Crystal of the Week, Howlite

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @thewandcarver

Many people I have spoken with about Howlite is how the stone doesn’t calm them in the way many stones do.  They report the feeling that the anger or anxiety they have been feeling has been “pulled” out of them by the stone.  Regardless of how Howlite calms you, because it does absorb bad feelings we may be experiencing, the result is that we feel more self-assured, a higher mental awareness, and the ability to communicate on a calmer level.  It can even help with those sleepless nights we experience from time to time by placing your Howlite on your bedside table.

My Howlite ~ photo by i.macy

Talking of absorbing quickly, Howlite is a very soft stone.  When you talk about Blue Howlite, it didn’t just come up out of the ground that way.  Because of its softness, people learned they could dye the stone all kinds of colours.  Some people are confused by Blue Howlite and Turquoise quite often.  Turquoise is a much harder stone and when polished, it is quite shiny.  Even after polishing, Howlite still feels a bit chalky and doesn’t look quite so shiny.  If you ever have doubts when in a crystals shop, either ask to see a piece of Turquoise or find one in the many bins and baskets set about in the shop, then compare it to the Blue Howlite.  The differences are very clear.  And, whilst I’m not a huge fan of buying crystals online, if you do enjoy doing so, be sure to take close note of photos and descriptions…. There are some not very trustworthy sellers [mostly on eBay] who will try to sell you a Blue Howlite as a Turquoise – for more money!  And they don’t stop there.  Howlite has been dyed to resemble Lapis Lazuli and Red Coral as well.

Please keep in mind that whatever the colour of your Howlite that the magickal, healing, and all other properties remain the same.  If you just like assorted colours, that is fine, enjoy them, but don’t expect that they will have more, or less, attributes than the white Howlite. You will probably find many writings online about them having this trait or another, but in all sincerity, they are all equal.


Howlite is a very good stone to use for past life regression work.  Focusing on a piece of Howlite can assist in journeying outside the body and gaining insight from past lives.  Placed on the third eye, it opens memories of previous times and lifetimes.  Howlite is also a fabulous stone for protection.  You can carry it with you or wear it as jewellery.

Brings me to mind about our Magnolia Witches Stang [sold out] in our shop. I made it for all witches but primarily for the practising hedge witch. The hedge witch uses the stang for bridging the “worlds”.  And, I added thirteen Howlite skulls to the handle grip because of Howlite’s ability to assist in both past life regression and astral projection/hedge riding plus for added protection. 

Howlite has a positive affect on all chakras, mainly the Crown chakra.  It helps to easily align all chakras.


Howlite stones have a lovely soothing energy that will help to alleviate stress and may help to calm fits of anger and bad temper.   I have heard people report that in a state of heightened stress that Howlite “rushes in and vacuums out” the high stress they are feeling.  I don’t know this for myself; perhaps I’ve never had one near when stressed to that degree.  I believe it, however, because Howlite works quickly to de-stress the person holding it. Why do I mention this in healing?  Because when our stress levels are through the roof, our blood pressure rises as well.  Howlite can help relieve the heightened blood pressure caused by stress.

For anyone having sleeping difficulties, place a piece under your pillow as it is known to alleviate insomnia.  You can also make a gem elixir from Howlite to help you sleep.  I would not use a dyed piece of Howlite, however.  And do be certain to wash the Howlite before putting it into your water bottle.

Howlite balances calcium levels in the body.  It aids teeth, bones and soft tissue. Helpful in cases of osteoporosis. This kind of healing work would most likely be carried out by Pranic healers.


Planetary:  Moon

Zodiac:  Gemini

Gender:  Female

Element:  Earth

Powers:  Past Life Regressions, Patience, Peace, Insomnia

Chakra[s]:  Primary, Crown Chakra.  Can be used for any of the seven.

Deity:  Quan Yin

Other Names:  Depends on colour it has been “dyed” such as “blue Howlite”

Many thanks and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x


The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall, 2003

Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic by Scott Cunningham, 2002

Chakra Healing & Karmic Awareness by Keith Sherwood, 2005

The Illustrated Directory of Crystal Healing by Cassandra Eason, 2003

Gemstone Energy Medicine Healing Body, Mind and Spirit by Michael Katz, 2005
