The Magickal Baobab Tree

By Isabella @The WandCarver

Instagram:  @iseabail_witchwriter

Now, for something a little different.  Most of us won’t have a Baobab [Adansonia] tree growing in our back gardens unless, of course, we live in say, Madagascar, Australia, the African mainland, or the Arabian Peninsula.  The Baobab tree can live up to 3,000 years and grows quite huge  reaching heights of 5 to 30 m [16 to 98 ft] and have trunk diameters of 7 to 11 m [23 to 36 ft]. The Baobab trees in the southern part of Africa began dying off the early part of this century with the cause not certain, however, it is strongly believed that pesticides and/or dehydration from Global Heating are a determining factor.  Of course, pests could also be to blame, but I’m sure the former two are as much to blame.


Baobab trees ~ Encyclopaedia Brittanica

It is said that gazing at a Baobab tree can invoke an ancient feeling; that perhaps it is bringing back a past life memory or a genetic one.  As someone who is used to receiving both kinds, it can be difficult to discern which it is.   I can imagine though, as a many-greats granddaughter of Mitochondrial Eve, who left Kenya some 150,000 to 200,000 years ago and travelled through the Sudan [or, her closest descendants did] en route to Turkey, then Italy and places further abroad until they ended up in Britain, that the picture of a Baobab tree merely conjures the genetic memory.  Regardless of what memory it gives us, you only need look to see that the Baobab has a very ancient, otherworldly feel to it.  The Baobab is brilliant for helping us connect with our past lives. A good way to do this is to imagine and meditate upon the Baobab. Allow yourself to be taken to a different world – perhaps your own or an ancestor’s.

Another interesting feature of the Baobab is that it almost appears upside-down.  Funnily enough, there are local [to the tree] legends regarding the tree falling from the Divine Plane and the top half becoming stuck in the earth whilst the roots stuck out above.  Kind of gives new meaning to “As above, so below”.  Or, did that come from the Baobab? Perhaps we should meditate on that one.

Boabab powder ~

We can’t all have a Baobab tree, but we can have parts of one to work with.  You can buy the fruit [aka, monkey bread] of the tree. Well, I mean, the powder that comes from the fruit.  It is useful in a variety of ways.  You can buy the powder from or if you’re in the US, TerraSoul Foods.  I do have to say, the US pays a lot more for this stuff than the UK! Even with the currency exchange being rather low, it is a good bit more highly priced than in the UK. Still, I think it is worth the money and I will highlight some of the best reasons under Health, shortly. 

But we’re still thinking on the magickal ways in which to use Baobab. One way I like to use the powder, aside from using in food or drink for health, is to put a small amount of Baobab powder into a bowl on your altar whilst doing any kind of past life or ancestral spell work.  If you worship the African Gods or Goddesses, you might like to leave a bowl of Baobab powder on their altar, dedicated to them and if you can get them, Baobab flowers would also go down a treat.

There is one thing you would never get to do is build a wand from Baobab. Injuring the tree in any way is a sacrilege to the Orishas/Gods and terrible punishment would rain down upon the offender.  If you cut one down, it would leave the residing tree spirit homeless, and the spirit would seek revenge. In some communities, people won’t dare pick a leaf or collect dead, fallen wood which may cause an immediate sentence of death.  If this sounds a little familiar, we of any Celtic or Gaelic pagan beliefs know that certain trees must not be cut without certainty of punishment to ensue.

If you want to learn more about this stunning and majestic tree, please visit Chief Yagbe Awolowo Onilu.  Nothing better than learning from one whom has lived with Baobab all his life!


Planet: Earth

Element: Divine Spirit

Gender:  Masculine  and Feminine

Powers:  Ancient Awareness, Divine Communication and Blessings, Generosity, Grounding and Earth Wisdom, Knowledge, Natural Abundance, Spiritual Power, Sustenance, Transitioning to and from the Spirit World, Travel

Deity: Osanyin, Aja [Goddess], Oko, Ososhi

Sabbat: Mabon

Folk Names: monkey bread tree


The guts of the baobab fruit.
Baobab fruit, inside the shell ~ photo by Annabel Hughes

The shell of the Baobab fruit bakes in the sun for about six months, drying on the branch – as a matter of fact, it is the only known fruit that does dry on the branch.  The Baobab is often called “the Tree of Life” and after researching this phenomenal fruit and what it offers, I can certainly see why.

Because of this, the fruit inside the hard shell is naturally dehydrated.  This produces a 100% superfood, extremely high in Vitamin C and other antioxidants.  Is it any wonder that where Baobab grows, even in poorer cultures, that the people there are remarkably healthy? The ones who eat the Baobab fruit, at any rate.

The main, mostly only, way we in other parts of the world who can’t have access to a Baobab tree can at the least purchase the powdered form, which is just as beneficial.  The flavour is said to be very tart and lemony.  If mixing in water for a drink, you can add honey for sweetening.  You can add it to almost anything you eat or drink, if you like a tart, lemony flavour.  I think this would be excellent sprinkled over baked fish!  You could even add it to your cup of tea of a morning.  I don’t know anybody these days who add lemon to their tea… or mint… but, if you were a mind to, Baobab powder would suffice without the sticky mess!  I have also read the powder tastes like sorbet.  Perhaps making a sorbet with the powder in it would be another way of taking it.

However you ingest your Baobab powder, there is a long list of “why you should”.  Firstly, and I’m guessing you’ve cottoned on to this one already is for your immune system.  As you know, the human body does not create nor store Vitamin C, therefore, a nearly endless daily supply is needed to keep one at less risk of colds, not to mention to support our collagen supplies.  A single serving [2-3] teaspoons offers up 33% of our daily Vitamin C requirement! Given that you would need to eat 20 oranges per day to attain your optimal level of Vitamin C, that means you would need to eat 6.33 oranges just to reach 33%!  I love an orange now and again but, flamin’ ‘eck! I would be sick of oranges by that point!

Blood sugar management is another way Baobab fruit helps us. Baobab powder contains 34% soluble fibre, which helps to slow down the release of sugars into the blood stream, reducing energy spikes. Soluble fibre can also help to control blood glucose levels, improve blood cholesterol and reduce visceral fat [body fat that is stored around the organs in your abdomen]. It also helps with the absorption of iron, which many do not know. If you’re short on iron supply and must take supplements, this wonderful powder can help you get the most out of it.

Approximately 40% of people have at least one digestive symptom at any one time [NHS, 2016]. Despite the growing awareness of the role of fibre in improving our digestive health, 80% of people in the UK don’t eat enough of it. Baobab powder is almost 50% fibre. There are two types of fibre that our body needs: soluble and insoluble – and baobab contains both. Soluble fibre dissolves in the water found in your digestive system and can help to reduce the level of cholesterol in your blood.

Prebiotic or gut health. The soluble fibres of Baobab fruit pulp are prebiotics: non-digestible food components that beneficially affect the host by selectively stimulating the growth and activity of beneficial microflora [Journal of Food Research, 2016].  It’s these prebiotic qualities that could explain how Baobab might just be the secret to having the world’s healthiest gut. Studies of the Hadza Tribe in Tanzania, some of the planet’s last remaining hunter gatherers, found they have 40% more diverse gut microbiomes than the average Westerner! “According to scientists, the Hadza have the most diverse gut bacteria of anyone anywhere in the world” [Independent, 2017]. One of their key staples? If you said Baobab, you got it in one! Well done, you!

And, for those of us wanting better skin, younger looking skin? Baobab powder has twice the antioxidants gram per gram of goji berries and more than blueberries and pomegranates combined.

Baobab is packed with antioxidants and vitamin C which supports collagen formation – helping to give you radiant, glowing skin as well as preventing wrinkles.

In fact, baobab’s skin benefits are so impressive that Baobab was the first ever food item to be sold in the beauty halls of the prestigious London department store, Liberty, where it is listed as “must-have” thanks to its exceptional ‘beauty from within’ properties.

There really are loads more reasons why everyone should be eating Baobab in some form or the other [actual fruit or the powder].  It helps balance one’s PH, it defends our bodies from chronic diseases and ailments such as hypertension, arthritis and deficiency in vitamin D.  It can even help with post-workout soreness because of its high vitamin C content.

I hope you have found all this helpful in your magick and for your health.  Many thanks for reading and warmest blessing to all whom this way wander.


The Magick of Trees, by Tess Whitehurst

Chief Yagbe Awolowo Onilu


The Independent

Journal of Food Research

A Beginner’s Understanding of Ogham Divination, Part Twenty

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @iseabail_witchwriter

Ogham Ioho
Ogham Ioho or Idad ~ photo by i.macy

Very fitting that the last Ogham tree in the series is Yew, for it is most associated with beginnings and endings, rebirth and reincarnation.  It is the Ogham called Ioho, Idad, or Iodho and if you want to know more about Yew, you can read my previous blog, The Magick of Yew. I will tell you that the Ogham Ioho is not a birth tree Ogham, but it is the Ogham for the Winter Solstice.  The Yew is the the tree most associated with the Crone aspect of the Triple Goddess… her time is near but as the Yew dies on the outside to bring in new life from the inside, so the Crone will die but become new again in her regeneration or reincarnation.  And, the cycle goes on and on…

Representations:  Ancestry,  Change, Communication [with the dead], Death, Divinity, Flexibility, Immortality, Longevity, Rebirth, and Strength

Ogham: Letter:  I

Number:  20

Colour:  Dark Green, Very White

Tarot:  See Below

Animals:  Deer, Eagle, Hummingbird

Plant:  Juniper

Divination Meaning:  When drawing a single Ioho / Idad stave you must ask yourself, “How does my past make me whom I am today?  How do I understand my past to decide whom I become?”  It is a call to explore not only your recent past [as in this life’s past] but can also mean it is time to look into your past lives. It can also mean it is time to speak with your family elders; it can also mean for you to speak with those whom have passed on to the Otherworld.  I say “speak to” when I really mean to seek them out.  For you to appropriately answer the questions above you must listen to those from the past.  There is so much wisdom you can gather from this that it would be rude not to.

How to Mend the Problem:  Changes are coming to you. Let go and experience the changes knowing they are not an enemy to you.  Accepting that nothing lasts forever can ease your mind if you allow it to.  You, nor I, are special enough to prevent endings.  Everyone experiences these. And we must understand that endings are not always bad things.  Like the Yew, we peel away the outside to allow the inside to flourish.

With the chthonic current we see the bond between generations. Oral traditions, folk lore, the study of lore – these are most important at this time. Transmission of tradition and the sharing of lore manifests with this current.  If other influences support the reading, there may be reference to past lives or reincarnation.  The celestial current speaks of memory and history and the things these give us. This current can refer to the ancestors generally; perhaps even specific ancestors. But always in reference to ancestors in the Otherworld, not those Elders whom are still living.  This Ogham challenges us to look at our past[s] and to determine our future. You must go about this as best you can by knowing yourself now and in past-lives, should it come to this. Speaking with those in the Otherworld is a course you must try to take as well.  Some may wish to access their Akashic records. Meditation upon your own life is a way forward as well. Your ultimate goal will be to lay foundations of wisdom for generations to come after you.  It is a very serious task.

A card from the Tarot of Reincarnation 

Apart from the Death card, which has been paired with Ur [Heather], I do not have a single tarot card recommendation, however, something that may assist you in accessing your past lives is a special tarot deck called Tarot of Reincarnation [English and Spanish Edition] by Lo Scarabeo. This concludes our foray into the world of Ogham divination.  I hope you have enjoyed it and have learned much. Do always keep in mind that there are other interpretations out there in the world and this is only mine based on things I have studied.  As your “graduation present”, I have listed more *sources that may benefit [or confuse!] you.  You can adhere to one way or another… you can borrow from one and borrow from another to combine your way.  Just do keep in mind that it is your intuition which will best serve you as it will help you choose the right meaning for your reading or a reading for someone else.

You can catch up the first nineteen blogs, Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten, Part Eleven, Part Twelve, Part Thirteen, Part Fourteen, Part Fifteen, Part Sixteen, Part Seventeen, Part Eighteen, and Part Nineteen by clicking on these respectively.  Feel free to print them out for your BOS or just to have on hand for help.

Many thanks for reading my blog and warmest blessings to those whom this way wander x


*Ogam,The Celtic Oracle of the Trees, by Paul Rhys Mountfort

*Ogam, Weaving Word Wisdom, by Erynn Rowan Laurie

The Celtic Tree Oracle, by Liz and Colin Murray

What’s Your Birth Tree is the New What’s Your Star Sign, by Isabella

Crystal of the Week, Black Phantom Lodolite Master Crystal

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @thewandcarver

black phantom quartz garden
My Black Phantom with little “garden” lower left side ~ photo by i.macy

Of all the crystals I have, this is probably the most precious.  It is a Black Phantom Quartz crystal with literally everything going on within it.  It can be called a “Garden Quartz” or Lodolite Quartz because it has a small “garden” growing within it… just a small one, mind, and my phone camera doesn’t pick it up well, therefore, you must take my word for it.  But the thing that gives me the chills every time I look at it are the inclusions!  There are [which I’ve tried in vain to capture] two nearly fully grown Quartz point twins within it and a third one on the opposite side.  They are smoky with clear crystals about them and they are partitioned from each other by what is perceived to be a thin black slab… these would be phantom inclusions of carbon or manganese, often echoing within the body of the crystal showing the form of a termination point from an earlier stage of the crystal’s growth.  It’s stunning and I only wish I had a really good camera to show you.

black phantom quartz inclusions
You may be able to see the Quartz point leaning left inside the Phantom. There is another beside it to the right ~ Photo by i.macy

Phantom Quartz crystals show the clear delineation of another completed crystal inside the main crystal. Many times, you will notice several completed crystals inside one another. In geological terms, the first Quartz crystal stopped growing due to lack of a “mother”, or SiO2 feed. During this rest time, cave dust settled upon the original crystalline structure [i.e. Quartz crystal].  When the “mother” solution was reintroduced into the cave, rather than a new and separate crystal forming [the most common process], the mother solution reformed over the original crystal, trapping and enclosing the cave dust or dirt and giving the crystal a ghostly look, thus the name phantom.

black phantom quartz slab
The “divide” or slab in between ~ Photo by i.macy

Otherworldly and rare, phantom crystals can be composed of a wide variety of materials including sand, clay, chlorite, actinolite and mica or iron materials such as Goethite and Haematite. ​ Phantom Quartz crystals are considered as Master Crystals because of their unique ability to represent the separate and unique lifetimes of the one Quartz crystal and its regressive properties and the ability of life after death.


black phantom quartz 1
She’s a keeper! ~ Photo by i.macy

As a business owner I have found that the magick of this crystal is strong toward helping me to push forward with ideas and the hard graft to realise those ideas as made objects for selling. If I’m stuck with no clear plan, this crystal helps me to focus and make a plan which will utilise ideas I may have had in the distant past but never “got around to”. The Black Phantom brings out my potential better than any other crystal in my crystals arsenal. All it need do is sit on my desk near me and I am remembering things I have thought of previously not to mention remembering things my grandparents made in their practise.  Black Phantom Quartz can enrich your life in many ways, both in learning from experience and in wealth.  It will not hurt to write what you wish for in terms of growth – spiritual, physical, or financial – and place the paper underneath the Black Phantom.

This may belong under “Healing”, but the Black Phantom allows you to rest and it also helps you to reboot from feelings of fatigue.  It can heal you in mind, body, and soul.

black phantom quartz point
To the point! ~ Photo by i.macy

For anyone who has experienced a broken past in any way, it will help heal you from your experiences like nothing else.  For those who are interested in their family genealogy, it helps to reconcile the differences and make peace with some things you may learn which causes you dismay.  If you are suffering because of a past life issue, please use the Black Phantom.  It will help you release your self-judgement.  Its emotional healing powers are unsurpassed in my books.   And it is all you need for grounding.

After using your Black Phantom, you can cleanse it by laying it in a dish of Quartz crystal pieces or passing it through the smoke of white Sage.  It is strengthened by either sunlight, moonlight, or both.


Planetary:  Pluto

Zodiac:  Capricorn

Gender: Neutral

Element[s]:  Storm

Powers:  Accessing Akashic Records, Business, Grounding, Mental Focus, Memory, Protection, Rejuvenation, Wealth

Deity:  The Divine God and Goddess

Other Names: Garden Quartz, Lodolite Quartz, Black Phantom


The Black Phantom Quartz is excellent for strengthening the muscular and skeletal systems. It can be used to counter osteoporosis, fragile bones and weakened muscles. This stone can assist in strengthening the heart and lungs and supports the nervous system and myelin neural sheaths. Black Phantom Quartz are powerful stones for grounding etheric energy into the body for the healing of physical disease. It helps strengthen the nervous system and the cardiopulmonary system.

Many thanks for reading and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x



The Book of Stones, by Robert Simmons


Crystal of the Week, Snowflake Obsidian

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @thewandcarver

The Snowflake Obsidian is a much gentler sister to her brother, Black Obsidian.  Snowflake Obsidian is recommended for those who can’t tolerate the higher energies of Black Obsidian but still want the grounding and protective virtues of Obsidian.  She may be gentle but don’t get Snowflake wrong, she is fierce!

snowflake obsidian
My Snowflake Obsidian ~ photo by i.macy

As most of you know, all Obsidians are glass… created by a volcanic eruption ages ago.  All varieties have an amorphous crystal system and are in the mineral class of oxide. The stunning patterns of “snowflakes” that stand out of its black background are inclusions of Cristobalite. As you see from the picture, the snowflakes can be quite large, or they may be smaller, depending on the amount of Cristobalite.  They are found in the lower mid-west of America in states such as Utah, but are also found in Mexico and Brazil.  Obsidian blades have been found in burial sites dating back to Palaeolithic times. It had been regarded as a stone that would drive out demons. In the Middle Ages it was used as an aid for magickal rituals. Mayan priests used Obsidian mirrors for predicting the future.


Snowflake Obsidian dissolves shocks, fear, blocks and traumas. It has an enlivening effect and brings hidden inner images to light. It can also bestow an unimagined depth to our emotional nature and help with many types of obsession. Snowflake Obsidian purifies the atmosphere of negative spiritual influences and can serve as protection from psychic attacks.

A stone of purity, Snowflake Obsidian brings about a balance to body, mind and spirit. Snowflake Obsidian helps to keep centred and focused when any type of chaotic situation, whether it be home, relationships, or work is presenting itself. Snowflake Obsidian can remove negativity from a space or person with ease.

Snowflake Obsidian helps to draw emotions to the surface and to examine harmful thought patterns and opens awareness of past lives and of having many incarnations, increasing our knowledge that we have been here before and will be here again and that there is no death of the soul. Snowflake Obsidian promotes a sense of calm and inner centring which readies one for a deep meditative state. During Chakra cleansing meditation it is perfect for your root/base chakra.  It is recommended to end the meditation with a final clearing using a quartz crystal.  Snowflake Obsidian shows us how to gain spiritual invulnerability and freedom. In doing this, forgotten capabilities may be retrieved and our perceptions can become refined to the point of clairvoyance.

Snowflake Obsidian is a very grounding and protective stone. It is used as a great cleanser of negative energies, helping to remove not only negativity experienced in the environment, but also that of one’s own emotions, such as anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, etc. Snowflake Obsidian is often used for healing and releasing energy blockages and tends to work quickly to move truths to the surface to be resolved. It is best used for grounding before rituals above most other grounding stones, unless, you can use Black Obsidian which is very good for grounding oneself before any spell to do with hexing or binding.

Snowflake Obsidian is an excellent tool for attuning to animal totems and animal allies, and for becoming more sensitive to the subtle flow and movement of energy in the environment.


Snowflake Obsidian helps to dissolve pain, tension, energy blocks and vascular contractions. Shock resulting from injury is dissolved on a cellular level, so it helps accelerate the healing of wounds. In improving circulation, it ensures the warming of your extremities like chronically cold hands and feet. To improve circulation, it is best when worn next to the skin.

As Snowflake Obsidian enhances blood flow, it may be used in conjunction with treatments for veins and the skeletal structure, and to ease problems associated with the menstrual cycle and the balancing of hormones. As an elixir [use the indirect method], it may be used to smooth the skin and clear the eyes.


Planetary: Saturn

Zodiac:  Scorpio, Virgo [helps with all zodiac signs]

Gender:  Female

Element:  Fire

Powers:  Protection, Grounding, Past Life Regressions, Emotional Support, Healing

Chakras:  Base/Root

Deity: Tezcatlipoca

Other Names:  The Stone of Truth

Many thanks for reading my blog today and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x


Cassandra Eason, The New Crystal Bible [London: Carlton Books Ltd., 2010]

Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible [Cincinnati, OH: Walking Stick Press, 2003]

Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible 2 [Cincinnati, OH: Walking Stick Press, 2009]

Judy Hall, 101 Power Crystals [Beverly, MA: Fair Winds Press, 2011]


Crystal of the Week, Howlite

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @thewandcarver

Many people I have spoken with about Howlite is how the stone doesn’t calm them in the way many stones do.  They report the feeling that the anger or anxiety they have been feeling has been “pulled” out of them by the stone.  Regardless of how Howlite calms you, because it does absorb bad feelings we may be experiencing, the result is that we feel more self-assured, a higher mental awareness, and the ability to communicate on a calmer level.  It can even help with those sleepless nights we experience from time to time by placing your Howlite on your bedside table.

My Howlite ~ photo by i.macy

Talking of absorbing quickly, Howlite is a very soft stone.  When you talk about Blue Howlite, it didn’t just come up out of the ground that way.  Because of its softness, people learned they could dye the stone all kinds of colours.  Some people are confused by Blue Howlite and Turquoise quite often.  Turquoise is a much harder stone and when polished, it is quite shiny.  Even after polishing, Howlite still feels a bit chalky and doesn’t look quite so shiny.  If you ever have doubts when in a crystals shop, either ask to see a piece of Turquoise or find one in the many bins and baskets set about in the shop, then compare it to the Blue Howlite.  The differences are very clear.  And, whilst I’m not a huge fan of buying crystals online, if you do enjoy doing so, be sure to take close note of photos and descriptions…. There are some not very trustworthy sellers [mostly on eBay] who will try to sell you a Blue Howlite as a Turquoise – for more money!  And they don’t stop there.  Howlite has been dyed to resemble Lapis Lazuli and Red Coral as well.

Please keep in mind that whatever the colour of your Howlite that the magickal, healing, and all other properties remain the same.  If you just like assorted colours, that is fine, enjoy them, but don’t expect that they will have more, or less, attributes than the white Howlite. You will probably find many writings online about them having this trait or another, but in all sincerity, they are all equal.


Howlite is a very good stone to use for past life regression work.  Focusing on a piece of Howlite can assist in journeying outside the body and gaining insight from past lives.  Placed on the third eye, it opens memories of previous times and lifetimes.  Howlite is also a fabulous stone for protection.  You can carry it with you or wear it as jewellery.

Brings me to mind about our Magnolia Witches Stang [sold out] in our shop. I made it for all witches but primarily for the practising hedge witch. The hedge witch uses the stang for bridging the “worlds”.  And, I added thirteen Howlite skulls to the handle grip because of Howlite’s ability to assist in both past life regression and astral projection/hedge riding plus for added protection. 

Howlite has a positive affect on all chakras, mainly the Crown chakra.  It helps to easily align all chakras.


Howlite stones have a lovely soothing energy that will help to alleviate stress and may help to calm fits of anger and bad temper.   I have heard people report that in a state of heightened stress that Howlite “rushes in and vacuums out” the high stress they are feeling.  I don’t know this for myself; perhaps I’ve never had one near when stressed to that degree.  I believe it, however, because Howlite works quickly to de-stress the person holding it. Why do I mention this in healing?  Because when our stress levels are through the roof, our blood pressure rises as well.  Howlite can help relieve the heightened blood pressure caused by stress.

For anyone having sleeping difficulties, place a piece under your pillow as it is known to alleviate insomnia.  You can also make a gem elixir from Howlite to help you sleep.  I would not use a dyed piece of Howlite, however.  And do be certain to wash the Howlite before putting it into your water bottle.

Howlite balances calcium levels in the body.  It aids teeth, bones and soft tissue. Helpful in cases of osteoporosis. This kind of healing work would most likely be carried out by Pranic healers.


Planetary:  Moon

Zodiac:  Gemini

Gender:  Female

Element:  Earth

Powers:  Past Life Regressions, Patience, Peace, Insomnia

Chakra[s]:  Primary, Crown Chakra.  Can be used for any of the seven.

Deity:  Quan Yin

Other Names:  Depends on colour it has been “dyed” such as “blue Howlite”

Many thanks and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x


The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall, 2003

Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic by Scott Cunningham, 2002

Chakra Healing & Karmic Awareness by Keith Sherwood, 2005

The Illustrated Directory of Crystal Healing by Cassandra Eason, 2003

Gemstone Energy Medicine Healing Body, Mind and Spirit by Michael Katz, 2005


Crystal of the Week, Preseli Bluestone

By Isabella @TheWandCarver
Instagram: @thewandcarver

The-Bluestone-portal by Judy Hall
The Bluestone Porthole by for Judy Hall

What were the builders of Stonehenge so attracted to, to choose Preseli Bluestone as the stones for the inner circle of the henge? What about it resonated with them so intensely to drag these stones 150+ miles to the henge to add to its creation? Well, I think most of you may be able to answer that by holding one. For me, without thinking, I felt the word “ancestor” [which is not odd for me in this case as one of my familial lineages have been in Salisbury, Wiltshire for as far back as c 1100 – that I know of… it well could be further back than then] come to mind. I felt history and time and people all at one go. You might think I would be very familiar with the stone already but not really. There are so many thousands of different crystals and stones in this world and although I’ve spent many years studying them and working with them, I really haven’t touched the sides yet. You can only really learn by spending a goodly amount of time with and reading about and working with, a stone or crystal…so yes, I always feel “behind” in my studies. And the very first thing I do with any stone is to hold it and record my very first, virgin reactions. It’s almost scary how I’m right almost every time. This is not bragging…anyone can do this and I’m betting most of my readers know what I mean.

The Preseli Bluestone, according to Judy Hall, authoress of The Crystal Bible and all its descendants, says “Bluestone is unique. It has high paramagnetic resonance and a distinctive appearance. Bluestone reconnects to your ancient knowing, helping you to live in harmony with the earth and everything on it. It expands your senses, taking you beyond the everyday and into the metaphysical realms where perception is sharper. You see the world with different eyes when you connect to Bluestone and its sacred sites. Carrying immense healing energy and forming a doorway to other dimensions, Preseli Bluestone helps you connect to earth energies and the wisdom of the Celtic Druidic peoples.” In a much better way, Judy tied together my usual one-word understanding of a stone.

So, when the people from over thousands of years ago travelled to the Preseli Mountains in Wales and found the iconic stone, the huge Saracen shards jutting here and there, then touched them…can you imagine the massive resonating force they must have felt? It’s no wonder they brought all they could back to the henge site. Compasses are said to go bonkers in the Preseli Mountains particularly at the Carn Menyn outcrop from which the bluestones of Stonehenge were sourced. The entire site is riddled with geomagnetic anomalies and powerful telluric earth currents which add power to the stones. And, in case you didn’t know, the Preseli Bluestone originally formed the outer circle but eventually became the inner circle,

Judy Hall also says, “Preseli Bluestone activates the Soma Chakra, located at the hairline above the third eye. A higher resonance of the third eye, when activated the soma chakra opens metaphysical awareness and visionary ability. The chakra also links to the angelic realms and spirit guides. It has to do with perception of the cycles of time and awareness of the workings of synchronicity.”  Got to love a bit of time travel!

So, let’s explore the magickal meanings of this fabulous stone!

The first and foremost feeling from Preseli Bluestone is a powerful feeling of needing to tell you about the past. It can assist you greatly in the development of psychic gifts and aid you in discovering abilities such as dowsing and geomancy. Although primarily a throat and heart chakra, placing the Preseli Bluestone on your solar plexus chakra can stimulate your willpower and inspire courage, and in doing so they help to connect the throat, heart, and thymus [higher heart] chakras.

Preseli Bluestone is one of the best stones ever for past life regressions. These stones have all the knowledge of the ages and when used in meditation to travel back in time, you can easily learn about past lives you’ve possibly had in ancient Celtic Britain and in ancient Egypt. Preseli Bluestone may help you to discover aspects of past lives that may be holding you back in your current life.

The Preseli Bluestone is remarkable for grounding oneself before a ritual or just because you’re feeling a bit scattered. It can truly bring you back to Earth and keep you firmly planted during a tough emotional time. Keep one as a talisman for this purpose with you always if you are given to anxiety attacks.

Keeping one by your bed can possibly create dreams that may help you to remember past lives in ancient Atlantis or if you spent time in the past as part of any Druidic culture.

It is also said that the Preseli Bluestone can help one discern the truth from listening to another speak.


Preseli Bluestone
My Preseli Bluestone ~ photo by i.macy

The vibrations are very high in Preseli Bluestone. Many of you may know that when a cat purrs, it is not always purring from the joy of being with its favourite human but may be purring to heal itself. They know that the frequency of their purr can indeed heal many ills. The vibrational frequency of Preseli Bluestone works in much the same way and the Ancient Ones found that bones would heal much more quickly when these stones were near. An amazing healing device used by some Pranic healers is the Preseli Bluestone wand.

Planetary: Moon
Zodiac: Taurus
Element: Earth
Powers: Healing [broken bones], Psychic Awareness [of all kinds], Courage, Communication, Grounding, Preventing Jet Lag, Ancestral Workings
Chakras: Throat, Heart, Higher Heart
Deity: Gaia, Hecate, Cerridwen
Other Names: Dolerite, Spotted Dolerite, Preseli Dolerite

Many thanks for reading and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x

Crystals and Sacred Sites, by Judy Hall
Crystal Prescriptions 4: the chakras and kundalini, by Judy Hall
The Crystal Bible, by Judy Hall

Crystal of the Week, Black Kyanite

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram: @thewandcarver

As, ever, before writing, I like to hold the crystal I’m blogging about for a bit… to renew my friendship with it and to feel the vibrations; what they are telling me. How do I describe the feeling of being switched round and put back together at warp speed? I suppose if any of you know that description then I don’t need to elaborate. It was very moving, no pun intended. And at the same time, I felt perfectly rooted to my seat. Not a hair out of place… but oh! What a ride! That is Black Kyanite for you!

black kyanite
My Black Kyanite ~ photo by i.macy

My opinion of what just happened is, whilst having me perfectly grounded, my Black Kyanite “fixed” my yin yang, finished healing my Root Chakra [forgot to mention I have been on a chakra clearing/repairing … lately after finding myself very blocked up] and then stripped of the stifling aura which has clung round me for too long and freshened me right up. Yes, I do feel rather amazing right now!

To be honest, I don’t always get hardcore feelings from crystals. Not in the earth-shattering way that I just did. Yes, I do always get vibrations, however, most of the time they are more “attuned” to me and what I’m using them for. It just occurred to me that this is what happens to a low vibration person. Normally my vibration is relatively medium to high. When I’m not well or have been remiss about taking care of myself, etc, my vibrational level sinks. What Black Kyanite does to low vibration people could be a little scary at first. I must say that I’m glad I have been working with my chakras up til this writing because that has most likely saved me a real comeuppance! So, my suggestion to all who read this is, please have your chakras in check before working with Black Kyanite or expect a wild ride whilst it repairs you!

Black Kyanite is a good talisman stone. It is protective of its bearer. It is a perfect grounding stone before rituals. Black Kyanite helps you to remember so it will be good to use when you’ve spent time memorising a lengthy spell chant. Keep close by when doing any divination works. Cassandra Eason says in The New Crystal Bible, “You will have cause to speak your mind, but do not waste words on those who will not listen.” I think it means, don’t waste your gift upon those whom only want good fortunes told and are dismissive of the words foretold that may not suit them. Still, as an all-chakra stone, it is an excellent partner to have near when reading tarot or any other divination work as it helps keep your Third Eye Chakra balanced. Black Kyanite is excellent against psychic attack. Additionally, Black Kyanite is self-cleansing so no need to clean but can be recharged in the full moon, if desired. Please be sure never to soak in water.

Brilliant crystal for past-life regression work, is Black Kyanite. A lot of people are doing future life progressions, something I honestly see no point of. Still, the Black Kyanite is there for you if that is what you wish to do. It strengthens the tether between Spirit and the Otherworld and can be used successfully in astral protection and hedge witchery. You can cleanse, clear, and re-build/repair all your chakras in meditation with Black Kyanite, however, its speciality is the Root/Base Chakra. And, as a special bonus, you can use your Black Kyanite to get in touch with your Spirit Guide/Guardian Angel for the very first time. If you have never attempted yet to meet your Guardian, Black Kyanite will be a stellar help in doing so. One thing to remember is that Black Kyanite will rapidly place you into a deep meditative state more so than many crystals will. It is also very useful for reading lucid dreaming messages.

Black Kyanite treats muscular disorders, fevers, thyroid, adrenal glands, throat and brain; a natural pain reliever; lowers blood pressure; heals infections; releases excess weight, supports the cerebellum. This crystal is, of course, a very useful one to Pranic Healers, and my personal opinion is that it would be best to see one for any healing work with Black Kyanite.

Planet: Jupiter, Moon
Zodiac: Sagittarius, Cancer
Element: Water
Powers: Healing, Grounding, Protection, Manifestation
Chakra(s): All, particularly the Root/Base Chakra
Deity: Ganesh

Many thanks for reading my blog and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x

The New Crystal Bible, by Cassandra Eason
The Crystal Bible, by Judy Hall
The Crystal Bible 2, by Judy Hall