The Wheel Ticks Over Again – Happy Mabon 2022

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @iseabail_witchwriter

A blessed Mabon to all.  Depending upon where you live in the Northern Hemisphere, you may begin your celebrations on the 22nd, in the UK it is the 23rd.  Either way, it is a time for the last harvest rituals which set us up for the winter months.

Not everyone farms any longer as may have been the case in years past. But the idea would be that everyone put by all the food they could to last through the cold harshness of winter.   We can still do our own version of this if we have small gardens or by simply stocking our larders with things which can last throughout the coldest months.  I am personally always happy to do whatever I can to stay out of supermarkets!

For our personal Mabon celebrations, we have the obvious many ways to feel in touch with the Sabbat.  I love a beautifully Autumnal look for my personal altar as I am sure everyone does for theirs.  But what else can we do?

If you are a young parent with young children, you might choose to begin teaching them about the Sabbats and this one is a lovely one to begin with if you have not already begun teaching them.  You could teach them about why we celebrate Mabon, of course, but also how to help provide for those who do not have as much as perhaps you do.  Then again, I understand what it is like to be a young parent as I have been there so as we know, it is hard to help provide for others when you have little yourselves. Still, it is an idea that they could at least be taught. Making colourful decorations for the Mabon feasting table or even their own altars is also lots of fun.

This is also the time of the Autumnal Equinox which, of course, means that the nights will get longer through the Autumn and Winter months.  If your children are at an age to start noticing this, something we would do is have a child mark the time of the sunset on the calendar each night/afternoon.  It is also a good time to teach them about the Sun King’s death and how to mourn.

And if you want a very special  event to add to your celebrations, you can always go to the Stonehenge Autumn Equinox Tour 23 September 2022

However you choose to celebrate, I hope you enjoy and your family does as well. Many thanks for reading and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x

Happy Litha 2022 and Merry Midsummer

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @iseabail_witchwriter

The longest day of the year has just rolled around again.  I hope it is not miserably hot for you, wherever you are in the Northern Hemisphere. But it is now Litha for us and we have a few warm weeks ahead. And a Happy Yule to our lovely witches Down Under where it is Yuletide. We hope you are enjoying yourselves safely.  Lockdowns, for the most part, are over so many will have the travel bug.

my favourite pic of Stonehenge

I am, for myself, keeping to lockdown rules as best I can, being a woman of a certain age. So, I’m not going out in search of a festival, although I would certainly enjoy one!  This is the time of year in the past where, if we could get the time off work or just wanted an overnight “day trip”, off to Wiltshire we would go to see the sunrise at Stonehenge and feeling special because of all the generations of some of my ancestors whom lived there for centuries probably saw the same event at some point in time or another. 

Avebury stone circle aerial view tripsavvy dot com
Avebury Stone Circle, Wiltshire

There are generally thousands who go each year.    Of course, there is also Avebury circle, another henge, which is also located in Wiltshire

How ever you celebrate your Summer Solstice, I do hope you have fun. Many thanks for reading and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x

Crystal of the Week, Preseli Bluestone

By Isabella @TheWandCarver
Instagram: @thewandcarver

The-Bluestone-portal by Judy Hall
The Bluestone Porthole by for Judy Hall

What were the builders of Stonehenge so attracted to, to choose Preseli Bluestone as the stones for the inner circle of the henge? What about it resonated with them so intensely to drag these stones 150+ miles to the henge to add to its creation? Well, I think most of you may be able to answer that by holding one. For me, without thinking, I felt the word “ancestor” [which is not odd for me in this case as one of my familial lineages have been in Salisbury, Wiltshire for as far back as c 1100 – that I know of… it well could be further back than then] come to mind. I felt history and time and people all at one go. You might think I would be very familiar with the stone already but not really. There are so many thousands of different crystals and stones in this world and although I’ve spent many years studying them and working with them, I really haven’t touched the sides yet. You can only really learn by spending a goodly amount of time with and reading about and working with, a stone or crystal…so yes, I always feel “behind” in my studies. And the very first thing I do with any stone is to hold it and record my very first, virgin reactions. It’s almost scary how I’m right almost every time. This is not bragging…anyone can do this and I’m betting most of my readers know what I mean.

The Preseli Bluestone, according to Judy Hall, authoress of The Crystal Bible and all its descendants, says “Bluestone is unique. It has high paramagnetic resonance and a distinctive appearance. Bluestone reconnects to your ancient knowing, helping you to live in harmony with the earth and everything on it. It expands your senses, taking you beyond the everyday and into the metaphysical realms where perception is sharper. You see the world with different eyes when you connect to Bluestone and its sacred sites. Carrying immense healing energy and forming a doorway to other dimensions, Preseli Bluestone helps you connect to earth energies and the wisdom of the Celtic Druidic peoples.” In a much better way, Judy tied together my usual one-word understanding of a stone.

So, when the people from over thousands of years ago travelled to the Preseli Mountains in Wales and found the iconic stone, the huge Saracen shards jutting here and there, then touched them…can you imagine the massive resonating force they must have felt? It’s no wonder they brought all they could back to the henge site. Compasses are said to go bonkers in the Preseli Mountains particularly at the Carn Menyn outcrop from which the bluestones of Stonehenge were sourced. The entire site is riddled with geomagnetic anomalies and powerful telluric earth currents which add power to the stones. And, in case you didn’t know, the Preseli Bluestone originally formed the outer circle but eventually became the inner circle,

Judy Hall also says, “Preseli Bluestone activates the Soma Chakra, located at the hairline above the third eye. A higher resonance of the third eye, when activated the soma chakra opens metaphysical awareness and visionary ability. The chakra also links to the angelic realms and spirit guides. It has to do with perception of the cycles of time and awareness of the workings of synchronicity.”  Got to love a bit of time travel!

So, let’s explore the magickal meanings of this fabulous stone!

The first and foremost feeling from Preseli Bluestone is a powerful feeling of needing to tell you about the past. It can assist you greatly in the development of psychic gifts and aid you in discovering abilities such as dowsing and geomancy. Although primarily a throat and heart chakra, placing the Preseli Bluestone on your solar plexus chakra can stimulate your willpower and inspire courage, and in doing so they help to connect the throat, heart, and thymus [higher heart] chakras.

Preseli Bluestone is one of the best stones ever for past life regressions. These stones have all the knowledge of the ages and when used in meditation to travel back in time, you can easily learn about past lives you’ve possibly had in ancient Celtic Britain and in ancient Egypt. Preseli Bluestone may help you to discover aspects of past lives that may be holding you back in your current life.

The Preseli Bluestone is remarkable for grounding oneself before a ritual or just because you’re feeling a bit scattered. It can truly bring you back to Earth and keep you firmly planted during a tough emotional time. Keep one as a talisman for this purpose with you always if you are given to anxiety attacks.

Keeping one by your bed can possibly create dreams that may help you to remember past lives in ancient Atlantis or if you spent time in the past as part of any Druidic culture.

It is also said that the Preseli Bluestone can help one discern the truth from listening to another speak.


Preseli Bluestone
My Preseli Bluestone ~ photo by i.macy

The vibrations are very high in Preseli Bluestone. Many of you may know that when a cat purrs, it is not always purring from the joy of being with its favourite human but may be purring to heal itself. They know that the frequency of their purr can indeed heal many ills. The vibrational frequency of Preseli Bluestone works in much the same way and the Ancient Ones found that bones would heal much more quickly when these stones were near. An amazing healing device used by some Pranic healers is the Preseli Bluestone wand.

Planetary: Moon
Zodiac: Taurus
Element: Earth
Powers: Healing [broken bones], Psychic Awareness [of all kinds], Courage, Communication, Grounding, Preventing Jet Lag, Ancestral Workings
Chakras: Throat, Heart, Higher Heart
Deity: Gaia, Hecate, Cerridwen
Other Names: Dolerite, Spotted Dolerite, Preseli Dolerite

Many thanks for reading and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x

Crystals and Sacred Sites, by Judy Hall
Crystal Prescriptions 4: the chakras and kundalini, by Judy Hall
The Crystal Bible, by Judy Hall