Shiva Lingam, A Mystical Crystal of Power

Originally posted on 04/01/20118 via

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram: @thewandcarver

Shiva Lingam comes from only one place, the Narmada River in Western India, one of India’s most holy sites. The word ‘Lingam‘ comes from the Sanskrit word for symbol, as these stones are a symbol of Lord Shiva. The Shiva Lingam are an integral part of their worship practises and have been for hundreds of years. Their colours vary, but they are all tan colours with various brown, red or grey stripes, spots or patches on the stones.

The villagers around the Narmada River gather the stones from the river and hand polish them so that they are a smooth, rounded shape. They are deliberately made into the well-known phallic shape, as this shape has a specific meaning because it is symbolic of the phallus of the Hindu God Shiva, and of his union with his consort Kali. Within the form of the Shiva Lingam, there is also the shape of the cosmic egg, out of which all creation has emerged, therefore making these stones encompass both the male and female and their union, within the one sacred object. A common myth exists between people that the Shiva Lingam depicts the male genital organ. However, this is misleading and baseless according to some as an irrelevant misinterpretation was done during the latter part of the Vedic period when Indian literature came into the hands of foreign scholars. Thus, Shiva Lingam is just a differentiating mark and not a sex mark. I am not well-versed in Hinduism; therefore, I can’t tell you which is right or wrong.

My Shiva Ligam, i.macy

What Shiva Lingam can do for you

To improve your overall health, Shiva Lingam are powerful as they stimulate the energy system of the entire body, and will aid an overall improvement in your health and well-being. Its vibration has a different action depending on where you place it. This stone holds within it the feeling of unity and duality and will intensify the vitality and level of pranic energy within your body.

It is said that whilst practising yoga, the divine experience of the Shiva Lingam can create a pillar of light, energy, peace, and eternity and helps to expand the mind and bring deep peace and steadiness to the heart and the soul. As you tune into this field of energy that encompasses the Divine Mind, you make contact with the sacredness that these stones have carried for centuries. Shiva Lingam are basically quartz and have a lot of impurities from the river where they originate mixed through. This is a stone that carries a lot of energy.

For kundalini activation, you may choose to use Shiva Lingam alone, or you may use it in combination with other stones that are powerful to aid the process. If the kundalini process is about transformation, you may want to use other stones with it to aid this process. The kundalini energy will rise up the spine from the base or root chakra and through each of the chakras, to end up where it emerges at the crown chakra, like an enormous serpent above your head.

Shiva Lingam resonates with all the chakras. They are known to be powerful to aid you on the lower three chakras, particularly if used at the sacral or navel chakra and base chakra. If you centre the energy of these stones at the heart chakra, its vibration at both this chakra and the higher heart chakra connects you to the Divine Mind. Its action within the throat chakra allows you to recognise your connection with your etheric body, and how you can communicate this to your own higher self. Its resonance within the third eye chakra is about your visionary abilities. It paves the way to the crown chakra, where we connect to the Higher Self and the Divine.

Health and Well-being
For healing of any reproductive problems, Shiva Lingam will assist the healing of infertility, relieve menopausal symptoms, menstrual cramps and may help disorders of the prostate.

Shiva Lingam supports all aspects of your personal divinity, and is powerful to aid you to overcome the need to judge others, and encourages forgiveness.

It helps to unite separated people, as it has an energy that encourages a feeling of togetherness and community.

Helps to break old patterns and open the path for new life.

Enhances inner transformation.

Boosts vitality.

Elements: Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, Storm
Energy: Power
Chakras: All
Deity: Lord Shiva, Kali

Many thanks for reading and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x


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