The Magickal Mariam Stone

Originally posted 18/01/2018 via

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram: @thewandcarver

Miriam Jasper
My Miriam Jasper aka “The Bean” ~ photo by i.macy

Mariam [Miriam, Maryam] stone helps keep one cool under severe pressure. It is an alchemist stone, enabling one to transform seemingly hopeless situations into creative, positive ones. Mariam Jasper was formed when the Himalayas rose into the sky. It is compressed bone, vegetation and shell from an ancient swamp which was compressed by the incredible forces involved in the mountain’s creation. It is also sometimes called “The Calligrapher’s Stone” (which I believe is wrongly associated as from what I have researched, Calligrapher’s stone looks different completely), as well as “Cobra Jasper”, “Snake Agate”, or “Elephant Skin Jasper”. If I were called upon to make up names for crystals, I would name it the “Bean Jasper” …. although, just because mine looks like a bean does not mean they all do. If you look at Google images, you’ll find these in all shapes and sizes.  The actual name of this lovely stone is “Sange Maryam”, so named for the Goddess Mariamma, who is an avatar of Kali, another Hindu Goddess.

All jaspers are strong, secure, stability stones. It is a powerful protection against things that are not good for you and it eases emotional stresses, making it a wonderful gemstone to have in your home. Jasper gives one the courage to speak out and have personal independence. It also protects from fears in the night.

The crystal meanings of this stone relate to its valuable action to aid meditation and it is also an excellent protection stone. In meditation, it is a useful stone in aiding you to contact your guides and the angelic realm. It will help you to look inwardly at yourself and at your behaviour and can be beneficial to aid you to gain insights when you are doing past life work.

Mariam also serves to counterbalance the busy modern world by bringing back pleasure in nature. It is considered an amulet for driving long distances, prosperity on business trips and overseas deals. Use Mariam Jasper for long term business decision making and forward planning. It counters instant gratification that can destabilise a happy relationship, aids the gentle release of karma or trauma from the past helping you to move forward into the future and is said to ease skin complaints, scar tissue, mobility, and scalp disorders.

Crystal pairings
For money or luck, use Goldstone, Agate, Haematite [Hematite], Aventurine, Garnet, Carnelian, Sodalite, or Citrine.

For security at home, work, or travel, pair your Mariam Jasper with Agate, Aventurine, Iolite, Turquoise, Onyx, Carnelian, Fluorite, Malachite, or Tiger’s Eye.

For contacting your spirit guides and in past life regression work, pair with Angelite or Petalite.

Element: Fire
Energies: Protection, healing
Chakra: All

Many people look past Jaspers of all kinds as they don’t seem to strike them as being stones or crystals of much power. One person said to me that they aren’t as “pretty” as other stones! Oh, I do beg to differ… and besides, who really cares about “pretty” – you need something that works! And Jasper is a hard-working stone, believe me. All Jaspers are strong grounding stones and wonderful protectors and healers. But on top of that each variation – and there are many! – has additional powers, or energies in addition to the basic ones. You really can’t go wrong buying a Jasper. Not to mention, they are always very affordable, therefore, you can own many of them without breaking the bank. And they make lovely pendulums and jewellery.

Next time you are in your favourite crystals shop, hold a Jaspar. You may feel a strength vibrating from it you have never felt before.

Many thanks for reading and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x

The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall