A Beginner’s Understanding of Ogham Divination, Part Four

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @iseabail_witchwriter

Fearn Ogham
Fearn Ogham stave ~ photo by i.macy

This week is the Ogham letter, Fearn.  Fearn is the Irish name of the third letter of the Ogham alphabet and the Alder tree.  Alder, of course, is the birth tree for those born in the fourth lunar month between 18 March to 14 April.  The Alder tree thrives near bodies of water but itself is water-resistant and the cut wood changes from white to red, which makes it of two minds in the occult. Thus, the letter Fearn became the symbol for divination, oracular heads, courage, protection of self and country, and rivers.  The Alder tree has a many storied past, but all come with a lesson:  The Alder teaches us discrimination and the need to see beneath the surface of things. It combines the desire for self-preservation with the desire to serve and emphasises the need for a firm foundation to stand on.

Representations:   Protection, Courage, Ease of Mind from Worry

Ogham Letter:  F

Number:  4

Colour:  Light Green, Deep Red

Tarot:  Suit of Swords and Suit of Cups

Animals:  Fox, Herring Gull, Hawk, Raven, Seagulls

Plant:  Broom

Divination Meaning:  Be aware of uniqueness in yourself and others.  Keep your eyes open to see and recognise the exceptionality in all and acknowledge what you see.  You will utilise something you have previously overlooked.  Oracular skills are not always easy to detect, especially in one’s self.  Your mind can often be unwilling to accept the intuitive part of itself.

How to Mend the Problem:  Offer to others spiritual aide and protection in a dispute; be the bridge over troubled waters.  Allow your intuition to guide you.  Meditate upon your unique gifts and accept them, learn to know them and trust them. You will gain courage from doing.

As you see, when you draw the Fearn Ogham, you find it is a symbol of strength – yours.  And it teaches you to believe in that strength and how best to utilise it. Although you may have inner conflict realise that this is only down to self-doubt and you must overcome this by learning to trust yourself. Learn by doing – the Ogham teaches this above all.

You can catch up the first three blogs, Part One, Part Two, and Part Three by clicking on these.

Many thanks for reading my blog and  warmest blessings to those whom wander this way x


The Celtic Tree Oracle, by Liz and Colin Murray

What’s Your Birth Tree is the New What’s Your Star Sign, by Isabella
