How is a Witches Stang Used and Why?

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @iseabail_witchwriter

If you have visited our Etsy shop, you have probably seen a stang or two being sold there.  Perhaps you wonder a bit about what they are and why they are used.  That is normal because not every witch walks the hedge path – which, by the way, is translated in many different ways I’ve seen from my online travels and many are not correct.

Author and Artisit Unknown 

Firstly, a Hedge witch is often a necromancer, or at least one who practises astral travel for his or her personal reasons.  As explained in a past blog Necromancy – It Isn’t a Dirty Word Anymore, necromancy has nothing to do with literally raising the dead [as in re-animating dead bodies] as it did in the past.  It may have done centuries or so ago, but today’s necromancer is generally happy to only reconnect with his or her ancestors.  I say “reconnect” because the blood of our ancestors runs deep in our veins whether we are hedge witches or not.  If at any time in your life you have felt a burning desire to visit a particular country or feel compelled by a certain culture, or even feel a propensity to live in a different century altogether, you very probably are being asked to do so by a long-ago ancestor of yours.  Some of us are much more sensitive to this than others… why, I do not know.  All I know is, my ancestors have run me through a gamut of interests in my life that often made little sense – until I started visiting them and listening.  Then, about fifteen years ago I began genealogy.  The going was rather slow in the beginning and I could only get to about five generations deep into my past.  Since then, I am now back to 30 AD in one line [the one where I discovered I’m the 28th great-granddaughter of King Henry I and Queen Matilda of Scotland and my 51st great-grandmother was Queen Boudica of Iceni] – but then, most every one of you are probably related to them and all!  – and there are still lines where I can’t get much deeper than the 14th great-grandparents.  But there is a point to be made here.  Without going over the top explaining, there were many things I inherently knew without being told.  I always felt them since a very early age.  My parents or grandparents did not tell me these things, I just knew. Still, I had no way of understanding how I knew until I focussed my path into necromancy and hedge witchery and genealogy, which gave me my proof.

Elm Witches Stang 3
upper part of Elm stang ~ photo by i.macy

Now, how do we use a stang and why?  Perhaps more why to start… A stang, is, unlike a wand [although it can be used as a wand] is forked in representation of the Horned God [like, say, Cernunnos or Baphomet].  Many times, a stang is more like a staff, longer than the ones we create for sale and you will often see depictions of them with a candle between the forks or tines.  That is because Hecate assisted Demeter in her search for Persephone, guiding her through the night with flaming torches. Any wood can be used for a stang… many prefer Ash because Yggdrasill was/is Ash.  But I feel for the shorter stangs used for necromancy/Hedge witchery, woods can be chosen to the personal tastes of the witch.  And, because Hecate is the goddess of magic, witchcraft, the night, moon, ghosts, and necromancy I try to use a wood which also matches the occasion and resonates with Hecate.  Our newest stang is made from Elm wood which is more than perfect for this reason, however, it is not finished just yet.  “Because Elm’s and Yew’s mythology are twinly bound to Death and the Underworld” is what I wrote in my blog called The Magick of Elm.  Yew would also be a very good wood to create a stang from.  We have also sold a Magnolia stang in the past but sadly, we have no more Magnolia wood.  Sounds a bit lightweight for such a heavy journey, I’m sure you’re thinking. Yes, there is certainly a method to my madness here.  Magnolia is profoundly efficient for spiritual opening.  And, you must be spiritually open to allow yourself to cross over during a hedge walk.  Magnolia is also a stress and fear reliever which can come in handy during a hedge walk.  I added thirteen Howlite skulls because focussing on a piece of Howlite can assist in journeying outside the body and gaining insight from past lives. Then there are four small silver-plated keys as a nod to Hecate and her keys to the four Crossroads.  So, as you can see, your stang is  a tool of protection and help throughout your hedge walks and for various other instances of your necromantic life.

How do you use it?  That is largely up to you and how you feel it best benefits you.  I personally always hold it in my power hand or lay it across my lap if I’m feeling more at ease.  I’ve read that some use it as a director of energy through their soul flight and others place it beneath their knees as they sit.  I’m sure there may be many other ways of using a stang during a hedge walk and if you care to leave yours in comments, we would all love to read them.

Many thanks to all whom wander this way.  Many happy astral travels to all and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x



Necromancy –  It Isn’t a Bad Word Anymore, by Isabella

The Magick of Elm, by Isabella

Crystal of the Week – Howlite, by Isabella

Crystal of the Week, Black Phantom Lodolite Master Crystal

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @thewandcarver

black phantom quartz garden
My Black Phantom with little “garden” lower left side ~ photo by i.macy

Of all the crystals I have, this is probably the most precious.  It is a Black Phantom Quartz crystal with literally everything going on within it.  It can be called a “Garden Quartz” or Lodolite Quartz because it has a small “garden” growing within it… just a small one, mind, and my phone camera doesn’t pick it up well, therefore, you must take my word for it.  But the thing that gives me the chills every time I look at it are the inclusions!  There are [which I’ve tried in vain to capture] two nearly fully grown Quartz point twins within it and a third one on the opposite side.  They are smoky with clear crystals about them and they are partitioned from each other by what is perceived to be a thin black slab… these would be phantom inclusions of carbon or manganese, often echoing within the body of the crystal showing the form of a termination point from an earlier stage of the crystal’s growth.  It’s stunning and I only wish I had a really good camera to show you.

black phantom quartz inclusions
You may be able to see the Quartz point leaning left inside the Phantom. There is another beside it to the right ~ Photo by i.macy

Phantom Quartz crystals show the clear delineation of another completed crystal inside the main crystal. Many times, you will notice several completed crystals inside one another. In geological terms, the first Quartz crystal stopped growing due to lack of a “mother”, or SiO2 feed. During this rest time, cave dust settled upon the original crystalline structure [i.e. Quartz crystal].  When the “mother” solution was reintroduced into the cave, rather than a new and separate crystal forming [the most common process], the mother solution reformed over the original crystal, trapping and enclosing the cave dust or dirt and giving the crystal a ghostly look, thus the name phantom.

black phantom quartz slab
The “divide” or slab in between ~ Photo by i.macy

Otherworldly and rare, phantom crystals can be composed of a wide variety of materials including sand, clay, chlorite, actinolite and mica or iron materials such as Goethite and Haematite. ​ Phantom Quartz crystals are considered as Master Crystals because of their unique ability to represent the separate and unique lifetimes of the one Quartz crystal and its regressive properties and the ability of life after death.


black phantom quartz 1
She’s a keeper! ~ Photo by i.macy

As a business owner I have found that the magick of this crystal is strong toward helping me to push forward with ideas and the hard graft to realise those ideas as made objects for selling. If I’m stuck with no clear plan, this crystal helps me to focus and make a plan which will utilise ideas I may have had in the distant past but never “got around to”. The Black Phantom brings out my potential better than any other crystal in my crystals arsenal. All it need do is sit on my desk near me and I am remembering things I have thought of previously not to mention remembering things my grandparents made in their practise.  Black Phantom Quartz can enrich your life in many ways, both in learning from experience and in wealth.  It will not hurt to write what you wish for in terms of growth – spiritual, physical, or financial – and place the paper underneath the Black Phantom.

This may belong under “Healing”, but the Black Phantom allows you to rest and it also helps you to reboot from feelings of fatigue.  It can heal you in mind, body, and soul.

black phantom quartz point
To the point! ~ Photo by i.macy

For anyone who has experienced a broken past in any way, it will help heal you from your experiences like nothing else.  For those who are interested in their family genealogy, it helps to reconcile the differences and make peace with some things you may learn which causes you dismay.  If you are suffering because of a past life issue, please use the Black Phantom.  It will help you release your self-judgement.  Its emotional healing powers are unsurpassed in my books.   And it is all you need for grounding.

After using your Black Phantom, you can cleanse it by laying it in a dish of Quartz crystal pieces or passing it through the smoke of white Sage.  It is strengthened by either sunlight, moonlight, or both.


Planetary:  Pluto

Zodiac:  Capricorn

Gender: Neutral

Element[s]:  Storm

Powers:  Accessing Akashic Records, Business, Grounding, Mental Focus, Memory, Protection, Rejuvenation, Wealth

Deity:  The Divine God and Goddess

Other Names: Garden Quartz, Lodolite Quartz, Black Phantom


The Black Phantom Quartz is excellent for strengthening the muscular and skeletal systems. It can be used to counter osteoporosis, fragile bones and weakened muscles. This stone can assist in strengthening the heart and lungs and supports the nervous system and myelin neural sheaths. Black Phantom Quartz are powerful stones for grounding etheric energy into the body for the healing of physical disease. It helps strengthen the nervous system and the cardiopulmonary system.

Many thanks for reading and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x



The Book of Stones, by Robert Simmons


Crystal of the Week, Labradorite

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @thewandcarver

So, I have chosen the lovely and magickal Labradorite for this blog. Hard to imagine I have not done this one yet!

My Labradorite ~ photo by i.macy

Labradorite is one of my favourites and not just because it is one of the most beautiful crystals in the world with its kaleidoscope of various colours.  They are not only full of hues of blues and greens, purples and yellows but can sometimes be orange, yellow, brown, and reddish. There are some which have a decidedly black look to them in places as well which are Black Labradorite, a dark gemstone famous for its grey base, black specks & high luminescence. It is a crystalline variety of plagioclase feldspars which is mainly formed from a combination of sodium feldspar (albite) and potassium feldspar (microcline or orthoclase) at low to medium crystallisation temperature.  It is also called Larkivite by some, however, there are differences.

Labradorite got its name because the first place it was discovered was in Labrador, Newfoundland, Canada.  It can also be found in many places, including in Finland, Greenland, Scandinavia, Russia, Italy, Madagascar, Mexico, and the US.  The Finnish variety is called Spectrolite and is slightly different as it exhibits the full range of colours. Shall we get on to the magick now?


Firstly, Labradorite protects ones’ aura. This means it creates a force field throughout the aura, protecting and strengthening the energies within and preventing others from ‘tapping in’ to your personal energy and draining you.  Can you guess whom this would most benefit? Any Empath would benefit highly.  But just as much it can protect the non-empath from the psychic vampires out there just waiting to get in and suck your happiness dry.

If you are practising your psychic knowing, psychometry, clairaudience, clairvoyance, or clairsentience skills, Labradorite is one of the best crystals to have with you.  It can help you to develop your gifts as you make better connections with Spirit.  Labradorite is a Stone of Magic, a crystal of shamans, diviners, healers, and all who travel and embrace the universe seeking knowledge and guidance. For self-discovery, it is excellent for awakening one’s own awareness of inner spirit, intuition, and psychic abilities.

Wearing or carrying Labradorite allows one’s innate magical powers to surface. It enhances the mental and intuitive abilities of clairvoyance, telepathy, prophecy, and coincidence control, and assists in communication with higher guides and spirits in accessing Akashic records, psychic readings, and past-life recall. It provides an ease in moving between the worlds and permits a safe and grounded return to the present.

Labradorite tempers the negative side of our personality, the traits and actions that rob our energy and may produce depression or shame. It assists in reducing anti-social, reckless, or impulsive behaviour in children, teenagers and adults who are easily led into trouble by others, and may aid in detoxifying the effects of tobacco, alcohol, and to a lesser degree, hard drugs.


Labradorite is beneficial to the lungs, and may assist with respiratory problems, bronchitis, and colds. It assists in digestion, regulation, and metabolism.  It has been used in treatment for the eyes and brain disorders, to stimulate mental acuity, and to reduce stress and anxiety. It may also be soothing during menstruation, for PMT symptoms, and for pain relief.

When used for physical healing purposes, one should hold or carry as a touchstone, or wear as jewellery. When the healing process is complete, the stone should be cleansed under running water. If by chance its surface becomes cloudy, place it in a glass with mineral water and set in a spot where it will have sun and moon light for a few days so it may be recharged, regenerated, and refreshed.


Gender:  Masculine

Planetary:  Earth

Zodiac:  Aquarius, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Leo

Element:  Water

Powers:  Protection, Psychic Healing, Psychic Powers, Psychic Protection, Strengthening

* Chakras:  All [particularly the Throat]

Deity:  Isis, Arianrhod

* I have had a recent experience where Labradorite was very helpful to me by placing it over my heart chakra. I had had a particularly hard day and was quite upset. This helped me to feel as though all the aggravation simply flowed away. 

Many thanks for reading and warmest blessings to those whom this way wander x



The Crystal Bible, by Judy Hall

The Illustrated Directory of Crystal Healing, by Cassandra Eason, 2003

Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic, by Scott Cunningham, 2002

Care for the Empath

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @thewandcarver

Do you want a laugh? Here it is:




(chiefly in science fiction) a person with the paranormal ability to apprehend the mental or emotional state of another individual.

What a laugh! “Chiefly in science fiction”?? Oh dear. Those of you whom are Empaths, please try to disregard some dictionaries, particularly the one I took a chance on whilst on Google.  But then, what would I know, only having lived 22 years with an empath mother and having a handful of the same qualities myself.  I’m truly sorry if any are offended, but I really had to include this just to prove that when one knows nothing of which they speak, they should not speak… including writers of dictionaries.

Being an Empath is a very real ability.  Albeit, one that many on the outside looking in won’t easily understand. But I believe that what throws many into chaos when confronted with trying to define empathic nature is how closely resembling some mental health issues it can be.  Many are wrongly diagnosed as Bipolar.  The Empath does suffer the highs and lows, like Bipolar because they naturally feel other’s highs and lows, their joys and sorrows.  Being an Empath is a roller coaster ride, but not a jolly ride at all.  The many tears shed by my Mum at the dining table with her head on her crossed arms are a testament to that.  And, not being able to speak of what ailed her.  She could manage herself around her family…her mother would have understood as she was a cunning woman with deep roots in magick, still, she never felt she could share with her what was happening.  And, I believe wholeheartedly because she couldn’t bear thinking she was gifted by any kind of magick as she felt it was all wrong.  In those days had she seen a doctor for her “problem” most likely she would have been prescribed Valium and sent home to become another addicted housewife.

The main difference between the Empath and the Bipolar is that the Empath does not become violent whilst being bombarded by other’s emotions.  Or, at least very much less likely to.  And, the Empath does not suffer the delusional episodes which is a tendency of the Bipolar.  If you need further differentiation,  the Bipolar is less empathetic toward others, in fact, often cursing and lashing out at those trying to help them. You see, I do not make these claims lightly as I have a child who is Bipolar.  It can get ugly at times.

I’m not able to give a completely unbiased accounting as I have been closely involved with both sides, the empathic and the bipolar.  But I do know that Empaths know what you mean.  They “get you”.  Some of you have disciplined yourselves and have learned to be able to be empathetic without being sucked dry by the psychic vampires or also known as “energy vampires“.  [Yes, two different links there. One is a Wiki link and the other to a mental health page on how to spot the energy vampires]. Others, the dear fledgling wee birds with hearts bigger than the Universe itself, become exhausted by the feelings they have taken upon themselves…and believe me, they didn’t ask for it.  Still, it is what happens, and they want so desperately to help those who need help.  What can they do?

As I am sure most of you know, there are a good many website which give not only insights and explanations about being an empath but there are many self-help websites on your side as well.  Not to mention books, such as The Empath’s Survival Guide, by Judith Orloff, MD. 

What else, apart from reading books and websites, can the Empath do to make life a bit more bearable on themselves…to protect themselves from the daily onslaught of depression, tears, pain, and sometimes joy beyond belief…joy is good but try getting hit by an overload. That might not be pleasant. As ever, I am here to help, if I can and here are some tried and true suggestions for those of you who need ideas on how to manage being an Empath more effectively.  My heart goes out to every one of you for yes, I do know your pain.


Recently I made an Empath Rescue Witch Bottle for a lady whom was having a hard time managing her gift.  I always add nine “ingredients” to a witch bottle because we believe the perfect number is nine.  In this witch bottle I added four layers of crystal chips, Snowflake Obsidian, Lapis Lazuli, Rose Quartz, and Amazonite.  Here are my reasons for using these and some additional ones which are very good as well.

Snowflake Obsidian:  Grounds, repels negative energy, and balances emotions.  Supports the root chakra.

Lapis Lazuli:  Brings forth wisdom and truth; helps to decipher trust and intuition.  Supports the throat chakra.

Rose Quartz:  Heals and supports the heart, grounds emotions. Supports the heart chakra.

Amazonite:  Balances emotions, stops outside energies from taking over.  Supports all chakras, particularly the heart chakra.

empath crystals

Other crystals which are helpful to stabilising the Empath from being taken over by emotion include Amethyst [supports the crown chakra and holds you close to the Divine and your Spirit Guardian], Haematite [protects the body and keeps spirit grounded, supports root chakra], Citrine [brings enlightenment, optimism, warmth, and clarity. Sacral chakra], Lepidolite [brings peace and tranquillity, soothes anxiety, centres the mind in times of stress.  Supports all chakras]. Malachite [stone of transformation, brings healing, enhances willpower, blocks negative energies, deep energy cleansing. Supports heart and throat chakras].

As you can, purchase pieces of jewellery having these crystals on them.  Of course, you may research and find many other crystals you might prefer better which will do you good.  Wearing pieces which support and protect you and your chakras, will help ease the suffering you feel and help clear your head so you can think of ways to help the people reaching out to you. Pictured just below is an Empath Rescue witch bottle necklace we I have made for a customer in the past who was terribly beset by the pain she felt from others. It is mainly filled with semi-precious crystals chips and some herbs which all go together to stave off the ill reactions, plus two small Magnolia beads which you may remember that the bark of Magnolia is soothing to the nerves and two small Haematite beads for grounding. It worked a treat. We do not keep these as a rule in our shop, however, if you have need of one, please let us know.

Wytchencrafts Empath Rescue bottle

Of course, jewellery is not the only way to work with crystals.  I always recommend palm stones in the various helpful crystals mentioned above.  They are also called worry stones by some and the reason is that many people, when in distress of any kind, get more satisfaction from the large palm stone by using it as a large worry bead to help get the most out of the crystal’s support as well as something to give comfort to by rubbing it and holding it.

Crystal grids are another fabulous way of directing your empath crystals to support you.  You can make a crystal grid as small or as large as you like.  I have seen a photo somewhere in the not-so-distant past where someone had created her entire room into a large crystal grid.  That would be nice, however, not many of us can afford all the crystals you need and not to mention the very enormous crystal receivers and generators she had.  If you can do one of that scale, then that would probably be optimal and do send me photos! I think that a crystal grid of any size which you have built for your needs is plenty large enough.

Crystal elixirs are one more way to get the most benefit from your crystal support.  Please do keep in mind that you can’t make an elixir from every crystal as some have things like lead and so forth which will leech into your water.  However, you can still use them for a sympathetic elixir where the crystal is not left inside the water you will drink but above it on a piece of card stock or however you wish to do it.  Before making any crystal elixir, please read up on the crystal thoroughly to see if you can use it in your drinking water.

Teas and Herbs

Hawthorn Berry tea ~ Better Nutrition

Hawthorn Berry tea:  Excellent heart tea! For the heart chakra and for the heart proper. It is perfect for healing any kind of heart or heart-related problems. Empaths know their hearts are largely affected by the situations they are in and often find themselves having heart palpitations and other problems.  Hawthorn berry tea will give you the support you need and as a bonus, you can infuse your cup of tea with a Rose Quartz for the extra help.

Lavender tea:  You need your Spirit to be soothed every day and to be connected with your Divine source and your Angel.  Lavender tea can provide you with this by enhancing your mental clarity and calming your nervous system amongst other things.  Supports your crown chakra.

Ashwagandha tea:  I have never tried this one, however, whenever I read anything to do with Empaths this tea is mentioned, therefore, I must believe that we’re on to a winner with this tea for supporting your root chakra. It is an ayurvedic herb that has powerful root chakra cleansing properties.  It helps you to be more grounded by reducing anxiety and depression.  An added bonus, if you need one, is that Ashwagandha is a cancer-killing tea!

Chamomile tea:  An obvious choice for its relaxing properties.  It is another good choice for helping your heart.

There are other herbs which can be used as teas such as Nettle Leaf, Linden, Sage, and Dandelion Root.  Be certain to check that none of the teas you try will interfere with drugs you may be taking for heart problems or anything else.

Thank you for reading.  I do hope that you can use the help I have tried to provide.  Mind, this doesn’t touch the sides, really, for there are loads more things you can do.  However, I am hoping this will help in some way.   Warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x


Crystal of the Week, Dumortierite

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @thewandcarver

I’m just a little put out with myself for not having a larger piece of Dumortierite! I have carried this one paired with a Carnelian for years.  I suppose I just never thought I needed more – this is a very powerful crystal! Together they are a good team for me, casting off the laziness that can sometimes set in and boosting not only my physical energy but also sharpening up my mental processes as well.  I think it is time to cleanse them, charge them, and carry them once again!

My Dumortierite ~ photo by i.macy

The Dumortierite is stunning blue colour.  Many mistakes it for Lapis Lazuli or Sodalite.  Just keep in mind that Lapis has the lovely flecks of gold and the Sodalite often has lots of white in it.  Dumortierite is most likely to have veins of white, rather than patches, and it does not have gold flecks.  It does often have lighter and darker blue shading.  Dumortierite often forms as inclusions in Quartz, and this combination results in a natural blue Quartz gemstone. These are known in the gemstone market as “Dumortierite Quartz” and they are becoming increasingly popular as a minor blue gemstone. Dumortierite is named after French palaeontologist Eugene Dumortier [1803-1873].


Dumortierite is a powerful psychic stone. This stone is generally thought to increase the psychic ability and the connections to the Divine mind. In combination with Pearl, Dumortierite will develop or enhance your psychic powers.  If you are a tarot reader, your interpretation and accuracy will be more on point when you are aided by this stone.

If you place Dumortierite behind your ear, it will enhance your clairaudience. It can also work with your Causal Chakra [past life chakra] so that you can activate your past life memories.

Dumortierite is a good luck stone when in it comes to wealth and fortune. It’s a great crystal to have, especially for those who are starting their own business.

When paired with Covellite, it’s an effective organisational stone.

Dumortierite will help you break ties with things or people that are no longer working for you. It will help you break the cycle of co-dependency and make you realise that only you have the power to control your behaviour and what happens to your life.


Dumortierite may help to bring order and organisation to a turbulent mental state. Dumortierite is used as a meditation stone as it enhances the connection to the universe and can help bring clarity to the mind. Dumortierite can help to facilitate spiritual development and can help one to express and understand their spiritual experiences. Along these same lines, this important stone can help to increase contact with angels and other types of spiritual guides.  Bringing order and a deeper, more fulfilling connection with the spirits and the spirit world may very well make this one of the more important stones in your collection. Enhanced connections paired with enhanced clarity may make for an especially balanced user. Dumortierite is associated with the throat chakra. This association helps to bring into balance the physical, mental, and spiritual communications which may help to keep the entire aura in balance.

You deserve a better picture! photo by Stonebridge Imports

In the same manner that Dumortierite can be useful for metaphysical healing and balance it can also be used for physical healing and balance. Dumortierite is often used to treat depression and over-stimulation. In addition, Dumortierite may help to relieve the symptoms of addiction. This crystal is considered to bolster the energy of self-discipline, so it is easy to see how it may help to achieve things like ideal weight or cessation of some undesirable activity. Dumortierite may also help to cool the body, treat certain skin disorders, ease the symptoms of diabetes, increase or balance your metabolic rate, or even soothe hyperactivity. Aside from strictly physical attributes Dumortierite can help to soothe the mind from depression and help to clear the mind for more effective thought processes. In all, this important gemstone could be just the help you need for clarity and relaxation to gain a higher connection with the world around you.

Dumortierite is said to be good in treating headache, diarrhoea, stomach ache, and other intestinal problems. It can also help relieve vomiting, nausea, cramping, and colic in babies. Pranic healers use Dumortierite for hypersensitivity and epilepsy, as well as skin disorders and other pains, aches, or illnesses in the thyroid or parathyroid areas.


Planetary:  Saturn

Zodiac:  Leo/Sagittarius

Element:  Water

Gender:  Masculine [works to balance masculine and feminine energies within people]

Powers:  Psychic Abilities [All], Patience, Healing, Intellectual, Positivity, Calming, Communication, Mental Discipline

Chakra:  Throat, also said to open the Third Eye

Deity:  Isis, Neptune, Ariadne, St Brigid, Hokkmah, The Muses, Sarasvati

Other Names:  Stone of Patience

Many thanks for reading my blog!  It’s a pleasure to be of service.  Warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x


The Illustrated Directory of Crystal Healing, by Cassandra Eason, 2003

Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic, by Scott Cunningham, 2002

The Crystal Bible, by Judy Hall, 2003

Gemstone Energy Medicine Healing Body, Mind and Spirit, by Michael Katz, 2005


Crystal of the Week, Lemurian Seed Crystals

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @thewandcarver

This is going to be a veritable minefield of information that I dare not get wrong… however, I must say in advance that it may be difficult to get it all correct.  Lemurian Seed Crystals are so varied and there are acceptable definitions and non-acceptable ones. I’ve studied these, still, I got it very wrong in the beginning.  You know what it’s like… you’re in a crystals shop and you know very little about the crystal you see in the pretty basket, but you’ve heard enough about to know it would be of help to you.  But then, later down the road you find out this crystal is not all you thought it was.  Well, I am guilty as charged with my first Lemurian Seed Crystals for they are either not, nor never have been, or, they are but have had the lines polished out.  I shall explain all as best I can.

Lemurian Seed Crystals were used in Ancient Lemurian days by an advanced race of beings.  Some know about the legendary lost continent of Lemuria, but have you heard of the continent of Mauritia? This landmass formed a part of Madagascar and India and scientists say the rest of the continent is now lying at the bottom of the Indian Ocean.  That is where they think it has been for approximately the last 85 million years.  This land, of course, was inhabited by that advanced race of people during the Triassic Period, 200 million years ago.

lemurian smoky 2
Smoky Lemurian ~ Photo by i.macy

Here is where things get a bit tricky.  Enter one crystals authoress, Katrina Raphaell. She is said to have coined the name, Lemurian Crystal in the 1990’s .  So, Katrina Raphaell channelled that the Lemurian Crystals were coded with very specific information by the people of Lemuria, left here for us to discover and to learn from. Thus, these crystals are very advanced and have a focus on high technology, DNA, and social engineering.  These “master healers” assist in helping one get in touch and by using intuition.  According to Katrina Raphaell, the Lemurian Seed Crystals were kind of like “seeds of information”  planted or left in one location only; one specific spot, known as the Diamantina Mine in Minas Gerais, Brazil.  That’s a fair bit away from where Ancient Lemuria was lost. Still, I do not attempt to prove a respected authoress right or wrong here, only attempting to bring the best honest information I can to you.

lemurian 1
Lemurian Seed Crystal ~ Photo by i.macy

Firstly, a true Lemurian Seed Crystal originally was found to have six sides and every other side would be ridged horizontally or “striated” as a ladder.  Many also have raised triangles of crystal, sometimes called “recorders”.  It is believed that the inhabitants of Lemuria, or Mu, left their ancient wisdom and information embedded in these crystals that is much needed by humanity today. The lines are said to be where all knowledge is stored by encoding.  Now, there is also a difference between a “Lemurian Seed Crystal” and a “Lemurian Crystal”. A Lemurian Seed Crystal has an alternating pattern of a frosted side on the shaft and then a smooth, very transparent side, then a frosted side and a very transparent side, alternating all the way around.  Plain Lemurian Crystals will have a random pattern. For instance, one side is frosted, next is smooth, then frosted, frosted, frosted, and then smooth. Or even all smooth [see below] or all frosted.  The confusion is endless.  Another characteristic of a Lemurian Crystal will be that it has rough, prominent, horizontal striations on some sides of the shaft. But you will not only see them; for it to be a true Lemurian, you need to be able to feel them! Phew!

Lemurian Crystals also come in colours… Pink ones are very lovely and rare, and there are tangerine/apricot, smoky, blue, green, and citrine.   The size of the Lemurian Crystal / Seed Crystal can range from any length, but the base of it is always wider than the tip.

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Smoky Lemurian 2 ~ Photo by i.macy

Where you must be most careful in purchasing your Lemurians is when someone tries to sell you a highly polished crystal with no striations. If it is completely smooth, most likely it is not a Lemurian.  And then again, it could be!  Perhaps someone with no knowledge of the importance of the striations polished the striations out for purposes of making a piece of jewellery.  But you can’t know that it was striated so it is best to leave it, if a true Lemurian is what you seek.  Polishing away the striations is said to remove the encoding by the Ancients, and this is the very reason we buy Lemurians. I’m not saying that the person selling the polished “Lemurians” is trying to get one over on you… they may legitimately believe or even know, that the crystal was striated at one point.  Still, it can’t be proven.

I think the best advice I can give you for choosing your Lemurian Crystals or Lemurian Seed Crystals is to buy them in person, so to speak.  Feel them, feel their energy. Purchase only what you can connect with.

Magickal and Healing

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Small Lemurian with Recorders ~ Photo by i.macy

With the Lemurian Crystals I don’t feel I can separate them into compartments of “magick” and “healing”.  If you have worked with these before, you will understand this.  The Lemurian is a  Master Healer.  It is even hard to pin them to one planet or zodiac as they work through all.  Lemurians are a crystal of oneness and unity, and it is what they communicate along with love. Their magick is healing and their healing is magick. Lemurians connect with all other crystals and are perfect for crystal grids.  Lemurian’s life’s work is to reactivate within the planetary matrix this ancient memory of unity and oneness and love so that it may become the way of life on the New Earth.

This crystal is literally connected to everything – the inner earth, the earth’s surface, the stars, all other seed crystals and crystals, and they connect us to the Divine.  It’s not just an ordinary connection, either.  The connection is of pure love and the more you work with the Lemurians, the more you will feel this unconditional love and unity with the Divine and others.

These crystals promote self-confidence, deep emotional cleansing, powerful assistance in communicating with your spirit guide and angels, strengthens one’s emotions, promotes intuitiveness, assists in dream work, complete chakra clearing, removes energy blockages to Divine love and compassion.

Lemurian Seed crystals generate a very feminine or yin energy. They act to open the energy of the soul and provide a bridge to higher frequencies, creating a higher level of consciousness. They instil feelings of harmony and ease. The energies they emit are of pure love, helping you feel at one with yourself and others.

Holding a Lemurian seed crystal in your right hand while you walk around and encircle an individual, property or an object creates a circle of light and protection. They soothe and nurture and can benefit everyone and are helping support for healing work. They help you attune to those higher energies and higher planes of existence.


Planetary:  Venus [primary] but is also linked to each planet

Zodiac:  All zodiacs

Element:  Earth

Gender:  Divine Feminine

Chakra:  Crown chakra [main], benefits and works with all chakras

Powers:  Healing [Master Healer], Unconditional Love, Intuition, Communication, Dream Work

Deity:  Gaia, Venus, Aphrodite

Many thanks for reading today’s offering.  Warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x


The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall, 2003

Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic by Scott Cunningham, 2002

Chakra Healing & Karmic Awareness by Keith Sherwood, 2005

The Illustrated Directory of Crystal Healing by Cassandra Eason, 2003

Gemstone Energy Medicine Healing Body, Mind and Spirit by Michael Katz, 2005


Crystal of the Week, Apache Tears

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @thewandcarver

Apache Tears are of the Obsidian family as we know.  And to me, all varieties of Obsidian seems to almost form a ‘family’ not unlike our own.  I have written about black Obsidian, the very strong ‘older brother’ and Snowflake Obsidian, the gentle but strong ‘younger sister’… but Apache tears has a strong yet friendly and gentle vibration which makes it feel almost parental… like a loving mother or father. Not as fierce in nature as black Obsidian but can be very protective all the same.  I’ve heard some say that its misshapen appearance makes one feel more comfortable with it.

They are a type of Black Obsidian stone found in the south-western US and Mexico. The meaning of their name comes from an American Native legend. It was said that certain members of this tribe were pursued by the Cavalry, and although they fought bravely they were outnumbered. Rather than be captured they jumped off the cliff to their deaths. The distraught women of the tribe cried dark tears of grief, which fell to the earth, and formed into these dark strangely shaped stones. It is believed that their tears formed into these unusual stones, so people will always remember what happened.


Apache Tears
My Apache Tear ~ photo by i.macy

As are all Obsidian stones, Apache Tears are an excellent grounding stone.  But this stone seems to have a more intuitive grasp of when it should do it job than does the black Obsidian.  Apache Tears are often used to cleanse one’s auric field and provide safety and protection for healers.  By using Apache tears, rather than other types of Obsidian, you can find that you’re able to address negativity in a calmer and more constructive way.  Apache Tears won’t ‘bring’ luck to you, but it can be used to shield you from bad luck and bad vibes to give you a rest to regroup.

Wearing Apache Tears near your heart is an excellent way to always be mindful of its power and to feel protected and cared for.  It is also effectively used to clear the heart of old disappointments and distresses.  Apache Tears opens you up to an acceptance of higher spiritual qualities and knowledge.

Because Apache tears, like most dark stones, work to sponge up negative energy, you will want to frequently cleanse them to get the full benefit of their positive energy.  If you neglect to cleanse them, you may find their efficacy wanes over time. To cleanse, simply hold them under running water while visualising the negative energy being washed away, then place them in direct sun or moonlight for several hours.


Apache Tears are very useful stones for anyone to use, but especially if you are a healer. If you are doing any spiritual development work, there are strong advantages to using these stones. Their strong energy works within the base or root chakra, where it will move excess energy down into the earth chakra for grounding with Mother Gaia. They also protect you from any possibility of “catching” the disease that you’re attempting to cure.

The energy of these stones will strengthen the blood and the immune system, and they will help the body to assimilate Vitamin C and D.  They assist with the reduction of toxins in the body by aiding their removal. They may calm muscle spasms and enhance vitality and strength within the body.  Within the heart chakra their energy will assist the emotional body to heal, from old issues of an emotional nature.  Their energy within the sacral or navel chakra helps to aid the removal of disharmonious energies in relationships.  They may bring through joy as they encourage you to feel more positive about life.

Apache Tears are also said to help with adrenal glands, bone pain, brain cancer, brain inflammation, brain lesion, headache, insect sting, joint pain, kidneys, lesions, migraine, muscle lesion, muscle pain, nerve inflammation, ovaries pain, prostate regulation, small intestine purification, spine & spinal cord inflammation, spine & spinal cord lesion, spine and spinal cord pain, spine and spinal cord strengthening, stomach, thymus.  It would be prudent to leave these healings to the capable hands of a good Pranic Healer.


Planetary:  Pluto and Saturn

Zodiac:  Scorpio

Element:  Fire and Earth

Powers:  Absorption of Negativity, Protection, Psychic Protection, Healing

Gender:  Female and Male

Deity:  Pele, Tezcatlipoca, Itzpapalotl, Sekhmet, Isis, Horus, Black Madonna

Chakra[s]:  Root/Base, Sacral, Heart

Other Names:  Obsidian Drops, Obsidian Tears

As ever, I thank everyone whom is so kind to read my blog. Warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x


The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall, 2003

Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic by Scott Cunningham, 2002

The Illustrated Directory of Crystal Healing by Cassandra Eason, 2003


Crystal of the Week, Moss Agate

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @thewandcarver

Moss Agates
Moss Agate variations ~ photo by i.macy

When working with crystals it still amazes me how different they can look from each other.  When I began studying crystals longer ago than I care to mention, I started with the assumption each different type would look pretty much the same to its brothers and sisters.  No.  In fact, as time went on, it seemed at times that one would look so different I would think it belonged to another group, but not so.  Of course, now I know never to judge a crystal by its cover so to speak… case in point, this little array of Moss Agates in my hand.  The green, mossy one nearest is a dead ringer for what most call a Moss Agate, and you’re right, it is.  But then, you have a couple of white ones with a little bit of green inclusion, the another which is half white, half green, and then, one which is very odd, indeed…so how do we know? We’ll begin with the very odd one.  It has a different colour of green, but only just.  And I believe the inclusions of red oxide are making the green look a little bit bluer than it normally would.  I call this one my little rarity because rarely Moss Agate can be found with red and brown patterns due to the corrosion of the iron within the chlorite and hornblende.

Moss agate is described as a neutral and transparent Dendritic Agate. While technically it is not an Agate it is in fact Chalcedony. The use of the word Moss Agate was used before the scientific definition and so it has stuck. Moss Agate contains sets of mineral inclusions that imitate the looks of trees, plants, and landscapes. Some Moss Agate inclusions are composed of manganese and iron oxide and are one of the most unique Agates available.


As a stone of abundance, Moss Agate can be used in spell work for financial gain.  It is a perfect crystal to transform into a talisman for helping to gain wealth.  It is also an excellent crystal to use for encouraging fertility if you are wanting to start a family.  Not only will the Moss Agate help you to conceive but will also help you during pregnancy and especially during the birthing process. Moss Agate will attract abundance in all forms.  In the workplace, it draws new business and gradual expansion, increasing prosperity over time. It is good for small businesses and the self-employed.  It is helpful to keep one wherever you wish to draw abundance to – your handbag, your cash till, your banking papers, and wherever you keep money.

Moss Agate has “warrior energy” … if you need the strength to get through something just use your Moss Agate as an amulet to protect and energise your courage and war spirit.

If you are unsure about the direction of your life, meditate with your Moss Agate to seek the path you are meant to take.  Not only can it point the way for you to go but it can help you to transform yourself into the person you want and need to be, to be successful in the directed path.

As a Heart Chakra stone, you will always find Moss Agate useful in cleansing and repairing the Heart chakra. It is also said to be a favoured crystal for helping one find true love.  But mainly, it is stone of calming and self-love… it teaches us to care for ourselves which is very important if we want others to care for us as well.


Moss Agate is truly helpful for the circulatory system, which regulates beat, and other heartbeat abnormalities. It helps buzzing in the ears. Using an Agate along the core of the chest fortifies the cardiac muscle of a person and treats emotional discord. Moss Agate increases the digestive system at it heals gastritis.

It aids and eliminates all toxins within the body. Agate may also diminish the signs of epilepsy, and for some people, it protects them against sleepwalking. In addition to this, Moss Agate conveys inner peace, and strength to the emotional aspect and through the entire body.

Additionally, it is especially accommodating stone for those people who experience severe mood swings as well as those passionate due to their emotional drama in their lives. It also pacifies impulsive tempers, promotes tolerance, completeness, and inner peace, as well.

Moss Agate also helps the person to release deep-seated apprehension and depression, extending one’s individual space and development. It enhances a good self-image and fortifies positive character traits, which includes the capability of the person to get along with other people as much as possible.

Moss Agate also enhances the acuity of the senses and neuronal activity. It helps eliminate depression caused by left-right brain imbalance, and stimulates mental function by improving concentration, perception, and analytical abilities.

Moss Agate is anti-inflammatory and helps treat infections and swelling, colds and flu, and lowers fever. It is useful for long-term illness and recovery, boosting the immune system, and is thought to prevent hypoglycaemia and dehydration. As an elixir applied to the skin, Moss Agate treats fungal and skin infections and irritations.


Planetary: Associated with Mercury and Earth

Zodiac:  Gemini

Element:  Earth

Gender:  Female

Powers:  Wealth and abundance, Protection, Love, Physical and Emotional Healing, Fertility, Conception and Birth

Energy:  Wood

Chakra[s]: Heart

Deity: Bona Dea, Aurora, Cerridwen, Gaia, Nya

Other Names:  Stone of Abundance, Spirit of Nature

I thank you so much for reading my blog and I wish for warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x


Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian, The Book of Stones, Berkley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2007

Cassandra Eason, The New Crystal Bible, London: Carlton Books Ltd., 2010

Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible, Cincinnati, OH: Walking Stick Press, 2003

Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible 2, Cincinnati, OH: Walking Stick Press, 2009

Crystal of the Week, Sodalite

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @thewandcarver

My Sodalite ~ photo by i.macy

It occurs to me that Sodalite is a very much over-looked little gem.  Or shall I say, “semi-precious gem”. Perhaps it is because to look at Sodalite it seems so unassuming… so … innocent and pretty.  If you have never thought to work with Sodalite, however, you are missing out on one of the most powerful crystals you can find for so many reasons.  Sodalite can be a life changing stone; it is recognised as the most powerful crystal for dissolving guilt, fear and general self-punishment.  It brings clarity to mental confusion and inner peace to a wildly racing mind.  It can help you to realise that “this is the moment you have.  Live in it. Do not think about the past and do not try living in the future.  All you can live in is this moment, so live it in peace.”  This is the message Sodalite brings when you hold it and listen.

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Sodalite pendulum in our shop ~ photo by i.macy

Sodalite helps us in a variety of other ways as well.  Are you afraid of public speaking? Take your Sodalite with you to the podium.  It calms your over-anxious mind and helps you to speak clearly and effectively.  It is, after all, a Throat Chakra stone.  Are you prone to panic attacks?  Holding a Sodalite worry stone or even a small tumblestone will ease your anxiety and in many cases, erase it.  Do you read tarot, cast runes, pendulum dowsing?  Sodalite is one of the best crystals you can have around if you practise any kind of divination.  It helps to open and expand your psychic abilities.  Just touch it to your Third Eye and see…no pun intended.

Sodalite is capable of all this and so much more because it bridges the gap between your heart and mind with clarity of purpose.  It does so swiftly with no thought upon your part required.  It is a must-have in your crystals collection.

The Sodalite stone is generally predominately blue with white/grey streaks and/or spots which comes from Calcite deposits.  That said, you may even stumble across Sodalite stones that contain inclusions in shades of yellow, red and green.  I have personally never seen one such as this, but I hear they exist.


Sodalite will aid you to develop your intuition, and it will also stimulate the birth of clairvoyant abilities or strengthen them if you already are using these gifts.  It helps you to think rationally and intuitively and to verbally communicate your thoughts both truthfully and in a calm and relaxed manner which is very important during a tarot reading.  This crystal will go so far as to help you to understand the patterns behind such things as astrology and the tarot.  If you are interested in psychic development, try using a piece of Sodalite under your pillow – it encourages connection through your dreams.


Sodalite is more of a mental health stone rather than a physical health stone.  It would almost seem the Sodalite has little to do and yet when you really delve into it you find that Sodalite’s “jobs”, as it were, are all closely aligned with each other for the total well-being of the individual using them.  It is great for someone lacking confidence as it encourages high self-esteem and acceptance of self. At the same time, as above-mentioned, it is a perfect go-to stone for those having panic attacks and anxiety.  The peace and emotional balance it brings, in either case, is instantaneous.

It is good for healing damaged relationships of all kinds; it helps bring solutions to disagreements. An excellent stone to enhance all communication skills.  It also helps us to lose old behaviour/thought patterns that no longer serve us.

That said, using Sodalite to meditate with when doing either chakra clearing or just meditating, will help to keep you fresh mentally before the problems set upon you and cause panic.  Keep Sodalite in all rooms of your home to impart a fresh and loving feeling throughout so you can draw upon its courage-giving powers at any time.

Sodalite does have some physical healing attributes. In physical healing, Sodalite is said to be helpful for high blood pressure and diabetes.  It is also said to protect against radiation and all forms of electromagnetic stress protecting your energy from being affected, hence another good reason to keep Sodalite in all rooms of your home.

It is also associated with calming effects on the thyroid gland, nervous system and all glandular functions. In balancing the endocrine system Sodalite strengthens the metabolism, reducing stress and prolonging physical endurance.

Also beneficial for calcium deficiencies, boosting the immune system, combating insomnia; it treats the throat, larynx, vocal cords and hoarseness. A Sodalite elixir consumed daily is effective against diabetes.


Planet: Jupiter

Zodiac: Sagittarius [also associated with Venus]

Energy: Earth, Spirit

Element: Water

Gender: Female

Deities:  Ardhanarishvara (Shiva together with consort Parvati)

Powers: Creativity, Dream Work, Meditation, Psychic Development, Self-Improvement, Courage

Chakras:  Throat and Third Eye

Other Names:  The Stone of Truth

Many thanks for reading my blog and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x


The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall, 2003

Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic by Scott Cunningham, 2002

Chakra Healing & Karmic Awareness by Keith Sherwood, 2005

The Illustrated Directory of Crystal Healing by Cassandra Eason, 2003


Crystal of the Week, Snowflake Obsidian

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @thewandcarver

The Snowflake Obsidian is a much gentler sister to her brother, Black Obsidian.  Snowflake Obsidian is recommended for those who can’t tolerate the higher energies of Black Obsidian but still want the grounding and protective virtues of Obsidian.  She may be gentle but don’t get Snowflake wrong, she is fierce!

snowflake obsidian
My Snowflake Obsidian ~ photo by i.macy

As most of you know, all Obsidians are glass… created by a volcanic eruption ages ago.  All varieties have an amorphous crystal system and are in the mineral class of oxide. The stunning patterns of “snowflakes” that stand out of its black background are inclusions of Cristobalite. As you see from the picture, the snowflakes can be quite large, or they may be smaller, depending on the amount of Cristobalite.  They are found in the lower mid-west of America in states such as Utah, but are also found in Mexico and Brazil.  Obsidian blades have been found in burial sites dating back to Palaeolithic times. It had been regarded as a stone that would drive out demons. In the Middle Ages it was used as an aid for magickal rituals. Mayan priests used Obsidian mirrors for predicting the future.


Snowflake Obsidian dissolves shocks, fear, blocks and traumas. It has an enlivening effect and brings hidden inner images to light. It can also bestow an unimagined depth to our emotional nature and help with many types of obsession. Snowflake Obsidian purifies the atmosphere of negative spiritual influences and can serve as protection from psychic attacks.

A stone of purity, Snowflake Obsidian brings about a balance to body, mind and spirit. Snowflake Obsidian helps to keep centred and focused when any type of chaotic situation, whether it be home, relationships, or work is presenting itself. Snowflake Obsidian can remove negativity from a space or person with ease.

Snowflake Obsidian helps to draw emotions to the surface and to examine harmful thought patterns and opens awareness of past lives and of having many incarnations, increasing our knowledge that we have been here before and will be here again and that there is no death of the soul. Snowflake Obsidian promotes a sense of calm and inner centring which readies one for a deep meditative state. During Chakra cleansing meditation it is perfect for your root/base chakra.  It is recommended to end the meditation with a final clearing using a quartz crystal.  Snowflake Obsidian shows us how to gain spiritual invulnerability and freedom. In doing this, forgotten capabilities may be retrieved and our perceptions can become refined to the point of clairvoyance.

Snowflake Obsidian is a very grounding and protective stone. It is used as a great cleanser of negative energies, helping to remove not only negativity experienced in the environment, but also that of one’s own emotions, such as anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, etc. Snowflake Obsidian is often used for healing and releasing energy blockages and tends to work quickly to move truths to the surface to be resolved. It is best used for grounding before rituals above most other grounding stones, unless, you can use Black Obsidian which is very good for grounding oneself before any spell to do with hexing or binding.

Snowflake Obsidian is an excellent tool for attuning to animal totems and animal allies, and for becoming more sensitive to the subtle flow and movement of energy in the environment.


Snowflake Obsidian helps to dissolve pain, tension, energy blocks and vascular contractions. Shock resulting from injury is dissolved on a cellular level, so it helps accelerate the healing of wounds. In improving circulation, it ensures the warming of your extremities like chronically cold hands and feet. To improve circulation, it is best when worn next to the skin.

As Snowflake Obsidian enhances blood flow, it may be used in conjunction with treatments for veins and the skeletal structure, and to ease problems associated with the menstrual cycle and the balancing of hormones. As an elixir [use the indirect method], it may be used to smooth the skin and clear the eyes.


Planetary: Saturn

Zodiac:  Scorpio, Virgo [helps with all zodiac signs]

Gender:  Female

Element:  Fire

Powers:  Protection, Grounding, Past Life Regressions, Emotional Support, Healing

Chakras:  Base/Root

Deity: Tezcatlipoca

Other Names:  The Stone of Truth

Many thanks for reading my blog today and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x


Cassandra Eason, The New Crystal Bible [London: Carlton Books Ltd., 2010]

Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible [Cincinnati, OH: Walking Stick Press, 2003]

Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible 2 [Cincinnati, OH: Walking Stick Press, 2009]

Judy Hall, 101 Power Crystals [Beverly, MA: Fair Winds Press, 2011]
