Wheel of the Year ~ Samhain

First posted on 28/10/2013 by Isabella via speakingofwitchwands.net

photo courtesy of Google images

by Isabella @TheWandCarver

The Yule and Christmas season is coming closely upon us…yes, I know, let’s celebrate Samhain/Halloween first! I’m sure you have all noticed everywhere from department stores to supermarkets are already clearing away the Halloween goodies and quickly placing Christmas and Yule-tide cheer everywhere. Don’t feel too badly for Halloween…in no time, long before you can say “Happy New Year!”, Christmas will be swept under the rug and out will come , of all the silly things, Valentine’s Day gear. How am I to feel good about purchasing chocolates for a loved one when I know that they have been sitting on a shop shelf for nearly 3 months in advance? Sometimes, I am wary of “sell-by dates”. I have been the unhappy recipient of dodgy choccies before..you know the ones with sketchy looking white-ish places on them?

As Pagans/Wiccans/Witches, most of us feel more in-tune with seasons. It is, after all, one of the many things we closely follow and attune to. There is a time for all seasons and this one is NOT Yule. However, we do understand why retailers do this. It is because they must stay on top of the current market and make sure they are first out the gate with all the latest and greatest for the Christmas season. And then on to the next. As an online seller, I have to admit that I feel the “itch” a bit myself…I really have this yen to start marking down prices, rotating adverts on Twitter constantly, and harking my wares to all whom will listen…or read, as it were. And then I say “no”.

Don’t expect great gushing adverts in the next few weeks from Wytchencrafts. Of course, we’ll plie our wares on Twitter, just not in that constant rush of them most of us have become used to from retailers and online sellers. Not to say that we won’t as it more closely nears Christmas, just not now. We’re too busy celebrating Samhain!

Thank you for reading and Blessed Be )O(