From the Wortcunner’s Cabinet, Sunflower

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @thewandcarver

Arif Khan and his very tall Sunflowers ~

Vine House Farm is only one of a few sunflower growers in the UK, and the largest in the UK. Due to the specific growth requirements mean that Lincolnshire is the furthest north Sunflowers can be commercially grown.  And Arif Khan grew the giant plants at his home in South Woodham Ferrers, Essex and incredibly the flower has shown real staying power by standing tall well into October of 2018.  Still, any further north of Lincolnshire you will have to settle for a pretty bouquet from a florist’s and they will most likely hail from Vine House Farm.

Unless Climate Change/Global Warming continues creating sunny, hot summers such as the one in 2018 for the UK, chances are the country north of Lincolnshire will never be prolific growers of the lovely flowers as is America, from where they hail.  And, I imagine soil would play into the growing of them as well…although it is easier to get the kind of soil mix you need than it is to command the perfect Spring and Summer sunshine and warmth needed for the stately Sunflower.

We shall have to be content with what we have…and there will be no wild-gathering for you lovers of finding your herbs and such from the lay-bys and forests and open fields…although, if you fancy your chances, go ahead and give it a try this Spring on growing them.  Nothing ventured, nothing gained I always say.

And, in case you were not aware, the country which grows the most sunflowers is Ukraine. Until this wretched war, Ukraine produced on average, 11.0 tonnes of Sunflower per year. If you are a fan of Sunflower oil and seeds, as am I, those products likely came from Ukraine. Blessings to Ukraine!


Sunflowers harrisseeds dot com
Sunflowers ~ courtesy of Google Images

Many traditions see Sunflowers as good luck and it is thought that if you pick a Sunflower at sunset and wear it pinned to yourself it will bring the wearer good luck the next day.

To find the truth about something, sleep with a Sunflower under your pillow and the next day the truth of the matter will be revealed to you.

Why is the Sunflower a symbol of loyalty? Because each day the face of the Sunflower follows the sun throughout each hour it shines.  Would you like someone to be loyal to you?  Feed them Sunflower seeds.

For Litha brew a tea of dried Sunflower petals and sprinkle about like holy water in your sacred space for Litha rituals, around your Litha-decorated altar, and sun related spell work and ritual.

Because of Sunflower’s fertility effects it is believed that women of child-bearing years should eat the seeds to help bring a pregnancy if they have been having trouble conceiving.

Add the petals of a Sunflower to your bath to attract happiness.

For attracting wealth and abundance use Sunflower in a variety of ways.  The petals can be put into witch bottles, sachets, and poppets to draw wealth.  You can also make potpourri with Sunflower and add other flower petals and whole spices which attract wealth to set about in your home or business.  Eating the seeds can also help draw wealth.

Sunflowers dried
My dried Sunflower ~ photo by i.macy

Sunday is the best time to do a spell for drawing wealth to your business, if you are a business owner, and the best time of the day is during the planetary hour of the sun.  A good way to help manifest your business wealth is to also use Sunflowers on your altar or dried Sunflower as an offering.

Sunflower is a friendship flower according to the Victorian Flower Meanings.

And, Sunflowers are known to promote courage in some cultures.


Sunflowers were originally cultivated by Native Americans and used for food and medicine. Medicinal uses included using the juice from the stems to treat wounds and infusing the plant in water to treat kidneys and chest pains.

Sunflowers aren’t used in medicine anymore apart from possibly in Native American tribes, however, the seeds are always good for one’s health.  The Sunflower oil you purchase in your supermarket is not only better to cook with than many other oils for your health, but did you know it is a wonderful massage oil? Excellent for your skin.


Planetary:  Sun

Gender:  Masculine

Zodiac:  Leo

Element[s}:  Fire, Air

Powers: wealth, fertility, luck, loyalty, and honesty/truth

Deity:  Baba Yaga, Ra, Apollo, Helios

Many thanks for reading my blog.  Warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x


The Magickal Cypress Tree

*First posted on, September 2013

by Isabella @TheWandCarver

Many of you may or may not be aware of the magickal properties of many trees.  For instance, did you know that the Cypress tree has a “folk name” of “The Tree of Death”?  It is thought to be so because at one time in Egypt, coffins were made of Cypress wood.  However, funnily enough, one of the magickal properties of Cypress wood is longevity!  If one carries it on their person, in a pocket or worn as jewellery, it is said to give long life and protection.  Cypress is also comforting in times of sorrow,  such as the death of a friend or loved one as it eases the mind and allays grief if carried to the funeral.  Many deities hold sacred the Cypress such as MithrasAphrodite, Hekate, CupidApollo and others.

cypress tree
Photo by CP Smith,

Thank you for your support and many blessings!