Green Witchery and Mother Earth

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @thewandcarver

We witches tend to label ourselves.  I’m a hedge witch, a solitary witch, cunning woman, and a green witch.  I’m fairly certain the labelling of witches in far off olden days was much different…you might be directed to a “healer” for physical ailments and for charms and amulets against evil and such in the medieval era.  Later days saw the term “cunning woman” [or man] for the one who could make all things come to pass or remove those which were in your way.  These days, there is a plethora of different names we give ourselves to denote to others what our speciality is in the ways of witchcraft. I think that in the current climate [no pun intended] of global warming/climate change, we are all becoming “green witches” in addition to our own specialities.  And, that is a good thing.

The green witch is a naturalist.  She or he or they harkens back to the old days of healing magick with herbs, spices, and such.  The green witch has studied labouriously all their witchy lives to know their flowers, herbs, woods, leaves, spices and how they are to be gathered and used. Much like the healers in medieval times.  But not only that, the green witch has always “worshipped” Mother Earth and has always been keen to preserve her and to show the utmost respect and kindness to her. Many are the green witches whom are intent upon not only being in communication with Mother Earth but also to bring others into this way of thinking.  No, I certainly do not mean that green witches go about trying to bring others into witchcraft per se, but he or she will try their best to influence others to be kind to Mother Earth, maybe more so than the average witch.  The green witch is a student, a healer, and a teacher all in one.  I can’t say it any better than this:

To live the life of the Green Witch is to live with many different levels of understanding at once. I call this path Green Living. It means that what we see is a window to all worlds and that when we are asked to help lift life back into balance, we do so. It means that we heal with the knowledge that all beings are Raven’s children and deserve love and respect. Green Living means learning the sacred language of the beings around us, a language without words — the language of life.” — Suzan Stone Sierralupe, Copyright 2002, Path of the Green Witch

Green Witch 1
picture from Ecosia,org images

The green witch can show us all a way to maintain Mother Earth more effectively.  It is now a time of desperation, in a sense; still, it is a time of pushing forward with all the green ways we can.  I would like to think it is not too late, even though the melting ice at the Poles and horrific hurricanes, cyclones, fires and floods can surely make us think differently.  But I have never known a witch to say never.  And here is where I would like to try to be a service to all, if I can.  Whenever possible, I wish to share my knowledge with you via ideas or recipes or whatever I learn in order to help you treat Mother Earth more respectfully and, to save you money in the doing of it.  Below, I have listed my favourite recipes for earth-friendly household cleaners.  You may already have ones of your own and that is good!  Carry on, if you do.  This is mainly for those who do not know where to begin as I always try to write to.

Window and Mirror Cleaner

One half cup of white vinegar

One half cup of plain tap water

Two teaspoons of borax

Two or three drops of washing up liquid

Mix thoroughly to dissolve Borax.  Add washing up liquid after.  Pour into an old window cleaner spray bottle [you can buy a new one if you please, but I much prefer to use a repurposed spray bottle if I have one].

The most effective way to get the cleanest windows and mirrors ever is to spray, then wipe clean with bunched up newspaper.  You’re killing three birds with one stone – repurposing a plastic bottle what might otherwise end up in our tips or oceans, creating an environmentally friendly household cleanser that is most effective, and you’re not binning an old newspaper…at least, not straightaway.

**Ingredient amounts can be halved or doubled as you need.

Household Spray Cleaner

One Half cup white vinegar

One half cup plain tap water

Two tablespoons of borax

Two teaspoons of bicarb of soda

Several drops of either Lavender oil or Peppermint oil.

Mix the white vinegar and plain tap water, then add the bicarb only one teaspoon at a time.  Make sure you are mixing in a large bowl as once you add the bicarb it will fizz up and over the edges of small bowls.  Mix continuously with a wooden spoon to slow fizzing and to mix the bicarb sufficiently.  After the first teaspoon full has settled, add the second one, and continue mixing entire time to keep fizzing down.  Once the bicarb is sufficiently mixed in, add the two tablespoons of borax.  Mix well til dissolved.  Once you have the mixture dissolved as best you can [do try to get all dissolved to prevent clogging of spray head], add several drops of either Lavender oil or Peppermint oil.  Both have anti-bacterial properties.  Funnel into a repurposed household cleaner bottle.  This is a perfectly safe cleanser to use on any surface, countertops, bathroom and kitchen fixtures, cupboards, appliances.  Do not use inside of microwaves.  No kind of household cleaner is good to clean microwaves with.  There is a better, cheaper, and easier method:

How to Clean Your Microwave

One cup of plain tap water

One Lemon

Cut the lemon in half and squeeze juice into water.  If there is room in the cup without overflow, toss in the halves if you wish!  Sit cup in your microwave and set microwave “cooking” time for five minutes.  Carefully remove the cup of water because it will be boiling.  Using a clean sponge or clean dampened cloth, wipe down the inside of your microwave.  Old food and grease will come off a treat!  And, this is safer because you are not putting chemicals inside your microwave which may linger and get into your food.

Vegetable and Fruit Cleaner

One half cup of white vinegar

One half cup of plain tap water

Two teaspoons of bicarb

20 drops of Grapeseed Extract

Mix the white vinegar and plain tap water, then add the bicarb only one teaspoon at a time.  Make sure you are mixing in a large bowl as once you add the bicarb it will fizz up and over the edges of small bowls.  Mix continuously with a wooden spoon to slow fizzing and to mix the bicarb sufficiently.  After the first teaspoon full has settled, add the second one, and continue mixing entire time to keep fizzing down.  Once the bicarb is sufficiently mixed in, add the twenty drops of grapeseed extract.  It is crucial to add this ingredient as it helps to kill any and all bacteria left on your fruit and veg after normal cleaning.  Pour into a clean spray bottle never used for harsh household cleaners.  Here is a good time to purchase a new spray bottle but take care to always use it and not buy a new one each time.

**melon fruits must still be cleaned properly before cutting because although the inside is protected from pesticides and bacteria, the outer rind is not.  You can use this to clean it with before you cut it open as the knife can and will drag pesticides and bacteria into the fruit if you don’t.  The easiest way to clean small berries such as blueberries is to place them in a bowl and pour some of the cleaner over them, allow it to sit about five minutes and then pour into a colander / sieve and rinse thoroughly.

I hope this blog has been a help to you in some way.  Let’s all try to be proactive in doing everything, no matter how small, to help Mother Earth… and if we can save money in the doing of these things, so much the better!  I would love to ready your personal recipes if you wish to share in comments.  Many thanks for reading and warm blessings to those whom wander this way x

Do You Think You Need a Witch Bottle?

Originally posted on 20/07/2017 by Isabella via

by Isabella @TheWandCarver

In long-ago times, healers or “cunning women” were sought out regularly by all, even the most devoutly God-fearing Christians, sought to be “helped” by one when some strange malady had befallen them or their families. Or perhaps some evil blight had made times hard for them…perhaps, even, they had reason to believe someone in particular wished ill-tidings upon them. When the cunning woman (or cunning man – although it was generally believed the Mister was the contact or go-between for his Missus and her clientèle) was contacted by the client,  they were often in need of a charm – a witch bottle – or a potion to help them rid the evil from their lives and give them protection for a time to come. Depending upon whether the need was related to health or just general protection, the cunning folk would usually tell the client to come back in a few days, in which time she would concoct the necessary remedy for their ills.

For health-related problems, most often she would make a tincture, potion, or charm to rid the client of their illness. But for need of money, love, or to ward away evil, she would most often create what is now called a witch bottle filled with what would bring to, or ward off, depending upon the need. Most likely in those days they were just called charms as no one wanted to say the “witch” word too loudly, lest they be hanged, drowned, or burned!

Because it is so literal and so beautifully explained, I am copying and pasting an excerpt from Wikipedia:

One of the earliest descriptions of a witch bottle in Suffolk, England, appears in 1681 in Joseph Glanvill’s Saducismus Triumphatus, or Evidence concerning Witches and Apparitions:

“For an old Man that Travelled up and down the Country, and had some acquaintance at that house, calling in and asking the Man of the house how he did and his Wife; He told him that himself was well, but his Wife had been a long time in a languishing condition, and that she was haunted with a thing in the shape of a Bird that would flurr [sic] near to her face, and that she could not enjoy her natural rest well. The Old Man bid him and his Wife be of good courage. It was but a dead Spright, he said, and he would put him in a course to rid his Wife of this languishment and trouble, He therefore advised him to take a Bottle, and put his Wives Urine into it, together with Pins and Needles and Nails, and Cork them up and set the Bottle to the Fire well corkt, which when it had felt a while the heat of the Fire began to move and joggle a little, but he for sureness took the Fire shovel, and held it hard upon the Cork, And as he thought, he felt something one while on this side, another while on that, shove the Fire shovel off, which he still quickly put on Again, but at last at one shoving the Cork bounced out, and the Urine, Pins, Nails and Needles all flew up, and gave a report like a Pistol, and his Wife continued in the same trouble and languishment still.

Not long after, the Old Man came to the house again, and inquired of the Man of the house how his Wife did. Who answered, as ill as ever, if not worse. He askt him if he had followed his direction. Yes, says he, and told him the event as is above said. Ha, quoth he, it seems it was too nimble for you. But now I will put you in a way that will make the business sure. Take your Wive’s Urine as before, and Cork, it in a Bottle with Nails, Pins and Needles, and bury it in the Earth; and that will do the feat. The Man did accordingly. And his Wife began to mend sensibly and in a competent time was finely well recovered; But there came a Woman from a Town some miles off to their house, with a lamentable Out-cry, that they had killed her Husband. They askt her what she meant and thought her distracted, telling her they knew neither her nor her Husband. Yes, saith she, you have killed my Husband, he told me so on his Death-bed. But at last they understood by her, that her Husband was a Wizard, and had bewitched this Mans Wife and that this Counter-practice prescribed by the Old Man, which saved the Mans Wife from languishment, was the death of that Wizard that had bewitched her.”

The tale is supposedly true but gives me a chuckle to read it. However, witch bottles have been found with varying objects inside and through x-ray have been found to have needles and nails inside them in many cases. I should not doubt that someone’s urine may have once or still be inside a fair number of them. But truthfully, unless you simply want to create yours in this way, it’s not necessary.

london witchbottle greenwich
X-rays showing contents of the witch bottle found at Greenwich
(Image: Alan Massey/R. J. Bostock)

Was a time you may have sought me out to fix you up with a witch bottle to protect you from harm. I do make them, but in a portable size and I promise no urine. But nowadays so many are finding their power and making their own charms and witch bottles. If this is something you feel you need to do, only be careful to stick to naming what you wish for with no harm toward others or yourself. And if you don’t know what you’re doing, it is best to leave it to someone who does, however, if you are just learning and wish to make an effective witch bottle for home protection then what you can do is either buy a witch bottle from us or make your own out of a discarded jar with a lid. Put inside it:

Your fingernail clippings

Earth from your land/garden/path to your front door

Three rusted nails

9 dress pins

Oak bark




A little red wine

As you put each item or object into the bottle or jar, tell it what you want it to do. Your fingernail clippings represent you, so you ask that the bottle protects you. The earth from around your home represents your home and you ask that your property is protected. The three rusty nails, 9 pins, Oak bark, salt, and Obsidian are all items of protection and the Oak bark is also for strength, so you ask of each to protect and defend you and your home/property. The rice is for protection, luck, and longevity; therefore, you ask for those of the rice before placing inside. Take a sip of the red wine and don’t swallow it, spit it into the bottle. This seals it to you so that it does your bidding. Hold the sealed bottle in both your hands and carry to a pre-determined place around your home. If you live in a house, you can bury it in the farthest corner of your property or, as I did when I lived in a maisonette, I buried mine to the left of my front door. It is best to have decided beforehand where you want to keep it and have the hole already dug. Make sure you make the hole at least a couple of feet deep so that nothing can break the bottle. As you carry the bottle simply say, “protect me, protect my home, protect my family (if they live with your), protect my pets” – basically whomever lives in your home. Just carry on repeating this until you feel it working, until you feel it is ready to be buried. Then, simply bury the bottle and say whatever you wish…”amen”, “so mote it be”, “this shall be done” – whatever it is you would say at the end of any spell or prayer. The best time to perform this ritual is on the waxing full moon, best still to perform it on one of the three days of the waxing full moon closest to the actual full moon. As long as the bottle stays intact it will keep you protected. You may even dig it up to move house and bury it again once you’re moved into your new home.

If you should live in a flat/apartment with no actual land at your disposal to bury your witch bottle you can keep it inside your home but you must place it in an area where it won’t be a conversation starter or where anyone, including pets, can get to it lest it be broken. In the corner of a cupboard or even inside a wall would be best.

So, there you are. Your first witch bottle! May it protect and keep you from harm always. So may it be.

Sources: Wikipedia and my Nana