Crystal of the Week, Lemurian Seed Crystals

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram:  @thewandcarver

This is going to be a veritable minefield of information that I dare not get wrong… however, I must say in advance that it may be difficult to get it all correct.  Lemurian Seed Crystals are so varied and there are acceptable definitions and non-acceptable ones. I’ve studied these, still, I got it very wrong in the beginning.  You know what it’s like… you’re in a crystals shop and you know very little about the crystal you see in the pretty basket, but you’ve heard enough about to know it would be of help to you.  But then, later down the road you find out this crystal is not all you thought it was.  Well, I am guilty as charged with my first Lemurian Seed Crystals for they are either not, nor never have been, or, they are but have had the lines polished out.  I shall explain all as best I can.

Lemurian Seed Crystals were used in Ancient Lemurian days by an advanced race of beings.  Some know about the legendary lost continent of Lemuria, but have you heard of the continent of Mauritia? This landmass formed a part of Madagascar and India and scientists say the rest of the continent is now lying at the bottom of the Indian Ocean.  That is where they think it has been for approximately the last 85 million years.  This land, of course, was inhabited by that advanced race of people during the Triassic Period, 200 million years ago.

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Smoky Lemurian ~ Photo by i.macy

Here is where things get a bit tricky.  Enter one crystals authoress, Katrina Raphaell. She is said to have coined the name, Lemurian Crystal in the 1990’s .  So, Katrina Raphaell channelled that the Lemurian Crystals were coded with very specific information by the people of Lemuria, left here for us to discover and to learn from. Thus, these crystals are very advanced and have a focus on high technology, DNA, and social engineering.  These “master healers” assist in helping one get in touch and by using intuition.  According to Katrina Raphaell, the Lemurian Seed Crystals were kind of like “seeds of information”  planted or left in one location only; one specific spot, known as the Diamantina Mine in Minas Gerais, Brazil.  That’s a fair bit away from where Ancient Lemuria was lost. Still, I do not attempt to prove a respected authoress right or wrong here, only attempting to bring the best honest information I can to you.

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Lemurian Seed Crystal ~ Photo by i.macy

Firstly, a true Lemurian Seed Crystal originally was found to have six sides and every other side would be ridged horizontally or “striated” as a ladder.  Many also have raised triangles of crystal, sometimes called “recorders”.  It is believed that the inhabitants of Lemuria, or Mu, left their ancient wisdom and information embedded in these crystals that is much needed by humanity today. The lines are said to be where all knowledge is stored by encoding.  Now, there is also a difference between a “Lemurian Seed Crystal” and a “Lemurian Crystal”. A Lemurian Seed Crystal has an alternating pattern of a frosted side on the shaft and then a smooth, very transparent side, then a frosted side and a very transparent side, alternating all the way around.  Plain Lemurian Crystals will have a random pattern. For instance, one side is frosted, next is smooth, then frosted, frosted, frosted, and then smooth. Or even all smooth [see below] or all frosted.  The confusion is endless.  Another characteristic of a Lemurian Crystal will be that it has rough, prominent, horizontal striations on some sides of the shaft. But you will not only see them; for it to be a true Lemurian, you need to be able to feel them! Phew!

Lemurian Crystals also come in colours… Pink ones are very lovely and rare, and there are tangerine/apricot, smoky, blue, green, and citrine.   The size of the Lemurian Crystal / Seed Crystal can range from any length, but the base of it is always wider than the tip.

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Smoky Lemurian 2 ~ Photo by i.macy

Where you must be most careful in purchasing your Lemurians is when someone tries to sell you a highly polished crystal with no striations. If it is completely smooth, most likely it is not a Lemurian.  And then again, it could be!  Perhaps someone with no knowledge of the importance of the striations polished the striations out for purposes of making a piece of jewellery.  But you can’t know that it was striated so it is best to leave it, if a true Lemurian is what you seek.  Polishing away the striations is said to remove the encoding by the Ancients, and this is the very reason we buy Lemurians. I’m not saying that the person selling the polished “Lemurians” is trying to get one over on you… they may legitimately believe or even know, that the crystal was striated at one point.  Still, it can’t be proven.

I think the best advice I can give you for choosing your Lemurian Crystals or Lemurian Seed Crystals is to buy them in person, so to speak.  Feel them, feel their energy. Purchase only what you can connect with.

Magickal and Healing

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Small Lemurian with Recorders ~ Photo by i.macy

With the Lemurian Crystals I don’t feel I can separate them into compartments of “magick” and “healing”.  If you have worked with these before, you will understand this.  The Lemurian is a  Master Healer.  It is even hard to pin them to one planet or zodiac as they work through all.  Lemurians are a crystal of oneness and unity, and it is what they communicate along with love. Their magick is healing and their healing is magick. Lemurians connect with all other crystals and are perfect for crystal grids.  Lemurian’s life’s work is to reactivate within the planetary matrix this ancient memory of unity and oneness and love so that it may become the way of life on the New Earth.

This crystal is literally connected to everything – the inner earth, the earth’s surface, the stars, all other seed crystals and crystals, and they connect us to the Divine.  It’s not just an ordinary connection, either.  The connection is of pure love and the more you work with the Lemurians, the more you will feel this unconditional love and unity with the Divine and others.

These crystals promote self-confidence, deep emotional cleansing, powerful assistance in communicating with your spirit guide and angels, strengthens one’s emotions, promotes intuitiveness, assists in dream work, complete chakra clearing, removes energy blockages to Divine love and compassion.

Lemurian Seed crystals generate a very feminine or yin energy. They act to open the energy of the soul and provide a bridge to higher frequencies, creating a higher level of consciousness. They instil feelings of harmony and ease. The energies they emit are of pure love, helping you feel at one with yourself and others.

Holding a Lemurian seed crystal in your right hand while you walk around and encircle an individual, property or an object creates a circle of light and protection. They soothe and nurture and can benefit everyone and are helping support for healing work. They help you attune to those higher energies and higher planes of existence.


Planetary:  Venus [primary] but is also linked to each planet

Zodiac:  All zodiacs

Element:  Earth

Gender:  Divine Feminine

Chakra:  Crown chakra [main], benefits and works with all chakras

Powers:  Healing [Master Healer], Unconditional Love, Intuition, Communication, Dream Work

Deity:  Gaia, Venus, Aphrodite

Many thanks for reading today’s offering.  Warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x


The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall, 2003

Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic by Scott Cunningham, 2002

Chakra Healing & Karmic Awareness by Keith Sherwood, 2005

The Illustrated Directory of Crystal Healing by Cassandra Eason, 2003

Gemstone Energy Medicine Healing Body, Mind and Spirit by Michael Katz, 2005
