Crystal of the Week, Sodalite

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @thewandcarver

My Sodalite ~ photo by i.macy

It occurs to me that Sodalite is a very much over-looked little gem.  Or shall I say, “semi-precious gem”. Perhaps it is because to look at Sodalite it seems so unassuming… so … innocent and pretty.  If you have never thought to work with Sodalite, however, you are missing out on one of the most powerful crystals you can find for so many reasons.  Sodalite can be a life changing stone; it is recognised as the most powerful crystal for dissolving guilt, fear and general self-punishment.  It brings clarity to mental confusion and inner peace to a wildly racing mind.  It can help you to realise that “this is the moment you have.  Live in it. Do not think about the past and do not try living in the future.  All you can live in is this moment, so live it in peace.”  This is the message Sodalite brings when you hold it and listen.

Sodalite 2
Sodalite pendulum in our shop ~ photo by i.macy

Sodalite helps us in a variety of other ways as well.  Are you afraid of public speaking? Take your Sodalite with you to the podium.  It calms your over-anxious mind and helps you to speak clearly and effectively.  It is, after all, a Throat Chakra stone.  Are you prone to panic attacks?  Holding a Sodalite worry stone or even a small tumblestone will ease your anxiety and in many cases, erase it.  Do you read tarot, cast runes, pendulum dowsing?  Sodalite is one of the best crystals you can have around if you practise any kind of divination.  It helps to open and expand your psychic abilities.  Just touch it to your Third Eye and see…no pun intended.

Sodalite is capable of all this and so much more because it bridges the gap between your heart and mind with clarity of purpose.  It does so swiftly with no thought upon your part required.  It is a must-have in your crystals collection.

The Sodalite stone is generally predominately blue with white/grey streaks and/or spots which comes from Calcite deposits.  That said, you may even stumble across Sodalite stones that contain inclusions in shades of yellow, red and green.  I have personally never seen one such as this, but I hear they exist.


Sodalite will aid you to develop your intuition, and it will also stimulate the birth of clairvoyant abilities or strengthen them if you already are using these gifts.  It helps you to think rationally and intuitively and to verbally communicate your thoughts both truthfully and in a calm and relaxed manner which is very important during a tarot reading.  This crystal will go so far as to help you to understand the patterns behind such things as astrology and the tarot.  If you are interested in psychic development, try using a piece of Sodalite under your pillow – it encourages connection through your dreams.


Sodalite is more of a mental health stone rather than a physical health stone.  It would almost seem the Sodalite has little to do and yet when you really delve into it you find that Sodalite’s “jobs”, as it were, are all closely aligned with each other for the total well-being of the individual using them.  It is great for someone lacking confidence as it encourages high self-esteem and acceptance of self. At the same time, as above-mentioned, it is a perfect go-to stone for those having panic attacks and anxiety.  The peace and emotional balance it brings, in either case, is instantaneous.

It is good for healing damaged relationships of all kinds; it helps bring solutions to disagreements. An excellent stone to enhance all communication skills.  It also helps us to lose old behaviour/thought patterns that no longer serve us.

That said, using Sodalite to meditate with when doing either chakra clearing or just meditating, will help to keep you fresh mentally before the problems set upon you and cause panic.  Keep Sodalite in all rooms of your home to impart a fresh and loving feeling throughout so you can draw upon its courage-giving powers at any time.

Sodalite does have some physical healing attributes. In physical healing, Sodalite is said to be helpful for high blood pressure and diabetes.  It is also said to protect against radiation and all forms of electromagnetic stress protecting your energy from being affected, hence another good reason to keep Sodalite in all rooms of your home.

It is also associated with calming effects on the thyroid gland, nervous system and all glandular functions. In balancing the endocrine system Sodalite strengthens the metabolism, reducing stress and prolonging physical endurance.

Also beneficial for calcium deficiencies, boosting the immune system, combating insomnia; it treats the throat, larynx, vocal cords and hoarseness. A Sodalite elixir consumed daily is effective against diabetes.


Planet: Jupiter

Zodiac: Sagittarius [also associated with Venus]

Energy: Earth, Spirit

Element: Water

Gender: Female

Deities:  Ardhanarishvara (Shiva together with consort Parvati)

Powers: Creativity, Dream Work, Meditation, Psychic Development, Self-Improvement, Courage

Chakras:  Throat and Third Eye

Other Names:  The Stone of Truth

Many thanks for reading my blog and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x


The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall, 2003

Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic by Scott Cunningham, 2002

Chakra Healing & Karmic Awareness by Keith Sherwood, 2005

The Illustrated Directory of Crystal Healing by Cassandra Eason, 2003
