What Dreams May Come (or what do our Spirits get up to at night?)

First posted on 27/11/2013 by Isabella via speakingofwitchwands,net

photo courtesy of Google images

by Isabella @TheWandCarver

Dream Reading

How many times have you heard a friend say, or have even said it yourself, “I never dream”.  You must simply change the wording of your statement to “I never remember dreams” as it has been proven scientifically that everybody dreams.  Dreams have been documented for centuries.  Whether you have read the Bible or not, you will have heard stories of how angels visited prophets and others in their dreams.  Nothing has changed, really.

There are almost as many theories as to why we dream as there are dreams themselves.  The boffins (scientists) would have us all believe that dreams are just brainwaves and synapses and such, just firing away in our heads, putting forth all manner of gibberish.  I never believed that for a minute.  Dreams are much too important for us to excuse them so lightly.  Please do not take me as knowledgeable about the Bible, nor that I believe everything written in it.  It is a book written mainly by mere men, recounting the history of the World at that time and religious phenomena, family histories, stories, etc that have been told and re-told so often through so many different accounts that it really makes me wonder at times did much of any of it happen the way it is told.  Especially since King James I got his paws on it.  As many know, King James, back in 1600’s England was responsible for re-writing some of the original history of the bible as well as adding his select passages about not suffering a witch to live, etc. I rest my case.

Ah, well, I’m not writing this about King James, nor the Bible per se.  I’m writing about dreams and why they happen.  Many agree that we live on one plane of existance — the Earthly plane. There is, above us, the Elemental Plane, then the Astral Plane There are actually many planes of existance that quantum physics boffins are still investigating and proving, but I’m not a quantum physics expert, so let’s for the sake of our purposes, stick to the Earthly/Elemental/Astral planes.  Most people will agree that we each have a soul, or spirit within us that, in spite of our brains appearing to do all the thinking, the spirit is what wills us to carry on.  A saying I heard a long time ago describes us best, I think:  “We are spiritual beings having a human experience”.  In other words, I think we’ve been around a lot longer than the present, and will be around much longer than the bodies we inhabit now.  Which brings me closer to the subject at hand…dreams.

Our bodies which we now inhabit on the Earthly plane are not able to keep pace with our Spirits, nor were ever intended to.  Some believe that we were gods at one point in time and the Divine Spirit, or God [or God and Goddess as I believe], put us on Earth to learn.  We kept our Spirits, our true selves, but are having to live out a human existance.  Punishment? I don’t know.  But, that is not the point, either.  There are too many beliefs as to why we’re here to debate.  I just want to give you the reason, to my belief, as to why we dream – and what they mean.

When our bodies sleep, our Spirits do not.  It may be as well that some folk do not remember their dreams as there may be no telling what our Spirits get up to whilst they are free of “us”.  In the Elemental Plane above the Earthly plane, it is believed that our Earthly, human thoughts print a pattern of what is real, but also imagined.  If you think about how, for instance, anime artists, cartoonists, sci-fi writers and the like came up with mechanised armour for characters years ago and now those things are being built for actual use, perhaps you can see how the pattern for things is created in the mind of a person, then printed on the Elemental Plane and thus comes into being.  I think it is a good case for the old adage, “Be careful what you wish for”!  As Witches, you are all aware of how manifestation works, I am sure, therefore we won’t go into it here as that is a whole other blog in itself.

As you may be able to begin seeing, our Spirits are able to travel through the Elemental Plane and onto the Astral Plane.  Those planes of existence do not merely waft around in some far-off dimension doing nothing.  There is just as much happening there as here, perhaps so much more so.  We can not only visit the Elemental Plane in our “sleep” but our Spirits are able to visit the Astral Plane as well.  So, as you “dream”, you may find yourself in one World one moment, and another completely different World the next!  You may visit another time, as well.  Time has been proven not to be in a straight line as we might well believe (it looks that way, doesn’t it?), and I can attest that I have been in many different eras myself!

I think the most important thing to do, if you want to remember your dreams, is to write them down upon waking.  I know you’ve heard it before, still, if you want someone who is able to help you sort out your dream, all the details you can remember are very important.  Colours, numbers, writing, were there men and/or women in your dream? Was it day or night?  Was it colourful and pleasing or was it dark and dreary?  Were there animals, birds?  What sounds did you hear?  Even if you were having a drink in a pub or smoking a cigarette…it is all important!

Many people I’ve helped in reading their dreams tell me they had a “nightmare”.  No, your Spirit had a scary experience possibly and scary experiences are not always (in fact hardly ever) harbingers of gloomy prophesy.  Dreaming of death, seeing yourself in your own coffin…not to worry, it isn’t bad news. There are also certain days of each month when whatever you dreamed is not to be entertained according to those who follow Avesta, Globa, Vronsky, and Veda (I’ll explain those another time).  And, in some rare cases, what you ate/watched/read shortly before retiring can influence some pretty strange things in your psyche during the night!

So, if you’ve had a dream that has you wondering whether you should pay attention to it or not, and would like to know what it means, feel free to email me at isabella@wytchencrafts.org.uk.  Or, if you know someone whom you trust and has read dreams for you before, contact that person.  Thank you for reading and if this has helped, please give it a “like”, Tweet to your friends, or share it on Facebook!

Many thanks for reading and Blessed be )O(