The Magickal Jasmine Tree

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @iseabail_witchwriter

jasmine tree italy, brolo di nonio
Jasmine tree, Italy, Brolo di Nonio

According to ancient flower vocabulary, Jasmine means “amiability”. So, it is no wonder that the Moo-le-hua, a fragrant Jasmine, is employed in China and other Eastern countries in forming wreaths for the decoration of ladies’ hair.

In Thomas Moore’s ‘The Light of the Haram,’ the Enchantress Namouna, who was acquainted with all spells and talismans, instructs Nourmahall to gather at midnight—“the hour that scatters spells on herb and flower”—certain blossoms that, when twined into a wreath, should act as a spell to recall her Selim’s love. The flowers gathered, the Enchantress proceeds to weave the magic chaplet, singing the while—

“The image of love, that nightly flies

To visit the bashful maid;

Steals from the Jasmine flower, that sighs

Its soul, like her, in the shade.

The dream of a future happier hour,

That alights on misery’s brow,

Springs out of the silvery Almond flower

That blooms on a leafless bough.”

Jasmine is considered a birth tree according to a Druidry website.  When given this tree sign, one can almost always show an interest in politics or some form of public relations and communications or social interests. They enjoy getting their thoughts across.


Jasmine flowers are believed to attract emotional love and are associated with beauty, kindness and romance. Jasmine is also believed to bring prophetic dreams and enhance psychic abilities.

In some places, the following mode of floral divination is resorted to. The lover, male or female, who wishes to ascertain the character of the beloved one, draws by lot one of the following flowers, the symbolical meaning attached to which will give the information desired.  There is a quite large table of flowers and their meanings, if drawn.  However, in a bunch of various kinds of flowers, if the woman or man chooses the Jasmine flower it means their intended will be cheerful. Likewise, for all the other flowers on the table, each has its own one-word correspondence.

yellow jasmine-nudiflorum_grande
yellow Jasmine ~

Yellow Jasmine is the flower of the Epiphany. To dream of this beautiful flower foretells good luck; to lovers it is a sure sign they will be speedily married.

Burn some dried jasmine in your bedroom as you sleep to help with divinatory dreams.  It is also useful to burn in loose incense when performing any kind of divinatory work such as pendulum dowsing, tarot readings, runes casting, and ogham readings.  Burning Jasmine is also very useful in lucid dreaming, astral travel / riding the hedge, and contacting the Divine and Guides in dreams and dreaming [including prophetic dreaming].

Jasmine also attracts money.  It is useful for  connecting with others emotionally, for wisdom, as well as creativity, particularly in the creation of something that will touch other’s emotions. Use the Jasmine flower or even use finely ground Jasmine wood in your loose incense for money  or love spells.  Personally, I would use the Jasmine wood in the money incense and the flower in the love incense.  You can also use the Jasmine flower in poppets for money or love.

Jasmine can be used for wands and I look forward to finding some to create them from!


A native of the West Indies and Central America, night-blooming Jasmine is now cultivated in India, where the Malasar people use its juice for cataracts.

Helvetius [real name: John Fredrick Schweitzer, alchemist, 1625-1709] has left a list of classified herbs and plants which in his time were considered by experts in herb craft to exhibit peculiar marks and signatures by which they could be identified with the several parts and members of the human body. This may be said to have formed the basis of the system embraced in the Doctrine of Plant Signatures, and as it epitomises the results of the protracted and labourious researches of the old herbalists, who may fairly be said to have laid the foundations of our present system of Botany, it has been thought worthwhile to give an abbreviation of it. From this table we find that Jasmine is good for the kidneys.

Apart from that, I can’t find much else which Jasmine can be used for in healing. However, it can be brewed into a tea which may be how it helps kidneys.

*** Revision

I must not fail to inform you that certain Yellow Jasmine can be lethal. The “Carolina Jasmine” [Gelsemium sempervirens] which grows in both the UK and in the US, is toxic. One flower from it can kill a child, if eaten. Other names are Yellow jessamine, Carolina jasmine, Jessamine, Woodbine, False jasmine, False jessamine, Evening trumpet flower. Please be mindful of this in using it.


Planetary:  Moon, Venus

Gender:  Female

Zodiac:  Virgo, Cancer

Element[s]:  Air, Water

Powers: Love, Psychism, Abundance, Joy, Divination, Creativity

Chakra:  Heart

Deity:  Venus, Aphrodite, Áine, Bastet, Eostre, Ishtar

“With Hyacinth and Jasmine her perfumed hair was bound,

A posy of sweet Violets her clustering ringlets seemed;

Her eyes with love intoxicate, in witching sleep half drowned,

Her locks, to Indian Spikenard like, with love’s enchantments beamed.”

“Moonlight of the Grove” By Anvár-i-Suhailî

Many thanks for reading and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander.


The Light of the Haram, by Thomas Moore

Plant Lore, Legends, and Lyrics. Embracing the Myths, Traditions, Superstitions, and Folk-Lore of the Plant Kingdom, Volume and Lyrics, by Richard Folkard, 1884


The Faery Cross Stone, Staurolite

Originally posted on 14/11/2017 via

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram: @thewandcarver

I can’t remember the first time I saw a Faery Cross stone, but I knew I must have one. At the time it was a terribly expensive stone, so I knew I would need to save my pennies or win the Lottery – the latter being a long shot to say the least – so saving pennies it was. All I knew was – I needed to have it!

Not only is it beautifully made by Nature, but it has so many attributes that suited me down to the ground. It’s a stone that looks as though it must be man-made…but it is not.

My Faery Cross ~ photo by i. macy

“Staurolite is best known for its distinctive, cross-shaped penetration twins, where two rectangular crystals intersect each other to form a perfect cross. However, its most common twinning habit is in bisecting crystals with a 60° angle that can appear in the shape of an “x” when the crystals are elongated. Although Staurolite does form in single, non-twinned crystals, the twinned habit is much more prevalent.” ~


The twin crystals found on staurolite are sometimes referred to as ‘Fairy crosses’ / ‘Faery Crosses’ – as it was once believed to be created by the tears of the fae who could not help but cry when they heard of Christ’s crucifixion. Staurolite is often called “faery stone” or “faery cross”. Since the first time it was worn, it has been considered a good luck charm as well as a charm that would protect children from evil spirits.

They also have healing attributes in the physical body. From historical tales, they were said to have been used during the crusades, to aid Richard the Lionheart to heal.

What Can Staurolite Do?

Firstly, it is a tremendous “grounding” stone. If you feel in need of grounding before spell work or during meditation, or for any reason, the faery cross is a perfect go-to crystal.  They are an aid to spirituality and making a stronger connection to Faery, the natural world, and with animal and plant spirit. The Faery stone is so calming and reassuring, you will feel it the first time you hold one. It is said they can aid in helping to put away unpleasant habits…mainly, I believe because of how de-stressing and calming the stone is.  Staurolite works well with Amethyst to aid in breaking addictions.  And, by keeping a Staurolite/Faery stone, not only will it benefit your own life but will also benefit the lives of those you are closest to.

Staurolite stones resonate strong energy within the heart chakra and bring through powerful energy of unconditional love for others and for the earth. And, of course, they are a base or “root” chakra stone for grounding but are also very effective with the third eye chakra.

If you have lost something and want help to find it, faery stones are known to be able to help you to find lost objects, so this is a helpful aspect of their energy. They may also help you to make better use of your time.

Faery stones allow you to choose where you want to travel in meditation, and with whom you want to make contact. This is because they seem to have a specific energy, which I refer to as “helping your inner compass”. This means they help you to know where you are going in meditation and you will more likely end up there. They help to give greater clarity to what you see when in meditation.

Faery stones may be placed under your pillow if you would like their help to induce lucid dreaming, or to assist with astral travelling.

Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” Albert Einstein.

Many thanks for reading and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x


The Crystal Bible ~ by Judy Hall


Hawk’s Eye, The Traveller’s Crystal

Originally posted on 09/11/2017 via

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram: @thewandcarver

Hawks Eye
Hawk’s Eye ~ photo by i.macy

Hawk’s Eye, also known as Blue Tiger’s Eye as it is sometimes referred to, is a very beautiful crystal.   It is blue-grey to blue-green in colour. It is so-named for its “chatoyancy” which reminds one of the eyes of the hawk. Hawk’s Eye is a variety of macro-crystalline quartz. Hawk’s eye is a pseudo-morph of quartz. A pseudo-morph is one mineral that changes into another mineral over time and in the case of Hawk’s Eye, it began its life as crocidolite and was later transformed into quartz. Crocidolite is a fibrous blue mineral belonging to the riebeckite family of amphibole silicates. It is one of the several forms of asbestos. The transformation of Hawk’s Eye begins as quartz slowly becomes embedded between the fibres of crocidolite, eventually completely replacing it while retaining the fibrous shape of the original mineral.

Hawk’s Eye is not a blue Tiger’s Eye, although very closely related to it and Pietersite, as well.  Tiger’s Eye is formed from Hawk’s Eye. As blue crocidolite is dissolved by quartz, traces of iron oxide remain; less iron tends to result in the blue colour of crocidolite and if more iron is present, colour tends to result in the brownish golden colour of Tiger’s Eye.

Enough of the facts, yes? What about what can Hawk’s Eye do for you? Hawk’s Eye is believed to help those with a fear of flying. It is thought to be good for sight and vision, enhancing our ability to focus. Physically, it is often used for problems with eyesight, but it is also helpful for sinus congestion, as well as spine and neck problems.

Hawk’s eye is believed to be a stone of protection, often used by travellers. It can also be used to help protect against the negative energy of others. Its energy is known to help balance the brow chakra.

Use it to expand your horizons at work. It will help bring new opportunities at work or the possibility of transfer to a new location.  Hawk’s Eye is an excellent crystal for business owners.

Hawk’s eye is the best stone for astral travel, clairvoyance, and remote viewing.  Anyone, such as I, who is a Hedge Witch or learning Hedge Witchery would do well to have these crystals on hand as we are considered travellers – of another kind.  It is also an excellent crystal for past-life regression.  Although I have not tried it for this purpose yet, I would imagine that it would be superb for lucid dreaming, as well.

With their ability to work well together with Angelite, I would believe that Hawk’s Eye would be a perfect crystal to use with Angelite when meditating to correspond with or “find” your Spirit Guide/Guardian.  And equally, as Sapphire is an excellent crystal to use whilst practising necromancy as in contacting the spirit of a loved one, Hawk’s Eye would be a perfect addition to this working for its ability to enhance the spiritual Sapphire.

Although for many years my main focus of interest has been on crystals and how they help heal as well as how they can help advance my magickal practise. Funnily enough, I have only recently learned about [and owned] Hawk’s Eye.  My little handful, as pictured, sends a wild amount of electrical charge pulsing through my hand when holding them. I always lay them down feeling much more optimistic than before. As a small-business owner, that can be a very helpful feeling, indeed!


Associated Crystals:  Angelite, blue quartz, and Sapphire

Candle Colour:  Mid-blue

Chakra:  Brow

Element:  Air

Flowers & Plants:  Mint, lupin, and larkspur

Herbs – Incenses – Oils:  Agrimony, aloe vera, rosemary, and sandalwood

Planet:  Jupiter.

Zodiac:  Sagittarius

Many thanks for reading and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x


The Crystal Bible, by Judy Hall


Planes of Existence, Summerland, and Spirit Guardians

Originally posted on 03/10/2017 via

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram: @thewandcarver

This one could prove to be a bear to write, especially when you realise that there is no one school of thought, or belief system alone, to write about. There are too many! Still, I shall endeavour to give the best synopsis of it all – interspersed with my own beliefs, as you do – so that those confused by the Planes of Existence, Summerland, and Spirit Guardians will hopefully not be so much…hopefully not worse, anyway! It’s a bit of a quantum physics nightmare, really.

Planes of Existence

In esoteric cosmology, a plane other than the physical plane is conceived as a subtle state of consciousness that transcends the known physical universe. Yes, first sentence in Wikipedia, because it is the only way to say it. There are thought to be seven planes of existence, at the very least [Thirty-one planes of existence in Buddhism]. More worrying is that there are ten different concepts or theories of the planes of existence: Theosophy, Rosicrucian, Thelema, Hermeticism, Surat Shabda Yoga, Jainism, Sufism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Gnosticism, Kabbalah, and Fourth Way. I won’t try to explain them all or even point out the differences and similarities; this would become a book instead of a blog.

seven planes of existance
from Google Images, author unknown

Let’s just keep it simple for our purposes. The Seven Planes of Existence are:

  1. Physical Plane
  2. Astral Plane
  3. Mental Plane [or Causal Plane] also called Elemental Plane by some
  4. Buddhic [or Mental] Plane
  5. Spiritual [or Unity] Plane
  6. Divine Plane
  7. Logoic [or Monadic] Plane

The Physical Plane is what it sounds as though it would be and that is the World we know, the physical “reality”.   The Astral Plane is believed to be where we go immediately upon physical death.  It is also believed to be where we reside when awaiting birth into a new body, as well. Occultist George Arundale wrote:

“In the astral world exist temporarily all those physical entities, men and animals, for whom sleep involves a separation of the physical body for a time from the higher bodies. While we “sleep”, we live in our astral bodies, either fully conscious and active, or partly conscious and semi-dormant, as the case may be, according to our evolutionary growth; when we “wake”, the physical and the higher bodies are interlocked again, and we cease to be inhabitants of the astral world.”

Indeed, we can visit the Astral Plane either by Astral Projection, meditation, near-death experience, or in lucid dreaming.  It is my personal belief that not all dreams are a result of what you had for supper the evening before but an Astral visit where you may be given clues to what may be happening next in your life and how to prepare for it. It can also be a place in lucid dreaming where you can spend time with dead friends, family, even pets. Their energy still exists, the same as ours, only no longer in the same body as before. And, as a practitioner of Astral Projection it is a place where you can do nearly anything you wish. Still being tethered to your Earthly body, you can fly, you can speak to your ancestors, go to different countries, if so desired.

In Hinduism, Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami wrote:

“The Causal/ Mental Plane is the world of light and blessedness, the highest of heavenly regions, extolled in the scriptures of all faiths. It is the foundation of existence, the source of visions, the point of conception, the apex of creation. The causal plane is the abode of Lord Siva and His entourage of Mahadevas and other highly evolved souls who exist in their own self-effulgent form–radiant bodies of centillions of quantum light particles.”

This is what some Occultists call The Elemental Plane…it is here where the thoughts of the Physical Plane spirit in a human being becomes imprinted in the Mental Plane or Elemental Plane, then created and sent back to the Physical Plane. The blueprint for all ideas, all things, is cast in the Elemental Plane, then becomes reality in physical existence at some future point in time.

The Buddhic Plane is said to exist to resolve all problems with the Ego, to become unselfish, and is a realm of pure consciousness. The Spiritual Plane is split into many sub-planes and that on these planes live spiritual beings who are more advanced in development and status than ordinary man. The goal is to gain spiritual knowledge and experience.  According to some occult teachings, The Divine Plane is where all souls are born and then descend through the lower planes; however, souls will work their way back to the Divine Plane.  On the Divine Plane souls can be opened to conscious communication with the sphere of the Divine known as the Absolute and receive knowledge about the nature of reality. Rosicrucianism teaches that the Divine Plane is where Jesus dwelt in Christ consciousness. As I believe in a Mother and Father “God”, this is where the Divine Parents would reside.  I would also believe this is where the Gods and Goddesses, the original children of the Divine Parents would have been born and reside between reincarnations. Of course, everyone has their personal beliefs of whom resides in the Divine Plane and that is quite as it should be, for we all have much we can learn from each other.  The Logoic Plane is the highest plane, it has been described as a plane of total oneness, the “I AM Presence”. Joshua David Stone describes the plane as complete unity with God. The Monadic Plane (hyperplane) or continuum/universe, enclosing and interpenetrating grosser hyperplanes, respectively is the plane in which the monad or holy spirit or oversoul is said to exist. Could this just be the “Universe” we refer to when we say, “The Universe isn’t ready to bless me with more money [insert desire of choice]”?  I don’t really know. To be fair, until recently I have only been familiar with the Physical, Astral, Elemental, and Divine Planes. Perhaps because my meditations rarely result with me feeling as if I have achieved virtual enlightenment.


Reed beds Essex
My idea of Summerland ~ reed beds, Essex

In Theosophy, Summerland is thought to be a part of the Astral Plane. It is the place where souls whom have been “good” go to await new incarnations and some believe it to be the Heaven similar to the Christian view of afterlife. Those whom have been bad go to Hell. And there was me thinking Hell was entirely a Christian concept! Apparently, the Norse of Viking times believed in such a place as there are nine realms under Yggdrasil, with Hell or Hel being much further under the more favourable region to be after death, namely Valhalla, but certainly not Niffleheim, realm of the dishonoured dead which is distinct but closely connected to Hel. Hel is actually a place of not necessarily dishonoured dead, but not honoured, either. Must be pretty boring!

It is also believed by the Theosphians that each religion on Earth has its own area in Summerland to fit that religion’s concept of afterlife. If you are Jewish, you go to the Jewish Summerland, if you are Christian, a Christian Summerland….but! What about people who interfaith marry? What about your friends of different faiths? Would you no longer be able to see them in afterlife because of a difference in practised religion? I think differently. My belief is that religion does not supersede ones’ acceptance into one place, whatever you wish to name it. I don’t believe in division of religions or colours. In fact, in Summerland or Heaven or Valhalla, or wherever, I think we won’t be in need of religion. We will be without the things which caused us to fight here on Earth. It is to be a place of peace, after all, and one where we can be with our friends, family, and pets, regardless of what religion they ascribed to in the Physical Plane.

Spirit Guardians / Guardian Angels

Which brings me to Spirit Guardians, Guardian Angels…call them what you wish, but do call them! Many people of different religions believe we are each assigned a Guardian Angel at birth. I believe so and all with the exception that we are assigned our Guardian from first birth and he or she is with us throughout each reincarnation until such time we become whatever it is we are to be in afterlife. My belief is also that your Guardian will not go out of their way to advise you on any matter – unless you form a relationship with him or her first.  It’s simple enough to do but requires a length of time where you can remain undisturbed by anyone or anything. You may use various crystals/stones to help facilitate your experience such as Angelite or Petalite – both excellent for helping with conversating with your Spirit Guardian. You must be able to let go of all Ego, all expectations, and do not force anything to happen. Simply be. From this point on I could only relate my personal experience but that would be of no use to you and it is, after all, my personal and private experience. Yours will be the same for you, so just let it flow and listen.

spirit guardian
from Google Images ~

Once you have established a rapport with your Spirit Guardian you can talk about many things together.  It’s a little like when we had our “imaginary” friends as children [in my case some were not so imaginary] …but with your Guardian you will know the difference as he or she is very real. Mine is absolutely wonderful. Not only has my life been saved numerous times by my Guardian but my Guardian also helps me to meditate and do chakra cleansing. And, a little-known fact is that your Guardian is an accomplished Reiki master. As I am in chronic arthritis pain with my spine, knee, and hips, my Guardian has relieved my pain on many occasions so I could carry on with work. Your Guardian will have a name as does mine, but it’s my decision to not share that with anyone. What you do is up to you, of course.  But whatever you do, once you have met your Guardian and form a relationship, do remember they have always been here for you and have already kept you out of harm’s way for many years. Do respect and listen to their advice. As a matter of fact, it would be in all our best interests to heed our Guardian’s advice. And do speak to him or her often, thank them for what they do…they are after all, the best friend you’ll ever have.

I’m also of the opinion that the Spirit Guardians inhabit the Astral Plane with us when we die. And I have actually enjoyed some adventures with mine in lucid dreaming. You really aren’t alone in the World, should you ever think so. And so, concludes my little thesis on Planes of Existence on through to Spirit Guardians. I hope it hasn’t been terribly confusing! There is truly so much more to be said but then, as I always say, there are books for that 😊 Many thanks for reading and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x

PS…Would welcome comments from anybody wishing to share their experiences!



Raven Silverwolf
