Crystal of the Week, Peach Quartz

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram: @thewandcarver

Peach Quartz
My collection of Peach Quartz ~ photo by i.macy

Peach Quartz comes from Brazil. The peach colouring is the result of Haematite inclusions within the Quartz. Because of the Haematite in the Peach Quartz, it has grounding qualities, though not as strong as pure Haematite. These crystals are wonderful for grids, meditation, and energy work. Best of all, they are very affordable.

Peach Quartz can help one to transcend the mundane aspects of life, to open yourself to the Divine, and to discover your true intent that is for the highest good. Using Peach Quartz also helps to promote an understanding of how to connect one’s dreams to their reality, therefore they are very useful for helping one to set and achieve goals.

In meditation, Peach Quartz is wonderful for releasing energy blockages within the Sacral and Higher Heart Chakras. The clearing of these blockages can help one to recover self-respect, independence, creativity, and sociability. Carrying a piece of Peach Quartz that you have charged/enchanted for the purpose will also help to sustain the period afterwards of which these chakras will remain in better function.

Peach Quartz can support those who work in public service by keeping their focus on the needs of others. I believe they significantly help those in highly stressful public service employment, whether that is as a waitress or a firefighter…you may think one is not as bad as the other but unless you’ve been a waitress, don’t be quick to judge. You are constantly putting out fires – of a different kind! Wearing a Peach Quartz necklace or bracelet can do wonders, gently grounding you whilst encouraging your personal power and keeping your emotions in check.

Working with Peach Quartz can help regulate and balance one’s sex drive and encourage one to focus on their partner during sexual intimacy. It will raise your self-esteem and that alone can help many people’s sex life. Carry Peach Quartz with you when you find it difficult to express yourself emotionally or when you feel that you are lacking in personal power.

As Peach Quartz has a very high numerical vibration, it is a wonderful stone to do magick with. If you are a Tarot reader or do any kind of divination, keep a Peach Quartz near you as it heightens your psychic powers.

Numerical Vibration: 55
Chakras: Sacral, Solar Plexus, and Heart
Astrological Sign: Sagittarius
Planet: Sun
Colour: Orange
Powers: Attracts luck, attracts success, raises self-esteem, personal power, meditation, psychic powers, positive energies, cleansing, healing, balancing

Many thanks for reading today’s blog. I hope you have gained some useful knowledge from this writing and if you have enjoyed it, please let us know by liking the blog and leaving a comment, or sharing via the handy buttons below! Warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x

The Crystal Bible, by Judy Hall
Cunningham’s Encyclopaedia of Crystal, Gem, and Metal Magic, by Scott Cunningham