What is the Difference Between Amulets and Talismans?

Originally posted on 01/08/2017 via speakingofwitchwands.net

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram: @thewandcarver

You may notice when you see our tweets that we have similar-looking items that we sell, however, one may be called an “amulet” whilst the other is called a “talisman”. I get the occasional query as to what makes one but not the other. Think of it this way: they are both regarded as “charms” but the amulet wards off whilst the talisman empowers. An amulet wards off evil, bad luck, and the like but the talisman is usually specific to something the holder/wearer desires, such as to help empower that person with good luck, good health, and assorted abilities.

Amulets can be almost anything such as a coin, a ring, or garlic (think of warding off vampires!). When a bride puts a sixpence in her shoe on her wedding day she is warding off the many number of dreadful things that can happen rather than being brought good luck as many would think. The original reasoning behind the sixpence in her shoe was to protect the bride and her groom. As time went on Mothers of brides insisted that their daughters have a sixpence “for luck”.  Still, they are known as amulets.

Assorted Amulets & Talismans ~ photo by i. macy

The talisman can also be almost anything, as well, if it is charged with the purpose of empowering its owner with additional ability. When I create a talisman for a specific purpose such as our Magnolia medical healing necklace [will be back in stock soon] or the Magnolia personal healing necklace, it is with great thought to increasing the power of the charm by using Magnolia as this is known as a complete healing tree. As you may have read in my earlier blog about the Magnolia tree, there are many parts that are used in medicine, both scientific and holistic. Simply stroking the bark of the Magnolia tree brings calmness so it is useful for anxiety. But back to the point of the talismans is that one is to increase strength and healing whilst dealing with scientific medical procedures like testing and chemo- or radiotherapy and the personal healing is more suited to the holistic healing. The pendants are even metal-free so they can be left on whilst being x-rayed or for scans. And, of course, it’s convenient if you have an attack of nerves for all you need do is stroke the bark.

Many say that talismans are “generally” made from gemstones or crystals and they can be. I have several crystals of different abilities which I may carry one or several around with me depending upon what kind of help I need in a day. Some also seem to be of the school of thought which believes all amulets are in a natural form (non-man-made) whilst the talisman is always man-made. I personally do not see how anybody can come to that conclusion as crystals/stones are as “natural” as can be but can give the power to you to love, to be calm, to rise above many things. By the same reasoning, an amulet can be man-made or natural. The sixpence is definitely man-made, however, there are natural crystals that are protective and ward off evil/bad luck, therefore, an amulet.

In conclusion, an amulet or a talisman can be anything you like, whether nature-given or man-made. Just remember to do your research and be certain that what you use for an amulet will protect you and ward off evil and assorted terrible things whilst your talisman can help you to achieve a standard that you do not feel you possess otherwise. As always, thank you for reading and many blessings on all whom this way wander x

Magickal Holly Cross Anti-Nightmare Talisman Folk Magick

First posted on 24/11/2015 by Isabella via speakingofwitchwands.net

photo by I. Macy

 A 3″ x 3″ Holly equal-armed cross, pyrographed with the bindrune for nightmare prevention and Holly ogham. True folk magick…

by Isabella @TheWandCarver

Myth and Lore can be funny things..as time passes and the stories are re-told, in many cases without benefit of setting pen to paper, so much gets misconstrued…even to the point of hilarity at times. So can be the story of placing a garland of Holly around the neck of a horse to prevent it having nightmares. Yes, animals do dream, but this is one of those misconstrued “stories” as I shall call it, being that I am not sure if the truth of it is either “myth” or “lore” or “nor”. So, I shall tell you what I learned Holly can do for the dreamer as learnt at the knee of my old Nan.

First, you must know that my Nan made crosses out of all sorts for protection. Not the Christian cross, necessarily, but an equal-armed, plain cross. Holly was not only used in her home for Yule celebrations but for other reasons as well. It was used ritually to aid and help with a person’s ability to cope with death. It was also used to ease anybody’s sleep with peaceful dreams. I always slept well at Nana’s if that’s any proof.

Here is Nana’s Holly cross for preventing nightmares and protection in sleep with my own additions, such as the Holly ogham, Tinne and my own bindrune using Dagaz for “safe passage from dark to light”, Ingwaz symbolising “protection, a light shining from the darkness”, Ihwaz for “protection against unexpected attack”, and Algiz for “protection and safe refuge”.

Our crosses are made by de-barking and sanding until completely smooth, pyrographing the Tinne (or Tiene) ogham onto each 3 ends of the cross, and tied together in the centre with red cotton thread. My own bindrune for protection of hearth and home and safe dreams is on the bottom end of the cross. We then polish the cross with linseed oil and then our own handmade beeswax wand polish/wax [we no longer carry this item]. Adding a plait of green for the green of Holly leaves , red for the red of Holly berries, and white for the white Holly wood, for ease of hanging, it is now ready to be hung above your bed, or upon your person as a means of anti-negative dreams, protection and security.

We will have more Holly crosses in stock soon. Please check our Amulet Talisman sections often.  If you would like a special talisman for a different need, you can send us a “convo” (email) from your Etsy inbox to ours, explaining the need and what you envision and we’ll be happy to help you as we do take bespoke orders for nearly every item in our shop. Just click the “Contact” button on any listing.

Many thanks for reading and warmest blessings )O(