to see your business succeed.  Visualise it being successful, making all the money you could ever need.  See yourself as the most successful businesswoman or man you’ve ever known.  Bring up every ounce of belief within you that your business will be successful not just now, but always.  See yourself always making the right business decisions in order to make it successful.  Get really excited about your success. Own it!  When you feel you are ready, say:

“Slow business be gone
I (we) need business success and money to come
Business was weak
Now business is strong
Bring customers in need
of my (our) services (or goods) agreed
Let money & success come fast
And let money & success last
Let our success harm none
But to help all who come!”
So mote it be!

Allow your gold candle to burn for an hour before extinguishing (or if it’s a small spell candle, until it burns out on its own).  Keep your talisman on your desk by the computer if that is where you do your business or in the till at your shop, or under the telephone if that is where your business is done.  NEVER allow the talisman to be opened and always leave it where business is done.

I know this spell works as I did it for a company I once worked for that was in over-draught when I did the spell and within a very few days, we had business like never before and money pouring in.  This did go on for a few months until one night after I had left, some twit took the talisman from underneath my phone and emptied it!  Business went down the swanee after that and I was made redundant about a year later due to lack of money.  Ah well…

So my best wishes go with you as you endeavour to make a little extra money for the bills or to bring your business to success!  Lesson Number 3?  See Lesson Number 2 again  Good Luck and Blessed be )O(

How To Make a Book of Shadows (Grimoire) For the Beginning Witch Part 1

First posted on 26/11/2013 by Isabella via

photography by Ma’iingan

How To Make a Book of Shadows (Grimoire) For the Beginning Witch

by Isabella @TheWandCarver

Looking around the interwebs, I have found a lot of good and useful bits of advice.  Some are a bit advanced, however, for those of you just beginning your practise/path.  As a matter of fact, I find them too advanced for myself and I’ve been a Witch all of my life.  We need not discuss how many years that has been 

By “too advanced”, I do not mean to say that you nor myself would be capable of using these ideas, just that – if I’m honest – I find unnecessary.  However, as I do want everyone to have every idea and possibility to add to their Book of Shadows (BOS) as they feel they should, then later on in this series, we’ll have a look at everything, necessary or not.

My first piece of advice to the Witch on his or her new path is “less is more”.  I’m not saying you need do nothing and it will all magick its way upon you, simply that, don’t try to do or have everything at once.  There is nothing worse than buying shedloads of “tools”, herbs, oils, and the like, then finding that you really didn’t need all of those things.  There are plenty of websites as well as Etsy and Ebay with sellers happy to sell you huge “Witch-y kits”, repleat with altar patens, altar clothes, wands, bolines, athames, candles, herbs, etc. for loads of money.  Just add water and you’re an instant Witch.  No.  The way to begin is the way you mean to carry on.  Start with the basics, don’t worry that you don’t have “everything” that some other Witches may have, and you will find, along the way, what you truly “need”.

The basics – what are they?  I believe a journal or a simple notebook is plenty good enough for the new Witch.  I bought a very nice leather-bound BOS some years ago, and to be honest, it only has a very few pages with entries.  The reason is, is that I only want what I feel is 100% effective in my BOS.  No spell, no oil blend, no information of any kind is written into my BOS until I have proved it to be effective myself.  You could have the most gorgeous BOS on the market, but if it is filled with a lot of useless spells and recipes, what is the point?

This is why I recommend a simple journal or notebook.  Oh, you can tart it up, if you like…use acrylic paints to paint sigils, etc on the outside cover, or stickers.  But here is where you can write whatever you wish to your heart’s content – take notes from the books you read that mean something to you, write up recipes of your own for oil blends or herbal blends, draw pictures of the herbs that you’re studying, clip photos and paste in…whatever you like.  In fact, you can fill lots of notebooks over a course of years with all you’ve learned BEFORE you choose what you have found to be effective.  Then, when you have found what truly works for you, make or purchase the BOS of your dreams and write in it all that you’ve learned.  You won’t have to rely on memory…you’ll have notebooks full of memories!  This final BOS with nice parchment paper pages (and in some cases, Witches will have more than one of these) is the one that is your legacy, the one you’ll hand down to your children or a new Witch whom you have been teaching over a period of time.

Next time, I’ll tell you more about what is in my own BOS, just to give you a starting point – it is NOT the only way to do a BOS, yours will be the way you want it to be.  Thanks for reading and if you find this helpful in anyway, please like and share!  Blessed Be )O(

Note from author – I am cleaning up old blogs and ran across this one. I promised a series but left it, I’m afraid. Perhaps soon I shall do Part 2. Thank you for your patience x

Wheel of the Year ~ Samhain

First posted on 28/10/2013 by Isabella via

photo courtesy of Google images

by Isabella @TheWandCarver

The Yule and Christmas season is coming closely upon us…yes, I know, let’s celebrate Samhain/Halloween first! I’m sure you have all noticed everywhere from department stores to supermarkets are already clearing away the Halloween goodies and quickly placing Christmas and Yule-tide cheer everywhere. Don’t feel too badly for Halloween…in no time, long before you can say “Happy New Year!”, Christmas will be swept under the rug and out will come , of all the silly things, Valentine’s Day gear. How am I to feel good about purchasing chocolates for a loved one when I know that they have been sitting on a shop shelf for nearly 3 months in advance? Sometimes, I am wary of “sell-by dates”. I have been the unhappy recipient of dodgy choccies know the ones with sketchy looking white-ish places on them?

As Pagans/Wiccans/Witches, most of us feel more in-tune with seasons. It is, after all, one of the many things we closely follow and attune to. There is a time for all seasons and this one is NOT Yule. However, we do understand why retailers do this. It is because they must stay on top of the current market and make sure they are first out the gate with all the latest and greatest for the Christmas season. And then on to the next. As an online seller, I have to admit that I feel the “itch” a bit myself…I really have this yen to start marking down prices, rotating adverts on Twitter constantly, and harking my wares to all whom will listen…or read, as it were. And then I say “no”.

Don’t expect great gushing adverts in the next few weeks from Wytchencrafts. Of course, we’ll plie our wares on Twitter, just not in that constant rush of them most of us have become used to from retailers and online sellers. Not to say that we won’t as it more closely nears Christmas, just not now. We’re too busy celebrating Samhain!

Thank you for reading and Blessed Be )O(

Do I Need A Wand?

First published on on 21/10/2013 by Isabella

by Isabella @TheWandCarver

The answer is NO!! You do not “need” a thing, apart from a strong desire to learn, a few good books, and a shed-load of intention. The tools of Witchcraft are important, but you do not need them, per se.

However, many young Witches (does not necessarily mean young in age, just young in the Craft) do feel a need to have certain tools to help them, at the very least in the beginning of their Path, to direct their intention more strongly…or as a bit of a “help” in their Magickal workings. I’m no longer a “young” witch (in either sense of the meaning!), still, I will, nearly every time I work Magick, use my wand, altar paten, cauldron, Book of Shadows (Grimoire), and incense burner. I have an athame, but rarely ever use it. I don’t always use my wand, only when I am doing something very, very serious and want all the help I can get. I made my wand with a load of intention and it was, yes, a bit of hard work. You see, I’m a bit of a “luddite” when it comes to making items…I just can’t get the hang of power tools so the knife works well for me. Still, my wand works so well for me…because it is a part of me.

handle of my wand

The handle of my Yew wand with my handmade crow fetish

No, I didn’t use any body parts in the making of my wand, just my will and intention, some herbs in the tip and a powerful crystal. The same way I make bespoke wands for our customers. Of course, one would think that since I make their wand, all my intention will be in their wand and none of theirs. Not true. When I make a bespoke wand, if the customer asks for herbs in the tip, I will send the herbs and the crystal they order to go into the tip so that the Witch his or herself can enchant the herbs they choose, enchant their crystal and put their intention into their own wand. And of course, one almost always cleanses, consecrates, and empowers their tools before using as I would expect many would do with one of our wands. Your wand will well and truly be your own.

Of course, we also make pre-made wands as well, again, the Witch who buys the pre-made wand can certainly put his or her intention into it after cleansing, consecrating, and empowering. Many Witches (including myself when I was young) buy pre-made wands all the time and have great success with them, love them and wouldn’t use anything else. That tells me that they must work,

So, no, you don’t need our wands, or any wand for that matter. Although, if you feel you do, please see what we can do for you as you will no doubt look at many websites for pricing, etc. and please keep us in mind.

Thank you and blessed be! )O(

The Magickal Ash Tree

Originally posted on on 07/10/2013 by Isabella

by Isabella @TheWandCarver


Photo by Damien Gayle,

Gender:  Masculine; Planet: Sun; Element: Fire

Sacred to Uranus, Poseidon, Thor, WodenNeptune, Mars, Gwydion

Magickal Powers:  Protection, Prosperity, Sea Rituals, Health

The ancient Teutons regarded the Ash as “The World Tree“, which was their conception of the Universe, and therefore revered as such.

Ash has been used in many magickal ways over the centuries.  Sailors of old carved an equal-armed cross from Ash to carry whilst at sea to protect against drowning.  Ash is used in many sea rituals as it represents the power which resides in water.

The leaves of the Ash can be used to encourage prophetic dreams by placing them under one’s pillow or in a sachet.  The leaves may also be scattered to the four directions to protect a house and/or property.

The Ash tree, as are many trees, is considered to be very protective.  A staff (such as a Shaman’s staff) carved from Ash, placed over a doorway, wards off malign influences.  Ash is also said to ward off snakes, as they will not crawl over its wood.  However, Ash attracts lightening, so please don’t stand beneath one during a thunderstorm!

Ash wands (which we do make!) are often made for healing.  Ash wood is burned at Yule to receive prosperity in the coming year.  Even if you don’t have a fireplace, you can burn Ash chips  from resealable packets which are sold on our Etsy shop  in an incense to achieve the same result.  Ash is also used in poppets for all the various powers it brings.

Many thanks for reading and warmest blessings x

*Some information is from Cunningham’s Encyclopaedia of Magickal Herbs, by Scott Cunningham 1985-97, Llewellyn