Ammonite Magick!

Originally posted on 07/12/20 via

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram: @thewandcarver

Ammonite Earrings
My Chinese Ammonite earrings ~ photo by i.macy

Just look at one and you know it is something quite special, the Ammonite. It draws away negativity…just put your head between a pair and see what I mean. If the day isn’t going so well and the dark thoughts think they can move in, I know wearing my Ammonite earrings will soon take care of that. Ammonite spirals are a filter, drawing in these dark energies which are no longer needed, moving them through the spirals and releasing them as fresh, positive, loving, life force energies.

Ammonite is not considered a stone or crystal, it is a fossil, and fossils are a wonderful tool to assist you in moving from the old to the new and to be receptive to the fresh, innovative forces that are available to you. Ammonite helps you to reconcile the past with the present and to help you gain perspective on the present. These are, like the Orthoceras, another fossil, brilliant in past life recall work. As they are excellent for honouring ancestors, they are useful to the hedgewitch, or anybody working with astral travel to connect with their ancestry. They also help in re-entry, so to speak, from astral travel in a kind and grounding way which eases you back into “reality”.

Folklore / History:

Ammonite from Charmouth Dorset
My Ammonite from Charmouth, Dorset ~ photo by i.macy

Ammonite’s name is derived from the name of the ancient Egyptian god Ammon who believed these creatures were divine. Ammon is represented in ancient literature by the head of a ram with twisted spiral horns that are reminiscent of an Ammonite’s spiralled shell. Pliny the Elder, the Roman historian, described Ammonites as the holiest stones in ancient Aethiopia because they were believed to bring prophetic dreams.

Ammonites have had a long association with serpents in English legend. The 7th Century Saint Hilda of Whitby turned an infestation of snakes to stone to enable a now-famous abbey to be constructed. These petrified “snakestones” were carved or painted with a head-on them and sold as pious souvenirs. During the early 19th-century English fossil hunters referred to Ammonites as cornemonius, a corruption of the Latin name hammonis cornu.


Ammonites were used in folk medicine across Europe for snake bites, fertility, and birthing pains. In 18th century Germany and England they were added to water as “drakestones” [“dragonstone”] or “crampstones” to treat livestock. Sliced in half to make a pair, they were often given as wedding presents because they represented a journey and two parts coming together as a whole.


Ammonite is known to strengthen one’s will to live as well as appreciating life and living it to the fullest; being very beneficial to the human psyche. Feng Shui practitioners believe that Ammonite also has a positive effect on the flow of energy called ‘chi’, assisting one to cleanse and detoxify the body. It is regarded as helpful in childbirth.

Since Ammonites were once living beings, they are connected to Akasha, the fifth element. These are tangible proof that in nature nothing is wasted; it shows how only manifestations of energy may be transmutable, but energy itself cannot be destroyed.

Ammonite may be used for vivid prophetic vision and dreams as well as work or meditations relating to past lives and longevity. And as before-mentioned, very useful in astral travel and hedge witchery.


Chakras: Base, Solar Plexus, Third Eye

Zodiac Signs: Capricorn, Virgo

Number: 8

Diety: Ammon

Energy: Receptive

Element: Earth, Air, Water, Fire & Akasha

Planet: Jupiter

Powers: Elemental Power, Longevity & Past Life Meditation

Candle Colour: Green or Black

Many thanks for reading and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x


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