Crystal of the Week, Desert Rose

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram: @thewandcarver

Desert Rose
My Desert Rose ~ photo by i.macy

The Desert Rose is also referred to as the Sand Rose, Selenite Rose or Gypsum Rose. Found in dry, desert regions, Desert Rose Selenite is named for Selene, Greek goddess of the Moon because of its moon-like glow. Exchanged between lovers, it will bring about reconciliation.

Some minerals form rosette shapes, and Selenite is one of these. The Selenite rose rock or “The Desert Rose” is often confused with the Barite rose. The edges of Selenite rose are sharper and the crystalline structure is less hard than the Barite rose.

Some Desert Rose metaphysical properties are mental clarity, increased awareness of self and environment; allows one to see inner truth, promotes success in business, helps one to access angelic guidance, quickly unblocks stagnant energy, instils a deep peace, and assists in accessing past lives. Because each one is said to contain a unique spirit guardian, they have traditionally been used as talismans for protection.

And, for all the above reasons, Desert Rose is an excellent meditation stone. It will guide you in connecting to your higher self and reaching a deeper meditative state. This stone is a very strong activator of your third eye, and it will help bring your clairvoyant gifts to the fore. The energies of this stone will also strengthen your natural intuition. It is also believed that it can help you to speak with your Spirit Guardian, as all Spirit Guardians can speak amongst themselves, and the Desert Rose’s can help facilitate conversations with your own. I say this as I have found it to be a wonderful assistant whilst speaking with mine.

It makes a wonderful protection stone. Place a Desert Rose Selenite sphere at the corners of your home to create a peaceful, safe environment that will not be disturbed by outside influences.

Health and Healing:
Desert Rose is considered to be helpful in fighting off viral infections. However, if you believe you have the flu, please see your GP!

Desert Rose is also believed to help reduce seizures, help with psoriasis, strengthen bones, help one’s complexion, provide relief for backaches, ulcers, release one from unhealthy addictions, travel sickness, and aid in treatment of the prostate.

Family, Love, and Finances:
Children: It can be used to help children shine at something they are good at but have difficulty showing it due to shyness.
Finance & Prosperity: helps work against redundancy, and thus should be used in work environments prone to tension or redundancy situations.
Home: It is a stone of family unity and so should be placed in your house. It will also help bring out your inner potential.
Love: strengthens relationships by encouraging friendships between lovers, enhances warmth and closeness between you and your loved one, helps unleash inhibitions and creates a positive mental attitude.
Ritual: Desert rose will amplify any fire magick.

Associated Crystals: Banded agate and petrified wood.
Candle Colour: Light brown.
Element: Fire and Wind
Flowers & Plants: Flowering cactus and oleander.
Herbs – Incenses – Oils: Copal, fennel, parsley, tarragon and witch hazel.
Planet: Pluto.
Zodiac: Scorpio, Capricorn, Taurus
Energies: Healing, Power, Love, Protection
Chakras: Heart, Third Eye, Crown
Number: 11

Many thanks for reading and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x

The Crystals Bible, by Judy Hall
Encyclopaedia of Crystals: Revised and Expanded, by Judy Hall, 2013