Happy and Blessed Imbolc 2022! The First Sabbat of the Year

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @thewandcarver

Happy Imbolc, everyone! Our first sabbat of the year and we’re off! Time to roll the wheel round and see where we go from here… The beginning is always the best place to start, of course, and this is why that it is so fitting that Imbolc’s meaning is “in the belly of the Mother,”  because the seeds of Spring are beginning to stir in the belly of Mother Earth.  Everything is now centred around growing, warming, light, new beginnings.  It has always been the time of year when I endeavour to change my diet or learn new things.  It is an inherent need which builds at the end of a year and is made manifest beginning around 1 February.  It is not something I plan; it just always happens.

Still, it makes sense… it is a time when we want to brush away the cobbies and clean.  We want to make improvements in our lives, both physically and figuratively.  As Doreen Valiente once said, ‘Spring cleaning was originally a nature ritual’. It is all about new beginnings.  Most of you probably feel the same.  I have always wondered why we must write lists of things we wish to change/resolutions on New Year’s Day when we really have been having too much Yule-tide fun to care much about things such as expanding waistlines or cupboards in need of a good sorting out.  How is one meant to remember what they want to change after all the revelry?  It is perhaps as well that our spiritual selves make these plans for us during January, so we are prepared to take on the tasks come February. It’s a thought…

Brigid, the Fire Goddess

Brigid, the Fire Goddess by Emily Balivet on Etsy

It is befitting, that the Fire Goddess leads us out of the darkness of Winter. Not only for the light to see but as in “lighting a fire inside”.  When we get the call from our spirit to get things done, we tend to manifest those things better in this time of year better than others.  Ah, if you are young, you probably do manifest things easily in any time of year but for some of us folk of a certain age… well, we do have to make hay when the sun rises, and it is warmer much of the time!  That said, there are so many ways in which to honour one of our favourite Goddesses.

Try making a loose incense for your Imbolc magickal workings: 

Brigid Imbolc Incense

2 parts Dragon’s Blood resin [or you may use Sandalwood or Frankincense]

2 parts Oak bark, ground

shredded Snowdrops or Angelica fleurets, dried

1 part dried Ginger root, ground

a few drops of Orange oil

Mix all ingredients, save for the oil until last.  Do not soak the mixture with oil, only gently toss the ingredients lightly with four drops to start.  You can add another drop or two of oil, if needed but you cannot remove it so make certain your loose incense mixture does not become soggy with oil or it will be wasted. Burn on a charcoal disc in a brass censer, preferably on a bed of lava sand.

Make a Brigid’s Cross

I’m not that good at explaining these semi-tedious things so here is a link for you to learn how to make your own Brigid’s Cross. Don’t forget to like and maybe subscribe 🙂

Brigid’s Candle [Flame]

If you love to make candles, as do I, you can make your own Brigid’s Candle.  Make it in either white or silver to use on your Imbolc altar for honouring Brigid.  Don’t fret if making candles is not your thing.  You can buy white pillar candles relatively inexpensively – even a pound shop pillar candle will do!  You could wrap green ribbon [about 5-7 mm wide] around the candle or leave it as is.  You could also carve sigils into it which you create for Brigid.

A few things to do to make this Imbolc brighter [pun intended!] for you!  Thank you for reading and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x