Orthoceras ~ The Magickal Fossil

Originally posted on 23/11/2017 via speakingofwitchwands.net

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram: @thewandcarver

Orthoceras means “straight horn”.   It is a fossil, as many know, and seems to be primarily from regions such as Baltic states, Lithuania, Ukraine, Estonia, and Sweden, but from time to time, they do wash ashore of Great Britain. And, I should think that is due to the relative proximity of Great Britain to Sweden. However, they were found in the North Devon area, as well, and documented as early as 1846.  If you can’t find one naturally, you can always buy one, and they are relatively inexpensive…unless you buy a huge specimen.

My Orthoceras collection by i.macy

I could tell you much more about the science of Orthoceras [yes, with the “s” is the correct name, not randomly making it a plural word!], but if you’re anything like me you would rather know how you can use these gorgeous fossils in your magickal work. I am happy to tell you, as I am a proud owner of a few of these lovelies.

When I first found the Orthoceras, I had a challenging time finding much in the way of information about what they can do. Time and research found a way, as it does. Reiki Healers and Pranic Healers have both said they use the Orthoceras as it has such nice energy working with the Mooladhara Chakra, or as we know it, the Base or Root Chakra. Seems it is a good thing to use when treating the spine! I think I should give this a go myself.  It is also said to be excellent for treating atrophy, skeletal system disorders, especially hands and feet and back; and in treating fatigue, digestive disorders, and rheumatism.  Many Healers say the Orthoceras is a favourite for helping older patients with superior results. The Orthoceras is fabulous for reducing anxiety and stress…I don’t need a Pranic Healer to say so…I can feel this by holding one! Other physical healing capabilities include stimulating the thymus and increasing the elimination of toxins.

Just as useful as the Orthorceras is in physical healing, it also is for business. I have not personally made the attempt yet in using my ones for business enrichment, but they are said to heighten and supplement one’s accomplishments in business and to instil quality and excellence within one’s environment.  Orthoceras is said to open the mind and increase confidence, therefore promoting pride and accomplishment in one’s work. It can be utilised in the workplace to assist others, regardless of how you may feel about them personally. Orthoceras also induces recognition by others for your accomplishments as they will also allow you to recognise and praise the accomplishments of others.

Lastly, Orthoceras is an excellent tool for accessing past life information.  It can be used to release fear related to getting old and reminds us that in the darkness changes can occur so that we can be reborn when we chose to change and to come back to the light of day.


Chakras: Base, Solar Plexus

Element: Storm, Earth

Zodiac Signs: Capricorn, Virgo

Number: 8

Colour: Black with silvery-white

Many thanks for reading and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x



Reiki and Pranic Healers names not being disclosed

Memoirs of the Geological Survey of England and Wales (1846) ~ reprinted