Crystal of the Week, Unakite

By Isabella @TheWandCarver
Instagram: @thewandcarver

Not surprisingly, Unakite is a form of Jasper. The elements of Red Jasper and Epidote blend stunningly in Unakite and because of its colouration it is a very strong Heart Chakra stone. The green of the Epidote brings abundance whilst the pinkish-red of the red Jasper compassion, love, and kindness. This is a go-to crystal to lift ones’ spirits; it is an all-round emotional healer.

Unakite Jasper is also called Epidote, for its main component deriving its name from the Greek epidosis meaning “growing together.” An amalgamation of Red Jasper, pink Feldspar and green Epidote, Unakite is solidly bound together and is said to symbolise “what comes together belongs together.”

Unakite is a gentle crystal. It is a good one to use to help children open up when having problems with school, bullying, or other things going on in their lives. You can virtually feel the compassion it has radiating from it. If ever you are feeling overly sensitive and overwhelmed, Unakite will support you kindly and help you to re-focus your thoughts on the here and now.


My Unakite ~ i.macy

According to authoress Catherine Eason: For lasting love, Unakite is traditionally sprinkled with dried yarrow and placed in a sealed bag as a marriage or commitment symbol. It should be replaced on anniversaries and the old crystal and yarrow cast into running water. To help two become three, place Unakite under the pillow to aid in conception. During pregnancy a piece of Unakite on the womb helps parents-to-be make spiritual connection with their unborn baby; it is marvellous for use during labour to ease the transition. A large
specimen or bowl of Unakite tumblestones in the environment brings a calm, gentle energy and negates the effects of electromagnetic pollution from televisions, computers and other technological devices.

Placed on the Third Eye, Unakite Jasper promotes visualisation and encourages psychic vision. It may also be used as a casting crystal for scrying, signifying where compromise and integration are needed. It is very useful to keep near whilst reading tarot cards, casting runes, and pendulum dowsing.

Dreaming of Jasper signifies love returned. Unakite Jasper is a talisman for those who have trouble finding things [like me!]. It is also a good luck charm, especially when taking a risk. It helps one sustain their power in situations where they would more likely be the victim and is also believed to impart confident control to the user in magic spell casting.

Unakite supports the physical structure of the heart, but gently gets to the root cause of disease or health issues caused by the emotional heart, particularly deep-seated feelings that have been repressed, such as anger and resentment. Habitual internalisation of these emotions creates standing patterns of energy within the body. Unakite brings these wounds to the surface in a way that avoids any new trauma and ameliorates their release slowly and gently, consistently over time, along with the negative thoughts and toxic behaviours that perpetuate them.

Unakite Jasper helps promote the growth of healthy tissue in general and is particularly useful in support of the heart and lungs, assisting function, circulation, balance of bodily fluids and metabolism. It is also considered highly restorative in cases of tissue deterioration and in treating diseases or cancers of these areas.

Unakite Jasper aids the reproductive system, promoting healthy pregnancy and stimulating weight gain where required. It is believed to be good for breathing irregularities and hyperventilation and helps ease the transition in labour.

Planetary: Venus
Zodiac: Taurus
Element: Water
Chakras: Heart chakra and Third Eye [touch to Third Eye to activate]
Energies: Healing, Love, Fertility, Compassion
Deity: Chirakan-Ixmucane, Callisto, Bona Dea, Persephone, Clota, and Gaia

Many thanks for reading! Warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x

Cassandra Eason, The New Crystal Bible (London: Carlton Books Ltd., 2010)
Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible (Cincinnati, OH: Walking Stick Press, 2003)
Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible 2 (Cincinnati, OH: Walking Stick Press, 2009)
Judy Hall, The Encyclopedia of Crystals, (Beverly, MA: Fair Winds Press, 2013)
Margaret Lembo, The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals, & Stones (Woodbury, MN: Llewellyn Worldwide, 2013)