Crystal of the Week, Snowflake Obsidian

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @thewandcarver

The Snowflake Obsidian is a much gentler sister to her brother, Black Obsidian.  Snowflake Obsidian is recommended for those who can’t tolerate the higher energies of Black Obsidian but still want the grounding and protective virtues of Obsidian.  She may be gentle but don’t get Snowflake wrong, she is fierce!

snowflake obsidian
My Snowflake Obsidian ~ photo by i.macy

As most of you know, all Obsidians are glass… created by a volcanic eruption ages ago.  All varieties have an amorphous crystal system and are in the mineral class of oxide. The stunning patterns of “snowflakes” that stand out of its black background are inclusions of Cristobalite. As you see from the picture, the snowflakes can be quite large, or they may be smaller, depending on the amount of Cristobalite.  They are found in the lower mid-west of America in states such as Utah, but are also found in Mexico and Brazil.  Obsidian blades have been found in burial sites dating back to Palaeolithic times. It had been regarded as a stone that would drive out demons. In the Middle Ages it was used as an aid for magickal rituals. Mayan priests used Obsidian mirrors for predicting the future.


Snowflake Obsidian dissolves shocks, fear, blocks and traumas. It has an enlivening effect and brings hidden inner images to light. It can also bestow an unimagined depth to our emotional nature and help with many types of obsession. Snowflake Obsidian purifies the atmosphere of negative spiritual influences and can serve as protection from psychic attacks.

A stone of purity, Snowflake Obsidian brings about a balance to body, mind and spirit. Snowflake Obsidian helps to keep centred and focused when any type of chaotic situation, whether it be home, relationships, or work is presenting itself. Snowflake Obsidian can remove negativity from a space or person with ease.

Snowflake Obsidian helps to draw emotions to the surface and to examine harmful thought patterns and opens awareness of past lives and of having many incarnations, increasing our knowledge that we have been here before and will be here again and that there is no death of the soul. Snowflake Obsidian promotes a sense of calm and inner centring which readies one for a deep meditative state. During Chakra cleansing meditation it is perfect for your root/base chakra.  It is recommended to end the meditation with a final clearing using a quartz crystal.  Snowflake Obsidian shows us how to gain spiritual invulnerability and freedom. In doing this, forgotten capabilities may be retrieved and our perceptions can become refined to the point of clairvoyance.

Snowflake Obsidian is a very grounding and protective stone. It is used as a great cleanser of negative energies, helping to remove not only negativity experienced in the environment, but also that of one’s own emotions, such as anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, etc. Snowflake Obsidian is often used for healing and releasing energy blockages and tends to work quickly to move truths to the surface to be resolved. It is best used for grounding before rituals above most other grounding stones, unless, you can use Black Obsidian which is very good for grounding oneself before any spell to do with hexing or binding.

Snowflake Obsidian is an excellent tool for attuning to animal totems and animal allies, and for becoming more sensitive to the subtle flow and movement of energy in the environment.


Snowflake Obsidian helps to dissolve pain, tension, energy blocks and vascular contractions. Shock resulting from injury is dissolved on a cellular level, so it helps accelerate the healing of wounds. In improving circulation, it ensures the warming of your extremities like chronically cold hands and feet. To improve circulation, it is best when worn next to the skin.

As Snowflake Obsidian enhances blood flow, it may be used in conjunction with treatments for veins and the skeletal structure, and to ease problems associated with the menstrual cycle and the balancing of hormones. As an elixir [use the indirect method], it may be used to smooth the skin and clear the eyes.


Planetary: Saturn

Zodiac:  Scorpio, Virgo [helps with all zodiac signs]

Gender:  Female

Element:  Fire

Powers:  Protection, Grounding, Past Life Regressions, Emotional Support, Healing

Chakras:  Base/Root

Deity: Tezcatlipoca

Other Names:  The Stone of Truth

Many thanks for reading my blog today and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x


Cassandra Eason, The New Crystal Bible [London: Carlton Books Ltd., 2010]

Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible [Cincinnati, OH: Walking Stick Press, 2003]

Judy Hall, The Crystal Bible 2 [Cincinnati, OH: Walking Stick Press, 2009]

Judy Hall, 101 Power Crystals [Beverly, MA: Fair Winds Press, 2011]


Crystal of the Week, Preseli Bluestone

By Isabella @TheWandCarver
Instagram: @thewandcarver

The-Bluestone-portal by Judy Hall
The Bluestone Porthole by for Judy Hall

What were the builders of Stonehenge so attracted to, to choose Preseli Bluestone as the stones for the inner circle of the henge? What about it resonated with them so intensely to drag these stones 150+ miles to the henge to add to its creation? Well, I think most of you may be able to answer that by holding one. For me, without thinking, I felt the word “ancestor” [which is not odd for me in this case as one of my familial lineages have been in Salisbury, Wiltshire for as far back as c 1100 – that I know of… it well could be further back than then] come to mind. I felt history and time and people all at one go. You might think I would be very familiar with the stone already but not really. There are so many thousands of different crystals and stones in this world and although I’ve spent many years studying them and working with them, I really haven’t touched the sides yet. You can only really learn by spending a goodly amount of time with and reading about and working with, a stone or crystal…so yes, I always feel “behind” in my studies. And the very first thing I do with any stone is to hold it and record my very first, virgin reactions. It’s almost scary how I’m right almost every time. This is not bragging…anyone can do this and I’m betting most of my readers know what I mean.

The Preseli Bluestone, according to Judy Hall, authoress of The Crystal Bible and all its descendants, says “Bluestone is unique. It has high paramagnetic resonance and a distinctive appearance. Bluestone reconnects to your ancient knowing, helping you to live in harmony with the earth and everything on it. It expands your senses, taking you beyond the everyday and into the metaphysical realms where perception is sharper. You see the world with different eyes when you connect to Bluestone and its sacred sites. Carrying immense healing energy and forming a doorway to other dimensions, Preseli Bluestone helps you connect to earth energies and the wisdom of the Celtic Druidic peoples.” In a much better way, Judy tied together my usual one-word understanding of a stone.

So, when the people from over thousands of years ago travelled to the Preseli Mountains in Wales and found the iconic stone, the huge Saracen shards jutting here and there, then touched them…can you imagine the massive resonating force they must have felt? It’s no wonder they brought all they could back to the henge site. Compasses are said to go bonkers in the Preseli Mountains particularly at the Carn Menyn outcrop from which the bluestones of Stonehenge were sourced. The entire site is riddled with geomagnetic anomalies and powerful telluric earth currents which add power to the stones. And, in case you didn’t know, the Preseli Bluestone originally formed the outer circle but eventually became the inner circle,

Judy Hall also says, “Preseli Bluestone activates the Soma Chakra, located at the hairline above the third eye. A higher resonance of the third eye, when activated the soma chakra opens metaphysical awareness and visionary ability. The chakra also links to the angelic realms and spirit guides. It has to do with perception of the cycles of time and awareness of the workings of synchronicity.”  Got to love a bit of time travel!

So, let’s explore the magickal meanings of this fabulous stone!

The first and foremost feeling from Preseli Bluestone is a powerful feeling of needing to tell you about the past. It can assist you greatly in the development of psychic gifts and aid you in discovering abilities such as dowsing and geomancy. Although primarily a throat and heart chakra, placing the Preseli Bluestone on your solar plexus chakra can stimulate your willpower and inspire courage, and in doing so they help to connect the throat, heart, and thymus [higher heart] chakras.

Preseli Bluestone is one of the best stones ever for past life regressions. These stones have all the knowledge of the ages and when used in meditation to travel back in time, you can easily learn about past lives you’ve possibly had in ancient Celtic Britain and in ancient Egypt. Preseli Bluestone may help you to discover aspects of past lives that may be holding you back in your current life.

The Preseli Bluestone is remarkable for grounding oneself before a ritual or just because you’re feeling a bit scattered. It can truly bring you back to Earth and keep you firmly planted during a tough emotional time. Keep one as a talisman for this purpose with you always if you are given to anxiety attacks.

Keeping one by your bed can possibly create dreams that may help you to remember past lives in ancient Atlantis or if you spent time in the past as part of any Druidic culture.

It is also said that the Preseli Bluestone can help one discern the truth from listening to another speak.


Preseli Bluestone
My Preseli Bluestone ~ photo by i.macy

The vibrations are very high in Preseli Bluestone. Many of you may know that when a cat purrs, it is not always purring from the joy of being with its favourite human but may be purring to heal itself. They know that the frequency of their purr can indeed heal many ills. The vibrational frequency of Preseli Bluestone works in much the same way and the Ancient Ones found that bones would heal much more quickly when these stones were near. An amazing healing device used by some Pranic healers is the Preseli Bluestone wand.

Planetary: Moon
Zodiac: Taurus
Element: Earth
Powers: Healing [broken bones], Psychic Awareness [of all kinds], Courage, Communication, Grounding, Preventing Jet Lag, Ancestral Workings
Chakras: Throat, Heart, Higher Heart
Deity: Gaia, Hecate, Cerridwen
Other Names: Dolerite, Spotted Dolerite, Preseli Dolerite

Many thanks for reading and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x

Crystals and Sacred Sites, by Judy Hall
Crystal Prescriptions 4: the chakras and kundalini, by Judy Hall
The Crystal Bible, by Judy Hall

Rhyolite, Bixbyite, and Topaz Matrix

Originally posted on 01/02/2018 via

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram: @thewandcarver

The only way to effectively write about this little beauty is to explain it as a whole, then break it down into each part to give you the metaphysical properties of this unusual, phenomenal crystal package, given us by Nature. So, we must talk a little science before we can get to the part where I tell you what it can do for you magickally. Bear with.

The combination of Rhyolite, Bixbyite, and Topaz is unusual because there appears to be only one place in the world where it hails from in this form, and this is from the Thomas Range, Juab County, Utah, United States. More specifically, it is from the Maynard Claim, named so after Maynard Bixby who discovered “Bixbyite” and “Bixbite”; Bixbite being an entirely different crystal from Bixbyite. Let me explain:

Bixbyite is a perfect, lustrous black, cubic crystal perched nicely atop quartz rhyolite matrix or in my case, a bit deeper at times. It is a manganese iron oxide mineral and the iron/manganese ratio are quite variable and many specimens have almost no iron. It is a metallic dark black with a Mohs hardness of 6.0 – 6.5. Typical localities are Jhabua and Chhindwara districts, India and the Thomas Range in Juab County, Utah. It is also reported from San Luis Potosi, Mexico; northern Patagonia, Argentina; Girona, Catalonia, Spain; Sweden and South Africa. Please note that the only place it is found in Rhyolite is in the Thomas Range, Utah.

Rhyolite, Bixbyite, and Topaz by i.macy

Bixbite is now known as Red Beryl. It was first found in 1904 in the Maynard’s Claim, Thomas Range, Juab County, Utah, US. Red Beryl is very rare and has been reported only from a handful of locations: Juab County, Wah Wah Mountains, Beaver County, Utah; Paramount Canyon and Round Mountain, Sierra County, New Mexico, although the latter locality does not often produce gem grade stones. To my knowledge, Red Beryl/Bixbite in Rhyolite matrix is only found in US.

Bixbyite: black. Bixbite/Red Beryl: red.

But what is Rhyolite and why is it so special? Rhyolite is an igneous, volcanic rock. During the late Cretaceous [100 – 65 mya] the younger ranges of the Rocky Mountains were created, and deep fractures appeared which reached deep into the crust. In course of volcanic activities [approx. 20 mya], five or more layers of volcanic topaz rhyolite lava flows covered areas in today’s Utah. Then hot fluorine and beryllium-rich gases and vapours, rising through shrinkage cracks of the cooled lava, met groundwater resources near the surface. The water evaporated and left behind niches or miarolitic cavities and porous areas in which the remaining steam could react under low pressure and high temperatures [300° – 650° C] with the rising mineral-rich gases so that red beryl crystals could grow. Not only do Red Beryl crystals grow in Rhyolite but also do Bixbyite and Topaz.

Topaz: The Thomas Range of western Utah is also one of the world’s best sources of topaz. Cavities in the Topaz Mountain Rhyolite often contain topaz crystals with a beautiful amber colour. Topaz crystals are also found in soils and dry washes around Topaz Mountain. These crystals are usually colourless because the amber colour can be lost through prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. A few specimens fade to a beautiful pink colour.  Topaz is usually a naturally  sherry “yellow” but comes in assorted colours only through heat or irradiation.

What does all of this combination mean for us in the magickal sense? Quite a lot! Bixbyite is a base/root, third eye, and crown chakra stone. It is fabulous at assisting us to open our psychic awareness, making us more intuitive and imaginative. It is also for anyone seeking to communicate with spirit – a remarkable helper in communicating with ancestors – and keeps a clear connection between the seeker and spirit. Rhyolite enhances self-esteem, self-worth, self-respect, and deepens the acceptance of our true self. It helps us to heal old emotional wounds and to deal with challenging circumstances calmly and with inner strength. It is used to aid communication with animals and the realm of Nature. Rhyolite is a heart chakra stone and is also good to use in seeking your spirit animal. Both Bixbyite and Rhyolite are good supporters of past-life regression…Bixbyite in getting you through those stages and Rhyolite helping you to accept and heal. Topaz is a solar plexus crystal, which as a combination of helpful chakra crystals, fits in wisely with Bixbyite and Rhyolite. Like with Rhyolite, Topaz inspires self-realisation and confidence as it imparts the strength to quieten wild emotions. Topaz is highly effective for affirmations and visualisation, meditation, and astral projection, and is an excellent talisman for discerning Divine wisdom and connecting to the heavenly realm.

I hope you’ve found something of help from this lovely combination. It has been a pleasure to share it with you. Many thanks for reading and warmest blessings x

Encyclopaedia of Crystals, by Judy Hall
Encyclopaedia of Crystals, Revised and Expanded, by Judy Hall

From the Wortcunner’s Cabinet, Wormwood

Originally posted 23/01/2018 via

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram: @iseabail_witchwriter


Working with herbs very often, as I do, I got thinking, “why not do a series on herbs?” …particularly since recently blogging about wort cunning. So, in no particular order apart from most probably writing about what I’ve worked with most recently, we shall begin with Wormwood [artemisia absinthium]. The hint is in the name – what famous drink of the 19th century, recently revived by the Goth community, is made with this herb? If you guessed Absinthe, you win! As early as I can tell, the drink was made popular in 19th century France and became very popular in Great Britain as well – notably a favourite of Oscar Wilde – one of my favourite authors and generally favourite people of all time. The drink, as it was in those days, has been banned, however, and a new, less dangerous Absinthe became popular mainly with the Goth community in recent times. The 19th-century drink was dangerously toxic when taken in excess and since the traditional use of wormwood is believed to summon spirits and allow communication with the dead, there is not much wonder why some people claimed to see visions whilst inebriated!

Mind, we are not advocating the use of Wormwood for this kind of thing. We’re more interested in what it can do for us on a magickal level. Wormwood is one herb I use very often. It is an ingredient in several of our witch bottles, depending upon the powers needed. It is also an ingredient I use in one or two of our loose incenses. Those are still in testing and have not made it to the shop shelves yet. And, during my practise as a cunning woman, I have used Wormwood extensively for everything from astral travel to protection and psychic awareness. I must say, it is definitely one of my “go-to” herbs.

The scent of Wormwood is said to increase psychic powers. Burn with incenses on Samhain to aid invocation, divination, scrying, and prophecy. It is especially good when combined with Mugwort and strengthens incense for exorcism and protection. Hung from a rear-view mirror, Wormwood is said to protect vehicles from accidents on treacherous roads. Wormwood is burned to gain protection from wandering spirits. It is used in divinatory and clairvoyance incenses, initiation rites and tests of courage and enables the dead to be released from this plane so they may find peace.

Wormwood is used to relieve anger and allow the user to vent it in a more peaceful way. It can also be used in magick to prevent strife or war. Carried in a pouch, Wormwood is protective. In ancient lore, people used the plant to counter poisoning by Hemlock and various Toadstools.

It is also used in love charms and spells to draw a lover, and is associated with the Lovers card in the tarot. It is sacred to the maiden Goddess, and can be used for scrying and divination as part of incense or perhaps a weak tea to drink before scrying, or a wash for the instruments used. It is used in women’s rites, probably especially those pertaining to rites of passage from child to a maiden – and would probably be a good addition to rites celebrating menarche. It is used in initiation rites, especially those prior to testing times.

An Old Love Charm
‘On St. Luke’s Day, take marigold flowers, a sprig of marjoram, thyme, and a little Wormwood; dry them before a fire, rub them to powder; then sift it through a fine piece of lawn, and simmer it over a slow fire, adding a small quantity of virgin honey, and vinegar. Anoint yourself with this when you go to bed, saying the following lines three times, and you will dream of your partner “that is to be”:
‘ “St. Luke, St. Luke, be kind to me,
In dreams let me my true-love see.” ‘

Wormwood is said to be useful in the treatment of some depression. It is very good for those who feel utter despair because of their life circumstances. It has some anti-inflammatory properties due to the presence of chamazulenes, so it could be used to treat inflammatory digestive disorders. It is used to treat liver and gall bladder congestion where this has led to jaundice, and liver-related depression, lack of appetite, nausea and vomiting. As it is warming, it is particularly good for those who suffer from a depressed autonomic nervous system, leading to impaired digestive function. In addition to all the above, it can be used to treat diarrhoea and intestinal parasites.


Some regard Wormwood as a circulatory tonic and stimulant – this would make sense considering its use to improve digestion. It can be used to treat nervous exhaustion and other nerve issues such as neuralgia and depression as previously mentioned. Apparently, it can be used to ease alcohol-induced hangovers although it may be better to dose up on milk thistle before you start drinking or simply not drink as much. This is another of those odd herbs that can be used to cure epilepsy but will also cause it if you use it in large enough doses.

Wormwood has a strong anti-bacterial property – the root, though not often used in medicine, is extremely powerful and useful to ease infections of the throat and lungs. It eases pain and is very cooling and soothing. It can be used topically as an antiseptic.

As an emmenagogue, it can be used to stimulate absent menses where this is due to uterine stagnation which causes delayed menstruation. It can also be used to ease painful periods. It is used as a pain reliever during labour and can be taken as a weak tea or applied as a rub to stimulate sluggish labour when contractions are too weak.
A rub made with the essential oil can be used to relieve the pain of arthritis and related joint complaints, though the oil should NEVER be taken internally.


Planetary: Mars, Saturn

Element: Earth

Sabbat: Samhain

Powers: Binding, Psychic Awareness, Evocation, Love, Clairvoyance, Past Life Regression, Astral Travel, Protection

Associated Deities: Diana, Artemis, Aesculapius, Horus, Isis, Castor, Iris, Menthu, Pollux

Harvesting: cut the flowering tops off wormwood when they are in full bloom on a sunny day when the sun is at its peak

Other names: Absinthe, Absinthium, Green Ginger, Old Woman, Crown for a King, Madderwort, Sweet Annie, Wormot

‘While Wormwood hath seed get a handful or twaine To save against March, to make flea to refraine: Where chamber is sweeped and Wormwood is strowne, What saver is better (if physick be true) For places infected than Wormwood and Rue? It is a comfort for hart and the braine And therefore to have it it is not in vaine.’

~ Tusser (1577), in July’s Husbandry

Many thanks for reading and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x


The Encyclopaedia of Magical Herbs by Scott Cunningham

The Old English Herbals by Eleanour Sinclair Rohde


Hawk’s Eye, The Traveller’s Crystal

Originally posted on 09/11/2017 via

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram: @thewandcarver

Hawks Eye
Hawk’s Eye ~ photo by i.macy

Hawk’s Eye, also known as Blue Tiger’s Eye as it is sometimes referred to, is a very beautiful crystal.   It is blue-grey to blue-green in colour. It is so-named for its “chatoyancy” which reminds one of the eyes of the hawk. Hawk’s Eye is a variety of macro-crystalline quartz. Hawk’s eye is a pseudo-morph of quartz. A pseudo-morph is one mineral that changes into another mineral over time and in the case of Hawk’s Eye, it began its life as crocidolite and was later transformed into quartz. Crocidolite is a fibrous blue mineral belonging to the riebeckite family of amphibole silicates. It is one of the several forms of asbestos. The transformation of Hawk’s Eye begins as quartz slowly becomes embedded between the fibres of crocidolite, eventually completely replacing it while retaining the fibrous shape of the original mineral.

Hawk’s Eye is not a blue Tiger’s Eye, although very closely related to it and Pietersite, as well.  Tiger’s Eye is formed from Hawk’s Eye. As blue crocidolite is dissolved by quartz, traces of iron oxide remain; less iron tends to result in the blue colour of crocidolite and if more iron is present, colour tends to result in the brownish golden colour of Tiger’s Eye.

Enough of the facts, yes? What about what can Hawk’s Eye do for you? Hawk’s Eye is believed to help those with a fear of flying. It is thought to be good for sight and vision, enhancing our ability to focus. Physically, it is often used for problems with eyesight, but it is also helpful for sinus congestion, as well as spine and neck problems.

Hawk’s eye is believed to be a stone of protection, often used by travellers. It can also be used to help protect against the negative energy of others. Its energy is known to help balance the brow chakra.

Use it to expand your horizons at work. It will help bring new opportunities at work or the possibility of transfer to a new location.  Hawk’s Eye is an excellent crystal for business owners.

Hawk’s eye is the best stone for astral travel, clairvoyance, and remote viewing.  Anyone, such as I, who is a Hedge Witch or learning Hedge Witchery would do well to have these crystals on hand as we are considered travellers – of another kind.  It is also an excellent crystal for past-life regression.  Although I have not tried it for this purpose yet, I would imagine that it would be superb for lucid dreaming, as well.

With their ability to work well together with Angelite, I would believe that Hawk’s Eye would be a perfect crystal to use with Angelite when meditating to correspond with or “find” your Spirit Guide/Guardian.  And equally, as Sapphire is an excellent crystal to use whilst practising necromancy as in contacting the spirit of a loved one, Hawk’s Eye would be a perfect addition to this working for its ability to enhance the spiritual Sapphire.

Although for many years my main focus of interest has been on crystals and how they help heal as well as how they can help advance my magickal practise. Funnily enough, I have only recently learned about [and owned] Hawk’s Eye.  My little handful, as pictured, sends a wild amount of electrical charge pulsing through my hand when holding them. I always lay them down feeling much more optimistic than before. As a small-business owner, that can be a very helpful feeling, indeed!


Associated Crystals:  Angelite, blue quartz, and Sapphire

Candle Colour:  Mid-blue

Chakra:  Brow

Element:  Air

Flowers & Plants:  Mint, lupin, and larkspur

Herbs – Incenses – Oils:  Agrimony, aloe vera, rosemary, and sandalwood

Planet:  Jupiter.

Zodiac:  Sagittarius

Many thanks for reading and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x


The Crystal Bible, by Judy Hall


The Magic of Yew

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram: @iseabail_witchwriter

Originally posted on 5 Sept 2017 via

Yew leaves and berries, courtesy of Google images

Yew is a tree that commands much respect. If you don’t, it can kill you. Harsh? Not at all. Yew is a very poisonous tree, every part of it from bark to berry seeds, however, the fleshy fruit of its berries is not poisonous but the seed within is. This is because of Taxine, a toxic alkaloid component in the leaves, bark, wood, and seed of the Yew. Even when the Yew tree has died, its toxicity is still there. Handle with care.

handle of my wand
My Yew wand with crow fetish, photo by i.macy

So, how is it that you see so many lovely objects made from Yew? Everything from boxes to wands! As a matter of fact, my personal wand is Yew and I’m still here. The people who make objects from Yew wood know chapter and verse on how to protect themselves during construction of their beautiful items. It is essential to wear a good respirator mask, especially whilst sanding Yew wood, and gloves. It is also best to wear long sleeves and trousers and shoes…. this is not a job for wearing your shorts and vest top on a hot day. You don’t want the dust from sanding settling on your skin. Of course, most people would bath or shower after working in this way, however, it is very likely if you have a pet that the pet could lick your hand before you had a good clean up. This would end in tears, I’m afraid.  Yew is as toxic to pets as it is to humans so please don’t give Yew to your dog as a chew stick. If you have a Yew wand, keep it in a place where pets can’t get at it.

Hoping I have made my point about the dangers, let’s talk about the magick! The Yew is one of the most magickal trees for protection, reincarnation/rebirth, necromancy, and longevity spells. It is the 5th vowel of the Ogham alphabet, Ioho. It is called “Tree of Resurrection” or “The Tree of Eternity”. It is the Ogham of Winter Solstice and the Dark Half of the year. Yew is a wood of great strength.

5000 yr old yew in dafynnod wales graveyard
5,000 year old Yew in Defynnog, Wales

Yew is wonderful for connecting with your ancestors.  As it is the only biological creature capable of living indefinitely, possibly forever, it is much sought-after for longevity spell work. It is also exalted as a tree of rebirth which gives way to a Breton legend that the tree is said to grow a root into the open mouth of each corpse buried in the graveyard. This root is a symbol of rebirth with the spirit reborn in much the same way as the tree itself is reborn. And, so it may be as so many graveyards have Yew trees growing in them.

“Just as the Yew tree possesses an immortal ability to renew itself, so too do you.  Living for centuries, it is a silent witness to the passing of time. Evergreen, its red, waxy cup-shaped berries, enclosing a small poisonous seed, predict protection. A good thing in your life will continue, just as a branch grows down inside the hollow trunk, embedding itself in the soil to sprout a new tree. If you remain working quietly at what you want, like the inconspicuous small green female flowers, you will attract your aim.  Communication will surprise you in the same way that the large bright yellow flowers on male trees throw out clouds of yellow pollen when ready to mate.” ~ Tree Magick by Gillian Kemp

Yew Necromancer Witch Bottle
Necromancer’s Witch Bottle Necklace ~ photo by i.macy

Because of the possibility of poisoning, some witches or practitioners of delving into the past and connecting with their ancestors or other forms of necromancy, are not comfortable with using Yew outside of some form of containment. One of the things I have fashioned for myself as a hedge witch, travelling the hedge between Worlds to connect with my ancestors, is my Necromancer’s Witch Bottle Necklace. It is a simple glass bottle, filled with enchanted herbs and Yew, then sealed, not to be opened. I won’t divulge every item that goes inside this witch bottle but it has herbs which summons Spirit, help Spirit to manifest, eases the souls of the dead, appeases and relaxes any traumatised Spirits, to make the Spirit manifested tell the truth, and tobacco to show hospitality to the Spirit(s). The small stick of Yew is included to banish malevolent Spirits.  We do offer these in our Etsy shop. This witch bottle is also effectively worn when doing any spell work which may concern longevity or for doing any kind of past-life regression work. It is very protective and helpful in the case of the latter.  It is also said to be a bringer of dreams and helpful in overcoming fear of our own death. Yew teaches death as transformation, not an end. The witch bottle also can facilitate connection with your Spirit Guardian.


Planet: Saturn and Pluto

Element: Earth and Water

Symbolism: The Tree of Life, Immortality, Rebirth, Protection, Longevity, Change, Divinity, Strength

Metal: Lead

Stone: Olivine

Birds: Eagle, Hummingbird

Colours: Black, Dark Green

Deity: Banbha, Dione, Artemis, Persephone, Hecate, Astarte, Odin. Yew embodies the crone aspect of the triple Goddess. Yew is one of the Guardians of the Underworld that assist in guiding souls from one world to the next.

Old Yew, which graspest at the stones

That name the under-lying dead,

Thy fibres net the dreamless head,

Thy roots are wrapt about the bones.


Many thanks for reading, be safe when handling Yew, and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x

PS… please don’t forget to follow us here on Wytchencrafts as the SpeakingofWitch blog will be removed once we have all our blogs transferred over. x