Crystal of the Week, Black Kyanite

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram: @thewandcarver

As, ever, before writing, I like to hold the crystal I’m blogging about for a bit… to renew my friendship with it and to feel the vibrations; what they are telling me. How do I describe the feeling of being switched round and put back together at warp speed? I suppose if any of you know that description then I don’t need to elaborate. It was very moving, no pun intended. And at the same time, I felt perfectly rooted to my seat. Not a hair out of place… but oh! What a ride! That is Black Kyanite for you!

black kyanite
My Black Kyanite ~ photo by i.macy

My opinion of what just happened is, whilst having me perfectly grounded, my Black Kyanite “fixed” my yin yang, finished healing my Root Chakra [forgot to mention I have been on a chakra clearing/repairing … lately after finding myself very blocked up] and then stripped of the stifling aura which has clung round me for too long and freshened me right up. Yes, I do feel rather amazing right now!

To be honest, I don’t always get hardcore feelings from crystals. Not in the earth-shattering way that I just did. Yes, I do always get vibrations, however, most of the time they are more “attuned” to me and what I’m using them for. It just occurred to me that this is what happens to a low vibration person. Normally my vibration is relatively medium to high. When I’m not well or have been remiss about taking care of myself, etc, my vibrational level sinks. What Black Kyanite does to low vibration people could be a little scary at first. I must say that I’m glad I have been working with my chakras up til this writing because that has most likely saved me a real comeuppance! So, my suggestion to all who read this is, please have your chakras in check before working with Black Kyanite or expect a wild ride whilst it repairs you!

Black Kyanite is a good talisman stone. It is protective of its bearer. It is a perfect grounding stone before rituals. Black Kyanite helps you to remember so it will be good to use when you’ve spent time memorising a lengthy spell chant. Keep close by when doing any divination works. Cassandra Eason says in The New Crystal Bible, “You will have cause to speak your mind, but do not waste words on those who will not listen.” I think it means, don’t waste your gift upon those whom only want good fortunes told and are dismissive of the words foretold that may not suit them. Still, as an all-chakra stone, it is an excellent partner to have near when reading tarot or any other divination work as it helps keep your Third Eye Chakra balanced. Black Kyanite is excellent against psychic attack. Additionally, Black Kyanite is self-cleansing so no need to clean but can be recharged in the full moon, if desired. Please be sure never to soak in water.

Brilliant crystal for past-life regression work, is Black Kyanite. A lot of people are doing future life progressions, something I honestly see no point of. Still, the Black Kyanite is there for you if that is what you wish to do. It strengthens the tether between Spirit and the Otherworld and can be used successfully in astral protection and hedge witchery. You can cleanse, clear, and re-build/repair all your chakras in meditation with Black Kyanite, however, its speciality is the Root/Base Chakra. And, as a special bonus, you can use your Black Kyanite to get in touch with your Spirit Guide/Guardian Angel for the very first time. If you have never attempted yet to meet your Guardian, Black Kyanite will be a stellar help in doing so. One thing to remember is that Black Kyanite will rapidly place you into a deep meditative state more so than many crystals will. It is also very useful for reading lucid dreaming messages.

Black Kyanite treats muscular disorders, fevers, thyroid, adrenal glands, throat and brain; a natural pain reliever; lowers blood pressure; heals infections; releases excess weight, supports the cerebellum. This crystal is, of course, a very useful one to Pranic Healers, and my personal opinion is that it would be best to see one for any healing work with Black Kyanite.

Planet: Jupiter, Moon
Zodiac: Sagittarius, Cancer
Element: Water
Powers: Healing, Grounding, Protection, Manifestation
Chakra(s): All, particularly the Root/Base Chakra
Deity: Ganesh

Many thanks for reading my blog and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x

The New Crystal Bible, by Cassandra Eason
The Crystal Bible, by Judy Hall
The Crystal Bible 2, by Judy Hall

Crystal of the Week, Lapis Lazuli

By Isabella @TheWandCarver
Instagram: @thewandcarver

This crystal may be a challenge for me this week. Oh, not because I’m afraid I won’t find enough information, but because Lapis Lazuli, being the great beauty it is, has been written about so much! Still, it isn’t like me to back away from a challenge so let’s see what we can find!

The facts: Lapis Lazuli has been used as a semi-precious stone that has been prized since antiquity for its intense colour. As early as the 7th millennium BC, lapis lazuli was mined in the Sar-i Sang mines in Shortugai, and in other mines in Badakhshan province in northeast Afghanistan. Lapis was highly valued by the Indus Valley Civilisation (3300–1900 BC). Lapis beads have been found at Neolithic burials in Mehrgarh, the Caucasus, and even as far from Afghanistan as Mauritania. It was used in the funeral mask of Tutankhamun (1341–1323 BC). ~

Lapis Lazuli
One of my Lapis Lazuli tumble stones ~ photo by i.macy

I can only imagine how in awe of this stunningly blue stone the early Egyptians were. It is a most striking colour and it isn’t any wonder King Tutankhamun himself would have loads of Lapis in his funerary mask. In ancient Egypt, lapis lazuli was a favourite stone for amulets and ornaments such as scarabs. Lapis jewellery has been found at excavations of the Predynastic Egyptian site Naqada [3300–3100 BC]. At Karnak, the relief carvings of Thutmose III [1479-1429 BC] show fragments and barrel-shaped pieces of Lapis Lazuli being delivered to him as tribute. Powdered Lapis was used as eyeshadow by Cleopatra. I, myself, have used powdered Lapis to make dye in tiny amounts where needed. In later years, most notably, Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer [1632 – 1675] used Lapis Lazuli to create Ultramarine, a natural pigment he used to paint his famous Girl With a Pearl Earring, 1665. Its name comes from the Latin Lapis, “stone,” and the Persian lazhuward, “blue.” Is it any wonder this stone is so magickal?


A Lapis Lazuli Pendulum for sale in our shop ~ photo by i.macy

The energy of Lapis Lazuli may intensify the growth of intuition, channelling, and psychic abilities, and may aid you to contact with your guardian angels. When using a Lapis Lazuli pendulum, touch the pendulum to your Third Eye until you feel the pineal gland activated. I can’t tell you how you’ll know this, you will just know. If your pendulum is of another material, Lapis is still favourable to have amongst your crystals when divining with pendulum, runes, tarot, or any other method of divination that you use. By opening the Third Eye, Lapis commonly brings through enhanced visionary abilities. It may aid you to use psychic gifts and abilities, in alignment with Divine Will. Lapis is such a prominent third eye chakra stone, that it will help you to develop your intuition as well as amplifying and expanding psychic visions and clairvoyant abilities. I may be repetitive, but I can’t put too fine a point on this.

Lapis Lazuli is also a very strong Throat Chakra crystal and it is very powerful in creating depth and clarity in your thinking and in your communications. It is also called The Crystal of Truth as it also ensures that the words you speak are in alignment with your personal truth.

In protection, Lapis may be worn to guard against psychic attacks. It quickly releases stress, bringing deep peace and brings harmony and deep inner self-knowledge. Lapis encourages self-awareness, allows self-expression and reveals inner truth, providing qualities of honesty, compassion and morality to the personality. It stimulates objectivity, clarity and encourages creativity. Lapis Lazuli assists one to confront and speak one’s truth and inspires confidence. It bonds relationships, aiding in the expression of feelings and emotions. It helps those already in a relationship, in love, to talk freely about any problems they may be having and to tell each other how they feel. In budding romances, Lapis encourages the couple to be honest in their feelings about one another. It will also assist in clearing out any part of the past, in this life or others, that one is still carrying but needs to let go of.


Lapis Lazuli allows one to find the cause of and help to balance the function of the thyroid and hormones to help stave off depression. It assists in the proper health and function of the head and neck, vocal cords, sore throats, headaches, eye ailments, or inflammation in this area of any kind.

Benefiting the immune system, Lapis overcomes hearing loss, eye issues, purifies the blood, relieves insomnia, and vertigo, as well as lowers blood pressure.

Lapis makes quite a powerful elixir to align the etheric, emotional, and spiritual bodies all at once.

Lapis Lazuli benefits the respiratory and nervous systems and the throat, vocal cords, and cleanses organs, bone marrow and thymus.

Chakras: Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra
Birthstone: December, October
Planet: Venus [Also has a connection to Jupiter]
Zodiac: Taurus, Sagittarius [Pisces has been also said to be a Lapis zodiac]
Element: Water
Powers: Protection [most notably against psychic attack], Manifestation, Creativity, Honesty, Healing, Love, and Inner Harmony
Typical colours: deep blue flecked with gold [Pyrite]
Deity: Bastet [Bast], Isis, Venus, Nuit, Maat

Many thanks for reading this blog! As always, I hope you have discovered useful information which can help you in your practise and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x

Crystal Bible Volume 1: A Definitive Guide to Crystals, by Judy Hall

Magickal, Mysterious Whitby Jet

Originally posted on 14/12/2017 via

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram: @thewandcarver

Jet gives me such a thrill, particularly the Whitby variety. Some say it “ain’t Jet if it ain’t from Whitby!” Ah, yes…I almost 100% agree, still, I have had some very good magick come from Jet which hailed from other parts and all. Where does Jet come from, if not from Whitby? Deposits of Jet were discovered in other countries beyond Britain, including Spain, Germany, China, Turkey, and Siberia. In the United States, Jet has been found in Virginia, New Mexico, Utah, and Alaska. However, none of these locations produced Jet that had the same working qualities and beauty as the Jet found near Whitby.

Jet 2
My Jet Witch Ring ~ photo by i.macy

So, whilst Jet from anywhere else may have strong magickal energies when it comes to jewellery making and working with Jet for the creation of art objects, it really is not Jet if it “ain’t from Whitby”!

Jet is not actually a crystal, either, in the sense of what most would call a crystal. It is fossilised wood and compressed much in the way coal is compressed, yet, it is not compressed in “veins” as is coal. And here I go, as I do, tending to go into the science of a thing when all most of you care to know is: what does Jet do for us in the metaphysical sense or…magick?

Jet is the kind of crystal [fossil] that will support you physically, emotionally, and spiritually, helping to achieve your goals with balance and harmony. It helps you to see your way through demanding situations, regardless of all the mayhem going on around you. Jet accomplishes this by drawing the negativity out of your auric field and being free of the negativity helps you to change your perspective of the situation in the way you feel, think, act, and speak. When Jet helps you to release your negativity it does so in a positive way so that it doesn’t affect others adversely. Jet also opens your crown chakra to enlightenment, making it a fabulous stone to use during meditation. Jet also enhances your psychic abilities which makes it a positive crystal for opening your third eye chakra.

Because of Jet’s ability to ground us, it is an often-used stone for the base or root chakra. Jet is equally useful for the solar plexus chakra because of its ability to restore harmony and balance and to help you achieve it. The multipurpose Jet can be used alone during meditation and chakra clearing or alongside your usual crystals. It is the perfect go-to stone!

We generally think of green crystals/stones when we think of drawing wealth into our lives, but when it comes to money and finances, Jet helps you to manage your finances best. When I began my business, I made a witch bottle to set on my desk. Inside of it, I place herbs which would draw wealth, along with some coins, and a piece of Jet. I still have this on my desk after four years and whilst I can’t say I’ve grown rich, I do know for a fact that my business has increased steadily and strongly over these four years. When I look at my stats I can see the graphs and the percentages which insure me that each month, each year, my finances have increased along with my number of sales. No, it didn’t happen quickly, but it has been steady, and to me, that is better…sometimes when things happen quickly it is over quickly as well. If I continue striving to improve myself and my products and have my Jet witch bottle, I think all will be fine.

By its very nature, Jet removes negativity from us. Negativity can be the number one killer of a relationship, even before it can get off the ground, so to speak. You may not think you are negative, however, when we have thoughts of “I’m not good enough” or “I’m not attractive enough” we are being negative even if we don’t voice those opinions aloud. Our souls recognise things like this in each other far quicker than we admit it to each other, therefore, the one you’re trying to attract – or have attracted and trying to build a relationship with – probably already has suspected your negativity even though you think you have it in check. Jet will help you remove this negativity and to focus on the positives. If you know the Seven Laws of Attraction at all, you will know the more you think about something the better the chance is of attracting it into your life. Jet helps you to think about the good things about yourself, enhancing your positive vibes, and believe me, whomever you wish to attract or have attracted already will sense this delightful personality of yours and love you even more for it!

Jet 1
My Jet tumbled stone ~ photo by i.macy

If your negativity is more deep-seated than the superficial worries of not being worthy, Jet can bring the hidden issues and emotion to the surface, so you can deal with them properly and begin healing. Jet is not just a stone/crystal for relationship love but for self-love as well. Jet is always a source of emotional support through the good times and the bad.

Jet is already proven to be a wonderful healing tool for sadness and stress. But, it has also been said to bring relief to those suffering menstrual cramps and it is also said to relieve the pain of childbirth, and it also seems to be helpful in correcting erratic hormones all throughout your pregnancy.

Of course, as a fabulous stabiliser, it would do! The primary objectives of Jet are balance and harmony, after all.

Healers use Jet to help with epilepsy. It has also been used for migraines and lesser painful headaches.

Jet is a superior protection stone. Jet was also found to be a comfort during mourning, long before Queen Victoria made it fashionable after the loss of her beloved Albert.

Bury in the Earth to recharge. Do not give away once you have worn it as it is said to absorb part of the soul of its owner.

Chakra: Root. Also, good with solar plexus, third eye, and crown
Astrological Sign: Capricorn
Numerical Vibration: 8
Colour: Black and brownish-black
Diety: Pan, Cybele
Planet: Saturn
Element: Earth, Akasha
Sabbat: Samhain
Works well with: Lepidolite, Smokey Quartz, Sugilite, Amber, and Black Tourmaline

Many thanks for reading and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x

The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall, 2003
Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic by Scott Cunningham, 2002
Chakra Healing & Karmic Awareness by Keith Sherwood, 2005
Gemstone Energy Medicine Healing Body, Mind and Spirit by Michael Katz, 2005

Chiastolite, a Magickal Stone, Indeed!

Originally posted on 30/11/2017 via

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram: @thewandcarver

Lovely Chiastolite is found in Australia, Chile, Russia, Spain, Brazil, Sri Lanka, Canada, and the US. It is usually a deep brown with a black cross in it which the Greeks called “chiastos” meaning cruciform or crosswise. The Ancients saw the stone as a “sign from God” [or the Gods]. The Ancients also believed it to be a highly protective stone, which has been proven to be true. And, for the record, the Australian Chiastolite can be found as a black stone with a green cross…very unusual, indeed! This one is going onto my bucket list of stones and crystals I want!


In the distant past, Chiastolite was used to ward off the evil eye and curses by ancient people. As a Root/Base Chakra stone, it is wonderful for grounding oneself before spell work or meditation. For travellers, it is a brilliant protection stone. Chiastolite is also a stone of balance and harmony and will counter disagreements between people of differing ideas, and transform their attitudes into one of harmonious agreement. I suppose if nothing else but to “agree to disagree” but we should all strive to at least do this, rather than becoming enemies, many times over the smallest things.


Chiastolite is a gateway to the Mysteries and out of body travel. It will aid you to journey in the spiritual realms to the area of the Akashic records and it will aid you in making a connection to the Akashic records to learn about your past lives. As many of you know, the Akashic records are the repository of all that has ever happened, and where you can go to and investigate your own past life experiences. The information discovered may help you to work out how your past lives relate to your current life. It has brought much to my attention in this respect as a Hedge Witch whilst travelling between the Worlds to speak to my ancestors. I have found the records are very helpful in proving to myself what is real and what is not. Whether you use astral travel for this or simply to go where you’ve never been before, Chiastolite is a perfect stone not only for getting you where you want to go but for the ultimate protection along the way.

my chiastolite by i.macy

When accessing the Akashic records, good crystals to use with Chiastolite are Shaman Stones, Cavansite, Calligraphy Stone, Axinite, Goethite, Creedite, White Heulandite, Merlinite, Petrified Wood, Euclase, Covellite, Black Andradite Garnet, Libyan Desert Glass/Libyan Gold Tektite, and Blue Apatite.

One other reason to use Chiastolite is during any psychic readings with tarot, dowsing pendulum, runes readings, or ogham staves readings, for they not only protect you, but they also enhance your psychic abilities, as well.


Healers use Chiastolite to lessen fevers, relieve rheumatism, balance the immune system, fortify nerves, and increase lactation in nursing mothers. Chiastolite is also helpful in balancing the chakras, particularly the Root/Base chakra and the Third Eye chakra. It may balance the blood flow and is said to aid the body to repair chromosome damage. This is a suitable stone to help you as you age, when you may find that you are no longer able to do things that you could previously do. It is a strong stone to aid the teeth and bones. Chiastolite is a comforting stone if you are suffering grave illness, and it is known to be helpful to ease the dying as they approach the time to return to Spirit.

Other Stones/Crystals which work well with Chiastolite: Lemurian Seed crystal, Jet, Black Obsidian, Black Tourmaline, and Sugilite. In turn, Chiastolite can enhance the energy of prosperity stones/crystals.


Colour: brown with black cross
Australian, black with green cross
Zodiac: Libra

Element: Storm Element

Chakras: Root Chakra, Third Eye Chakra

Energies: Power, Protection, Love, Prosperity

Many thanks for reading and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x


The Crystal Bible, by Judy Hall



The Faery Cross Stone, Staurolite

Originally posted on 14/11/2017 via

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram: @thewandcarver

I can’t remember the first time I saw a Faery Cross stone, but I knew I must have one. At the time it was a terribly expensive stone, so I knew I would need to save my pennies or win the Lottery – the latter being a long shot to say the least – so saving pennies it was. All I knew was – I needed to have it!

Not only is it beautifully made by Nature, but it has so many attributes that suited me down to the ground. It’s a stone that looks as though it must be man-made…but it is not.

My Faery Cross ~ photo by i. macy

“Staurolite is best known for its distinctive, cross-shaped penetration twins, where two rectangular crystals intersect each other to form a perfect cross. However, its most common twinning habit is in bisecting crystals with a 60° angle that can appear in the shape of an “x” when the crystals are elongated. Although Staurolite does form in single, non-twinned crystals, the twinned habit is much more prevalent.” ~


The twin crystals found on staurolite are sometimes referred to as ‘Fairy crosses’ / ‘Faery Crosses’ – as it was once believed to be created by the tears of the fae who could not help but cry when they heard of Christ’s crucifixion. Staurolite is often called “faery stone” or “faery cross”. Since the first time it was worn, it has been considered a good luck charm as well as a charm that would protect children from evil spirits.

They also have healing attributes in the physical body. From historical tales, they were said to have been used during the crusades, to aid Richard the Lionheart to heal.

What Can Staurolite Do?

Firstly, it is a tremendous “grounding” stone. If you feel in need of grounding before spell work or during meditation, or for any reason, the faery cross is a perfect go-to crystal.  They are an aid to spirituality and making a stronger connection to Faery, the natural world, and with animal and plant spirit. The Faery stone is so calming and reassuring, you will feel it the first time you hold one. It is said they can aid in helping to put away unpleasant habits…mainly, I believe because of how de-stressing and calming the stone is.  Staurolite works well with Amethyst to aid in breaking addictions.  And, by keeping a Staurolite/Faery stone, not only will it benefit your own life but will also benefit the lives of those you are closest to.

Staurolite stones resonate strong energy within the heart chakra and bring through powerful energy of unconditional love for others and for the earth. And, of course, they are a base or “root” chakra stone for grounding but are also very effective with the third eye chakra.

If you have lost something and want help to find it, faery stones are known to be able to help you to find lost objects, so this is a helpful aspect of their energy. They may also help you to make better use of your time.

Faery stones allow you to choose where you want to travel in meditation, and with whom you want to make contact. This is because they seem to have a specific energy, which I refer to as “helping your inner compass”. This means they help you to know where you are going in meditation and you will more likely end up there. They help to give greater clarity to what you see when in meditation.

Faery stones may be placed under your pillow if you would like their help to induce lucid dreaming, or to assist with astral travelling.

Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” Albert Einstein.

Many thanks for reading and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x


The Crystal Bible ~ by Judy Hall
