Letting go….a Little

First posted on 05/12/2013 by Isabella via speakingofwitchwands.net


by Isabella @TheWandCarver

Sometimes you really do have to give up.

I’ve been tearing around like a blue-arsed fly for the last few months, trying so hard to kick-start a fledgling business, be a Mum and a Nana, sort out and organise things, worrying that Yule-tide would catch me in the usual state of panic. Things continually kept going awry, I began to become uncustomarily impatient, worry set in, and one day recently I snapped.  It had to happen.

No, I didn’t do anything untoward, really…just had myself a right row with myself and felt as though I could not, perhaps even should not, cope with what I’ve been trying to achieve.  However, it became quite clear that, I really SHOULD do what I’m doing, just at a slower, more relaxed pace.  And please for the love of all things good and true…just allow Divine Spirit take over for a change!  Take the time out to do what I was created to do….create!  Enjoy my life, create, and love what I do.  I’ve had quite enough of shoving it down everyone’s neck.  I just want to make things, let my artistic self run amok, and not give a monkey’s if I’m not in Google’s top ten sites.  I will be someday.  Just believe.

So, I’m letting go. I’m not really giving up.  I’m not planning on going anywhere.  Just going to allow the Universe to guide me again.  Take the time to write, make jewellery, paint, draw, create things.  Love.

It is time to let go and believe.  Things will fall into place