A Beginner’s Understanding of Ogham Divination, Part Twenty

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @iseabail_witchwriter

Ogham Ioho
Ogham Ioho or Idad ~ photo by i.macy

Very fitting that the last Ogham tree in the series is Yew, for it is most associated with beginnings and endings, rebirth and reincarnation.  It is the Ogham called Ioho, Idad, or Iodho and if you want to know more about Yew, you can read my previous blog, The Magick of Yew. I will tell you that the Ogham Ioho is not a birth tree Ogham, but it is the Ogham for the Winter Solstice.  The Yew is the the tree most associated with the Crone aspect of the Triple Goddess… her time is near but as the Yew dies on the outside to bring in new life from the inside, so the Crone will die but become new again in her regeneration or reincarnation.  And, the cycle goes on and on…

Representations:  Ancestry,  Change, Communication [with the dead], Death, Divinity, Flexibility, Immortality, Longevity, Rebirth, and Strength

Ogham: Letter:  I

Number:  20

Colour:  Dark Green, Very White

Tarot:  See Below

Animals:  Deer, Eagle, Hummingbird

Plant:  Juniper

Divination Meaning:  When drawing a single Ioho / Idad stave you must ask yourself, “How does my past make me whom I am today?  How do I understand my past to decide whom I become?”  It is a call to explore not only your recent past [as in this life’s past] but can also mean it is time to look into your past lives. It can also mean it is time to speak with your family elders; it can also mean for you to speak with those whom have passed on to the Otherworld.  I say “speak to” when I really mean to seek them out.  For you to appropriately answer the questions above you must listen to those from the past.  There is so much wisdom you can gather from this that it would be rude not to.

How to Mend the Problem:  Changes are coming to you. Let go and experience the changes knowing they are not an enemy to you.  Accepting that nothing lasts forever can ease your mind if you allow it to.  You, nor I, are special enough to prevent endings.  Everyone experiences these. And we must understand that endings are not always bad things.  Like the Yew, we peel away the outside to allow the inside to flourish.

With the chthonic current we see the bond between generations. Oral traditions, folk lore, the study of lore – these are most important at this time. Transmission of tradition and the sharing of lore manifests with this current.  If other influences support the reading, there may be reference to past lives or reincarnation.  The celestial current speaks of memory and history and the things these give us. This current can refer to the ancestors generally; perhaps even specific ancestors. But always in reference to ancestors in the Otherworld, not those Elders whom are still living.  This Ogham challenges us to look at our past[s] and to determine our future. You must go about this as best you can by knowing yourself now and in past-lives, should it come to this. Speaking with those in the Otherworld is a course you must try to take as well.  Some may wish to access their Akashic records. Meditation upon your own life is a way forward as well. Your ultimate goal will be to lay foundations of wisdom for generations to come after you.  It is a very serious task.

A card from the Tarot of Reincarnation 

Apart from the Death card, which has been paired with Ur [Heather], I do not have a single tarot card recommendation, however, something that may assist you in accessing your past lives is a special tarot deck called Tarot of Reincarnation [English and Spanish Edition] by Lo Scarabeo. This concludes our foray into the world of Ogham divination.  I hope you have enjoyed it and have learned much. Do always keep in mind that there are other interpretations out there in the world and this is only mine based on things I have studied.  As your “graduation present”, I have listed more *sources that may benefit [or confuse!] you.  You can adhere to one way or another… you can borrow from one and borrow from another to combine your way.  Just do keep in mind that it is your intuition which will best serve you as it will help you choose the right meaning for your reading or a reading for someone else.

You can catch up the first nineteen blogs, Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten, Part Eleven, Part Twelve, Part Thirteen, Part Fourteen, Part Fifteen, Part Sixteen, Part Seventeen, Part Eighteen, and Part Nineteen by clicking on these respectively.  Feel free to print them out for your BOS or just to have on hand for help.

Many thanks for reading my blog and warmest blessings to those whom this way wander x


*Ogam,The Celtic Oracle of the Trees, by Paul Rhys Mountfort

*Ogam, Weaving Word Wisdom, by Erynn Rowan Laurie

The Celtic Tree Oracle, by Liz and Colin Murray

What’s Your Birth Tree is the New What’s Your Star Sign, by Isabella

A Beginner’s Understanding of Ogham Divination, Part Nineteen

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @iseabail_witchwriter

Ogham Eadha
Ogham Eadha ~ Photo by i.macy

Eadha or Edad is the Ogham of enlightenment.  The Aspen or White Poplar tree is the wood it represents in the Ogham alphabet.  It is also associated with divination, dreaming, and the altered states of consciousness in which communication with the spirits and ancestors occurs.  It is very much a useful Ogham for the hedge witch to be used as a seal during a hedge ride.  The Aspen tree is not a birth tree Ogham wood, nor is Eadha a birth tree Ogham.  It is, however, the Ogham for the Autumn Equinox.  Rather fitting, isn’t it?

Representations:  Ancestry, Astral Projection, Communication, Courage, Discernment, Divination, Dreams, Enlightenment, Relationships [with Spirit], Vision Seeking

Ogham Letter:  E

Number:  19

Colour:  Red Speckled

Tarot:  The Hermit

Animals:  Swan

Plant:  Yew tree

Divination Meaning:  You must ask of yourself:  How do I see the world? What gifts do my insights bring?  I suppose if ever there was a time to question your intuitiveness it would be now. In divination, Eadha asks you to examine the tools you use to access Otherworldly wisdom.  The Ancient Ones often used mind-altering herbs and plants for trips to the other side.  They learnt through trial and error how much was enough and not too much.  Not to say anyone uses mind-alteration via herbs and plants but I think the question is more to the point of “Am I using the correct tools in my practise to reach Divinity, ancestry, and any other Otherworldly Ones?” And, of course, those tools could include mind-altering herbs and plants.

How to Mend the Problem:  Careful discrimination between illusion and reality is suggested.  It can also refer to the tools of your divination work, or the “vehicles” used in your journeying work and whether they are physical, psychological, or spiritual… or all of the above and this is the meaning of the chthonic current… the oceanic current cautions about the dangers of visionary work:  addiction, illusion, and intoxication. Celestial current suggests the possibility of enlightenment through the applied practise of vision seeking and dream incubation.  In a nutshell, you must – through your intuitiveness and careful work with Divinity, find your answer to the questions above and judge whether you are risking too much and find a way to balance in all things.

The Hermit
Shadowscapes The Hermit  ~ photo by i.macy

The Hermit is the major arcana tarot card which best explains Eadha’s meaning.  The Hermit is a card of soul-searching, introspection, being alone, and inner guidance.  The Hermit carries a lantern or some type of light source in any type of deck.  It shows that you are taking a break from everyday life to draw your energy and attention inward and find the answers you seek, deep within your soul. You realise that your most profound sense of truth and knowledge is within yourself and not in the distractions of the outside world. You leave behind the mundane to set off on a journey of self-discovery, led only by your inner wisdom and guiding light. If you have the time, it is a perfect time to go on a pilgrimage of sorts alone.  When you allow yourself to tune in to your inner, guiding light, you will hear the answers you need and grow wise beyond your years. Find your light, shine it on your soul and create your unique path. You will see what lies ahead of you; from there, take one step at a time.

You can catch up the first eighteen blogs, Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten, Part Eleven, Part Twelve, Part Thirteen, Part Fourteen, Part Fifteen, Part Sixteen, Part Seventeen, and Part Eighteen by clicking on these respectively.

Many thanks for reading my blog and warmest blessings to those whom this way wander x


The Celtic Tree Oracle, by Liz and Colin Murray

What’s Your Birth Tree is the New What’s Your Star Sign, by Isabella

A Beginner’s Understanding of Ogham Divination, Part Eighteen

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @iseabail_witchwriter

Ogham Ur
Ogham Ur ~ photo by i.macy

Although Ur [or Ura], the Ogham alphabet for Heather does not come at the end of our series, it is still the Ogham of death and finality.  One might think that would be the Ogham for Yew, but it is not.  It is the third vowel of the Ogham and it is not a birth tree.  It is, however, the Ogham for Summer Solstice which recently came round in June.  You can find out more about the magickal uses for Heather in my past blog, The Magick of Heather.  Keep in mind the uses and representations for the actual plant may be quite different from what the Ogham itself represents.

As I say, this Ogham deals with death and finality and grieving, but it also deals with “deaths” which are metaphorical and the passing away of circumstances or situations in life.  In other words, when you draw the Ur stave it does not necessarily mean a physical death.  And always remember that when you do a three-stave draw you must consider the other two Ogham staves and what they mean.  In drawing the single stave, which is what most people do as a daily reading, then you must look deeply into the meaning of this single stave for what you need to know.  More often than not, the metaphorical meaning will be what will be your answer in this case.  Still, know this – something must end.

Representations:  Changes/Transitions, Dying, Death, Finality, Grieving

Ogham Letter:  U

Number:  18

Colour:  White, Amber

Tarot:  Death

Animals:  Bees, Red Grouse, Lark

Plant:  Mistletoe

Divination Meaning:  When drawing this Ogham stave in a single reading, you must ask yourself, “What in my life is passing away?  What must I leave behind?”  Of course, you must take the time to really look within when you draw Ur… there may be situations or people from which or whom you know you must withdraw yet it is so easy to feel comfortable enough with these situations or people and you never really want to think of how badly they may be affecting you or your well-being.  Now is the time to address this, no questions asked.  You may already know of what or whom you must leave behind so that you may grow.  Now is the time to act upon this knowledge.  No forest can grow without periodic pruning back of what no longer serves it.

How to Mend the Problem:  Of the chthonic current, Ur literally means graves, burials, and earth. Land spirits are part of this current. This current means to let go of what has passed and to move forward. Remember that physical death is not the only kind… relationships, businesses, hopes, and  ideals all die.  In the oceanic current, Ur brings about ghosts/spirits of the dead… you may be in need of doing a bit of ancestry and necromancing.  I’m of the belief that our ancestors live within us and speak to us… are we listening? Maybe it is time you do.  The celestial current is one of inevitability.  Your passed on loved one[s] may be weighing heavily on your mind. Perhaps it is time to honour them in some way.

And, perhaps the drawing of Ur simply means you must get rid of something which drags you down so that you can move forward without the weight of something which no longer serves you.  It could be a toxic relationship. It could be a few extra pounds you have been wanting to shed. It might be articles of clothing or things you have hoarded which only depress you now.  “Articles” of any kind can harbour bad energies.  Maybe you just need to do a good clear out!  Only you can, with your intuition and through meditation, understand best what Ur will mean for you.

Death card
The Death Card ~ photo by i.macy

The Death card in tarot is the perfect fit for Ur.  A card of endings, change, transformation, and transition [upright].  Like Ur, the Death card has always had a bad rap when it came to being drawn for many feared they were about to be lying by the wall soon!  Not often, I would assure you, does either mean so.  The Death card symbolises the end of a major phase or aspect of your life that you realise is no longer serving you, opening the possibility of something far more valuable and essential. You must close one door to open another. You need to put the past behind you and part ways, ready to embrace new opportunities and possibilities. It may be difficult to let go of the past, but you will soon see its importance and the promise of renewal and transformation. If you resist these necessary endings, you may experience pain, both emotionally and physically, but if you exercise your imagination and visualise a new possibility, you allow more constructive patterns to emerge.

You can catch up the first seventeen blogs, Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten, Part Eleven, Part Twelve, Part Thirteen, Part Fourteen, Part Fifteen, Part Sixteen, and Part Seventeen by clicking on these respectively.

Many thanks for reading my blog and warmest blessings to those whom this way wander x


The Celtic Tree Oracle, by Liz and Colin Murray

What’s Your Birth Tree is the New What’s Your Star Sign, by Isabella

A Beginner’s Understanding of Ogham Divination, Part Seventeen

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @iseabail_witchwriter

Ogham Ohn
Ogham Ohn ~ photo by i.macy

Ohn is the Ogham mark for the needle-bearing, non-conifer tree, Gorse, or Furze, from old Celtic dialect.  Truthfully, Gorse is considered more of a hedge plant than a tree, although they can grow to about 15 feet in height if not pruned back.  Ohn is also the Ogham for the Spring Equinox sabbat of Beltane.  It is not a Celtic Birth Tree Ogham.  Folklore has it that Ohn/Gorse is effective against faerie mischief.

Representations:  Fertility, Hope, Prosperity, and Protection

Ogham Letter:  O

Number:  17

Colour:  Gold, Yellow

Tarot: The Chariot

Animals:  Bees, Cormorant, Hare, Harrier Hawk

Plant:  Heather

Divination Meaning:  When you pull the Ohn Ogham, the question you must ask yourself is, “Where is my journey taking me? How shall I follow my path?”  A hint:  First look at the part of your life you’re in.  Are you young? Middle-aged? Older? When Ohn appears in your reading, it can indicate that you need to examine the direction of your life… maybe you’re about to take a trip; it can indicate emotional journeys such as changes of mind or heart. And, Ohn can also indicate if you need to make a spiritual journey such as meeting with ancestors in the Otherworld or finally meeting your Spirit Guardian.  Use your intuition to know where your journey lies. If you are to embark on a physical journey, Ohn is a magick amulet for you as physical protection; it is also well to have on hand for spiritual and emotional journeys.

How to Mend the Problem:  If you find physical travel is ahead for you, tend to mending any faults with your personal vehicle if you plan to use it.  Plan your trip to the best of your ability to minimise delays at airports and reduce travel times by taking the most direct but safest routes.  If you are called to go on a spiritual journey, it is always wise to first meet and form a relationship with your Spirit Guardian and animal if you have not done already.  Again, you must prepare for the journey.  And, if your journey is an emotional one, prepare yourself by committing yourself to being courageous… use talismans to this effect, if you feel necessary, and know that you will be deeply affected, however, it is a necessary journey to lay to rest the thing[s] which trouble your heart most.

the Chariot
Shadowscapes The Chariot ~ photo by i.macy

The tarot card I find is most relatable is The Chariot.  Notice, no matter which deck you use, the Warrior is upright, brave, and victorious.  He/she holds no reins… he is in control through the strength of his will and mind.  Although her beasts are pulling in different directions [in my case, a pair of Unicorns lead the way in my Shadowscapes deck], the charioteer uses her willpower and sheer resolve to steer the chariot forward in the direction she wants.  This is exactly what you wish to do in your journey as well.

You can catch up the first sixteen blogs, Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten, Part Eleven, Part Twelve, Part Thirteen, Part Fourteen, Part Fifteen, and Part Sixteen by clicking on these respectively.

Many thanks for reading my blog.  Warmest blessings to those whom this way wander x


The Celtic Tree Oracle, by Liz and Colin Murray

What’s Your Birth Tree is the New What’s Your Star Sign, by Isabella

A Beginner’s Understanding of Ogham Divination, Part Sixteen

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @iseabail_witchwriter

Ogham Ailm
Ogham Ailm ~ photo by i.macy

The Silver Fir is the main tree for which the Ogham Ailm represents, however, in some other circles the Elm tree is also marked by Ailm.  To confuse the issue further, Silver Fir is not mentioned in my first blog [see Sources below the link] regarding the Celtic Birth Tree Calendar and the representation of each tree’s Ogham alphabet.  One chart uses Pine in the place of Fir. The Ailm Ogham, all the more confusingly, represents all three trees:  Elm, Fir, and Pine.  For our purposes, should we create an Ogham set for ourselves from the twenty woods needed, it seems the prevailing wood for Ailm by the Druids is Silver Fir.  Ailm is the Ogham for the 23rd of December, the beginning of Yule.

While Silver Fir is not, as stated, a Birth Tree, it is called “The Birth Tree”.  It is used in protection spells for mothers giving and having given birth.  One of the ways is by burning the needles in the birthing room.  An excellent way to bring this into the 21st century is to create a loose incense with the Fir [or Pine] needles to burn on a charcoal block. Fir is also one of the Nine Sacred Woods.

Representations:  Far-sightedness, Beginnings/Endings, Pregnancy/Birth, Understanding, Intuition, Psychics,  Manifestation, Epiphany

Ogham Letter:  A

Number:  16

Colour:  Piebald – spotted/black/white/speckled

Tarot:  The Tower

Animals:  Lapwing

Plant:  Fir,  Pine, Elm

Divination Meaning:  You must question yourself again… What work am I starting? How am I being initiated?  Ailm is the Ogham of beginnings and endings combined. As one comes into this life, so is one born into the next.  You must study the part[s] of your life going through transition and look ahead into your own future.  You will be able to see what is beyond and what is coming.   When Ailm appears in divination, a new thing is coming into being.  Someone you know may be about to give birth, or you are beginning a new project; you are full of excitement and creativity, an epiphany is about to happen. It could also indicate that your spirituality is about to experience a great growth spurt. But no matter what is coming, you must realise that it is going to happen.  How it happens is largely up to you as to whether you will drag your feet and make it painful or whether you will open yourself willingly to the change and go through it with grace.

How to Mend the Problem:  The chthonic current of Ailm is life and death… the oceanic current of Ailm is being on the threshold of something new and exciting; being on the brink of discovery – on the verge of the “aha moment”.  You are standing at the threshold of a very important passage in your life.  You may be about to give birth to a baby… or perhaps a brand-new idea… or you will learn that you have acquired the spirituality you have worked so dedicatedly for.  Perhaps you will make a discovery which can help all of mankind.  Here, you and you alone must see into your own future and decide what it will be. Your intuition is going to be necessary.  The Universe feels you are ready for the passage.  You would do well to trust the Universe and in yourself for you have learned all you need to know at this point to make this passage. But do understand, the passage itself cannot be rushed, nor can you stop it; this is not in your hands.  Take your time and savour it. It will be worth it.

One further note, if you are pulling three staves in a reading, and pull the Ur stave along with Ailm as one of your three,  it will have to do with Death… and do remember that to pull the Ur stave, just as with the Death card in tarot does not always, and rarely means, physical death. Always make note of where it falls…Past, Present, or Future.

The Tower
The Tower ~ photo by i.macy

The tarot card with goes so well with Ailm is The Tower.  Of that I’m aware, there are no “upright” or “reverse” meanings in the Ogham.  Your stave will represent both sides of the coin, as it were.  Your foresight into your situation will tell you whether the meaning is fabulous or not so much.  Still, as previously mentioned, the Universe feels you are ready for this.  The Tower card in the Upright position means to expect the unexpected – massive change, upheaval, destruction and chaos. It may be a divorce, death of a loved one, financial failure, health problems, natural disaster, job loss or any event that shakes you to your core, affecting you spiritually, mentally and physically. There’s no escaping it. Change is here, but trust me, it’s for your Highest Good. In the Reversed state, The Tower suggests that you are undergoing a significant personal transformation and upheaval. This differs from the experience of the upright Tower where the change is often because of external circumstances and may even feel forced upon you. After a Tower experience, you will grow stronger, wiser and more resilient as you develop a new perspective on life you did not even know existed. These moments are necessary for your spiritual growth and enlightenment, and truth and honesty will bring about a positive change, even if you experience pain and anxiety throughout the process.

The Ailm Ogham does the same for you.

You can catch up the first fifteen blogs, Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten, Part Eleven, Part Twelve, Part Thirteen, Part Fourteen, and Part Fifteen by clicking on these respectively.

Many thanks for reading my blog and warmest blessings to those whom this way wander x


The Celtic Tree Oracle, by Liz and Colin Murray

What’s Your Birth Tree is the New What’s Your Star Sign, by Isabella

A Beginner’s Understanding of Ogham Divination, Part Fifteen

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @iseabail_witchwriter

Ogham ruis
Ogham Ruis ~ photo by i.macy

We shall now delve into the mysteries of the Ogham, Ruis, which is of the Elder tree, a Celtic Birth Tree for those born between 25 November and 23 December.  The Elder tree represents the Dark Half of the year and is associated with the Crone aspect of the Triple Goddess. But the focus is on its Ogham, Ruis, which loosely means “red” from the Irish Gaelic word, “Rúad”.  And, as you will read, Ruis will make you “see red”! And, it will help you to learn not to. Those born in the Elder lunar month are very passionate.

Representations:  Passion, Jealousy, Sexuality, Guilt, Envy, Love, Love of Life, Devotion to Deity, Healing

Ogham Letter:  E

Number:  15

Colour:  Bright Red, Light Red

Tarot:  Judgement

Animals:  Black Horse, Pheasant, Raven, Rook

Plant:  Dandelion

Divination Meaning:  What am I passionate about?  How do my passions help or harm me? These are the questions one must ask themselves if they draw the Ruis Ogham.  We are now delving into the emotions that may either help or harm, depending upon their use. What happens to arouse your emotions to guilt and frenzy?  These are the symptoms of a wider desire and you must suss out the source to begin “training” them to do good or to eliminate them from your life.  You are the judge and jury.

How to Mend the Problem:  Like Passion itself, Ruis can be steeped in joy or hatred. Jealousy and Rage are part and parcel to this Ogham’s energies; however, they can be turned to passionate love as well.  This pertains to any extreme emotion you may feel you’re having a problem with.  You can turn extreme hatred into love… whatever the emotion, you can control it with the power of Ruis and your own intuition and mindfulness. However, the chthonic current of Ruis is a difficult one as most of its meanings are emotions which people find hard to face. Still, there are also positive passions found with Ruis and because of this, as we can learn from Hinduism, we can turn our anger [insert emotion of choice] into cleansing through self-reflection and examination and thereby turning a societally harmful emotion into one of social activism and a deep desire for Justice, or expressing that emotion through healing work.  Ruis gives powerful focus and energy to overcome difficulties.

Shadowscapes Judgement card ~ photo by i.macy

In examination of what Ruis means, I find the Judgement tarot card comes to mind strongly. This is because Judgement calls upon us to rise and embrace a higher level of consciousness for the service of our Highest Good.  Both Ruis and Judgement indicates that you need to make a life-changing decision, and they tend to show up when you are close to reaching a significant stage in your journey.  This is the time when you will review and re-evaluate your past experiences and have learned from them. All the pieces of the puzzle of your life are finally coming together to form one, unified picture of your life story. This integration has healed deep wounds, and you are now able to put the past behind you. You have found your absolution, having cleared any wrongdoings or regrets, and releasing any guilt or sadness about the past. This purging process will leave you refreshed and ready to take on any new challenges.

You can catch up the first fourteen blogs, Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten, Part Eleven, Part Twelve, Part Thirteen, and Part Fourteen by clicking on these respectively.

Many thanks for reading my blog.  Warmest blessings to those whom this way wander x


The Celtic Tree Oracle, by Liz and Colin Murray

What’s Your Birth Tree is the New What’s Your Star Sign, by Isabella

A Beginner’s Understanding of Ogham Divination, Part Fourteen

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @iseabail_witchwriter

Ogham Straif
Ogham Straif ~ photo by i.macy

Blackthorn is a winter tree and it has black bark and vicious thorns, or “spines”. It has delicious berries called sloes which only ripen and sweeten after first frost.  It is a formidable tree and yet, it is a protective tree, a tree of authority and strength. It is wise not to go up against Blackthorn for it will always win. Blackthorn’s Ogham letter is called Straif, which sounds much like ‘strife’. It is not a Birth Tree Ogham, but it is the Ogham for the dark half of the year and its date is 31 October.  If you were born on this date, you could easily call it your birth tree.  Be forewarned though, the meanings of Blackthorn and Straif may not be ones you wish to be associated with. Or again, perhaps you do. Straif’s chthonic current speaks of secrets and the preservation of secret knowledge.  It can refer to magickal or occult mysteries and to a depth of magickal and spiritual practise. Straif reminds us to expect the unexpected.  Sudden reversals of fortune are possible. The spiritual direction is to use divination in whatever manner you get best results from to help lead you through the journey of change and your intuition will help guide your discernment.

Representations:  Authority, Control, Protection, Strength, and Truth

Ogham Letter:  St, SS

Number:  14

Colour:  Dark Purple, Grey, White or Yellow

Tarot:  Wheel of Fortune

Animals:  Bees, Butterfly, Thrush

Plant:  Houseleek

Divination Meaning:  Pulling the single stave, Straif, means unexpected change, plans altered, plans ruined.  Always be prepared for the unexpected with the appearance of Straif.  You must question yourself:  What part of my life needs a total change?  How am I being transformed?

How to Mend the Problem:  Change can be managed through spiritual work when Straif is an influence. Straif gives the ability to transform attitudes in healing. Despair can become hope. This Ogham is good for work with the emotions and for transforming deep-seated issues that have strong roots in the past, changing things without destroying the vessel.  Leave off any negative view you may have.  Clinging to old ways and facing challenges with anger, resentment, and stubbornness will only hurt you more. Accept the changes and move on with grace. Realise your life has changed dramatically and emerge reborn.

Wheel of Fortune
Wheel of Fortune ~ photo by i.macy

Many wrongly assume the Death card in tarot would be most likely the partner for Straif.  Not at all.  Yes, of course, you must “die” to some old ways so that you can rebirth to new and healthier ways. The Wheel of Fortune card is the best partner to Straif.  The upright Wheel of Fortune card asks you to be optimistic and have faith that the Universe will take care of your situation in the best way possible. Meditation and visualisation can reinforce your intention to bring increased abundance, good fortune and prosperity to you. Your life is about to turn in more positive directions if you are willing to grow and expand. Keep your mind open to all kinds of synchronicities and signs from the Universe. The magick of fate and destiny is behind you, and miracles are happening. However, when the Wheel of Fortune is reversed, your luck and fortune may take a turn for the worst. You may experience unexpected change or negative forces could be at play, leaving you feeling helpless. You have a choice: you can do nothing, and hope things will get better, or you can act to improve your situation. See this moment as your opportunity to take control of your destiny and get your life back on track.  So, like the wheel, what comes round goes round… and refer to the upright to fix the upside down.

You can catch up the first thirteen blogs, Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten, Part Eleven, Part Twelve, and Part Thirteen by clicking on these respectively.

Many thanks for reading my blog. Warmest blessings to those whom this way wander x


The Celtic Tree Oracle, by Liz and Colin Murray

What’s Your Birth Tree is the New What’s Your Star Sign, by Isabella

A Beginner’s Understanding of Ogham Divination, Part Eleven

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @iseabail_witchwriter

Muin Ogham ~ photo by i.macy

This week we shall look at the Ogham, “Muin”, which is the Ogham for Vine.  Not all “birth trees” are exactly trees as you may have learned already. Vine has been around in Britain for a very long time, possibly brought by the wine growing Romans. Because of the effects of wine loosening the tongue, it is thought of as the inducer of truth and Vine is also related to prophetic powers.  Muin / Vine is the Ogham / tree for those born between 2 September and 29 September per the lunar calendar adopted by the early Celtic peoples.  It is the eleventh consonant of the Ogham; however, it is the tenth lunar month of the Celtic Tree Calendar.

Representations:  Protection, Peace, Intuition, Truth, Communication, Re-birth, Reincarnation, Prophecy, and Inspiration

Ogham Letter:  M

Number:  11

Colour:  Pink, White

Tarot:  Temperance

Animals:  White Swan

Plant:  Ivy

Divination Meaning:  When you draw the Vine Ogham stave [or card, or piece of paper], use your intuition to delve into yourself to find the deep level in which you must act to deal with an issue.  Only you can know what your issue is, but you do know what it is. You know that you already know the answer, but you must justify it within yourself and bring about a satisfying agreement between your head and heart.  You already have that peace within you. Your intuitiveness, which has been growing stronger, will help you mend this problem… it will be all about truth now.  Truth to yourself.

How to Mend the Problem:  Allow your senses to speed your inner developing intuition and place your trust into this knowledge when it is acting strongly.  Open yourself to harvest and gather all signs and omens that you’re capable of understanding.  Every problem can not be repaired by reasoning.  You are learning that when reasoning fails, it is time to rely on truth and intuition.  The more you use it, the stronger it becomes… like any talent or gift.

I choose the Tarot’s major arcana card, Temperance, as a companion reading to the Muin ogham. The Temperance card is the Tarot’s way of indicating that peace will not be arriving, because you already have it within you, just as the Muin ogham does.  Both signal to you that the only way to solving your dilemma is to find that peace and figure out what is the proper way to attaining it.  If you look to the signs around you, they will guide you… your intuition will know them and help you settle upon the right decision.

You can catch up the first ten blogs, Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine, and Part Ten by clicking on these.

Many thanks for reading my blog.  Warmest blessings to those whom this way wander x


The Celtic Tree Oracle, by Liz and Colin Murray

What’s Your Birth Tree is the New What’s Your Star Sign, by Isabella

A Beginner’s Understanding of Ogham Divination, Part Ten

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @iseabail_witchwriter

Ogham Quert
Ogham Quert stave and oracle card ~ photo by i.macy

One of my personal favourites this week – Apple.  Apple, as in the Ogham, “Quert”, which is not a birth tree in the Celtic Tree Calendar [though some schools of thought vary] but is the 10th consonant of the Ogham and is the tree / ogham representing the light half of the year, from 2nd May until 31st October.

As was during the time of the first couple, Adam and Eve, the apple was about choice.  Choose to eat the apple and have boundless knowledge or choose not to eat the apple and live all their days in the bliss of a perfect garden. There have been many stories regarding the apple and choices since, however, the thing you must always remember when drawing the Quert stave, card, or paper, is that you will need to make a choice.  What you find and what you feel must be done is ultimately down to your own intuition.

Representations:  Choices, Protection, Generosity, Regeneration, Prosperity, Strength, Communication, Knowledge, Love, Beauty, Attraction

Ogham Letter:  Q

Number:  10

Colour:  Pink, Yellow Green

Tarot:  The Lovers

Animals:  Butterflies, Cedar Wax-Wing, Grosbeak

Plant:  Calla Lily

Divination Meaning:  Choice is to be made.  Delve into yourself and find that one very important choice you know you have been putting off… you have put it off because you are unsure of what to decide, although you do know what the choices are.

How to Mend the Problem:  You must finally bring this choice out and dust it off. Take a good, long look at it.  Think with your head, if you must, but at the end of the day, you must rely upon your intuition.  You already know what to decide, you only need now to commit.

Many paths of learning are open to you on your journey.  Choose one and commit. It is better to be Master of one than Master of none.  This may include your path in witchcraft or a career choice or even a choice of suitors. When you master a path, others will follow.

The Major Arcana card, The Lovers, correlates heavily with Quert in divination. The Lovers is very much about choice – determining values and struggling with choices.  Though it can be romantic in nature, it is not necessarily so. Your intuition will bring out the meaning for you.

You can catch up the first nine blogs, Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, and Part Nine by clicking on these.

Many thanks for reading my blog and warmest blessings to those whom this way wander x


The Celtic Tree Oracle, by Liz and Colin Murray

What’s Your Birth Tree is the New What’s Your Star Sign, by Isabella

A Beginner’s Understanding of Ogham Divination, Part Nine

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @iseabail_witchwriter

Ogham Coll
Hazel Coll Ogham ~ photo by i.macy

The ninth lunar month of the Celtic calendar is from  5th August to 1st September.  The tree for this lunar month is Hazel and Hazel’s Ogham alphabet is “Coll”, which is also the 9th consonant of the Ogham alphabet.  Nine is a very sacred number to the Coll Ogham and to the Hazel tree.  This number will come into your divination with the Ogham frequently.  There is a tale of the Secret Salmon [the salmon being one of the animals sacred to the Hazel].  This legend see the salmon swimming under the overhanging Hazel tree, and he ate the nine nuts of poetic wisdom. He had nine spots upon him which denoted the nine nuts. There are nine representations which Coll gives us.  Hazel/Coll indicates intuition to lead to the source, to divination, to meditation, and to poetry.

** I must mention here that when you draw a stave, you do not necessarily need to ask a question.  The staves you draw will be your guide for the day or week, depending on how often you like to draw them.

Representations:  Creativity, Divination, Inspiration, Introspection, Knowledge, Healing, Protection, Intuition, Wisdom

Ogham Letter:  C

Number:  9

Colour:  Dark Blue

Tarot:  The Empress

Animals:  Crane, Salmon

Plant:  Vervain

Divination Meaning:  When your query draws the Coll stave, meditate a few moments by holding the Hazel in your hand, if you are using wooden Ogham staves or if you are using the Celtic Tree Oracle cards, hold the Coll card in your hands and gaze upon it in meditation, with the question in your mind as to how does Coll answer? Allow your intuitiveness to lead you.  If you are drawing your Ogham for guidance, again, use intuition.  Allow promptings of your intuition to bring new ideas to the surface. Become a catalyst with those ideas.

How to Mend the Problem:  Your skill in poetry, divination, and mediation can be inspiring to others to help increase their capacity in these arts.  You must be the one to lead by example. Always follow your intuition to the Source.  You will be rewarded with Wisdom and your spirit will sing poetry.  The more you use your gifts, the stronger you will become in them. Never fail to give thanks for the gifts, blessings, lessons, and love received from the Source.

Introspection always seems to lead to new inspiration which in turn leads to creativity. It is when you look inside but do not expect something, the Source opens a window of opportunity to your mind’s eye. Whatever it is, don’t be afraid to learn how to do this new thing.  It could be the difference you have needed in your life!

The Empress card in tarot is a wonderful representation of what Coll stands for – creativity, our strong connection to the feminine no matter if you’re male or female, giving of yourself to be of help to others, the urging of reflection upon your gifts and abundance and your gratitude for these things. And because both Coll and The Empress can suggest pregnancy and birth, the number nine is yet again important.

You can catch up the first eight blogs, Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, and Part Eight by clicking on these.

Many thanks for reading my blog and warmest blessings to those whom this way wander x


The Celtic Tree Oracle, by Liz and Colin Murray

What’s Your Birth Tree is the New What’s Your Star Sign, by Isabella