From the Wortcunner’s Cabinet, Lavender

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @iseabail_witchwriter

Take a moment and imagine, if you will, the scent of Lavender when you first pluck a stem of it and rub the tiny leaves.  Let the aroma envelope your senses and your mind be cast to a simpler and happier time.  Breathe deeply and exhale slowly, inhaling positivity and exhaling negativity… Do you feel refreshed now?  I do simply by writing this paragraph.  Lavender is the most powerfully relaxing herb/flower I know of.  …. It is no wonder why Lavender is often called “The Tranquillity Herb”.

Lavender field Snowshill Gloustershire countrylife dot co dot uk
Snowhills, Gloucestershire lavender farm ~ photo by

 One of the things I like best about ironing clothes [yes, I still do that!] is to spray lavender water on my personal items [my son might not like smelling like lavender!] before setting the hot iron to them.  At one time I also used a lavender washing powder I had found online.  Never until later did I find out that I was following a long-held English custom which apparently began when the Romans invaded.  Roman soldiers would put lavender in their bath water and do their washing with it as well.  Because of this association, during medieval times, laundresses [washerwomen] were called “lavenders”.  More often than not, these lavenders were also prostituting for supplemental income as the washerwoman did not make a living wage, so the name lavender took on a double meaning.  An anonymous 16th-century poet wrote:

Thou shalt be my lavender

To wash and clean all my gear

Our two beds shall be set

Without any let


Love Witch Bottle
Love Witch Bottle ~ photo by i.macy

One of the key ingredients in both our Love Witch Bottle and in our Empath Rescue Witch Bottle is Lavender.  Obviously for love, but in the Empath bottle, Lavender is also for protection, peace of mind, and purification of the depressing aura which can sometimes envelope even the strongest empath.

Lavender can, as above-mentioned, be used for purification bathing.  Lavender water can not only be sprayed onto clothing before ironing to impart its scent but to be sprayed in your power circle for rituals to bring purification and protection within it.

Lavender is an excellent sleep aid and one of my favourite things to have near me at night is my  Lavender bag created by Jacqui Livesay Art on Etsy.  Of course, you can make your own.  These can also be used to help you to strengthen your mental and psychic powers during divination. Making a talisman for this purpose is the ultimate way to induce your psychic powers by placing an Amethyst crystal along with lavender herb in a drawstring bag and wearing around your neck when engaged in tarot readings, casting runes or ogham staves, and pendulum dowsing.  Lavender is also said to promote visions during readings of any kind.

Love spells and fertility spells are always helped along by Lavender.  Use it in poppets, sachets, and loose incenses for these purposes.  Wearing the scent of Lavender alone can attract love to you.

Dried Lavender makes excellent smudge sticks.


Whom else would I turn for advice on healing by herbs/flowers/woods, and the like except Nicholas Culpeper, author of the world famous The Complete Herbal and English Physician?  Although the writings are over 300 years old, much of what he wrote then holds true to this day.  For example, “It [Lavender] provokes women’s courses, and expels the dead child and after-birth”.  Whether the birth was ‘intended’ to be early or if the pregnancy had gone full-term, but the child was known to be dead in the womb prior to its birth, Lavender brought on the immediate dismissal of the foetus from its mother’s womb.  It is now why I interject a warning to all expectant mothers to never use any Lavender oil or herb by ingestion or otherwise to be safe.  I don’t know how much is “enough” but please don’t take any risks. Also, he says, “two spoonfuls of the distilled water of the flowers taken, helps them that have lost their voice”  which is what my Nana prescribed me when I had a case of the laryngitis after reading aloud a book about Florence Nightingale to my mum at the dining room table one night.  It worked.  Culpeper also goes on to say that it is not only good to drink for certain maladies but is also does the job by applying onto temples and smelling through the nostrils to stop tremblings, faintings, and swooning.  He also wrote that “The chymical oil drawn from Lavender, usually called Oil of Spike, is of so fierce and piercing a quality, that it is cautiously to be used, some few drops being sufficient, to be given with other things, either for inward or outward griefs.”


Planetary:  Mercury

Gender:  Masculine

Zodiac:  Virgo

Element:  Air

Powers:  Love, Protection, Sleep, Chastity, Longevity, Purification, Happiness, and Peace

Deity:  Aphrodite, Venus, Bastet, Isis, Tawaret, Brigid, Cernunnos

Other Names:  Elf Leaf, Nard, Nardus, Spike

I hope you have enjoyed and have found something useful to your practise in my blog. Warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x


The Complete Herbal and English Physician, by Nicholas Culpeper

The Encyclopaedia of Magical Herbs, by Scott Cunningham


From the Wortcunner’s Cabinet, Juniper Berries

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @iseabail_witchwriter

juniperus-ornamental-trees dot co dot uk
Juniper ~

Of the Juniper bush, Nicholas Culpeper wrote in his famous The Complete Herbal and English Physician, “They [Juniper bushes] grow plentifully in divers woods in Kent, Warney common near Brentwood in Essex upon Finchley Common without Highgate; hard by the Newfound Wells near Dulwich, upon a Common between Mitcham and Croydon, in the Highgate near Amersham in Buckinghamshire, and many other places.” Of course, Mr Culpeper would not have known they also were growing in Europe, Southwest Asia, and North America.  He wrote about what was on hand mainly in England in the 1700’s and how each herb, spice, flower, and tree could lend itself to healing in the medicine of the times.  His information was good for his time and is still as useful today.

We can not speak of the berries, which many of us use for different purposes in magick and healing without first speaking of the bush/tree, of course.  And now that we have done, Mr Culpeper has more information regarding the Juniper, “The berries are not ripe the first year, but continue green two Summers and one Winter before they are ripe; at which time they are all of a black colour, and therefore you shall always find upon the bush green berries; the berries are ripe about the fall of the leaf.”

The Juniper bush can grow up to 25 feet tall…I would say that is quite a large bush, indeed! And any lover of a good G and T [gin and tonic] knows the primary ingredient in gin is Juniper berries. But we shall now ponder the magickal and healing ways of the berries.


Juniper berries, if added to sachets and carried with, will protect the wearer from accidents and theft, as well as from attacks from wild animals and snakes.

The berries are also said to increase male potency.

If Juniper is grown by or hung dry by any entry door of your home, it is said that the home will be protected against evil forces and persons.

Juniper Berries are good for increasing psychic powers and other popular uses including incense mixtures for exorcism and breaking hexes.  It is also used in love spells.

Juniper has been said to be the guardian of the veil – the veil between the worlds.

For any magickal undertaking, the berries can be dried and crushed to be used in incenses for your purpose.  They can also be added to poppets and sachets for the reasons you wish to use their magickal properties and drinking Juniper berry tea is helpful when seeking out the other side as in hedgewitchery and necromancy. Do not drink the tea or work with Juniper berries if you are pregnant. 


Juniper berries are known for having health properties that improve memory and mental clarity.

Juniper berries act as a parasiticide (parasite destroyer) and antiseptic. Nicholas Culpeper writes, “The berries stay all fluxes, help the haemorrhoids or piles, and kill worms in children.”

Apparently, a great ridder of ‘wind’ [after all the rich foods partaken of back in the day, no doubt!] for Mr Culpeper also states, “…strengthens the stomach exceedingly, and expels the wind.  Indeed, there is scarce a better remedy for wind in any part of the body, or the cholic than the chymical oil drawn from the berries.”

Juniper 600 apr 2012 cma dot org dot uk
Juniper berries ~

Juniper berries are excellent to use in a tea for its detoxifying properties and can aid in the treatment of gout and rheumatoid arthritis.  This is confirmed by Culpeper as he writes, “…[Juniper berries] are excellently good in all sorts of agues; help the gout and sciatica and strengthen the limbs of the body.”  The berries are also known as an excellent diuretic and is proved again by Culpeper, “they provoke urine exceedingly, and are therefore very available to all dysuries and stranguaries.”

Culpeper also says Juniper berries are “a most admirable counter-poison, and as great a register of the pestilence as any growing; they are excellent good against the bitings of venomous beasts.”  I have no doubt this is true.


Planetary:  Sun

Gender:  Masculine

Element:  Fire

Zodiac:  Leo

Powers: Protection, Mental Health, Love, Male Potency, Increasing Psychic Powers, and Breaking Hexes

Deity:  Bridghid/Bridget, Dhatara, Frey, Helios/Sol, Lucifer, Mithra, Ra, Savitar, Apollo, Inanna/Ishtar

Folk Names:  enebro, gemeiner wachholder, geneva, gin berry, ginepro and gin plant

Many thanks for reading my blog and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x


The Complete Herbal and English Physician, by Nicholas Culpeper c 1702

The Encyclopaedia of Magical Herbs, by Scott Cunningham

A Beginner’s Understanding of Ogham Divination, Part Four

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @iseabail_witchwriter

Fearn Ogham
Fearn Ogham stave ~ photo by i.macy

This week is the Ogham letter, Fearn.  Fearn is the Irish name of the third letter of the Ogham alphabet and the Alder tree.  Alder, of course, is the birth tree for those born in the fourth lunar month between 18 March to 14 April.  The Alder tree thrives near bodies of water but itself is water-resistant and the cut wood changes from white to red, which makes it of two minds in the occult. Thus, the letter Fearn became the symbol for divination, oracular heads, courage, protection of self and country, and rivers.  The Alder tree has a many storied past, but all come with a lesson:  The Alder teaches us discrimination and the need to see beneath the surface of things. It combines the desire for self-preservation with the desire to serve and emphasises the need for a firm foundation to stand on.

Representations:   Protection, Courage, Ease of Mind from Worry

Ogham Letter:  F

Number:  4

Colour:  Light Green, Deep Red

Tarot:  Suit of Swords and Suit of Cups

Animals:  Fox, Herring Gull, Hawk, Raven, Seagulls

Plant:  Broom

Divination Meaning:  Be aware of uniqueness in yourself and others.  Keep your eyes open to see and recognise the exceptionality in all and acknowledge what you see.  You will utilise something you have previously overlooked.  Oracular skills are not always easy to detect, especially in one’s self.  Your mind can often be unwilling to accept the intuitive part of itself.

How to Mend the Problem:  Offer to others spiritual aide and protection in a dispute; be the bridge over troubled waters.  Allow your intuition to guide you.  Meditate upon your unique gifts and accept them, learn to know them and trust them. You will gain courage from doing.

As you see, when you draw the Fearn Ogham, you find it is a symbol of strength – yours.  And it teaches you to believe in that strength and how best to utilise it. Although you may have inner conflict realise that this is only down to self-doubt and you must overcome this by learning to trust yourself. Learn by doing – the Ogham teaches this above all.

You can catch up the first three blogs, Part One, Part Two, and Part Three by clicking on these.

Many thanks for reading my blog and  warmest blessings to those whom wander this way x


The Celtic Tree Oracle, by Liz and Colin Murray

What’s Your Birth Tree is the New What’s Your Star Sign, by Isabella


From the Wortcunner’s Cabinet, Chamomile

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @thewandcarver

chamomile rhs dot org dot uk
Roman Chamomile ~

Take a seat, bring your cup of Chamomile tea and I’ll tell you of all the ways in which Chamomile does so much more than settle our nerves and lifts our spirits. This may not have ever occurred to you…it never did to me…but there are two types of Chamomile – German and Roman.  The German variety, Matricaria recutita, is mostly used in the US, whilst the Roman variety, Chamaemilum nobile, is used in the UK.  The German variety grows about six inches taller than the Roman and is an annual bloomer whilst the Roman variety is a perineal bloomer, but they both have the same correspondences and work equally as well as each other. The German variety has daisy-like flowers and grows wild in most lawns, but the Roman variety finds itself purposefully planted in lovely gardens. As there are Nine Sacred Woods, there are also Nine Sacred Herbs with Chamomile being one.

Of course, Chamomile is not only used in the UK and the US, but in earliest known usage it was favoured highly by Ancient Egyptians.  Chamomile was employed for treatment of diseases like malaria and fevers, as well as in the mummification process.  And, naturally the ancient Romans, Greeks, and Vikings were known to have used Chamomile in similar ways for health treatments. The Romans were known to have used Chamomile in their incense.


A good way to use Chamomile as a protectant is to make an infusion to use to wash thresholds of doors and windows which will help keep unwanted energies or entities from passing through. Use powdered Chamomile flowers around yourself or home in sachets or sprinkled to remove spells cast against you, to prevent fires, and lightning strikes.  Also, plant Chamomile near doors and windows, to prevent negativity from entering your home, or blend it into a sachet to carry with you when you think you might be in physical or magickal danger.   It really is best used along with other charms for defence of bad magick against your person.

Dried chamomile flowers, pulverised with a mortar and pestle, is an excellent incense blend to bring about relaxation and meditation.  Don’t forget, the Romans used Chamomile incense! Chamomile is especially useful if you’re trying to get yourself calmed and centred—blend it with lavender if you’d like to ensure a night of restful sleep with calming dreams.

chamomile dried
dried Chamomile ~ Google Images

Chamomile in powdered or simply dried form is wonderful to use in candle magick.  Very useful is to make your own candles with dried Chamomile buds.  After anointing your candle with the oil you wish to use, roll your candle in the dried or powdered Chamomile for extra effect in your magickal working.  Be certain, of course, that the candle colour, oil, and herbs used are beneficial to your spell

It is said that washing your hands in Chamomile water before gambling will increase your luck. And, it would not hurt to wear a Chamomile flower and add some dried Chamomile to your purse, wallet, billfold or wherever you keep your money.  You can use Chamomile in money spells, using a green candle and perhaps a Patchouli oil to draw more money into your life.

Chamomile is a throat chakra herb.  You can help your voice by drinking Chamomile tea, of course, but during chakra clearing try placing a Chamomile flower on your throat as you meditate upon clearing the chakra.


Per Nicholas Culpeper, The Complete Herbal and English Physician:  “Nechessor saith, the Egyptians dedicated it [Chamomile] to the Sun, because it cured agues, and they were like enough to do it, for [they were] the arrantest in their religion that I ever heard of”.  Mr Culpeper goes on to say that Bachinus, Bena, and Lobel recommended the syrup be made of the juice extracted of Chamomile, and sugar to be inwardly taken for the spleen.  He also thought this concoction would dissolve kidney stones and would do so quicker by adding the mixture to a glass of wine… well, they always had wine for everything in those days, didn’t they?  I don’t know how anyone ever really knew they were ill as most often everyone was tiddly on wine!

Mr Culpeper also recommended a Chamomile decoction, or tea as we know it today, to take away the ills of phlegm, melancholy, or inflammation of the bowels.  Bathing in Chamomile took away weariness and pains, “comforts the sinews that are over-strained, mollifies all swellings”.  It also relieved cholic, “pains and torments of the belly”, and “gently provokes urine”.  Chamomile provoked sweats, helped women’s monthlies, dissolved wind in the belly, and was probably the number one go-to for almost any ailment during this time.  And we are still using Chamomile for all of the above today.


Planetary:  Sun

Gender:  Masculine

Element[s]:  Water

Zodiac:  Leo

Powers:  Money, Peace, Love, Protection, Tranquillity and Purification

Chakra:  Fifth – the Throat

Deity:  Ra, Cernunnos, Lugh, Helios

Other Names:  German Chamomile[US], Wild Chamomile, Scented Mayweed, Hungarian Chamomile, Roman Chamomile [UK],  Garden Chamomile, Ground Chamomile, Low Chamomile, Whig Plant, Ground Apple, English Chamomile

Many thanks for reading my blog today.  Warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x



The Complete Herbal and English Physician, by Nicholas Culpeper

The Encyclopaedia of Magical Herbs, by Scott Cunningham

Crystal of the Week, Labradorite

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @thewandcarver

So, I have chosen the lovely and magickal Labradorite for this blog. Hard to imagine I have not done this one yet!

My Labradorite ~ photo by i.macy

Labradorite is one of my favourites and not just because it is one of the most beautiful crystals in the world with its kaleidoscope of various colours.  They are not only full of hues of blues and greens, purples and yellows but can sometimes be orange, yellow, brown, and reddish. There are some which have a decidedly black look to them in places as well which are Black Labradorite, a dark gemstone famous for its grey base, black specks & high luminescence. It is a crystalline variety of plagioclase feldspars which is mainly formed from a combination of sodium feldspar (albite) and potassium feldspar (microcline or orthoclase) at low to medium crystallisation temperature.  It is also called Larkivite by some, however, there are differences.

Labradorite got its name because the first place it was discovered was in Labrador, Newfoundland, Canada.  It can also be found in many places, including in Finland, Greenland, Scandinavia, Russia, Italy, Madagascar, Mexico, and the US.  The Finnish variety is called Spectrolite and is slightly different as it exhibits the full range of colours. Shall we get on to the magick now?


Firstly, Labradorite protects ones’ aura. This means it creates a force field throughout the aura, protecting and strengthening the energies within and preventing others from ‘tapping in’ to your personal energy and draining you.  Can you guess whom this would most benefit? Any Empath would benefit highly.  But just as much it can protect the non-empath from the psychic vampires out there just waiting to get in and suck your happiness dry.

If you are practising your psychic knowing, psychometry, clairaudience, clairvoyance, or clairsentience skills, Labradorite is one of the best crystals to have with you.  It can help you to develop your gifts as you make better connections with Spirit.  Labradorite is a Stone of Magic, a crystal of shamans, diviners, healers, and all who travel and embrace the universe seeking knowledge and guidance. For self-discovery, it is excellent for awakening one’s own awareness of inner spirit, intuition, and psychic abilities.

Wearing or carrying Labradorite allows one’s innate magical powers to surface. It enhances the mental and intuitive abilities of clairvoyance, telepathy, prophecy, and coincidence control, and assists in communication with higher guides and spirits in accessing Akashic records, psychic readings, and past-life recall. It provides an ease in moving between the worlds and permits a safe and grounded return to the present.

Labradorite tempers the negative side of our personality, the traits and actions that rob our energy and may produce depression or shame. It assists in reducing anti-social, reckless, or impulsive behaviour in children, teenagers and adults who are easily led into trouble by others, and may aid in detoxifying the effects of tobacco, alcohol, and to a lesser degree, hard drugs.


Labradorite is beneficial to the lungs, and may assist with respiratory problems, bronchitis, and colds. It assists in digestion, regulation, and metabolism.  It has been used in treatment for the eyes and brain disorders, to stimulate mental acuity, and to reduce stress and anxiety. It may also be soothing during menstruation, for PMT symptoms, and for pain relief.

When used for physical healing purposes, one should hold or carry as a touchstone, or wear as jewellery. When the healing process is complete, the stone should be cleansed under running water. If by chance its surface becomes cloudy, place it in a glass with mineral water and set in a spot where it will have sun and moon light for a few days so it may be recharged, regenerated, and refreshed.


Gender:  Masculine

Planetary:  Earth

Zodiac:  Aquarius, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Leo

Element:  Water

Powers:  Protection, Psychic Healing, Psychic Powers, Psychic Protection, Strengthening

* Chakras:  All [particularly the Throat]

Deity:  Isis, Arianrhod

* I have had a recent experience where Labradorite was very helpful to me by placing it over my heart chakra. I had had a particularly hard day and was quite upset. This helped me to feel as though all the aggravation simply flowed away. 

Many thanks for reading and warmest blessings to those whom this way wander x



The Crystal Bible, by Judy Hall

The Illustrated Directory of Crystal Healing, by Cassandra Eason, 2003

Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic, by Scott Cunningham, 2002

Care for the Empath

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @thewandcarver

Do you want a laugh? Here it is:




(chiefly in science fiction) a person with the paranormal ability to apprehend the mental or emotional state of another individual.

What a laugh! “Chiefly in science fiction”?? Oh dear. Those of you whom are Empaths, please try to disregard some dictionaries, particularly the one I took a chance on whilst on Google.  But then, what would I know, only having lived 22 years with an empath mother and having a handful of the same qualities myself.  I’m truly sorry if any are offended, but I really had to include this just to prove that when one knows nothing of which they speak, they should not speak… including writers of dictionaries.

Being an Empath is a very real ability.  Albeit, one that many on the outside looking in won’t easily understand. But I believe that what throws many into chaos when confronted with trying to define empathic nature is how closely resembling some mental health issues it can be.  Many are wrongly diagnosed as Bipolar.  The Empath does suffer the highs and lows, like Bipolar because they naturally feel other’s highs and lows, their joys and sorrows.  Being an Empath is a roller coaster ride, but not a jolly ride at all.  The many tears shed by my Mum at the dining table with her head on her crossed arms are a testament to that.  And, not being able to speak of what ailed her.  She could manage herself around her family…her mother would have understood as she was a cunning woman with deep roots in magick, still, she never felt she could share with her what was happening.  And, I believe wholeheartedly because she couldn’t bear thinking she was gifted by any kind of magick as she felt it was all wrong.  In those days had she seen a doctor for her “problem” most likely she would have been prescribed Valium and sent home to become another addicted housewife.

The main difference between the Empath and the Bipolar is that the Empath does not become violent whilst being bombarded by other’s emotions.  Or, at least very much less likely to.  And, the Empath does not suffer the delusional episodes which is a tendency of the Bipolar.  If you need further differentiation,  the Bipolar is less empathetic toward others, in fact, often cursing and lashing out at those trying to help them. You see, I do not make these claims lightly as I have a child who is Bipolar.  It can get ugly at times.

I’m not able to give a completely unbiased accounting as I have been closely involved with both sides, the empathic and the bipolar.  But I do know that Empaths know what you mean.  They “get you”.  Some of you have disciplined yourselves and have learned to be able to be empathetic without being sucked dry by the psychic vampires or also known as “energy vampires“.  [Yes, two different links there. One is a Wiki link and the other to a mental health page on how to spot the energy vampires]. Others, the dear fledgling wee birds with hearts bigger than the Universe itself, become exhausted by the feelings they have taken upon themselves…and believe me, they didn’t ask for it.  Still, it is what happens, and they want so desperately to help those who need help.  What can they do?

As I am sure most of you know, there are a good many website which give not only insights and explanations about being an empath but there are many self-help websites on your side as well.  Not to mention books, such as The Empath’s Survival Guide, by Judith Orloff, MD. 

What else, apart from reading books and websites, can the Empath do to make life a bit more bearable on themselves…to protect themselves from the daily onslaught of depression, tears, pain, and sometimes joy beyond belief…joy is good but try getting hit by an overload. That might not be pleasant. As ever, I am here to help, if I can and here are some tried and true suggestions for those of you who need ideas on how to manage being an Empath more effectively.  My heart goes out to every one of you for yes, I do know your pain.


Recently I made an Empath Rescue Witch Bottle for a lady whom was having a hard time managing her gift.  I always add nine “ingredients” to a witch bottle because we believe the perfect number is nine.  In this witch bottle I added four layers of crystal chips, Snowflake Obsidian, Lapis Lazuli, Rose Quartz, and Amazonite.  Here are my reasons for using these and some additional ones which are very good as well.

Snowflake Obsidian:  Grounds, repels negative energy, and balances emotions.  Supports the root chakra.

Lapis Lazuli:  Brings forth wisdom and truth; helps to decipher trust and intuition.  Supports the throat chakra.

Rose Quartz:  Heals and supports the heart, grounds emotions. Supports the heart chakra.

Amazonite:  Balances emotions, stops outside energies from taking over.  Supports all chakras, particularly the heart chakra.

empath crystals

Other crystals which are helpful to stabilising the Empath from being taken over by emotion include Amethyst [supports the crown chakra and holds you close to the Divine and your Spirit Guardian], Haematite [protects the body and keeps spirit grounded, supports root chakra], Citrine [brings enlightenment, optimism, warmth, and clarity. Sacral chakra], Lepidolite [brings peace and tranquillity, soothes anxiety, centres the mind in times of stress.  Supports all chakras]. Malachite [stone of transformation, brings healing, enhances willpower, blocks negative energies, deep energy cleansing. Supports heart and throat chakras].

As you can, purchase pieces of jewellery having these crystals on them.  Of course, you may research and find many other crystals you might prefer better which will do you good.  Wearing pieces which support and protect you and your chakras, will help ease the suffering you feel and help clear your head so you can think of ways to help the people reaching out to you. Pictured just below is an Empath Rescue witch bottle necklace we I have made for a customer in the past who was terribly beset by the pain she felt from others. It is mainly filled with semi-precious crystals chips and some herbs which all go together to stave off the ill reactions, plus two small Magnolia beads which you may remember that the bark of Magnolia is soothing to the nerves and two small Haematite beads for grounding. It worked a treat. We do not keep these as a rule in our shop, however, if you have need of one, please let us know.

Wytchencrafts Empath Rescue bottle

Of course, jewellery is not the only way to work with crystals.  I always recommend palm stones in the various helpful crystals mentioned above.  They are also called worry stones by some and the reason is that many people, when in distress of any kind, get more satisfaction from the large palm stone by using it as a large worry bead to help get the most out of the crystal’s support as well as something to give comfort to by rubbing it and holding it.

Crystal grids are another fabulous way of directing your empath crystals to support you.  You can make a crystal grid as small or as large as you like.  I have seen a photo somewhere in the not-so-distant past where someone had created her entire room into a large crystal grid.  That would be nice, however, not many of us can afford all the crystals you need and not to mention the very enormous crystal receivers and generators she had.  If you can do one of that scale, then that would probably be optimal and do send me photos! I think that a crystal grid of any size which you have built for your needs is plenty large enough.

Crystal elixirs are one more way to get the most benefit from your crystal support.  Please do keep in mind that you can’t make an elixir from every crystal as some have things like lead and so forth which will leech into your water.  However, you can still use them for a sympathetic elixir where the crystal is not left inside the water you will drink but above it on a piece of card stock or however you wish to do it.  Before making any crystal elixir, please read up on the crystal thoroughly to see if you can use it in your drinking water.

Teas and Herbs

Hawthorn Berry tea ~ Better Nutrition

Hawthorn Berry tea:  Excellent heart tea! For the heart chakra and for the heart proper. It is perfect for healing any kind of heart or heart-related problems. Empaths know their hearts are largely affected by the situations they are in and often find themselves having heart palpitations and other problems.  Hawthorn berry tea will give you the support you need and as a bonus, you can infuse your cup of tea with a Rose Quartz for the extra help.

Lavender tea:  You need your Spirit to be soothed every day and to be connected with your Divine source and your Angel.  Lavender tea can provide you with this by enhancing your mental clarity and calming your nervous system amongst other things.  Supports your crown chakra.

Ashwagandha tea:  I have never tried this one, however, whenever I read anything to do with Empaths this tea is mentioned, therefore, I must believe that we’re on to a winner with this tea for supporting your root chakra. It is an ayurvedic herb that has powerful root chakra cleansing properties.  It helps you to be more grounded by reducing anxiety and depression.  An added bonus, if you need one, is that Ashwagandha is a cancer-killing tea!

Chamomile tea:  An obvious choice for its relaxing properties.  It is another good choice for helping your heart.

There are other herbs which can be used as teas such as Nettle Leaf, Linden, Sage, and Dandelion Root.  Be certain to check that none of the teas you try will interfere with drugs you may be taking for heart problems or anything else.

Thank you for reading.  I do hope that you can use the help I have tried to provide.  Mind, this doesn’t touch the sides, really, for there are loads more things you can do.  However, I am hoping this will help in some way.   Warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x


Crystal of the Week, Sodalite

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @thewandcarver

My Sodalite ~ photo by i.macy

It occurs to me that Sodalite is a very much over-looked little gem.  Or shall I say, “semi-precious gem”. Perhaps it is because to look at Sodalite it seems so unassuming… so … innocent and pretty.  If you have never thought to work with Sodalite, however, you are missing out on one of the most powerful crystals you can find for so many reasons.  Sodalite can be a life changing stone; it is recognised as the most powerful crystal for dissolving guilt, fear and general self-punishment.  It brings clarity to mental confusion and inner peace to a wildly racing mind.  It can help you to realise that “this is the moment you have.  Live in it. Do not think about the past and do not try living in the future.  All you can live in is this moment, so live it in peace.”  This is the message Sodalite brings when you hold it and listen.

Sodalite 2
Sodalite pendulum in our shop ~ photo by i.macy

Sodalite helps us in a variety of other ways as well.  Are you afraid of public speaking? Take your Sodalite with you to the podium.  It calms your over-anxious mind and helps you to speak clearly and effectively.  It is, after all, a Throat Chakra stone.  Are you prone to panic attacks?  Holding a Sodalite worry stone or even a small tumblestone will ease your anxiety and in many cases, erase it.  Do you read tarot, cast runes, pendulum dowsing?  Sodalite is one of the best crystals you can have around if you practise any kind of divination.  It helps to open and expand your psychic abilities.  Just touch it to your Third Eye and see…no pun intended.

Sodalite is capable of all this and so much more because it bridges the gap between your heart and mind with clarity of purpose.  It does so swiftly with no thought upon your part required.  It is a must-have in your crystals collection.

The Sodalite stone is generally predominately blue with white/grey streaks and/or spots which comes from Calcite deposits.  That said, you may even stumble across Sodalite stones that contain inclusions in shades of yellow, red and green.  I have personally never seen one such as this, but I hear they exist.


Sodalite will aid you to develop your intuition, and it will also stimulate the birth of clairvoyant abilities or strengthen them if you already are using these gifts.  It helps you to think rationally and intuitively and to verbally communicate your thoughts both truthfully and in a calm and relaxed manner which is very important during a tarot reading.  This crystal will go so far as to help you to understand the patterns behind such things as astrology and the tarot.  If you are interested in psychic development, try using a piece of Sodalite under your pillow – it encourages connection through your dreams.


Sodalite is more of a mental health stone rather than a physical health stone.  It would almost seem the Sodalite has little to do and yet when you really delve into it you find that Sodalite’s “jobs”, as it were, are all closely aligned with each other for the total well-being of the individual using them.  It is great for someone lacking confidence as it encourages high self-esteem and acceptance of self. At the same time, as above-mentioned, it is a perfect go-to stone for those having panic attacks and anxiety.  The peace and emotional balance it brings, in either case, is instantaneous.

It is good for healing damaged relationships of all kinds; it helps bring solutions to disagreements. An excellent stone to enhance all communication skills.  It also helps us to lose old behaviour/thought patterns that no longer serve us.

That said, using Sodalite to meditate with when doing either chakra clearing or just meditating, will help to keep you fresh mentally before the problems set upon you and cause panic.  Keep Sodalite in all rooms of your home to impart a fresh and loving feeling throughout so you can draw upon its courage-giving powers at any time.

Sodalite does have some physical healing attributes. In physical healing, Sodalite is said to be helpful for high blood pressure and diabetes.  It is also said to protect against radiation and all forms of electromagnetic stress protecting your energy from being affected, hence another good reason to keep Sodalite in all rooms of your home.

It is also associated with calming effects on the thyroid gland, nervous system and all glandular functions. In balancing the endocrine system Sodalite strengthens the metabolism, reducing stress and prolonging physical endurance.

Also beneficial for calcium deficiencies, boosting the immune system, combating insomnia; it treats the throat, larynx, vocal cords and hoarseness. A Sodalite elixir consumed daily is effective against diabetes.


Planet: Jupiter

Zodiac: Sagittarius [also associated with Venus]

Energy: Earth, Spirit

Element: Water

Gender: Female

Deities:  Ardhanarishvara (Shiva together with consort Parvati)

Powers: Creativity, Dream Work, Meditation, Psychic Development, Self-Improvement, Courage

Chakras:  Throat and Third Eye

Other Names:  The Stone of Truth

Many thanks for reading my blog and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x


The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall, 2003

Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic by Scott Cunningham, 2002

Chakra Healing & Karmic Awareness by Keith Sherwood, 2005

The Illustrated Directory of Crystal Healing by Cassandra Eason, 2003


Cometh the Hour, Cometh the Witch – What Kind of Witch are You and Does it Matter?

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @thewandcarver

[I wrote this originally in 2018 but as it seems to have stood the test of time, with a small number of changes, I am republishing it to the our new blog spot here]

If you don’t like confrontational subjects and wish to walk away now, I quite understand as things may get ugly here in the next few paragraphs.  Only because I feel very opinionated about things that I have been reading in my Google News briefings of late.  Most recently a Washington Post story [I’ll read anything, me] called “An Entire Generation is Losing Hope.  Enter the Witch”.  That doesn’t bother me.

This writer attributes the loss of hope people are feeling to the increase in witchly spiritualism.  Nothing wrong with that either.  He goes on to say that Witchcraft is “generally an occultism with a paganist bent, often with an emphasis on feminine power.” He then goes on to say, “The term can be used to describe anything from astrology to Wicca to older syncretic traditions such as VooDoo and Santeria.” Hang about!  NO! You cannot tar anything remotely Pagan with the same Witchcraft brush, you uninformed being!  Firstly, not ALL astrologers have any remote interest in Witchcraft so please don’t insult the ones who do not. And, all Wiccans are not Witches, either! Not only all of that but NOT ALL WITCHES ARE FEMININE!! Men are witches and they may work with feminine power, but they also work with masculine power… come to think on it, woman can do both as well. Apparently, Mr Ill-Informed has not read that Wicca is now a recognised religion although it is not set in stone into UK law just now, but in the US since 2015 some areas of the US and the US Army do recognise Wicca fully as a religion:

Military Courts of Justice in the U.S. have also found Wicca to be a valid religion, deserving of protection under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. In United States v. Phillips, (42 M.J. 346) in 1995) the concurring opinion by Judge Wiss stated: “First, Wicca is a socially recognized religion.  It is is acknowledged as such by the Army.  From Religious Tolerance

It is a religion, it is not necessarily Witchcraft,  although there are practitioners of the Wicca faith whom are Witches.

from Google images

Next, he goes on to say that Witches are an eclectic group – yes! He gets a biscuit for he is correct here.  We are very diverse and bring many things learned from many kinds of practise from all over the World to the Witchy table.  So, his next remarks threw me into fits of laughter and fits of anger at the same time and that is what you call a tempest in a tea pot, my friends! Mr Doesn’t Know He’s Born says, “There are even Christian Witches – a new tradition that seems to have cropped up within the past five years.”  How many years??  Only five??  Begging your arty pardon, sir, but my Nana was a Christian Witch… in the late 1800’s all the way to her death in 1977! No, of course he wouldn’t know my Nana – or the thousands of Witches like her who were called cunning women in their time.  When they gathered their herbs, they prayed over them. Intermingled with their spells were religious litanies.  And they went to church every Sunday…unless like my Nana, she got where she only went for Christmas, Easter, and Mothering Sunday.  And long before my Nana these are the same kind of Witches whom were dug out by the Witchfinder General and whomever the Witchfinder of American Witches was and then burned them at the stake, buried them alive, drowned them, and more insufferable acts performed upon them even though they all went to church every Sunday and most likely believed in God.  So how very dare he say that Christian Witches are a new thing?  Aren’t journalists taught to get all their facts straight before putting pen to paper or fingertips to keyboards?

Sigh.  Sorry, a little edgy after reading about all the sudden interest in all things witchy lately from not only this author but others as well.  The upsurge in Witchcraft interest is probably partially down to a new Sabrina film which interests me not, but more importantly, because men and women are losing hope in all else because of government, climate change disasters, and all kinds of mayhem in the world and getting no help from whomever is their God…or so they believe. One thing I have learned is, no matter who you believe in, the Divine do NOT wave a magick wand over the problem just like that.  It took time to get into the messes we’re in and it will take time to get out of them….and if we aren’t given some degree of hardship, how are we to appreciate the good when it comes?

This means, of course, everyone whom is feeling the pain of the world’s problems must bear the pain and do their bit to fix the problems, no matter how small.

But what good is magick if it doesn’t help capture the attention of a Higher Source for help? Or to make the Universe send that Abundance that so many say the Universe has for our asking?  Magick is not worth a tuppence.  Not worth a bean.  Never will be unless you make some changes first.  No, I am not talking about changing your wardrobe to a witchy one or anything superficial.  The changes must come from within…did your mum or your therapist ever tell you this?  Well, it is true.  The first and most important thing you must relinquish is your Ego.  Ego really has no place in magick or any other situation.  Ego is the part of you which makes you think you know everything when indeed you do not.  Ego is the thing which makes you become angry when you don’t get your way.  Ego also makes you give up if something doesn’t go your way.  I can’t spend a blog meant for something else explaining why so if you want to know what I mean, please see Eckhart Tolle. And, if you want to see an Ego on steroids, see this other fellow I shall not mention.

You also must have a healthy belief in your power.  We all have great power, believe it or not.  It is how we tap into it and own it that makes the difference.  There is much discipline to making your power work for you.  Oh yes, I know many whom have only begun as a Witch and their first spell worked.  Then, in a lot of cases they had a series of flops.  You can’t go into spell work with doubts or disbelief in yourself.  But you said I need to drop my Ego…yes, I did and Ego and belief in yourself and your abilities have nothing at all in common.  There is a huge difference between standing on your pedestal proclaiming yourself to be the greatest Witch in the World and simple trust in yourself.  It is all you need. And if the next spell doesn’t work, keep learning and experimenting until you find the way to create one that will.

Discipline, discipline, discipline!  Don’t cut corners.  Long ago, Witches/Cunning Folk grew all their own herbs or wild-gathered them, as many of us do now.  When they harvested them there was a time of day which corresponded to the planet which ruled the herb being harvested and so they only harvested during that herb’s planetary hours.  They also many times sang a religious litany or prayer during the harvest.  Whilst preparing the herb for a spell or for use in healing, there were many prayers said over it.  And this was carried out each time.  There were prayers and such, even chanting the Psalms, for every part of their craft.  Nowadays I’m sure many the Witch – or the neo-Witch – doesn’t care to spend hours preparing his/her/their herbs or other needs like tools in order to use them.  Still, it is important and a good discipline.  I can say from experience that my spell work in which I prepared for properly have all worked very well.   You don’t necessarily need to chant Biblical verses over your herbs and so forth unless you do this already, but you can find a way which works for you and discipline yourself to do so every time for best results.

Lastly, believe!  Not only in yourself but in the Higher Source[s] whom you put your faith into.  Trust this Source.  Trust the Universe.  Yes, I know…when things go wrong, people’s first reaction is often “the Universe is against me”.  I can assure you this is not true.  Try working with the Universe, no matter if it is good or bad and see what happens.  You must realise the bad things are not the Universe taking a dig at you, but a lesson to be learned.  Does anyone ever say “thank you” to the Universe when things go right or excellently?  No, didn’t think so…but you should do.  Whatever or whomever is the driving force of the Universe does enjoy appreciation.  Especially when things seem overwhelmingly bad.  Remembering the good things and saying thank you for them never goes amiss with the Universe.  Nor does thanking the Universe for the bad things if you can see your way to understanding that bad is not always the Universe’s fault but that we are truly masters of our own destiny and nine times out of ten it is ourselves who cause our own problems.  Obviously, that does not apply to every bad thing.  And don’t have my head on a plate because I say to be thankful for bad things, for particularly if a lesson is learned and adhered to in future, it is something to be grateful for.

I’m not trying to teach you to suck eggs…or in this case, to know how to be a Witch.  There are loads of books for that, and journalists who think they know everything there is to know about being a Witch or why one wishes to become a Witch.  I will be the first to hold my hand up and say unequivocally that I do not know everything about being a Witch even after some fifty-odd years and  having learned everything I know from my cunning woman Nana. But even at my age, I still love to learn.  And, I have learned that discipline, self-belief, trusting in the Divine Parents and Universe, being grateful, and letting go of my Ego have all made me a much better Witch and person.  A happier person…a more caring person.

Sabrina ~ from Google Images

So, what kind of Witch are you? And, does it matter? Of course, it does.  I don’t mean whether you are a Hedge Witch, a Solitary Witch, an Eclectic Witch…Are you a Witch who is grounded in his/her/their beliefs and puts faith into their Higher Source and in themselves? Are you a Witch who believes they already knows everything or a Witch whom is willing to learn all they can, no matter the age? And if you are one of the many “neo-Witches” whom have entered the realm of the occult, welcome.  We are happy to have you if you are doing so for the right reasons.  Upon entering any kind of belief system, we must not enter into unadvisedly or because we feel it is the only way.  And don’t enter believing you will suddenly be performing spells that will save the world.  Still, if one person could do, I will not hold them back! But to enter because you felt you identified with Sabrina or the Charmed Ones could possibly be a fading phase you will go through.  It would be unwise to purchase loads of Witchcraft items if this is the case.

If I ruffled a few feathers in this blog, then my job is well done.  I wrote this to get people thinking.  I want you to know, beyond a doubt, what you expect of Witchcraft as well as of yourself before you enter this door.  It is a beautiful world to live in and one in which you can bring much good about from, if you are ready.  I hope that if you do, you will take heed to my above advice.  It could save you from throwing in the wand so to speak in future.  Good luck and warmest blessings to your new future!

Please feel free to comment, I do answer to all. Many thanks for reading and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x

How do I deal with fear?

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @thewandcarver

How do I deal with fear, indeed.  Many of us, no matter how intelligent… no matter how ‘tough’, no matter how young or how old, we all seem to have that common denominator:  Fear.  And often I am asked, ‘How do I get rid of fear?’.  You don’t, my friends.  In case you don’t know, fear is one of those built-in things we have that, for no matter how hard we try, we can never 100% rid ourselves of it.  But that’s alright.

“You’re mad”, you are thinking now… “it’s alright to go round feeling as though fear just hangs over you like a rain cloud?” No, not quite that way, but I shall explain.

People have had fear built into them since the first of mankind walked the Earth.  It was necessary to keep them sharp and on watch for natural enemies like huge animals what might eat them to other tribal people who might want to take over their patch.  But early mankind was most likely much simpler thinking and once they had seen off the object of their fear, they relaxed and felt happy.  They did not go back into their cave or hut and ruminate about the next thing that could happen to ruin their happiness.  As far as they were concerned, it was sorted. Until the next time.

As time progressed and religion began taking shape, early Pagans feared their Gods and Goddesses.  Anyone would do when your God was the God of lightning and storms.  The first time you saw a mate struck by a bolt of lightning, you would be fearful of that God, wouldn’t you?  Perhaps that is where sacrificing one of your fellow tribe came from…Let’s give Thor/Indra/Zeus one of our own first and perhaps he won’t take another one in that manner again.  The Ancient Ones had to kind of make it up as they went in many cases but suffice it to say, it is probably how they handled that kind of fear.  But much like their ancient ancestors they would also feel fear when fighting off enemies; then, they would go back to a relaxed and happy state once they won the battle.  Not many would sit at home and start worrying about the next time he or she had to go to war.

The point I’m making is, until recent-ish history, say, over the last two-thousand or so years, people were able to deal with each fear as it came and then relax – for a while.  People began living in fear in earnest when Theodosius passed legislation prohibiting all pagan worship [c.392] and it did not improve when the Crusades began c.1095 and the Inquisition began [12th century].  We then added to our natural enemies, occasional human enemies, and fear of our Gods with the fear of literally everyone, for no one really knew who would be against or for them.  We were becoming trapped into an endless cycle of constant fear which has had devastating results upon mankind individually and together. Just look at what we have been going through the last three years.

Is it any wonder we are fearful?

“The first duty of a man is subduing Fear” [Thomas Carlyle c.1846]

So… how are we meant to subdue Fear? People pray for it to go away.  It won’t.  People think they are not brave if they are fearful… not true at all because if you can still push yourself to do a thing no matter how afraid you are then you are considered very brave.

“Human beings face a multitude of difficulties and dangers which must be confronted if they are to live a human life.  The human body is extremely vulnerable, always exposed to the possibility of accident, illness, pain, and death.  Yet, people are not usually obsessed with these undoubted dangers, and life would be scarcely possible if they were.  All pleasure in life would be lost were we overwhelmed by all the actual and possible dangers that surround us.”  ~ John Casey

In Mr Casey’s Pagan Virtue: An Essay in Ethics [1990], he goes on to describe how he “might” rid himself of fear by virtually pretending there was no danger from the item which causes the fear in him.  We all know that is no good.  If the spider which you are pretending to be not dangerous really is, then you are not allowing Fear to do his job.  You might want to back away from that spider!  This appears to make one think it is alright to cheat Fear of his due.  I’m afraid Fear may redouble his efforts on future scares in that case.  Casey goes on to say that he might do better at ridding himself of fear by having more self-confidence.  Ah… well, in theory, that sounds smashing, still, in practise, it is impossible.  I know a good many people with bags of self-confidence, however, they are visited by Fear now and again.  As well it should be. And I won’t go on with Mr Casey’s dissertation as to when he begins saying that he must develop anger to dissuade Fear, I closed the book.

What Mr Casey seems not to have learned by 1990 is that Fear is a part of everyone.  Fear is not to be “gotten rid of”.  Would you chuck out the part of yourself that causes you not to step off a ledge? The part of you that says “RUN!” when you need to get out of the way of something or someone barrelling toward you?  The part of you that stops you from getting into a car with a drinking driver?  I would not.  Not even when it has nearly driven me round the bend on a couple of occasions.  But that was not Fear’s fault.  It was mine for allowing it to rule my thoughts over everything else that I knew was common sense.  Too much of a good thing can be bad for you, clearly, if you let it be.

So, what is the answer?

I think I have one plausible answer.  It works for me.  It does take a bit of getting used to and it needs a bit of discipline.  It is not a one-shot attempt kind of thing.  You see, Fear is not a separate human-type individual sitting your shoulder, still, Fear does hear and listens and has his own personality of sorts.  Mine tends to be quite clingy at times and I have come to think that maybe he needs me more than I need him.  I guess that’s why he hangs around longer than he should.  But on to my method.

Quote by Tim Ferris, Artist unknown

I talk to Fear.  Aloud.

Fear, my friend.  I know you are a part of me.  We need not try to part ways, I have come to realise that yes, I need you.  You have been there at the right time for me and I do appreciate this.  However, it seems to me you tend to overstay your welcome and I find myself feeling fearful over some rather silly things.  Now you and I both know this is unnecessary.  What if I get fed up and stop listening to you and end up in trouble?  I would say you weren’t doing a very good job of things then, wouldn’t you?  So, let’s do this… you go sit over away from me and wait until you see some real danger.  When you do, please notify me. Until then, please stop waving small matters and imagined matters in my path.  This does me harm if nothing else.  I can sort out these little things without you.  Thank you so much for your real help in past and future.  We are friends, we just don’t need to be in each other’s pockets.

Afterwards, I feel absolutely wonderful.  I know he is still lurking but that is a good thing.  I am sure I will need him again in future.  But not because the rash on my arm might be something deadly – which it isn’t, or because of a million other little things that would only take a bit of common sense to fix.  This may or may not work for you.  If you really want it to, it will.  You’ll need to be assertive but kind.  No need shouting at Fear. And you may have to do this every day for a while until you get your Fear put into his place.  But the thing is, he will cool down and leave you in peace more and more. 

I would love to read your comments on how you deal with your fear in the comments below!  Everyone has different ways of doing things and it’s always good to have varieties of ways.  Many thanks for reading and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x

Crystal of the Week, Unakite

By Isabella @TheWandCarver
Instagram: @thewandcarver

Not surprisingly, Unakite is a form of Jasper. The elements of Red Jasper and Epidote blend stunningly in Unakite and because of its colouration it is a very strong Heart Chakra stone. The green of the Epidote brings abundance whilst the pinkish-red of the red Jasper compassion, love, and kindness. This is a go-to crystal to lift ones’ spirits; it is an all-round emotional healer.

Unakite Jasper is also called Epidote, for its main component deriving its name from the Greek epidosis meaning “growing together.” An amalgamation of Red Jasper, pink Feldspar and green Epidote, Unakite is solidly bound together and is said to symbolise “what comes together belongs together.”

Unakite is a gentle crystal. It is a good one to use to help children open up when having problems with school, bullying, or other things going on in their lives. You can virtually feel the compassion it has radiating from it. If ever you are feeling overly sensitive and overwhelmed, Unakite will support you kindly and help you to re-focus your thoughts on the here and now.


My Unakite ~ i.macy

According to authoress Catherine Eason: For lasting love, Unakite is traditionally sprinkled with dried yarrow and placed in a sealed bag as a marriage or commitment symbol. It should be replaced on anniversaries and the old crystal and yarrow cast into running water. To help two become three, place Unakite under the pillow to aid in conception. During pregnancy a piece of Unakite on the womb helps parents-to-be make spiritual connection with their unborn baby; it is marvellous for use during labour to ease the transition. A large
specimen or bowl of Unakite tumblestones in the environment brings a calm, gentle energy and negates the effects of electromagnetic pollution from televisions, computers and other technological devices.

Placed on the Third Eye, Unakite Jasper promotes visualisation and encourages psychic vision. It may also be used as a casting crystal for scrying, signifying where compromise and integration are needed. It is very useful to keep near whilst reading tarot cards, casting runes, and pendulum dowsing.

Dreaming of Jasper signifies love returned. Unakite Jasper is a talisman for those who have trouble finding things [like me!]. It is also a good luck charm, especially when taking a risk. It helps one sustain their power in situations where they would more likely be the victim and is also believed to impart confident control to the user in magic spell casting.

Unakite supports the physical structure of the heart, but gently gets to the root cause of disease or health issues caused by the emotional heart, particularly deep-seated feelings that have been repressed, such as anger and resentment. Habitual internalisation of these emotions creates standing patterns of energy within the body. Unakite brings these wounds to the surface in a way that avoids any new trauma and ameliorates their release slowly and gently, consistently over time, along with the negative thoughts and toxic behaviours that perpetuate them.

Unakite Jasper helps promote the growth of healthy tissue in general and is particularly useful in support of the heart and lungs, assisting function, circulation, balance of bodily fluids and metabolism. It is also considered highly restorative in cases of tissue deterioration and in treating diseases or cancers of these areas.

Unakite Jasper aids the reproductive system, promoting healthy pregnancy and stimulating weight gain where required. It is believed to be good for breathing irregularities and hyperventilation and helps ease the transition in labour.

Planetary: Venus
Zodiac: Taurus
Element: Water
Chakras: Heart chakra and Third Eye [touch to Third Eye to activate]
Energies: Healing, Love, Fertility, Compassion
Deity: Chirakan-Ixmucane, Callisto, Bona Dea, Persephone, Clota, and Gaia

Many thanks for reading! Warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x

Cassandra Eason, The New Crystal Bible (London: Carlton Books Ltd., 2010)
Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible (Cincinnati, OH: Walking Stick Press, 2003)
Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible 2 (Cincinnati, OH: Walking Stick Press, 2009)
Judy Hall, The Encyclopedia of Crystals, (Beverly, MA: Fair Winds Press, 2013)
Margaret Lembo, The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals, & Stones (Woodbury, MN: Llewellyn Worldwide, 2013)