Crystal of the Week, Amazonite

By Isabella @TheWandCarver

Instagram: @thewandcarver

Amazonite was always one of those crystals that I thought were pretty…mainly for the colour…but I never really delved in to find out much about it. And, partially, too, because not to brag, but I do not know how many crystals/stones I have…I lost count years ago. And, that isn’t because I’m one of those people who “see it, must have it”. Generally speaking, I only purchase a crystal when I feel I “need” it. So, this is how it came to be that only within the last year – in my cronage – did I finally purchase a few Amazonites. Very pleased that I finally did, I must say!

My Amazonites ~ photo by i.macy

With a name like Amazonite, you would expect this stone to be a full-on warrior, practically making one’s hand tremble only to hold it. Not really…Amazonite to me is a gentle giant. It has strong vibrations, but they are gentle and calming. It is a stone you need to have if you are in any way prone to a nervous disposition. I wouldn’t call myself nervous but there are times, as there are for most people, when things get right on top of me and I feel overwhelmed. That is when Amazonite brings me back to normalcy and calm. Funnily enough, I didn’t know this was what was meant to happen until, in a shop, I held the larger stone you see in my hand and felt immediately calm. You see, I am agoraphobic, always have been, and in my youth, it took many drinks to get me to the party but these days, if I drank that much I probably would be arrested before I got to the tills in Aldi. I do push on and go where I want to badly enough, but it doesn’t come without its problems. As soon as I held the Amazonite, I just knew I needed several of these in my life!

There is no wonder then, why Amazonite is called the Stone of Courage. It is a stone that can provide harmony and balance and give you the voice and the courage to speak your mind. It can drive away irrational fears and holding it feels like you have a dear friend with you, keeping you safe. For these reasons alone, I highly recommend Amazonite but there is so much more to this kindly warrior.

Amazonite is a wonderful chakra clearing stone. It is mainly for rejuvenating the heart and throat chakras, but it can assist in clearing all chakras and balancing their energies. It helps you to see both sides of every story. Amazonite is also a stone of healing and prosperity. In healing, it aids in cell regeneration and healing after illnesses, trauma or injury, and relieves muscle spasms. It may be used in treating disorders of the nervous system and blockages in the flow of neural impulses, as well as issues with the throat and thyroid gland.

Amazonite is helpful in balancing the metabolic processes related to calcium assimilation. An elixir of Amazonite taken three times a day is believed to rectify a calcium deficiency and may be useful in resisting tooth decay and osteoporosis, and for diminishing calcium deposits.

As an emotional healer, it soothes trauma and calms the mind, alleviates worry and fear, and directs anger and irritability into more positive action. It regulates the aggressive aspects of one’s personality and urges the mind to seek emotional balance. Amazonite increases self-esteem, especially in women, and reduces tendencies to self-neglect. It enhances the ability to communicate more effectively by identifying how one’s words have created the current reality, and how to change one’s vocabulary to reflect a higher, more aligned reality. It also empowers one to set appropriate boundaries, inwardly in self-discipline, and with others in establishing healthy relationships.

Amazonite makes a wonderful talisman for drawing luck and wealth into your life. It is also equally as wonderful as a talisman for courage. It can protect you by absorbing bad energies coming at you and dispelling them into the cosmos, to be cleaned and returned as positive energy.

Zodiac: Virgo
Powers: Healing, Power/Courage, Luck, Protection [Absorbs Undesirable Energy, Dispels Negative Energy]
Deity: Sacred to most, if not all, the Egyptian deity

Many thanks for reading. Please like and share if you enjoyed and warmest blessings to all whom this way wander x


The Crystal Bible, by Judy Hall