Petrified Wood, The Kindly Grandmother

Originally posted on 25/01/2018 via

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram: @thewandcarver

Can you imagine… a tree growing along for many years, then it begins turning to stone? It has always amazed me how this happens. This is the way I perceived it happening when I first learned of petrified wood as a young child… just standing there, tall and beautiful, then one day, stone. Obviously over the years I learned differently, and as we all know, the process begins on the wood which has been in the ground for some time and the organic materials have been replaced with minerals [mostly a silicate, such as quartz], while retaining the original structure of the tissue. It basically becomes a three-dimensional fossil! You just inherently know this is going to be something with teeth in the metaphysical sense.

Petrified Wood is a grounding and protecting stone. I think of “grounding stones” as ones with enormous patience. It is as though they have been around so long and have seen so much that they have the settled ways of the serene older person. The wisdom is beyond reproach, and when you hold such a stone or crystal you can feel that wisdom, serenity, and patience vibrating through you. That is as it should be, for when we need grounding before performing rituals, spells, or simply meditating, sometimes we need all the serenity we can get. I believe it is safe to say you will gather the grounding patience you need from Petrified Wood. Its protection asset is easy to trust. It builds a barrier, a wall, around its user, making it much less likely that harmful spirits or hexes to take hold.

Petrified Wood
Petrified Wood ~ photo by i.macy

It is said to calm the nerves and fears and to encourage feelings of well-being, safety and security, enabling you to stop worrying about the ‘small stuff’. Here the serenity of Petrified Wood comes into play again. It soothes and calms like the kindly grandmother. It gives you a feeling of “everything will be alright”. You never feel alone if you have Petrified Wood in your home. I often handed my daughter a piece of Petrified Wood when she became anxious and couldn’t get a grip on reality. It instantly soothed and calmed her. She has had many problems with nerves over the years but luckily between her Kunzite pendant and elixirs and Petrified Wood, she has managed her anxiety without medication very well for years. Please do not use this as a fail-proof diagnostic and medication tool. If you are having anxiety, depression, or any mental issues, please see your medical professional first before trying any holistic treatment. We all know there are some things which absolutely must be treated by a doctor.

In healing, Petrified Wood is believed to help restore physical energy, to strengthen the bones and to relieve hip and back pain. This may be down to many reasons, but we are always more energetic and full of hope when we feel cared for. And healing is more about believing than anything else in many cases. In crystal healing, Petrified Wood is used for pain relief, particularly in the spine and hips.

Petrified Wood is also said to be helpful in past-life recall or past-life regression work. Which would make sense as it holds the ancient spirits within and they can provide guidance in past-life workings. I have not used the Petrified Wood for this reason yet but look forward to giving it a go.

Associated Crystals: Green moss agate, rutilated quartz, and tree agate
Candle Colour: Brown or grey.
Chakra: Root, Solar Plexus, Third Eye, and Heart
Element: Earth and spirit.
Flowers: & Plants: Polyanthus, poppy and snapdragon.
Herbs: Incenses – Oils: Burdock, echinacea, fennel, sage and thyme.
Planet: Earth and Saturn.
Zodiac: Virgo
Powers: Grounding, healing, protection, past life recall
Crystals to use with: Agate, Jasper, Chalcedony, Bloodstone, Red Jasper, Onyx, Carnelian, and Opal.

Thank you for reading and many warm blessings to all whom this way wander x


The Crystal Bible, by Judy Hall


Magickal, Mysterious Whitby Jet

Originally posted on 14/12/2017 via

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram: @thewandcarver

Jet gives me such a thrill, particularly the Whitby variety. Some say it “ain’t Jet if it ain’t from Whitby!” Ah, yes…I almost 100% agree, still, I have had some very good magick come from Jet which hailed from other parts and all. Where does Jet come from, if not from Whitby? Deposits of Jet were discovered in other countries beyond Britain, including Spain, Germany, China, Turkey, and Siberia. In the United States, Jet has been found in Virginia, New Mexico, Utah, and Alaska. However, none of these locations produced Jet that had the same working qualities and beauty as the Jet found near Whitby.

Jet 2
My Jet Witch Ring ~ photo by i.macy

So, whilst Jet from anywhere else may have strong magickal energies when it comes to jewellery making and working with Jet for the creation of art objects, it really is not Jet if it “ain’t from Whitby”!

Jet is not actually a crystal, either, in the sense of what most would call a crystal. It is fossilised wood and compressed much in the way coal is compressed, yet, it is not compressed in “veins” as is coal. And here I go, as I do, tending to go into the science of a thing when all most of you care to know is: what does Jet do for us in the metaphysical sense or…magick?

Jet is the kind of crystal [fossil] that will support you physically, emotionally, and spiritually, helping to achieve your goals with balance and harmony. It helps you to see your way through demanding situations, regardless of all the mayhem going on around you. Jet accomplishes this by drawing the negativity out of your auric field and being free of the negativity helps you to change your perspective of the situation in the way you feel, think, act, and speak. When Jet helps you to release your negativity it does so in a positive way so that it doesn’t affect others adversely. Jet also opens your crown chakra to enlightenment, making it a fabulous stone to use during meditation. Jet also enhances your psychic abilities which makes it a positive crystal for opening your third eye chakra.

Because of Jet’s ability to ground us, it is an often-used stone for the base or root chakra. Jet is equally useful for the solar plexus chakra because of its ability to restore harmony and balance and to help you achieve it. The multipurpose Jet can be used alone during meditation and chakra clearing or alongside your usual crystals. It is the perfect go-to stone!

We generally think of green crystals/stones when we think of drawing wealth into our lives, but when it comes to money and finances, Jet helps you to manage your finances best. When I began my business, I made a witch bottle to set on my desk. Inside of it, I place herbs which would draw wealth, along with some coins, and a piece of Jet. I still have this on my desk after four years and whilst I can’t say I’ve grown rich, I do know for a fact that my business has increased steadily and strongly over these four years. When I look at my stats I can see the graphs and the percentages which insure me that each month, each year, my finances have increased along with my number of sales. No, it didn’t happen quickly, but it has been steady, and to me, that is better…sometimes when things happen quickly it is over quickly as well. If I continue striving to improve myself and my products and have my Jet witch bottle, I think all will be fine.

By its very nature, Jet removes negativity from us. Negativity can be the number one killer of a relationship, even before it can get off the ground, so to speak. You may not think you are negative, however, when we have thoughts of “I’m not good enough” or “I’m not attractive enough” we are being negative even if we don’t voice those opinions aloud. Our souls recognise things like this in each other far quicker than we admit it to each other, therefore, the one you’re trying to attract – or have attracted and trying to build a relationship with – probably already has suspected your negativity even though you think you have it in check. Jet will help you remove this negativity and to focus on the positives. If you know the Seven Laws of Attraction at all, you will know the more you think about something the better the chance is of attracting it into your life. Jet helps you to think about the good things about yourself, enhancing your positive vibes, and believe me, whomever you wish to attract or have attracted already will sense this delightful personality of yours and love you even more for it!

Jet 1
My Jet tumbled stone ~ photo by i.macy

If your negativity is more deep-seated than the superficial worries of not being worthy, Jet can bring the hidden issues and emotion to the surface, so you can deal with them properly and begin healing. Jet is not just a stone/crystal for relationship love but for self-love as well. Jet is always a source of emotional support through the good times and the bad.

Jet is already proven to be a wonderful healing tool for sadness and stress. But, it has also been said to bring relief to those suffering menstrual cramps and it is also said to relieve the pain of childbirth, and it also seems to be helpful in correcting erratic hormones all throughout your pregnancy.

Of course, as a fabulous stabiliser, it would do! The primary objectives of Jet are balance and harmony, after all.

Healers use Jet to help with epilepsy. It has also been used for migraines and lesser painful headaches.

Jet is a superior protection stone. Jet was also found to be a comfort during mourning, long before Queen Victoria made it fashionable after the loss of her beloved Albert.

Bury in the Earth to recharge. Do not give away once you have worn it as it is said to absorb part of the soul of its owner.

Chakra: Root. Also, good with solar plexus, third eye, and crown
Astrological Sign: Capricorn
Numerical Vibration: 8
Colour: Black and brownish-black
Diety: Pan, Cybele
Planet: Saturn
Element: Earth, Akasha
Sabbat: Samhain
Works well with: Lepidolite, Smokey Quartz, Sugilite, Amber, and Black Tourmaline

Many thanks for reading and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x

The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall, 2003
Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic by Scott Cunningham, 2002
Chakra Healing & Karmic Awareness by Keith Sherwood, 2005
Gemstone Energy Medicine Healing Body, Mind and Spirit by Michael Katz, 2005

Ammonite Magick!

Originally posted on 07/12/20 via

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram: @thewandcarver

Ammonite Earrings
My Chinese Ammonite earrings ~ photo by i.macy

Just look at one and you know it is something quite special, the Ammonite. It draws away negativity…just put your head between a pair and see what I mean. If the day isn’t going so well and the dark thoughts think they can move in, I know wearing my Ammonite earrings will soon take care of that. Ammonite spirals are a filter, drawing in these dark energies which are no longer needed, moving them through the spirals and releasing them as fresh, positive, loving, life force energies.

Ammonite is not considered a stone or crystal, it is a fossil, and fossils are a wonderful tool to assist you in moving from the old to the new and to be receptive to the fresh, innovative forces that are available to you. Ammonite helps you to reconcile the past with the present and to help you gain perspective on the present. These are, like the Orthoceras, another fossil, brilliant in past life recall work. As they are excellent for honouring ancestors, they are useful to the hedgewitch, or anybody working with astral travel to connect with their ancestry. They also help in re-entry, so to speak, from astral travel in a kind and grounding way which eases you back into “reality”.

Folklore / History:

Ammonite from Charmouth Dorset
My Ammonite from Charmouth, Dorset ~ photo by i.macy

Ammonite’s name is derived from the name of the ancient Egyptian god Ammon who believed these creatures were divine. Ammon is represented in ancient literature by the head of a ram with twisted spiral horns that are reminiscent of an Ammonite’s spiralled shell. Pliny the Elder, the Roman historian, described Ammonites as the holiest stones in ancient Aethiopia because they were believed to bring prophetic dreams.

Ammonites have had a long association with serpents in English legend. The 7th Century Saint Hilda of Whitby turned an infestation of snakes to stone to enable a now-famous abbey to be constructed. These petrified “snakestones” were carved or painted with a head-on them and sold as pious souvenirs. During the early 19th-century English fossil hunters referred to Ammonites as cornemonius, a corruption of the Latin name hammonis cornu.


Ammonites were used in folk medicine across Europe for snake bites, fertility, and birthing pains. In 18th century Germany and England they were added to water as “drakestones” [“dragonstone”] or “crampstones” to treat livestock. Sliced in half to make a pair, they were often given as wedding presents because they represented a journey and two parts coming together as a whole.


Ammonite is known to strengthen one’s will to live as well as appreciating life and living it to the fullest; being very beneficial to the human psyche. Feng Shui practitioners believe that Ammonite also has a positive effect on the flow of energy called ‘chi’, assisting one to cleanse and detoxify the body. It is regarded as helpful in childbirth.

Since Ammonites were once living beings, they are connected to Akasha, the fifth element. These are tangible proof that in nature nothing is wasted; it shows how only manifestations of energy may be transmutable, but energy itself cannot be destroyed.

Ammonite may be used for vivid prophetic vision and dreams as well as work or meditations relating to past lives and longevity. And as before-mentioned, very useful in astral travel and hedge witchery.


Chakras: Base, Solar Plexus, Third Eye

Zodiac Signs: Capricorn, Virgo

Number: 8

Diety: Ammon

Energy: Receptive

Element: Earth, Air, Water, Fire & Akasha

Planet: Jupiter

Powers: Elemental Power, Longevity & Past Life Meditation

Candle Colour: Green or Black

Many thanks for reading and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x


The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall

Chakra Healing & Karmic Awareness by Keith Sherwood

Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic by Scott Cunningham

Orthoceras ~ The Magickal Fossil

Originally posted on 23/11/2017 via

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram: @thewandcarver

Orthoceras means “straight horn”.   It is a fossil, as many know, and seems to be primarily from regions such as Baltic states, Lithuania, Ukraine, Estonia, and Sweden, but from time to time, they do wash ashore of Great Britain. And, I should think that is due to the relative proximity of Great Britain to Sweden. However, they were found in the North Devon area, as well, and documented as early as 1846.  If you can’t find one naturally, you can always buy one, and they are relatively inexpensive…unless you buy a huge specimen.

My Orthoceras collection by i.macy

I could tell you much more about the science of Orthoceras [yes, with the “s” is the correct name, not randomly making it a plural word!], but if you’re anything like me you would rather know how you can use these gorgeous fossils in your magickal work. I am happy to tell you, as I am a proud owner of a few of these lovelies.

When I first found the Orthoceras, I had a challenging time finding much in the way of information about what they can do. Time and research found a way, as it does. Reiki Healers and Pranic Healers have both said they use the Orthoceras as it has such nice energy working with the Mooladhara Chakra, or as we know it, the Base or Root Chakra. Seems it is a good thing to use when treating the spine! I think I should give this a go myself.  It is also said to be excellent for treating atrophy, skeletal system disorders, especially hands and feet and back; and in treating fatigue, digestive disorders, and rheumatism.  Many Healers say the Orthoceras is a favourite for helping older patients with superior results. The Orthoceras is fabulous for reducing anxiety and stress…I don’t need a Pranic Healer to say so…I can feel this by holding one! Other physical healing capabilities include stimulating the thymus and increasing the elimination of toxins.

Just as useful as the Orthorceras is in physical healing, it also is for business. I have not personally made the attempt yet in using my ones for business enrichment, but they are said to heighten and supplement one’s accomplishments in business and to instil quality and excellence within one’s environment.  Orthoceras is said to open the mind and increase confidence, therefore promoting pride and accomplishment in one’s work. It can be utilised in the workplace to assist others, regardless of how you may feel about them personally. Orthoceras also induces recognition by others for your accomplishments as they will also allow you to recognise and praise the accomplishments of others.

Lastly, Orthoceras is an excellent tool for accessing past life information.  It can be used to release fear related to getting old and reminds us that in the darkness changes can occur so that we can be reborn when we chose to change and to come back to the light of day.


Chakras: Base, Solar Plexus

Element: Storm, Earth

Zodiac Signs: Capricorn, Virgo

Number: 8

Colour: Black with silvery-white

Many thanks for reading and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x



Reiki and Pranic Healers names not being disclosed

Memoirs of the Geological Survey of England and Wales (1846) ~ reprinted