Crystal of the Week, Moss Agate

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @thewandcarver

Moss Agates
Moss Agate variations ~ photo by i.macy

When working with crystals it still amazes me how different they can look from each other.  When I began studying crystals longer ago than I care to mention, I started with the assumption each different type would look pretty much the same to its brothers and sisters.  No.  In fact, as time went on, it seemed at times that one would look so different I would think it belonged to another group, but not so.  Of course, now I know never to judge a crystal by its cover so to speak… case in point, this little array of Moss Agates in my hand.  The green, mossy one nearest is a dead ringer for what most call a Moss Agate, and you’re right, it is.  But then, you have a couple of white ones with a little bit of green inclusion, the another which is half white, half green, and then, one which is very odd, indeed…so how do we know? We’ll begin with the very odd one.  It has a different colour of green, but only just.  And I believe the inclusions of red oxide are making the green look a little bit bluer than it normally would.  I call this one my little rarity because rarely Moss Agate can be found with red and brown patterns due to the corrosion of the iron within the chlorite and hornblende.

Moss agate is described as a neutral and transparent Dendritic Agate. While technically it is not an Agate it is in fact Chalcedony. The use of the word Moss Agate was used before the scientific definition and so it has stuck. Moss Agate contains sets of mineral inclusions that imitate the looks of trees, plants, and landscapes. Some Moss Agate inclusions are composed of manganese and iron oxide and are one of the most unique Agates available.


As a stone of abundance, Moss Agate can be used in spell work for financial gain.  It is a perfect crystal to transform into a talisman for helping to gain wealth.  It is also an excellent crystal to use for encouraging fertility if you are wanting to start a family.  Not only will the Moss Agate help you to conceive but will also help you during pregnancy and especially during the birthing process. Moss Agate will attract abundance in all forms.  In the workplace, it draws new business and gradual expansion, increasing prosperity over time. It is good for small businesses and the self-employed.  It is helpful to keep one wherever you wish to draw abundance to – your handbag, your cash till, your banking papers, and wherever you keep money.

Moss Agate has “warrior energy” … if you need the strength to get through something just use your Moss Agate as an amulet to protect and energise your courage and war spirit.

If you are unsure about the direction of your life, meditate with your Moss Agate to seek the path you are meant to take.  Not only can it point the way for you to go but it can help you to transform yourself into the person you want and need to be, to be successful in the directed path.

As a Heart Chakra stone, you will always find Moss Agate useful in cleansing and repairing the Heart chakra. It is also said to be a favoured crystal for helping one find true love.  But mainly, it is stone of calming and self-love… it teaches us to care for ourselves which is very important if we want others to care for us as well.


Moss Agate is truly helpful for the circulatory system, which regulates beat, and other heartbeat abnormalities. It helps buzzing in the ears. Using an Agate along the core of the chest fortifies the cardiac muscle of a person and treats emotional discord. Moss Agate increases the digestive system at it heals gastritis.

It aids and eliminates all toxins within the body. Agate may also diminish the signs of epilepsy, and for some people, it protects them against sleepwalking. In addition to this, Moss Agate conveys inner peace, and strength to the emotional aspect and through the entire body.

Additionally, it is especially accommodating stone for those people who experience severe mood swings as well as those passionate due to their emotional drama in their lives. It also pacifies impulsive tempers, promotes tolerance, completeness, and inner peace, as well.

Moss Agate also helps the person to release deep-seated apprehension and depression, extending one’s individual space and development. It enhances a good self-image and fortifies positive character traits, which includes the capability of the person to get along with other people as much as possible.

Moss Agate also enhances the acuity of the senses and neuronal activity. It helps eliminate depression caused by left-right brain imbalance, and stimulates mental function by improving concentration, perception, and analytical abilities.

Moss Agate is anti-inflammatory and helps treat infections and swelling, colds and flu, and lowers fever. It is useful for long-term illness and recovery, boosting the immune system, and is thought to prevent hypoglycaemia and dehydration. As an elixir applied to the skin, Moss Agate treats fungal and skin infections and irritations.


Planetary: Associated with Mercury and Earth

Zodiac:  Gemini

Element:  Earth

Gender:  Female

Powers:  Wealth and abundance, Protection, Love, Physical and Emotional Healing, Fertility, Conception and Birth

Energy:  Wood

Chakra[s]: Heart

Deity: Bona Dea, Aurora, Cerridwen, Gaia, Nya

Other Names:  Stone of Abundance, Spirit of Nature

I thank you so much for reading my blog and I wish for warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x


Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian, The Book of Stones, Berkley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2007

Cassandra Eason, The New Crystal Bible, London: Carlton Books Ltd., 2010

Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible, Cincinnati, OH: Walking Stick Press, 2003

Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible 2, Cincinnati, OH: Walking Stick Press, 2009