The Magickal Jasmine Tree

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @iseabail_witchwriter

jasmine tree italy, brolo di nonio
Jasmine tree, Italy, Brolo di Nonio

According to ancient flower vocabulary, Jasmine means “amiability”. So, it is no wonder that the Moo-le-hua, a fragrant Jasmine, is employed in China and other Eastern countries in forming wreaths for the decoration of ladies’ hair.

In Thomas Moore’s ‘The Light of the Haram,’ the Enchantress Namouna, who was acquainted with all spells and talismans, instructs Nourmahall to gather at midnight—“the hour that scatters spells on herb and flower”—certain blossoms that, when twined into a wreath, should act as a spell to recall her Selim’s love. The flowers gathered, the Enchantress proceeds to weave the magic chaplet, singing the while—

“The image of love, that nightly flies

To visit the bashful maid;

Steals from the Jasmine flower, that sighs

Its soul, like her, in the shade.

The dream of a future happier hour,

That alights on misery’s brow,

Springs out of the silvery Almond flower

That blooms on a leafless bough.”

Jasmine is considered a birth tree according to a Druidry website.  When given this tree sign, one can almost always show an interest in politics or some form of public relations and communications or social interests. They enjoy getting their thoughts across.


Jasmine flowers are believed to attract emotional love and are associated with beauty, kindness and romance. Jasmine is also believed to bring prophetic dreams and enhance psychic abilities.

In some places, the following mode of floral divination is resorted to. The lover, male or female, who wishes to ascertain the character of the beloved one, draws by lot one of the following flowers, the symbolical meaning attached to which will give the information desired.  There is a quite large table of flowers and their meanings, if drawn.  However, in a bunch of various kinds of flowers, if the woman or man chooses the Jasmine flower it means their intended will be cheerful. Likewise, for all the other flowers on the table, each has its own one-word correspondence.

yellow jasmine-nudiflorum_grande
yellow Jasmine ~

Yellow Jasmine is the flower of the Epiphany. To dream of this beautiful flower foretells good luck; to lovers it is a sure sign they will be speedily married.

Burn some dried jasmine in your bedroom as you sleep to help with divinatory dreams.  It is also useful to burn in loose incense when performing any kind of divinatory work such as pendulum dowsing, tarot readings, runes casting, and ogham readings.  Burning Jasmine is also very useful in lucid dreaming, astral travel / riding the hedge, and contacting the Divine and Guides in dreams and dreaming [including prophetic dreaming].

Jasmine also attracts money.  It is useful for  connecting with others emotionally, for wisdom, as well as creativity, particularly in the creation of something that will touch other’s emotions. Use the Jasmine flower or even use finely ground Jasmine wood in your loose incense for money  or love spells.  Personally, I would use the Jasmine wood in the money incense and the flower in the love incense.  You can also use the Jasmine flower in poppets for money or love.

Jasmine can be used for wands and I look forward to finding some to create them from!


A native of the West Indies and Central America, night-blooming Jasmine is now cultivated in India, where the Malasar people use its juice for cataracts.

Helvetius [real name: John Fredrick Schweitzer, alchemist, 1625-1709] has left a list of classified herbs and plants which in his time were considered by experts in herb craft to exhibit peculiar marks and signatures by which they could be identified with the several parts and members of the human body. This may be said to have formed the basis of the system embraced in the Doctrine of Plant Signatures, and as it epitomises the results of the protracted and labourious researches of the old herbalists, who may fairly be said to have laid the foundations of our present system of Botany, it has been thought worthwhile to give an abbreviation of it. From this table we find that Jasmine is good for the kidneys.

Apart from that, I can’t find much else which Jasmine can be used for in healing. However, it can be brewed into a tea which may be how it helps kidneys.

*** Revision

I must not fail to inform you that certain Yellow Jasmine can be lethal. The “Carolina Jasmine” [Gelsemium sempervirens] which grows in both the UK and in the US, is toxic. One flower from it can kill a child, if eaten. Other names are Yellow jessamine, Carolina jasmine, Jessamine, Woodbine, False jasmine, False jessamine, Evening trumpet flower. Please be mindful of this in using it.


Planetary:  Moon, Venus

Gender:  Female

Zodiac:  Virgo, Cancer

Element[s]:  Air, Water

Powers: Love, Psychism, Abundance, Joy, Divination, Creativity

Chakra:  Heart

Deity:  Venus, Aphrodite, Áine, Bastet, Eostre, Ishtar

“With Hyacinth and Jasmine her perfumed hair was bound,

A posy of sweet Violets her clustering ringlets seemed;

Her eyes with love intoxicate, in witching sleep half drowned,

Her locks, to Indian Spikenard like, with love’s enchantments beamed.”

“Moonlight of the Grove” By Anvár-i-Suhailî

Many thanks for reading and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander.


The Light of the Haram, by Thomas Moore

Plant Lore, Legends, and Lyrics. Embracing the Myths, Traditions, Superstitions, and Folk-Lore of the Plant Kingdom, Volume and Lyrics, by Richard Folkard, 1884
