Crystal of the Week, Labradorite

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @thewandcarver

So, I have chosen the lovely and magickal Labradorite for this blog. Hard to imagine I have not done this one yet!

My Labradorite ~ photo by i.macy

Labradorite is one of my favourites and not just because it is one of the most beautiful crystals in the world with its kaleidoscope of various colours.  They are not only full of hues of blues and greens, purples and yellows but can sometimes be orange, yellow, brown, and reddish. There are some which have a decidedly black look to them in places as well which are Black Labradorite, a dark gemstone famous for its grey base, black specks & high luminescence. It is a crystalline variety of plagioclase feldspars which is mainly formed from a combination of sodium feldspar (albite) and potassium feldspar (microcline or orthoclase) at low to medium crystallisation temperature.  It is also called Larkivite by some, however, there are differences.

Labradorite got its name because the first place it was discovered was in Labrador, Newfoundland, Canada.  It can also be found in many places, including in Finland, Greenland, Scandinavia, Russia, Italy, Madagascar, Mexico, and the US.  The Finnish variety is called Spectrolite and is slightly different as it exhibits the full range of colours. Shall we get on to the magick now?


Firstly, Labradorite protects ones’ aura. This means it creates a force field throughout the aura, protecting and strengthening the energies within and preventing others from ‘tapping in’ to your personal energy and draining you.  Can you guess whom this would most benefit? Any Empath would benefit highly.  But just as much it can protect the non-empath from the psychic vampires out there just waiting to get in and suck your happiness dry.

If you are practising your psychic knowing, psychometry, clairaudience, clairvoyance, or clairsentience skills, Labradorite is one of the best crystals to have with you.  It can help you to develop your gifts as you make better connections with Spirit.  Labradorite is a Stone of Magic, a crystal of shamans, diviners, healers, and all who travel and embrace the universe seeking knowledge and guidance. For self-discovery, it is excellent for awakening one’s own awareness of inner spirit, intuition, and psychic abilities.

Wearing or carrying Labradorite allows one’s innate magical powers to surface. It enhances the mental and intuitive abilities of clairvoyance, telepathy, prophecy, and coincidence control, and assists in communication with higher guides and spirits in accessing Akashic records, psychic readings, and past-life recall. It provides an ease in moving between the worlds and permits a safe and grounded return to the present.

Labradorite tempers the negative side of our personality, the traits and actions that rob our energy and may produce depression or shame. It assists in reducing anti-social, reckless, or impulsive behaviour in children, teenagers and adults who are easily led into trouble by others, and may aid in detoxifying the effects of tobacco, alcohol, and to a lesser degree, hard drugs.


Labradorite is beneficial to the lungs, and may assist with respiratory problems, bronchitis, and colds. It assists in digestion, regulation, and metabolism.  It has been used in treatment for the eyes and brain disorders, to stimulate mental acuity, and to reduce stress and anxiety. It may also be soothing during menstruation, for PMT symptoms, and for pain relief.

When used for physical healing purposes, one should hold or carry as a touchstone, or wear as jewellery. When the healing process is complete, the stone should be cleansed under running water. If by chance its surface becomes cloudy, place it in a glass with mineral water and set in a spot where it will have sun and moon light for a few days so it may be recharged, regenerated, and refreshed.


Gender:  Masculine

Planetary:  Earth

Zodiac:  Aquarius, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Leo

Element:  Water

Powers:  Protection, Psychic Healing, Psychic Powers, Psychic Protection, Strengthening

* Chakras:  All [particularly the Throat]

Deity:  Isis, Arianrhod

* I have had a recent experience where Labradorite was very helpful to me by placing it over my heart chakra. I had had a particularly hard day and was quite upset. This helped me to feel as though all the aggravation simply flowed away. 

Many thanks for reading and warmest blessings to those whom this way wander x



The Crystal Bible, by Judy Hall

The Illustrated Directory of Crystal Healing, by Cassandra Eason, 2003

Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic, by Scott Cunningham, 2002

Chiastolite, a Magickal Stone, Indeed!

Originally posted on 30/11/2017 via

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram: @thewandcarver

Lovely Chiastolite is found in Australia, Chile, Russia, Spain, Brazil, Sri Lanka, Canada, and the US. It is usually a deep brown with a black cross in it which the Greeks called “chiastos” meaning cruciform or crosswise. The Ancients saw the stone as a “sign from God” [or the Gods]. The Ancients also believed it to be a highly protective stone, which has been proven to be true. And, for the record, the Australian Chiastolite can be found as a black stone with a green cross…very unusual, indeed! This one is going onto my bucket list of stones and crystals I want!


In the distant past, Chiastolite was used to ward off the evil eye and curses by ancient people. As a Root/Base Chakra stone, it is wonderful for grounding oneself before spell work or meditation. For travellers, it is a brilliant protection stone. Chiastolite is also a stone of balance and harmony and will counter disagreements between people of differing ideas, and transform their attitudes into one of harmonious agreement. I suppose if nothing else but to “agree to disagree” but we should all strive to at least do this, rather than becoming enemies, many times over the smallest things.


Chiastolite is a gateway to the Mysteries and out of body travel. It will aid you to journey in the spiritual realms to the area of the Akashic records and it will aid you in making a connection to the Akashic records to learn about your past lives. As many of you know, the Akashic records are the repository of all that has ever happened, and where you can go to and investigate your own past life experiences. The information discovered may help you to work out how your past lives relate to your current life. It has brought much to my attention in this respect as a Hedge Witch whilst travelling between the Worlds to speak to my ancestors. I have found the records are very helpful in proving to myself what is real and what is not. Whether you use astral travel for this or simply to go where you’ve never been before, Chiastolite is a perfect stone not only for getting you where you want to go but for the ultimate protection along the way.

my chiastolite by i.macy

When accessing the Akashic records, good crystals to use with Chiastolite are Shaman Stones, Cavansite, Calligraphy Stone, Axinite, Goethite, Creedite, White Heulandite, Merlinite, Petrified Wood, Euclase, Covellite, Black Andradite Garnet, Libyan Desert Glass/Libyan Gold Tektite, and Blue Apatite.

One other reason to use Chiastolite is during any psychic readings with tarot, dowsing pendulum, runes readings, or ogham staves readings, for they not only protect you, but they also enhance your psychic abilities, as well.


Healers use Chiastolite to lessen fevers, relieve rheumatism, balance the immune system, fortify nerves, and increase lactation in nursing mothers. Chiastolite is also helpful in balancing the chakras, particularly the Root/Base chakra and the Third Eye chakra. It may balance the blood flow and is said to aid the body to repair chromosome damage. This is a suitable stone to help you as you age, when you may find that you are no longer able to do things that you could previously do. It is a strong stone to aid the teeth and bones. Chiastolite is a comforting stone if you are suffering grave illness, and it is known to be helpful to ease the dying as they approach the time to return to Spirit.

Other Stones/Crystals which work well with Chiastolite: Lemurian Seed crystal, Jet, Black Obsidian, Black Tourmaline, and Sugilite. In turn, Chiastolite can enhance the energy of prosperity stones/crystals.


Colour: brown with black cross
Australian, black with green cross
Zodiac: Libra

Element: Storm Element

Chakras: Root Chakra, Third Eye Chakra

Energies: Power, Protection, Love, Prosperity

Many thanks for reading and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x


The Crystal Bible, by Judy Hall

